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Let's see the quote. This f*cker is 2000 pages long. It's bound to be in here if he said it.

Its in here, but i dont have the time to go thru it right now. It was just a few months ago.

And I know you think your NFL take strikes nerves, but it doesnt. I think the NFL is awful too and full of racist rednecks. Just like Madisonville. I just happen think college football is horrible, boring and meaningless, especially the bowls. And so do Fournette and McCaffery.
The most alarming issue with this team is our pick and roll defense is absolutely horrid. I thought Hawkins did the best on Snider and had physicality to get through screens. Otherwise just horrid pick and roll defense. Rim run after rim run. However, not one moving screen call on Louisville?

Monk is going to be at the bottom of the stat sheet every game other than points. He has to start contributing in every area. You go for 47 much can be overlooked. If not, you better be doing something else.

Willis either has girl issues or something else mentally going on. We keep waiting and waiting...he has Poythress disease. 3:00 All-American.

This teams potential will go as Gabriel's growth goes.

Issue with offense is that we rely so much on transition offense and early offense, that Bam doesn't get touches. Did we ever score out of an offensive set last night? Have to work inside out.

Dan Patrick totally let Coach K off the hook on his interview. K can be allowed to chastise Dillon Brooks of Oregon after a game but overlook Graymond Allen? Patrick could have gone after him harder but wussed out. Thought Allen's reaction on bench was worse than trip.
I actually hate the indefinite suspension for Allen. It leaves the door wide open for him to work diligently over the next 3-4 days completely transforming himself into being a better man, and begging for forgiveness over his past indiscretions. He'll miraculously save the season and totally redeem himself, which will all be documented in a sappy, emotional, sanctimonious Tom Rinaldi segment on Sportscenter. There will be an open letter involved as well.

F all that.
I actually hate the indefinite suspension for Allen. It leaves the door wide open for him to work diligently over the next 3-4 days completely transforming himself into being a better man, and begging for forgiveness over his past indiscretions. He'll miraculously save the season and totally redeem himself, which will all be documented in a sappy, emotional, sanctimonious Tom Rinaldi segment on Sportscenter. There will be an open letter involved as well.

F all that.
Kid has major impulse control issues. We'll see this happen a couple more times before he's through.
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Other thoughts...

The whole "this is a sweet 16/elite 8 team at best" is horsepussy. We went to the championship game as an 8 seed, for gods sake. This teams ceiling is winning the title.

73 -- we don't have a bunch of guys playing out of position. Well, unless you know of some other team with a ball handling/nifty passing whizz at point, a lights out shooter at the two, a slashing supreme above the rim athlete 3-man, a big lumbering rebounder with an array of posts move at power forward, and a shot blocking 7-footer at center who fills up the paint on both sides of the court. Which team is that?

wccs gonna be the first guy I know with 7 groomsmen. Two will wear their own suits because they're too cheap to rent a tux, three will forget their cummerbund, one will be in jeans, and the last one will skip altogether and start pregaming at the bar. #bartscottvoice #cantwait

I checked yesterday and still had a few pending charges from Vegas. About to log on today expecting everything to finally be settled. If you're the religious type, please say a little prayer.
False, false, and false. It hasn't been that long. You were already Dr. Cheesedick McBigCalves prior to my absence.

Here's a general question for the group as a group of far more American sports fans than my peer circle:

I want to spread a little bit of my old man's ashes at Lambeau next September.

Risks? Issues? Feasability? I am hoping to get front row seats for me and a few buddies and get lucky.

When you go, just take the HOF tour. They let you come through the tunnel onto the field area.
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Well, I'm pretty sure the days of not being able to win without a true center are over with. Have been for a while.
Who is Louisville's?

Who is North Carolina's? What the hell does that have to do with anything. Duke? Duke??

Kennard and Grayson Allen are their SG and PG. Kennard is a great shooter, Allen is not a PG by any stretch. Now that's he's suspended it'll be Frank Jackson who isn't either.

Amile Jefferson is their 5, so no. Tatum is their 3 who is going to be really good. Who the hell is their 4 anyway? Jeter? Or are you talking about Harry Giles the greatest recruit in the world who hasn't played in 2 years and has like 4 points on the season.

I mean you can maybe argue they have 2 prototypical position players. Plus they beat Tennesee state by 10 and Elon by however many points the last two games, so there's that.

Would love to see how any team in the nation would do playing UNC on a neutral court and then Lousiville at home. We went 1-1, deal with it. Jesus the overreacting and then randomly pumping up other teams that have just as many question marks if not more is the early season hallmark around here.
-Duke has no PG(has to be a big worry) and no center. They have a bunch of really good 2 & 3's.

-UCLA is the most complete team but I'm going to need to see them play a little D.

-Someone was recently telling us they spread their fathers ashes at Churchill and they were very accommodating. I bet the Packers would be as well. If not, sign up for a tour, put it in a small container then "bend over and tie your shoe."

-Squirrel Brand Artisan Creme Brule nuts. Unreal. Peanut butter pie. Banana Bread with pumpkin pecan butter. Truffles. Feel as swollen as Bob's neck.

-Was actually going to post about how I enjoyed K on the podcast with Cal. I love listening to those guys talk about the old days and coming up with all unrecognizable names that are legends of the basketball circles.

-Went to check out Carson's and it was completely packed w/30 minute wait on Thursday at 1p. Good for them, I guess.
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We will be fine.

Grayson Allens reaction on the bench reminded me of that video where this kids brother played some prank on him, I don't remember what it was, and secretly filmed his reaction which was to go in his room pitching a hissy fit, ripping off his clothes and then trying to shove a video game controller up his ass.
I agree, but that wasn't the question. Also why I said the PG is what I would be worried about and have said that about Jackson all season. Either Allen or Jones need minutes cut to get an actual distributor engaged.
The damn zone Pitino runs confused the crap out our guards. It tricks you. Sometimes there is an opening and sometimes there isn't. We still missed a ton of good looks. The moment got to them.
Having a true center is overrated. Jefferson is as good of a college 'center' as you could really ask for, imo. -- especially if he alongside Giles.

Bolden is a pure center, and he'll be a factor in March.

Having a pure 7 footer isn't necessary in today's basketball w/ a good & versatile supporting cast.

Agree besides Bolden being a factor. No minutes for him.
Any update on Krazys kid?

It's been a disaster man.

We were prepping for surgery at Kosair(which is an education hospital) but once the specialist called and disagreed about the initial innersuspecion diagnosis and asked about a target point the doctor backed off and didn't opt for surgery.

So after getting admitted to a room to stay overnight they do blood work and even take little dudes diapers for test at every bow movement. At one point the urine started having a red tint and I lost my cool once the doctor that was calling for a surgery then told us a few hours later that this is a common thing and blah blah blah.

Then they had the Secretary girl come in for a $350 payment which I laughed at. I then explained to her that I would pay when they give me answers. Very nice lady so no need to drill her about the doctor.

At this point(930pm) my wife asks me to get our other kids who were at their mamaw's and just keep my phone around me.

After blood work eliminates every other possible option I get a call at 4am that the doctor is suggesting it is a milk protein allergy causing the issue. Which the news doesn't sit well with me that the answer is because my wife drank chocolate milk, had a blizzard and hate Mac and cheese all in the same day and now my 6 month old is bleeding.

BS! I'm no doctor by any stretch but this isn't something I accept. Of course while I'm at home he stops the bleeding which is great, but it allows them to think this is even more prof they are right.

Ok Ok, whatever if he isn't crying in obvious pain anymore and it's over then what time is he being released? At this point I'm told probably 2pm. So I have mamaw come back over first thing in the morning, head to work to keep my mind off of it and get some stuff done, and I'm there at 1pm just in time to meet the new doctor after shift changes.

This lady was awesome! Really explained why the innersuspecion procedure was stopped and that unless it's real bad you actually have to catch it in the act this early in a baby. Then proceeds to explain why it "could" be a milk protein allergy but either way the baby is in no danger so he is going home.


At 5pm I'm still there waiting and my other two have their first basketball practice of which I'm the coach. Once I complain we are out by 520 and on time for practice.

The next day the pediatrician agrees with me that if that was milk protein allergy causing it that he wanted my wife to go home and chug milk and eat nothing but Mac and cheese so we can rule it out too. He still thinks it was his original diagnosis and hopefully we catch it next time.

I didn't even go for the I told you so or anything because I lost my cool and was very unprofessional and embarrassed her, but it's my kid so I feel justified.

Basically she goes home and does exactly as the pediatrician says and so far nothing! Not a cry, not a drop of blood........nothing.

What makes this worse is in her family her brother had innersuspecion that wasn't caught until he was 2 and had to have emergency surgery, and her sister has chromes so there is history of intestine issues.
Coach K obviously struggles at team building. They'll be lucky to win the ACC this season.

Early Final 4 guesses

Damn Krazy. If he has any more issues, maybe try Children's in Cinncinnati. That place is world class.
Can't put Baylor/UCLA in the Final Four until Drew/Alford prove they can get there. Alford's never even been past the Sweet 16.
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