GOLF thread

Because his car got broken into and the cops did not rush down to give him a big hug? Good lord he is privileged. Yeah, like that would never ever happen in Lexington or Louisville? If that happened, no doubt Chief Weathers would be there by my side in 2 minutes like Dick Tracy and work the case like a capital murder.

Privileged??? Yeah, he should have apologized for owning a white SUV.... GTFO

San Fran is a sanctuary s-hole.
Because his car got broken into and the cops did not rush down to give him a big hug? Good lord he is privileged. Yeah, like that would never ever happen in Lexington or Louisville? If that happened, no doubt Chief Weathers would be there by my side in 2 minutes like Dick Tracy and work the case like a capital murder.
Doesn’t mean he’s wrong though.
Hopefully all of the 90 yr old codgers that walk the grounds w/ their stogies and scotch get covid of the pecker.
Because his car got broken into and the cops did not rush down to give him a big hug? Good lord he is privileged. Yeah, like that would never ever happen in Lexington or Louisville? If that happened, no doubt Chief Weathers would be there by my side in 2 minutes like Dick Tracy and work the case like a capital murder.

Live not far from SF and it’s common knowledge you park there at your own risk. Police wont respond to any car thefts or burglaries because there are literally hundreds of incidents per day. They don’t even bother keeping up with it at this point. I never go there. It’s apples and oranges to anywhere in KY.
Kentucky native John Augustein one down on 18 BUT in great shape and opponent in trouble. On golf channel now. May go to extra holes.
Cool to see Barbasol champ Jim Herman come from behind to win his 3rd PGA title.
Don't know, but I watched about 30 minutes last night and the wind was about 30 MPH, Bandon looks like a really cool place, but Jesus, not sure my game would hold up in that kind of wind.
I confirmed my spot on a trip to Bandon next summer after watching some of the US Am this weekend. Going to have to bail on my rescheduled trip to Ireland, but all things considered I'd rather do the Bandon trip. I'll do Ireland some other time even if it's not a full on golf trip like I had planned, but I just see fewer opportunities to do a trip out to BD.
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61-63 w/ the added pressure of potentially seeing your season over....stellar, and a genuine, hard working, journeyman. Stories like his are why we watch.
Loved his interview afterwards. Basically said he is a head case on the course and has changed his putting grip and style several times since he last won. Sounded so much like us hacks who get in our own way except he can put up some ridiculous low scores when he puts it together.
Loved his interview afterwards. Basically said he is a head case on the course and has changed his putting grip and style several times since he last won. Sounded so much like us hacks who get in our own way except he can put up some ridiculous low scores when he puts it together.

Someone can find the eagle putt he made on #4 or #5 I think that tied for the lead. Was about 80 feet with at LEAST ten feet of break, wasn't in an "A List" tournament, but was still one of the best putts I have ever seen. I remember a woman (Morgan Pressel?) won a big tournament (US Open maybe?) with a mile long bomb, but the one by Herman yesterday was on the list.
Golf randoms...

~Got to play Lex CC this weekend as a guest of an old friend of my dad's, who can no longer play due to age related ailments. I had forgotten how fun/nice (and hard) that course is. I love tree lined old style courses, although my game doesn't. Rattled a few in the lumber for sure. Course was excellent...people there were not. They still look at outsiders/guests as if you walked in with 3 ears on your head. Oh well...

~Fav course styles...
1. Beach courses...sand/waste areas/ water.
2. Traditional...tree lined, fast/sloping greens
3., creative shots, big greens.

~Destin vaca and golf trip in 4 weeks...better half letting me play 3 rounds this trip. [smoke]

~FedEx next 3 weeks, then the US Open 2 weeks later.
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Played General Burnside down on Cumberland Lake this past weekend. Course was in great shape with a lot fun holes and some tough ones. Enjoyed it, but probably would have enjoyed swimming on the lake a little more.
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Golf randoms...

~Got to play Lex CC this weekend as a guest of an old friend of my dad's, who can no longer play due to age related ailments. I had forgotten how fun/nice (and hard) that course is. I love tree lined old style courses, although my game doesn't. Rattled a few in the lumber for sure. Course was excellent...people there were not. They still look at outsiders/guests as if you walked in with 3 ears on your head. Oh well...

I kind of enjoy LCC's layout better than Idle Hour, just not as many long tough par 4s back to back like at IHCC. Both have real short par 5s as finishing holes, which is odd.

As for your treatment at LLC, probably could have the same experience at a lot of toney private clubs. Personally, I have always been treated really nice at LCC, but obviously, knowing half the membership by first name helps a bit. ;)
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Watching the women's British Open from Troon. Looks to be about 45 degrees and 30 MPH wind. Everyone shooting about 80. In short just petfect!!! :D