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Bama game outcome depends more on them than it does us, most likely. As in, are they engaged, and what are they trying to work on? Let's hope they're not trying to fine tune the passing game.

I really like Gran's approach. He's a pro. Johnson's skillset fits his scheme much better than Barker's, imo. Gotta be able to R a little for the RPO to work.
Devastating about Jose. I live in So Fla and was planning on going to the Marlins game today with my 5 year old son. Told him the game was cancelled but of course didn't tell him why.
So was I. We were just getting ready to roll out and hit the alley across. Hadn't been to a game all year. Damn. kid had it all, superstar in the making.
Surprisingly great atmosphere at Commonwealth last night. Pretty decent crowd too, well above embarrassing. If only we could keep playing the other worst teams in the country. We'll get Austin Peay and maybe Vandy.

Bama will basically shut it down at halftime, so we won't lose by as much as most people think we will. Plus I bet Harris sits against us to rest that ankle.

Still look well on track to my 4-8 prediction. Of course, this staff lost the QB that they had been building around since 2014, so it would only be fair to bring them back for another crack at it in 2017.

Looking forward to the Vandy game, the biggest game in the Mark Stoops Era. [eyeroll]
-big rushing drives @Ark 07, @UGA and @Auburn to ice victories.

-4 wins is probably right. @Mizzou is looking tougher and UGA just seems like a bad match up.

-:rolleyes: @ stupid rumors. Had no less than 4 or 5 women that would have no idea bring up progressively worse rumors. Weird that it was only women and Pope talking about it. Learn the hot seat. Actually pisses me off pretty bad. The level of who was talking about that is embarrassing. Pulling for the ornery red head again. F*ck it.

-:mad: at losing to So Miss.

-Bop Gun

I want to go on record as saying that I do not give one single shit if Stoops has a side piece, so long as she isn't on the university payroll and he is not violating some other HR policy and/or employment law.

I also don't give a shit if that paunchy ginger is nailing an 18 year old Laotian boy, a tranny, or whatever.

I don't want to hear about it either. I legitimately DO. NOT. CARE.

Just win some damn football games and don't do anything foolish.
Lady-Boi is the preferred nomenclature you dick. Stoops is having an affair with a Lady-Boi, and that's perfectly OK as long as it doesn't effect his performance on the field.
Johnson probably took a sack or two that could have been avoided but man I loved seeing a UK quarterback not spazzing out in the pocket.

Indeed. Other than sailing the ball for the interception, Johnson didn't make many errors and that is half the battle.

I like the calm he brings to the team. Gran, too.
Umm, the whole damn parking lot and stadium were talking about it. Waiting in line at the concession stand, waiting for the bathroom, walking up and down the aisles...Was kind of fun, always enjoy some scuttlebutt.

Impressed with the team last night. Good for the state, imo.
Sounds like it is the worst kept secret in Lexington. But, as long as he is winning games and not violating policy he can do what he wants.
I bought the rumor hook, line, and sinker and I'm ashamed of it. Also very relieved it isn't true. What they decide to do after the year is whatever, but I'm so glad it's not going to go down like that.

The weird vibes before the game were palpable. Silence was deafening. It wouldn't have taken long for someone in the know or an "official" to squash that with a quickness. The fact that the denial didn't come before kickoff concerned me.

Again, I'm ashamed for buying it.
I agree- totally weird the university administration wouldn't address the rumor of their football coach impregnating a student before a football game. I mean what are sports information directors even paid for nowadays?!?!?!

I assume it was addressed in the second segment of the Mark Stoops Show this morning?
The rumor evolved into Stoops drugging and knocking up a student. Lol. As soon as ABH texted me yesterday morning I told him I wasn't buying it. Christ, WS's mom, the least insider source person in the BBN was texting her with a source. Of course Pope was right in the middle of it. The crew of randoms on my back deck last night were certain he was resigned and telling the players after the game. Ws's mom, Pope, TSK's Lil sister, some random girls at our party. Lol, maybe we really don't deserve a respectable program if we're going to act like that. It was honestly ridiculous. Assuming it wasn't someone he put in the payroll or a student I really dgaf. Way more concerned with not being the worst team in the SEC.

It was something else.
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You know it's bad when even your rumors suck. I'm trying to think of the last time any rumor regarding the football program turned out to be true. Anyone?
Houston Nutt and Bobby Petrino were both rumored to have side pieces in Arkansas so apparently any rumors in Arkansas you can take to the bank.
So Stoops has a bastard child who owns a direwolf and a Valryian steel sword?

Sort of cool, actually.
He may not but it'll be because he made a deal with Jurich in order to be allowed back. In normal circumstances anyone would jump at LSU from all but about 10 other jobs.

I think Herman is the guy anyway.
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