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Anth had a sign that said "Rich Brooks thinks this is bullshit" and he wanted to take a picture with the sign pointing at Matt, they had words, then Matt slapped him.
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I once met a black guy from Alaska in Lexington, Kentucky who was not Ramon Harris. That seemed statistically improbable.
3 yrs + 2 game I think this cake is baked gang...most all of that time UK has never looked like a well coached disciplined prepared outfit in any phase of the game. never can we say "boy Mark really outcoached his opponent today!" beat Superior & USC 2 yrs in a row on just slightly better overall talent, that's his highlights.

stupid to keep hoping he will suddenly improve & his team turn all that previous awfulness around making the last 38 games just a rough learning period
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The fact that Barnhart gave Stoops a $12M buyout without giving Stoops a penalty if he jumped to a better job might be the stupidest part of the whole equation.

I mean, any time you can give the other side all the leverage without getting a single thing in return on a spur of the moment, you just have to do that, you guys.

I keep seeing Henry Early over off Broadway (near Indi's). This is the first time I've noticed him in the area.
Been friends for 30+ years. We were best friends in late elementary and middle school. We didn't really run in the same circle in high school, but would still hang out occasionally. Great guy and great family.
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*not many people I've ever had problems with that I don't work it out. Feel like the Bahamas was big for our relationship. Couple deep talks down there.

*likely to be sponsoring at least something of the new show... for obvious reason. It better get good ratings.

*I don't think 3 years and 2 games is fair to pull the cord but they're behind schedule big time and I don't see the personnel in the pipeline to fix the issues. He needs the next 2 wins in the worst way. Lose one of them and hope for the season is about done.

*Even if you wait until next season to can him, the buyout is going to be huge for the staff.
The fact that Barnhart gave Stoops a $12M buyout without giving Stoops a penalty if he jumped to a better job might be the stupidest part of the whole equation.

I mean, any time you can give the other side all the leverage without getting a single thing in return on a spur of the moment, you just have to do that, you guys.
I think Max should represent all UK football fans in a lawsuit against Mitch for AD malpractice. I want damages for emotional distress, loss of quality of life, and compensatory damages for the new blinds I had to purchase after the first quarter of the Florida game.
Don't know what you're talking about...

- Best lunch table ever
- Friday night shootarounds at Calvin with the carpet gym floor
- Mr. McKenna's class

Those were some good times.
Stay in Alaska through the winter months? Hard pass.

Anyone else think maybe the company Tommy is working for is . . . um . . . fibbing a bit about all of these "big steps up". Tulsa-->Arkansas--> Somewhereawfulicantrememberville --->Traverse ----->Alaska. Pretty sure the next "huge promotion" is going to be in Siberia or perhaps a Turkish prison.

"Hmmmm, who can we convince to go do door to door canvasing in Aleppo?"
Fairbanks is a f'in hole, and that was in July. If you have a chance to travel the state for a couple of months, fantastic. But Fairbanks Seriously--don't agree to anything until you've spent some time there.
Can't even begin to tell you how miserable I'd be in Alaska in the winter, but the summer month would be epic. Would definitely love to visit in mid July or so.
- If I lose, still will be options.

- I can handle somewhere for a couple months. Other people I've talked to like Fairbanks a lot. It's what you make of it.

- Big step up in the sense that they are giving me the reigns and putting me in charge of an entire congressional district.

- Don't mind doing my time in various states and working my way up. Saw/did cool stuff in each of them. I'm traveling the country on someone else's dime, getting paid well, and finding stuff to do in places I never would have been.

- Flight delayed out of Minneapolis...
Decided to get one last ride in before this weekend. I've been battling bronchitis for the 2nd time in 6 wks. (Whoever said I was sick a lot cursed me)

8 miles out, the heavens opened up. It was a touching frog strangler. Soaked. Miserable.

I imagine it will be similar to what we are going to deal with on Saturday. MCF, work your weather magic.
Obviously, campus rape is a huge hot button issue right now. "No means no" is obvious. Taking advantage of a girl who's passed out is obvious. My question is, legally speaking, is it considered rape if the girl doesn't remember it- like If she is black-out drunk? I was just reading about this UNC case where the girl called the presser regarding a Tar Heel football player and I think that's the issue. How is she supposed to know if she went along with it or not?

Serious replies only!
Apologies for bringing date rape back up but this topic annoys me. If a girl(or a guy) gets blackout and drives a car drunk, it's her fault. Get blackout and sleep with someone they can take you down for rape, it's not her fault then. Don't get it at all.
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Other people I've talked to like Fairbanks a lot. It's what you make of it.

- Don't mind doing my time in various states and working my way up. Saw/did cool stuff in each of them. I'm traveling the country on someone else's dime, getting paid well, and finding stuff to do in places I never would have been.

Who told you they like it a lot? The people trying to get you to take an assignment in Fairbanks, AK?

In all seriousness, I'm pretty psyched to see professional Tommy emerge. Good stuff.
Apologies for bringing date rape back up but this topic annoys me. If a girl(or a guy) gets blackout and drives a car drunk, it's her fault. Get blackout and sleep with someone they can take you down for rape, it's not her fault then. Don't get it at all.
The difference is that the car didn't have sex with the girl in the first scenario.

Hope this helps.
I like Tommy's attitude. Yes you can live anywhere for a few months, not like they are sending you to Iraq. No mortars or rockets and you can have booze and consensual sex with the person of your choice. Sounds like a dream.

Great dinner tonight in Nashville. What an awesome town, especially without a ridiculous crowd.

Damn, Keeneland will soon be upon us[banana]
I've pretty much, for the most part, had a decision as to where I've lived. No experience of those locations have involved mortars or rockets. However, most of them have involved consensual sex.

Thanks in large part to dudes like Doc, my old man, grandpa etc.....
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