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I don't see the problem. Throw this guy on, no one sees your hair and you look professional af

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Next time... don't cut your hair for a year, let the nurses see your flowing locks, and then let them beg for you to be hired after the interview.

Worked for me anyway.
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I would like to learn guitar or piano and Spanish, in no particular order, but I am not interested in putting out effort. Could make a killing by figuring that part out.
Couple of nights ago I had the dreaded "it's finals day and I haven't been to class all semester" dream. I have that one quite a bit, and it takes a good 5-6 seconds after waking up to realize it was just a dream.

Routinely dream that I didn't take a required class in high school/college and have to go back to finish it out.
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It's 3:45am. I'm awake and at work. No one is jealous.

- Had a friend of mine give me 2 tickets to the game Saturday. Outside of gas and 25 bucks to park, I'm not out any real money. In essence, I gave UK a small amount of money for some nachos. I bet that helps the bottom line.

- The game sucked. If you have to score 62 just to cover the spread, chances are you are awful.

- The two things that were bummers about Saturday is that (a) my 11 year old son was bored at the game. Its sad that he wanted to leave more than I did. And (b) the posture of some of our players on the sidelines tell me a lot. I feel like most of them have checked out. I don't think I'm incorrect.

- I'd trade all the new menu items at Commonwealth for that soft serve ice cream at Rupp. At least I would've had a tasty snack for the game at that rate.
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Those National Geographic specials on Putin last night were pretty good, worth a look.
The one on Pablo was better. They talked to his former hit man, the DEA guys, it was really a lot of stuff I did not get from Narcos.

Let me preface this by saying I am in no way taking up for the team. But if you got bored at that game Saturday, football (offensive anyway) may not be the sport for you. I mean there was tons of exciting plays, few punts (and one got took to the house), deep bombs, breaking off 70 yard runs, it had it all. It is the in thing to shit on the football team, but Saturday was far from boring.
I'm calling it Hump, Bam, Monk, Fox, Briscoe starting 5 most of the season.

Also Izack needs to talk Earned not given into wearing a undershirt like him.
Really hopes Mitch comes out and dances to "GO FOR IT" during the game. Seems appropriate song for this team.
Due to all the recent dropping the football before cross the goal line incidents Slate put together a comprehensive list. However there is one I remember vividly. 2009 against UK at CWS Locke took a kickoff back and dropped the ball basically at the 1/2 yard line. It wasn't reviewed but I'm positive he dropped it early.

This absolutely infuriates me- way more than it should. It may be #1 on my list of things I hate about millennials.
Jonbenet: Weirdest thing is her dad dated Natalie holloways mom for a bit.
Disagree... I think the weirdest thing is that someone murdered an innocent child and nobody has been charged.

The NatGeo channel is pretty awesome if youre a nerd like myself. That series doc referenced did docu-stories on Escobar, Hitler, Putin, Hussein, and... Suge Knight? Suge Knight was apparently insane as well, but thats quite a group to be paired up with.

I'm still strongly considering buying a video game console just for that FIFA game. Then maybe selling it to some kid at Christmas.

With starting a new job and relocating (again), we didnt do any getaways this year, save trips back to see family. Booked a Christmas week trip to NYC yesterday with some points. 4 days at the Park Hyatt NYC, get back home on Christmas Eve. Wife wants to see Hamilton, though I doubt we can really get tickets for anything reasonable. "But you've spent hundreds of dollars on tickets to sporting events, what is the difference?". I honestly have no answer for that yet, and its pretty accurate I guess.

From an article on Anthony Kim at the 2008 Ryder Cup, talking about wanting to play Sergio all week... on Sunday Kim told Azinger '"I’m gonna whup his ass for you today, Captain" I know there are some financial strings in play, but I wish Kim wouldve been around for the long haul.

Started back running again yesterday after 3 weeks off... Not sure there is anything you lose quicker after a short layoff than stamina for running. Even a few miles that first time back is awful.
The NatGeo channel is pretty awesome if youre a nerd like myself. That series doc referenced did docu-stories on Escobar, Hitler, Putin, Hussein, and... Suge Knight? Suge Knight was apparently insane as well, but thats quite a group to be paired up with.

Next week is Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I hope not. Our best lineup has Willis at the 4 spreading out the court.

Cal's in a pickle here. He ain't starting Eye-Zack, obviously. Damnit, he doesn't want to start Willis. The Native American wildcard wins out, but only until Gabriel can get his act together.

I'm already spittin mad about this.
* Sucking it up and finally getting an MRI on my achilles. I've either got tendinitis (best case -- had it on and off for 2+ years), or a slight tear. Figured it was time to finally get a good picture of that thing and have the experts give it a look.

* Parents just got home from Poland and Russia. Dad flies business class, plus of course that's some wicked time change, which may explain why he called me absolutely hammered at 4pm yesterday after landing.

* Accepting bids for a renovation project. Turning my backyard shed/office building things (200+ square feet) into a tiny home/air bnb rental. It's sat back there doing nothing (but with electric and plumbing) for 3 1/2 years, when it could be doing me some good. Marcus.

* Colin Kapernick getting death threats. Good. Our brave men and women in uniform served this country so that we could force indoctrination on our citizens, otherwise we threaten to kill them. America.

* Still can't believe Game just came out and slaughtered everyone like that. Verbally, at least. Very unusual.

* These serve-yourself fro-yo places are the ultimate fat check. I mean, YOU are responsible for the serving size, and it's ultimately reflected in the price. So, I set an all-time record yesterday. 8 bucks. It's usually 5-6. I went in there on a mission. Ugh.

* Watched Spies Like Us last night. My goodness, Chevy Chase makes me so happy.
Even a few miles that first time back is awful.

-Man, I dream of "a few miles". Hit a wall using Couch to 5K, finally broke through today with two eight-minute runs. For me, that's really something. Pretty remarkable what difference a new pair of running shoes(in my case, Sauconys) can make. But even a mile is basically a pipe dream for now. Baby steps, etc.

-Always see about 2-3 new network shows that sound appealing each year, and MAYBE one of them pans out. Putting my money on "Designated Survivor", which premieres tonight, I think. Will pretty much watch anything Kiefer Sutherland is in.

-Wife was randomly looking up autographed stuff from MKG last night and asking me what I thought about it(a piece of floor from 2012 FF, a print, etc.), so I guess that was her telegraphing my Christmas gift.

-California trip planning for next summer is coming together. San Fran to San Diego, straight down the PCH. Thought we had the whole itinerary outlined, but the more I research every stop, the more I want to add days to each leg. It's currently a 15-day trip, but it's gonna be tough leaving stuff out.

-Dan Wolken's Misery Index is my favorite weekly CFB read. Just does a really nice job keeping his finger on the pulse of disappointed fanbases.
"But you've spent hundreds of dollars on tickets to sporting events, what is the difference?". I honestly have no answer for that yet, and its pretty accurate I guess.
"No man ever steps in the same sporting event twice, for it's not the same sporting event and he's not the same man." - Heraticlus

"Hamilton" will be just as enjoyable to her in 2020 and she won't know the difference.
Guess I vacation differently, but always amazed at the people drinking in the airport bars/flights on the return. There is nothing I want to do less than drink on the way home from vacation somewhere.

Little bar at the Punta Cana airport (which is wodie, btw) was absolutely packed with Americans drinking and have a grand ole time. :weary: We went w/ our usual play of extreme grumpiness/depression, Xanax, and fast food.
* Sucking it up and finally getting an MRI on my achilles. I've either got tendinitis (best case -- had it on and off for 2+ years), or a slight tear. Figured it was time to finally get a good picture of that thing and have the experts give it a look.

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Be happy to send you some nourishment along your recovery. Just lemme know what you want.

Looking forward to Fursch.
-Man, I dream of "a few miles". Hit a wall using Couch to 5K, finally broke through today with two eight-minute runs. For me, that's really something. Pretty remarkable what difference a new pair of running shoes(in my case, Sauconys) can make. But even a mile is basically a pipe dream for now. Baby steps, etc.

Hey, I'm with you man. Last night was my first day of C25k. It was tough toward the end, but doable. Like you said, baby steps ATKOT. I've got until 11/12 to work up to 5k, assuming I want to run the whole thing. Not sure if I'll be ready by then or not, but I'm committed to trying.
- Shorter basketball shorts are back in style, for those who haven't been paying attention.

- My old high school basketball coach Ron Dawn had a heart attack and has had 3 surgeries in the last few weeks. Just heard about it. Great guy. His son Ronnie torched UK while playing for Marshall a while back.

- I've never watched less baseball than this year, but the Cubs storyline gives me something to watch the playoffs for. Win or choke, it will be interesting.

- Every public person gets death threats on Twitter.
Very few things are more overrated than death threats to celebrities or athletes. No one ever follows through. So disappointing.
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Agreed. If you truly intend to kill someone, the last thing you'd want to do is threaten/warn them. Learn murder.
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Apparently people outside of North Korea were able to access the countries internet, which consists of only 28 web sites [laughing]

Most are about what SUPREME RULER has been up to lately, then they throw in some web sites for recipes and tourism, but apparently no catspaw so no way im going to NK.
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