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You know, I've been thinking a bit about that whole "Corey Feldman on Today" thing. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever to put him on that show and no one can really explain why he was on there. Meanwhile - at the same time - there have been whispers that the door is about to be blown off of this notorious Hollywood pedophile ring that Feldman and Corey Haim were victims of. I'm really wondering if someone important told him, "We will put you and your shitty music on national TV if you just keep quiet about this." I mean, the timing is just odd.
I, for one, don't believe in coincidences and think you should run rampant with this theory/factual scenario of yours.
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You know, I've been thinking a bit about that whole "Corey Feldman on Today" thing. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever to put him on that show and no one can really explain why he was on there. Meanwhile - at the same time - there have been whispers that the door is about to be blown off of this notorious Hollywood pedophile ring that Feldman and Corey Haim were victims of. I'm really wondering if someone important told him, "We will put you and your shitty music on national TV if you just keep quiet about this." I mean, the timing is just odd.

Either that or [ominuous tone] someone powerful [ominuous tone] said "You know what, Today Show, put Corey Feldman will make any claim he makes look much less credible when they see how insane he is."
Either that or [ominuous tone] someone powerful [ominuous tone] said "You know what, Today Show, put Corey Feldman will make any claim he makes look much less credible when they see how insane he is."
I like the way you're thinking. Anyway it's some conspiracy involving pederasts - as usual.
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Well, we know that Haim was getting diddled while filming Lucas. Which interestingly also starred Charlie Sheen as the big football player...Could Charlie be involved???
Powerful Pedophile: Get me the Today Show, NOW!!

Assistant: Yes sir, right away sir.

Today Show Executive Producer: Who did you say is on the line!?! Yes, put him through! [fidgets in chair, adjusts tie, sweats, gulps]


Today Show Executive Producer: Of course, sir, but, sir, does Corey Feld...[trembling]

Powerful Pedophile: NOW GOD DAMN IT!!!! [pounds fist on desk]

Hangs up, strokes Cat, evil smirk, fade to black

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Speaking of Diddle, WKU currently has a top 10 ranked basketball class in 2017. Stansbury not wasting any time cheating his ass off.

Word is the family of their big guy commitment will be getting about 10K a month while he's at Western. Seems reasonable, honestly.
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Where are the big name celebrities to raise awareness for the kids?

I mean, I guess taking a knee for pedophilia might be inappropriate.
If I was a student for an opposing fan base, I'd blow up that tattoo on a poster, hold it up, and have huge cutouts of :joy::joy::joy::joy: for everyone around me. Probably start some "earned not given" *clap clap clapclapclap* chants every time he was in the game.

He's lucky most opposing fan bases won't care enough to even know he has that god awful tat.
Speaking of conspiracy theories, does anyone find it odd that we just happen to be sporting new jerseys this year with huge revealing v-necks at the same time Brad shows up on campus with that new ink on his upper chest? Is that just a coincidence? Or did Cal plan it that way just let the world know that Brad is his own man?


Opposing fan #1: "Look at Brad Calipari. He's short, slow and can't do anything but shoot a wide open set shot. The only reason he's even on the team is because his dad is coach."

Opposing fan #2: "I dunno, man. His enormous upper chest tattoo does say 'EARNED NOT GIVEN,' so maybe he really did earn that spot on the roster."
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- My old high school basketball coach Ron Dawn had a heart attack and has had 3 surgeries in the last few weeks. Just heard about it. Great guy. His son Ronnie torched UK while playing for Marshall a while back.

Ronnie is married to my niece.

His dad is a good dude. He is in incredible shape and that is the only reason he is alive right now. Genetic heart problems, man.

During a summer league back in the late 80's he was coaching either St. Henry or Holy Cross when we were playing them.

Some of you will not be surprised to know that I was wearing some awful shorts. Jams, if you remember that fashion abomination. (we were just wearing our practice jerseys)

Anyhoo, a new player checked in and left me unguarded. After 2 consecutive layups Coach Dawn screamed at the kid, "You're guarding the kid in the shorts. How could you lose those?"

For the rest of that summer I was known as "The kid in the shorts."

But I'm over that now, and I hope Ron has a quick and complete recovery.
CMD, I had multiple awful pairs. The pair in question were bright yellow with some sort of weird red and blue design all over them. Went really well with our kelly green, white and gold practice jerseys.

Not surprising since I was known to peacock it up occasionally as a non married adult. But it was surprising because my conservative Mom did most of my clothes shopping in HS.
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