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"Pyongyang is a pretty nice place so far. Weather is pleasant, people have been great so far. Adjusting to the time change has been the only issue. Much better than Arkansas"
(Sent via a scrawled handwritten note on a smuggled out Bible page 7 months after he starts "working" there)
I don't know, but I'm thinking that "EARNED NOT GIVEN" tat is gonna look pretty silly on Brad in 2050 when he's sitting in his mansion that was purchased with the money he inherited from his world famous, multi-millionaire father.
Yeah, it's pretty sweet now...but in a couple decades, it's going to be ridico.

I'm sure Cal is a swell dad but that tat is a black mark on his resume. I mean, I can only imagine coming home to my father with that mess at 18...the combo of laughter, shame, and lazer removal surgery would have been unbearable. Brad has a lot of Massellio to him if we are honest, lets just hope he plays as many meaningful minutes. Jones seem convinced Cal will play him in real game action before it's all said and done. I'm just praying that is hyperbole on MJ's end.
Yeah, it's pretty sweet now...but in a couple decades, it's going to be ridico.

I'm sure Cal is a swell dad but that tat is a black mark on his resume. I mean, I can only imagine coming home to my father with that mess at 18...the combo of laughter, shame, and lazer removal surgery would have been unbearable. Brad has a lot of Massellio to him if we are honest, lets just hope he plays as many meaningful minutes. Jones seem convinced Cal will play him in real game action before it's all said and done. I'm just praying that is hyperbole on MJ's end.

In Brad's defense, look at the guys he grew up around- black basketball players tatted from head to toe. I grew up with white suburban kids and country boys.
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You guys it was totally embarrassing, was trying to rub one out and the Supreme leader came in my room. But instead of running out like the guy in Alaska, he joined in.

Then he took me for a ride in his tank. Was pretty sweet. Had a bunch of cotton candy vodka and some fly North Korean honeys.
You guys it was totally embarrassing, was trying to rub one out and the Supreme leader came in my room. But instead of running out like the guy in Alaska, he joined in.

Then he took me for a ride in his tank. Was pretty sweet. Had a bunch of cotton candy vodka and some fly North Korean honeys.

1 star. Would not read again. :thumbsdown:
Will be interesting to see if opposing fans hate Brad as much as UK fans will/do.

Yes, and it'll be 10 times worse than what Saul went through. #1, they hate Cal, so they'll hate Brad. #2, he's white and everybody hates white basketball players.

His only saving grace is that he won't play much.
Its good to be talking about a HOFCJC's son getting meaningful minutes rather than convincing ourselves Atoine Walker's fat cousin was going to be a major contributor. Thank you Coach Cal.
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-Nothing makes me [eyeroll] more than the "let the kid make his/her own (invariably poor) decision" parenting style. I don't know if I made a significant decision in my life until I was in my 20's.

-Ducked into the Target on Veterans Parkway in Clarksville for Starbucks. 10:00 am on a Wednesday and the talent was :fire:.

-Read a little last night about the Ramsey house in Boulder. It has sold a couple times, and another family lived in it for some time. I stopped believing in the paranormal a few years ago and there's no logical reason to not live there, but that shit would just creep me out. No thanks, bub.

-Sort of blows the mind that kids don't want to look like Michigan Jalen Rose anymore, but that was almost 25 years ago. I get it.

-Patio finally being poured tomorrow or Friday. Ran into a little snag with getting an electrician over there to move a line. Can't wait to enjoy collides back there. May be a BGE owner in the spring. Will keep you posted.

-Lass turns 35 Saturday. :flushed:

-If this thing gets turned around even slightly I'm trying to get down to Knoxville for the UT game. Had fun there two years ago. Can really push the envelope of decency in that town tbh.
You know, I've been thinking a bit about that whole "Corey Feldman on Today" thing. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever to put him on that show and no one can really explain why he was on there. Meanwhile - at the same time - there have been whispers that the door is about to be blown off of this notorious Hollywood pedophile ring that Feldman and Corey Haim were victims of. I'm really wondering if someone important told him, "We will put you and your shitty music on national TV if you just keep quiet about this." I mean, the timing is just odd.
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