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I'm really looking forward to Stoops' and Muschamps' halftime adjustments. It will be like Bobby Fischer v. Boris Spassky except the complete opposite.
A battle to see who can do the most to give it away. Our near-disaster fumble countered by their kickoff out of bounds.
A win is a win. I'll take it but I'm not back on the wagon yet. Still have to beat Vandy, Miss. State, Missouri and Austin Peay to make a bowl. I'd feel like its possible IF that Missouri game were at home. Winning 1 road game in 3 years so far doesn't inspire confidence.

I just don't see any wins against Tennessee, Georgia, Louisville or Alabama.

That Southern Miss loss just keeps haunting.

Team Chester? Nope.
I realize that USC is both terrible and coached by Muschamp, but our defense looked shockingly competent.

Where did that come from? I will take it, of course, but I never expected to see that.
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I realize that USC is both terrible and coached by Muschamp, but our defense looked shockingly competent.

Where did that come from? I will take it, of course, but I never expected to see that.


That is USC's offensive output for the year thru 4 games. A win is a win, but lets not go overboard.
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I just assumed they sent Elliot to timeout again. But both lines did look much better off the ball. Also looked like our guys stayed home a little more and didn't give up the edge as much. Really nice effort overall even though the USC offense is straight ass.

Baity with some really nice plays in coverage and props to Ware again for sealing up the W on the sack. He also sealed the deal last year in Columbia.

Snell is going to be a horse. Hard runner, has some Pinner in him for sure.

Damn that Southern Miss game is gonna sting all year. Oh well

Bring on Bama :eek:

That is USC's offensive output for the year thru 4 games. A win is a win, but lets not go overboard.

I'm not saying we are good at defense and I am not saying they aren't awful at offense, but what I am saying is that generally UK's defense is so bad that we make terrible offenses look like they've got Tom Brady, Jerry Rice, and Bo Jackson lined up.

I mean, we didn't screw up against a bad offense. That's progress for us.
* SC has a bad offense, but our defense was so much better last night. They lined up right, executed, and gave effort. They weren't dominated at the LOS. Matt Elam did some things. I'll give credit where it's due.

*Run game on O was great. When have we ever seen UK shove it down a SEC opponent's throat in the 4th Q to salt away the win?

*Passing game was fairly poor but Johnson did a good job in the option game and made some good decisions.

*I thought the team had quit, but they showed some heart and effort last night. Really surprised, honestly.

*I'd be shocked if Stoops can salvage this season and his job, but last night was at least a positive step, particularly in the face of the pre-game chatter.
Like we always say, it really doesn't take much. Just play hard and appear prepared. I enjoyed that UK team last night and would take them any time.

Can this team beat Alabama? Absolutely not. But can they go down there and at least put forth a respectable effort (while losing by 28)? I think so. Anything less would be a huge step backwards IMO. I really think this team needs to feel good about itself to play well or else we get what we saw in Gainesville. Alabama is just on another planet than the one we're on, but it can't destroy what little positivity has been restored.

-Thought those unis were pretty slick tbh.

-Anyone seen Dorian Baker?

-Johnson probably took a sack or two that could have been avoided but man I loved seeing a UK quarterback not spazzing out in the pocket.

-UGA game officially on my radar as winnable.

-Feel less confident about Mizzou.

-Stoops needs that Vandy game badly. Think it's a W.

-Stoops MAJOR turnaround odds improved to 20-1.
Stoops looks like he trust Eddie Gran and our team looks like they believe in our QB. We looked like we were playing for each other last night, and that is what the old timers call growing together.

USC isn't the best of opponents blah blah blah. Let's not act like we aren't UK either. Beating a team on a level playing field felt pretty damn good!
Jose Fernandez died in a boating accident last night. Wow. That's pretty big news. He was 16-8 this season, and one of the best pitchers in the game. 24 years old. You just don't see this athlete dying in their prime.
Devastating about Jose. I live in So Fla and was planning on going to the Marlins game today with my 5 year old son. Told him the game was cancelled but of course didn't tell him why.
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