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Basketball isnt a real Olympic sport imo but I will tune in just for the Cousins factor. Maybe this is finally the venue he needs to shed the "angry big black man" image that sportswriters have nailed into him.

Picked up a new mower this weekend and let me tell you that bitch purrs. Honda engine, bagger/mulcher options depending on my mood... Plan on handing this one down to my son one day.

According to my accuweather app, its between 3-5 degrees hotter (factoring heat index) in Louisville than it is in Birmingham. I just dont know some of you live there.

I thought the Chris Sale "Oh you may trade me but first i have to wear this to pitch in" demonstration was justified. Also sounds like the Cubs are officially all-in on this season if they grab Chapman. Especially giving up Torres to the Yanks where he will likely have an all-star career.

Flipping the rental house this weekend. Pressure washing, new carpets, updating some electric... I want my relationship with the tenants to be a fruitful and long lasting experience. Especially after throwing the current single mother of 3 and her kids out on the street.
I imagine this is partly the convention bump, but 538 (Nate Silver) now saying Trump has 57% chance of winning. He was saying Clinton had a 77% chance of winning just two weeks ago.

Holy Moly

This election is like a GD Duke-UNC game. Every time I think about Clinton winning the election, I find myself pulling for Trump - because I would HATE a Clinton presidency. Then I think about Trump winning, and I kinda start rooting for Clinton - because TRUMP is a moron lunatic. But not Clinton. But not Trump.
They were having people quit on them during the dock rebuild all the time because they "could make more sitting at home collecting checks."

Not sure if you know this, but SSI doesn't pay worth a shit. Sounds to me like they weren't paying their workers enough if they couldn't make more than $733.00 in a month.
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This may come as a shock but the "over 70% of the county is on federal assistance" is also likely an exaggeration.
This may come as a shock, but a drunk showing off his guns and not paying attention could steer his boat right into the new super dock and destroy more boats that the Great Cumberland Blizzard of '16.

Guns aren't allowed on the water, per the US government.
Well, glad the Yankees could benefit from the Reds' dumbassedness. Good for them.
This week’s scheduled move-in for the Olympic athletes’ village in Brazil fell flat, as the Australian delegation refused to enter the facilities due to serious issues with plumbing and fire safety.

That’s according to the Sydney Morning Herald, which cites the AOCclaiming the Australian athletes arrived today intending to check into their rooms, only to find them “uninhabitable.” The Herald claims the Great Britain and New Zealand delegations found themselves in the same spot upon arrival this weekend.

The Australians discovered water flowing down the walls upon attempting to flush toilets, a strong smell of gas, and exposed wiring. The team is currently staying in hotels to await their accommodations for the Games.

Response from officials:

All totally normal, of course.
If Mick Dundee is to be believed, real men fish with dyn-o-mite.

My grandfather was in the Pacific in WWII, Island hopping. Said they used to fish with hand grenades and dynamite charges in the little lagoons. Problem is, the sharks figured out that a big underwater boom meant easy fish, and they'd only have a matter of seconds to scoop up what they could before Jaws came along. Not sure why they didn't just shoot the shark, but that was the greatest generation, so I won't second guess.
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If the Rio Olympics are canceled on account of a mountain lion infestation well then, that would make for some great GYERO.
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Really kind of hoping another backyard well is discovered, or maybe just the earth swallowing up a certain rosey cheeked werther slurper.
-My grandfather's best friend was named Buster. Which was also the name of his jack russell. Greatest Generation.

-Was back in Lexington for my cousin's wedding this weekend. She married a good dude even though he's a dirty Tar Heel. At least he went to school there. Or rather got a degree. Who knows if he actually had classes. Besides the priest talking smack about the ACC during the ceremony there was no BBall talk, guessing the UNC alums didn't want to talk about the Nova game. Oh well.

-Shocking development, but the Best man's speech was really good, while the Maid of Honor's was like 80% about herself.

-Decided to ride the Legacy Trail late Saturday Morning. Great bike path, a little herky jerky in places, but that's to be expected. The heat was a motha though. Lost 27 pounds of fluid, but drank 26 pounds, so it evened out.

-Didn't get to check out all the new bars, just went to Lexington Beerworks, where they were holding the post RD festivities Friday. Cool space, nice beer menu, but hardly anyone there besides us.

-Had Blue Door for the second time. Yes, please.
My grandfather (mothers father) had 2 dogs that I recall, named Lady. When one died, he'd find another somewhere when he was out fishing, bring it home and it became Lady. My mother confirmed that this had gone on for the duration of her life. All dogs named Lady.

She said there were times when the dog would wonder off the front porch and not come back for days. Or at all. Underground pet fences werent all the rage in the rural areas of southern Louisville.
Ok, so the same name thing for pets has to be generational. My grandparents for years had 2 dogs. Buster, a jack Russell and Chester, a pit bull. When one of the dogs died, they replaced it with a near identical pup and gave it the same name. I think there were only 2 Busters, but there were 3-4 Chesters.
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My grandfather, also a veteran, drank whiskey, smoked cigarettes, and ate fried foods right up until the day he died too. It was pretty devastating on my mom though to lose her father at age 15 just months shy of his 50th birthday.
-Didn't get to check out all the new bars, just went to Lexington Beerworks, where they were holding the post RD festivities Friday. Cool space, nice beer menu, but hardly anyone there besides us.

It's a great space if you're doing some kind of party or big group get together. The 3 guys that own it are all in their mid-30s, early 40s and just like beer. The few times I've been, the crowds have been hit or miss.
Natron, do you get angry and upset when you go to a football game and fans are complaining about the offense/defense that is being run?

Do you get angry at GYERO when we complain about the pace Cal plays at or when he refuses to zone?

The only difference is the sport and your knowledge of it.

If you understood the game better, you would probably understand the fans' complaints and they wouldn't offend you so much.

And Anth, go get pumped.

Umm, yeah if you are yelling at a football (not futbol, mind you) shit like,


then yes, I will roll my eyes. By all means scream, "YOU SUCK", "F@$? YOU", "KICK HIS ASS", etc. but spare me, and everyone else within earshot the pleasure. It reeks of insecurity, attention whoring, and overall trying too hard to impress others more than it is a commentary on my knowledge, or lack there of, about the game. I wasn't offended by the complaints, I was offended at the delivery. Tell that shit to your buddy beside you in between "YOU SUCK", not the guy 8 rows down.

And for the record, I was scoring goals like crazy on FIFA '02, AND I sat in front of Corbin's very own WILDMAN in Commonwealth for a few years, so I'm kind of an expert in both these fields.
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