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UK Football Fans - I know there are a lot of apathetic UK football fans right now, but I must say there is no doubt in my mind UK football is heading in the right direction. The commitment in resources, dollars, facilities, & staff Mitch Barnhart has put into the UK Football program is AMAZING. Yes, I know the wins & bowl games have not been there the last few years, but I do truly believe that Stoops & staff are the answer. With all they have to work with & many of the players they have been getting the last few years I think they will get it done. With that said, if anyone does have a chance to come checkout the new practice facility UK just finished please do BC it FIRST CLASS! Many NFL teams & most SEC schools do not have as nice a facility as UK now has. I'm looking forward to what UK football can accomplish. GO CATS!!
Never realized how fortunate we are to have Tom Leach until driving through Tennessee listening to the Tennessee / Florida game.
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There would be nothing more UK football than not hiring a top 5 coach because of his sexual dalliance with an employee, only for the coach you did hire to do the same thing

Best post ever. In fact, I just stole it and used it in conversation, with a slight edit, "first-time head coach". Credited it to my internet buddy TransyCat.
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I'm just using some "instincts" based on people's reaction to these rumors. I have no idea what's going on, but I can smell the stink off of it way down here in South Central.
I'm just using some "instincts" based on people's reaction to these rumors. I have no idea what's going on, but I can smell the stink off of it way down here in South Central.

It is a pungent aroma if it goes all the way to the slums of the Central Time Zone.
Shouldn't be long before we know something. Catwalk, like always, will tell the tale. All hail mighty Catwalk
All we know for sure is that UK football rumors are flying as of last night... and they are crazy, per a highly reliable source.
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