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Just saw that Yeti is selling a $50 bottle opener. Who already has one?

You have to be a real f*cking dick to pay $50 for that.


I honestly wouldn't buy it if I was a billionaire.
* Finishing up Hillbilly Elegy. Good stuff. I've got a few super outrageously socialist Occupy Everything types who always whine about income inequality, and it's almost always a black-white issue. This book tells the story of small town white trash, basically. I've always thought the rural, small town white gets left out of these discussions. Inner city black can walk a few blocks in any direction and find a job. Small town white cannot. Very depressing tale of hopelessness.

Just arrived from Amazon, so I'll start reading it tonight. Looking forward to it. We go back to Eastern Ky every fall and it can be very depressing. And like you said, where are the opportunities? Sad.
I've got some controversial opinions on the BLM movement and white people that I generally keep to myself, and for good reason tbh. I mean, over the course of the last 3-5 years my internal monologue has basically become the reincarnation of my grandpa. I guess that's normal, but my Mom and Dad aren't like that; they've remained pretty progressive/compassionate, and would be horrified by me.

Here's an example I'll share:

I hope they can get this heroin epidemic under control. Shit's terrible. But when I hear of a bunch of these people overdosing/dying at once due to a really powerful batch, I kind of think, you know, maybe it's for the best and maybe that's how the problem can work itself out. They'll just kill themselves off.

THAT'S A TERRIBLE THING TO BELIEVE, but it's exactly what my grandpa would have told me as he read the Courier Journal Metro section over breakfast when I was a kid. I can practically hear him saying it. Thinking perhaps I listened to him more than I realize when I was little...

(apologies to Louis CK who has a hilarious bit about this sort of thinking, but this is my experience)
Small town dirt poor whites (the shirtless dirties, as we used to call them) may get the worst of it, IMO. Black people trying to tell them about white privilege = [laughing].
Last people left in this country who you can shit on with impunity and expect no blowback whatsoever. Donald Trump is the living embodiment of clown shoes, but he at least is acknowledging that these folks exist - for purely cynical and self-serving purposes, of course, but whatever. Our two Senators and Hillary certainly don't pretend to give a damn.
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Hillbilly whites are sucks. Coal jobs are gone. But here are some good stories about Mountain Dew, Cracker Barrel, and my friends at Yale. And heroin. Trump sucks. Vote for Hilary.

Save your money b/c there is the review.
I've got some controversial opinions on the BLM movement and white people that I generally keep to myself, and for good reason tbh. I mean, over the course of the last 3-5 years my internal monologue has basically become the reincarnation of my grandpa. I guess that's normal, but my Mom and Dad aren't like that; they've remained pretty progressive/compassionate, and would be horrified by me.

Here's an example I'll share:

I hope they can get this heroin epidemic under control. Shit's terrible. But when I hear of a bunch of these people overdosing/dying at once due to a really powerful batch, I kind of think, you know, maybe it's for the best and maybe that's how the problem can work itself out. They'll just kill themselves off.

THAT'S A TERRIBLE THING TO BELIEVE, but it's exactly what my grandpa would have told me as he read the Courier Journal Metro section over breakfast when I was a kid. I can practically hear him saying it. Thinking perhaps I listened to him more than I realize when I was little...

(apologies to Louis CK who has a hilarious bit about this sort of thinking, but this is my experience)

I get where this take comes from, but a lot of these heroin users got caught up in it from prescription drugs they were prescribed by doctors who were either misled by greedyass pharmaceutical companies or out to line their own pockets.
Also little people/midgets.
No, that's not cool anymore, either. Although my kids sure as shit flip their lids when they see one.

"Yeah, they don't like to be called that, I think? You call then 'little people' now."
"Fine ... but just whisper it next time."
-Current heroin epidemic is a bit different. This is hitting some good people because they were fed safe pharmaceuticals and got hooked. I gotcha, and can understand that thinking, but man I know some good dudes that got wrapped up. Terrible shit.

-Fall is amazing and I worship Sept/Oct but by Nov 1 I'm craving that first spring day.

-6a flight delayed... 6 hours. Lol. Grabbed a coke, book(The Sympathizer) and used the plat to check into the lounge. A LOT of self important I want to speak to a manager I'm missing a conference I spent a lot of money on - types this morning.

-Reading for me has been almost non-existent.

-Was just thinking yesterday, I just don't get into podcasts other than KSR. Think I'm happy with that.

-Saturday should be fun. Sounds like a solid crew is shaping up.
No, that's not cool anymore, either. Although my kids sure as shit flip their lids when they see one.

"Yeah, they don't like to be called that, I think? You call then 'little people' now."
"Fine ... but just whisper it next time."

You could still hire them for parties and such a few years back.
MRI is scheduled at 5pm tomorrow at my local hospital. $1500. As a somewhat aware consumer (being in the industry and all), I've spent an hour calling around trying to find a better deal. Stand-alone facility (like one where drxman works) charges $500.


This industry is amazing. It's basically just a big shell game trying to hide the real cost of everything from everyone. God forbid we ever get to the point where we purchase health services via Amazon, or some similar comparison shopping tool.
There were some bad doctors out there who basically were pill mill drug dealers. There has been significant changes and laws regarding prescribing.

Have seen some black widow bites. Looks pretty painful.
My daughter never calls them little people or midgets. She always, 100% of the time, loudly refers to them as dwarves, well, she says dorfs. I understand they don't mind this nomenclature, but it sure seems worse than all the other names. It's thisclose to calling them Hobbits.

Daughter: DADDY LOOK A DORF!!!

Me: lol stfu we'll laugh at it later
MRI is scheduled at 5pm tomorrow at my local hospital. $1500. As a somewhat aware consumer (being in the industry and all), I've spent an hour calling around trying to find a better deal. Stand-alone facility (like one where drxman works) charges $500.


This industry is amazing. It's basically just a big shell game trying to hide the real cost of everything from everyone. God forbid we ever get to the point where we purchase health services via Amazon, or some similar comparison shopping tool.
There is no other industry on earth we would allow to operate like medicine. It's a bureaucratic trainwreck.
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Oh man, F'n doctors again with all of their ailment healing and life saving bullshit.

More on the pharmaceutical companies, from what I've read. Few things have chapped my ass more than those greedy MFers from Purdue making shit up and basically hooking people on oxycontin to make millions of dollars.

You have people getting in car wrecks, taking the drugs prescribed to them and next thing you know, they're hooked. Many of these people weren't druggies or losers. They weren't headed down the wrong path. They're normal people who had an accident and then were exposed to large doses of the most addictive chemical of them all...just so some company can make $$$.

Luckily, I don't have any personal experience with it, but I've read a lot and watched quite a few documentaries/reports on it. It's sad.
* The dramatic rise in college tuition and expenses is unreal. I'm not smart enough to know all the minor details of why, but it's pretty obvious by driving around any campus in America that $$ is being wasted. At UK, basically every single building has been torn down and/or replaced in the last 14 years since I've graduated. The term "price elasticity" comes to mind, too. Those of you with formal training in economic principals (like us Gatton graduates) would understand this.

Re new dorms, I believe a lot of big college/universities are outsourcing building/managing new housing now. So, these mega construction conglomerates will take the hit. Short 'em.
Just got a new prescription filled - $1,283.96. Um, no. Evidently the doctor has some sort of coupon or savings card I can use, but WTF? There is NO way that's not about a 2,000% markup. I despise pharmaceutical companies. "Here, this pill can alleviate all of your symptoms, but we're going to make it prohibitively expensive for you. Sorry. " :mad:
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So those poor pill junkies decided to hit the streets and get that heroin. *rolleyes* Because, obviously, that was the only option they had.

Read a good article about Robert Swift yesterday. Crazy. Dude amassed a cache or weapons (including grenade launcher) and was living with his meth/heroin dealer as security guard/cleaning lady in exchange for bedroom and meth. He quit cold turkey and his life sucks, but the story is worth a read. SI did it.

There were some bad doctors out there who basically were pill mill drug dealers. There has been significant changes and laws regarding prescribing.

Have seen some black widow bites. Looks pretty painful.

Yet nothing changes? I listened to our gd attorney general recommend oxycodone to a room full of school children. It's a safer, more controlled pain reliever....compared to OxyContin, fentanyl. WTF. This was following a segment on the local CBs news the night before urging parents to stop giving their children codeine (wtf does that??!!!) and instead give them oxycodone (wtf does that??!!)'s the best part: for coughs/colds.

So I assume oxycodone sales have dipped and they need to boost those quickly before investors find out, or something.

We have gd adults and peole that no better marketing pain pills, that you damn sure don't need, for fn children's coughs! Give that bastard some jack Daniels and honey. It's just crazy what has become "normal" in regards to drugs. Xanax is my favorite example.
When I was struck by lightning and had electrical (plasma) burns of indeterminate voltage, I only took two Lortabs from my huge bottle and avoided horse altogether.

Where's my trophy?
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You really do have to shop around, talk to your insurance carrier and explore your options, or face getting stuck with a huge bill. Hospital groups bought out private practices, who now will blindly steer patients into their network without telling them anything about their options. People just assume its all the same...The exact same test you have at one place might cost 3 times as much somewhere else. It's unreal.
Yea, agree Chad.

My Mom was diagnosed with an abdominal cancer in 2013 (she's in remission), but this latest “maintenance” drug her doctor prescribed her is $9,000 per month.


Fortunately there are foundations out there that will help offset the costs, but yea. NINE GRAND A MONTH. For pills. SMH.
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You really do have to shop around, talk to your insurance carrier and explore your options, or face getting stuck with a huge bill. Hospital groups bought out private practices, who now will blindly steer patients into their network without telling them anything about their options. People just assume its all the same...The exact same test you have at one place might cost 3 times as much somewhere else. It's unreal.

And of course the idea of "shopping around" is extremely cumbersome and foreign to nearly everyone. I would never have known if I wasn't in the business myself.

No biggie, just had to call my insurance company, several different facilities, update my authorization, call my doctor, have them fax the approval to the new MRI center, cancel my old appointment....[eyeroll][eyeroll] Pretty simple!!

Oh, and if you ever mention FAXING something around me, you're getting clowned.

me = okay, so what exactly do i need to do?
mri place = just call your doctor and have them fax the order to us.
me = wait...fax?
mri place = yes, have them fax it.
me = FAX it?
mri place = yes, just fax it over to us.
me = fax. wow. is there any other way to do this that's easier?
mri place = no, we'll need a fax.
me = FAX? ok. i'm sorry, i haven't used a fax in over a decade. let me see what i can do.
me = fax. lol.
I'll post the whole story later tonight, but suffice it to say there are three former UK students out there whom had a complete stranger run/hobble into their house, sopping wet, with an exploded shoe and yell, "WHERE'S ANDY?" and "I JUST GOT STRUCK BY LIGHTNING!" in quick succession and then run out, never to be heard from again.

Those guys have nice story too, IMO.
We'll see how you feel about ambulance chasers when a doctor takes out your kidney instead of your gallbladder, or when a semi truck destroys your vehicle, maims you, leaves you unable to work, and their insurance company refuses to pay you more than a pittance because you slowed down too quickly in front of our insured.

I'm sure you'll turn the other cheek and say it was just an accident, and then eat all the costs of your recovery yourself.
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