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I mean, that's got to be rough as an actor. You get a call about a love scene in an upcoming episode of Girls, hoping you get to do something even more extreme to Allison Williams, but then they might stick you with that thing...
Same feeling your blind date would feel when they are told you were a doctor and own a Porsche and boat and then they meet you.
Wait, this Dunham chick actually gets naked in her show? And it's still on the air?


I don't think the left has quite realized yet that celebrities talking down to and lecturing the American public on who they should vote for has the exact opposite effect as intended. People have a much better grasp in 2016 on the fact that most of these celebrities are f'n uniformed, elitist, morons and don't appreciate their suggestions on how to vote. The national Democratic Party would be better served to tell these assholes to STFU at their next big Hollywood fundraiser.

I don't think the left has quite realized yet that celebrities talking down to and lecturing the American public on who they should vote for has the exact opposite effect as intended. People have a much better grasp in 2016 on the fact that most of these celebrities are f'n uniformed, elitist, morons and don't appreciate their suggestions on how to vote. The national Democratic Party would be better served to tell these assholes to STFU at their next big Hollywood fundraiser.

Same phenomenon as Milktoast's bullshit pr moves, imo. People in power are oddly tone deaf in how they attempt to appeal to the masses.

Things have changed dramatically in the last five years or so with social media, etc. You can no longer just rely on your position or tenure for power.

Trump, if anything, proves that.
- Watching this doc "Sneakerheadz" on Netflix. Doesn't appeal to me, but as a child of the late 80s/early 90s, I get it. Sometimes I think I could use a hobby but following sports like I do is enough of one.

- The left's biggest problem are the hyper-PC wackjobs. Sometimes I think half of the support for Trump is just a backlash from all the PC-run-amok bullshit. It's getting exhausting.
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Because you're an idiot.
Possibly. Time will tell I suppose.

Since you seem to enjoy following me around in here I'm going to take that as a sign that you want to learn about Fannie and Freddie. I'll fill you in over time whenever you reply to me.
Not a politicalball, Chad. Just don't really care anymore. The older I become the more I realize what a total and complete crock of shit it all is.

Will say this though... Your father & grandfather's Democratic Party isn't anything similar to your Demoratic Party today. Not even renotely close. Remember what 73 said on here about a month ago? Something along the lines of ..."You don't have to like blue collar folk, you don't have to socialize with them, but you better ass respect them."

Welp, guess what. This country is made up of a heckuva lot more blue collar and or rural/country folk than all of us realize and that's why Trump has a legit shot whether he's a good candidate or not. These people are sick & tired of being mocked upon, shat on, and are helluva smarter than anyone realizes.
- Never ceases to amaze that grown ass men and women wearing sweats at an airport. Throw some jeans and loafers on if you want to be comfortable. smh

- And no one wants to see your disgusting feet. Truth.

- In line about to board for LEX via ATL. Love me some Hotlanta folks.

- some really, really large men that look like they smell awful in this gate area. I'm sure I'll win that seat lottery.

- There's no reason on this earth to serve coffee that is temperature of of touching magma. Been nursing this damn coffee for 30 minutes.

- Gameday!
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I don't think the left has quite realized yet that celebrities talking down to and lecturing the American public on who they should vote for has the exact opposite effect as intended. People have a much better grasp in 2016 on the fact that most of these celebrities are f'n uniformed, elitist, morons and don't appreciate their suggestions on how to vote. The national Democratic Party would be better served to tell these assholes to STFU at their next big Hollywood fundraiser.
Ummm the Hollywood effect certainly works. Don't have to look any further than our own WCC to see that. I think you underestimate that lowest-impressionable-bachelor watching-omg-Tina Fey-common-denominator. I mean ScarJo was in that commercial, #bitchpower
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SAE and catholicback are certainly mocking me today. Yoga pants and flops + Kentucky Football t-shirt at the airport. Anth also in flops, shorts (though they are nice) and t-shirt.

See you guys soon.
* 27-23 good guys. Defense closes up that sieve late in the second half to preserve the 'W'.

* This guy with a game clinching drive
and cements his position at the helm for the remainder of the season.

* 73 with a last minute surprise entrance. wcc, not so much.

* DA belt makes a return, early favorites are de Knockta and Rich. Long shot - Coach Buttermaker.
So is Adrian coming to the game, or he have to go to the Chicken festival in London?
I don't think the left has quite realized yet that celebrities talking down to and lecturing the American public on who they should vote for has the exact opposite effect as intended. People have a much better grasp in 2016 on the fact that most of these celebrities are f'n uniformed, elitist, morons and don't appreciate their suggestions on how to vote. The national Democratic Party would be better served to tell these assholes to STFU at their next big Hollywood fundraiser.

Isn't this similar to Trump's approach/appeal? A know-nothing celebrity telling the public that he's the only person who understands our country's problems and the only one who can save us?

It's the worst election in history, folks. Enjoy.
Isn't this similar to Trump's approach/appeal? A know-nothing celebrity telling the public that he's the only person who understands our country's problems and the only one who can save us?

It's the worst election in history, folks. Enjoy.

I mean, it really just comes down to who you think is less terrible.

But I am really excited for Monday nights debate.
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