Global Climate Changes

Net, until China stops building coal plants, coercing anyone to do anything about CO2 release is a waste at best & more likely hurtful to the world's population. Sure, work on & expand carbon-free energy sources, but stop taxing people for CO2 production and rewarding non-use of carbon energy sources. Subsiding electric car sales is the worst being it's a wealth transfer to the already well-off.

If the revenue received was fully redistributed equally to the every citizen, then a carbon tax would be useful. Otherwise, it's just another government money grab.
China is stepping up.

I didn't "recharacterize" anything. They said we would cross the line and we did cross the line. That's a factual statement regardless of what kind of other spin you want to put on it about prediction accuracies. Models are models, there were many different climate models, some had a more serious timeline that others. But predictions of damage along a time line is just that, a prediction, just like a weather prediction there can be some variance between what is predicted and what happens and when it happens. But science is fact. Global warming is a real issue, it's serious, it will continue to cause more several damage over time. If you deny that that you are ignoring the science in which case I would have nothing further to say to you on this issue because it would be futile.
You are spinning. Gaslighting. They DID NOT say we would cross a line that could be mitigated. They said that we would cross a line from which we could not return that would be the end of humanity.

You saying I am denying science is not very compelling. But, if you continue to gaslight, I agree you should have nothing further to say.
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Your right about the mini-ice age, but I'm right that temp changes haven't been a factor until the last century, just look at the acceleration of temps since we started burning fossil fuel at an enormous rate. So what? well the rising temps are responsible for extreme heat, extremes cold, draught, rivers like the Colorado drying up, massive forest fires, mass migration moves as food supplies in some parts of the world vanish. It's a big deal.

Maybe we should go back to using tree rings and ice cores to make up temperature data instead of real temp gauges. Also a graph missing data of the Y axis usually is done for dramatic effect.
Gut out economy? How? New technology create tons of jobs
Most of the solar panels and raw materials for batteries are produced in China. So they will get new jobs while our fossil fuel industry suffers job losses. Meanwhile, China is building close to 200 new coal fired plants all over Asia that will be operating for decades to come. So they get the jobs, cheap energy and don't have to bear the huge cost of switching to green energy. The Chinese have played us for fools.
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I dont find myself agreeing with VH a lot, but he’s definitely a voice of reason among you alarmist types. You CC people are off your rocker. I’m all for clean energy if it’s sustainable, but not tearing everything down to get there due to some unbelievably false and alarmist predictions.
Global warming is responsible for more sever weather, such has hotter heat waves, colder cold spells, record rain falls, more powerful hurricanes caused by ocean temps rising etc.. The flooding in Eastern Kentucky, which as you say isn't novel, is caused or at least exacerbated by stripe mining, and mountain top removal often without proper reclamation, to go along with unusually large rain fall.
You are measuring all this from your limited data in the last few decades. There have always been extremes. That’s because there’s not a “ normal “. If so was it normal when the earth was much warmer or when ice covered much of North America? Everything you hear is nothing more than computer models and they have continually been wrong and they just make more predictions after those previously fail.
Your right about the mini-ice age, but I'm right that temp changes haven't been a factor until the last century, just look at the acceleration of temps since we started burning fossil fuel at an enormous rate. So what? well the rising temps are responsible for extreme heat, extremes cold, draught, rivers like the Colorado drying up, massive forest fires, mass migration moves as food supplies in some parts of the world vanish. It's a big deal.

The hockey stick has been shown to be a hoax.

Scientists and engineers were working on carbon sequestration when I was at TVA in the 80s. Guess what, they are still working on it. There have been fits and starts but nothing scalable that can work efficiently and economically has ever been developed.

We can get all the free clean energy we need from the sun if we could just be smart enough to capture it on a widespread scale.
What about at night? or during winter? or during storms?
How politicians got this nonsense “create jobs” crap to stick blows my mind. You guys can come over to my house and mow my lawn with nail clippers for $0.10 an hour if you want. I’ll hire 10 of you. Does that count as 10 jobs created?
What role do weather manipulation programs & methods have on -"global climate change"?

I know i haven't seen anyone seriously asking yhe question

and I KNOW there are weather manipulation techniques, technical equipment & public media releases confirming this fact actually -
I can’t take anybody seriously who takes the climate change alarmism at face value.

If it’s natural we can’t stop it and if it’s man made we can’t stop it without China being on board.

In light of this, how does destroying our own economy help? It doesn’t, of course. It only empowers the authoritarian left. Which is the whole point.
Who exactly is this authoritarian left? Are you talking about the Christian Nationalists?
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Sounds like he's talking about Marxists who are using race. climate, unfettered immigration & sexual identity and proclivities as their primary means of driving conflict - cause that is what Marxists do - drive conflict in order to move the wheel of history - now that this deplorable worldview has infiltrated so many aspects of US culture we'll see more and more directed violence until they are ready to launch what Marx (SPIT) called The Revolution of the Proletariat .... it'll include private property confiscation, disarmament, forced segregation & incarceration ... and a lot more

Karl Marx's shitty "Dialectical Materialism" is the philosophical underpinning for his brand of Socliaism which insists on elimination of both the family and all institutions of faith....its where communism comes from

And its where the United States is headed -- read Alexander Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago" to get a very good sense of what to expect in coming years -- it will look a LITTLE different here of course - but ultimately the playbook is very similar and the goals are the same

....dont get me wrong - they are abetted by plenty of statist Republicans ,,,and helped along by more than a little apathy & ignorance in the rank and file populace

But that's a pretty good description of what's emerging - it isn't Christian and it doesn't tolerate national sovereignty - so were not talking nationalism either
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So for ppl who believe that climate change is as urgently threatening as it is - and more or less believe every gospel message that the UN, WHO and/or WEF release ...:

Then it sounds like we would need to make that our #1 priority for USG/Private/Academic research , funding and coordination around the planet

Doesn't it make sense then to stop prioritizing issues that are solely established and funded (precious resources & time/energy) for no other purpose than to boost people's self esteem & 'pride ?

Because I look at our country and among other issues - i don't think we appear seriously focused on smart approaches to ANYTHING

If its truly "climate" that is the greatest existential threat to us all - then stop ceding authority to Int'l agencies & produce deep i incentives for national agencies, privatel company and small teams/citizen groups all involved in measuring and evaluating data vs indicators. Include ALL manmade alteration methods, equipment descriptions , locations & ownership of weather modification pgms & sites.

Declassify all weather, climate & and USG experiment records and simultaneously ban sll external funding & contractor entities that are supported by any entity that professes Populations Reduction as desired or an actual goal.

And for your front line agencies that carry the brunt of the burden for supporting work (NOAA, NWS, Military Branches, NRO, NASA etc ) --- have them cease funding all diversify programs , eliminate bonus structures that arent tied to production scientific publications , clean up programs/tech & other tangible tools that directly impact reduction of the planetary threat

Some of you may cringe st the thought - but if the planet is TRULY ABOUT TO GIVE OUT AND STOP SUSTAINING LIFE -- then. pride fests, political weaponized pgms and goals --- Need to take a clear. back seat until we either counter the threat(s) OR prove they're non egregious or even non existent

Citing "racism" as one of the biggest "public health threats" we face is a GREAT idea of a goal /priority that will draw significant time, money and focus towards a topic that comes NOWHERE NEAR THE THREAT and DAMAGE DONE BY CANCER, DIABETES and - of course - those could all be rerouted to tackle the dying/failing planet -- so --- its a no-brainer

you can ref Bradd Pitt i THINK being the most recent CITIZEN EXPERT to tell us we have like - 3 weeks to do something or else ---- KAPOOWEEEE!!
The hockey stick has been shown to be a hoax.

This is from a 2006 report done by the National Academy of Science considering these allegations:

The report states: “The basic conclusion of Mann et al. (1998, 1999) was that the late 20th century warmth in the Northern Hemisphere was unprecedented during at least the last 1000 years. This conclusion has subsequently been supported by an array of evidence that includes both additional large-scale surface temperature reconstructions and pronounced changes in a variety of local proxy indicators, such as melting on ice caps and the retreat of glaciers around the world”.

Most researchers would agree that while the original hockey stick can – and has – been improved in a number of ways, it was not far off the mark. Most later temperature reconstructions fall within the error bars of the original hockey stick. Some show far more variability leading up to the 20th century than the hockey stick, but none suggest that it has been warmer at any time in the past 1000 years than in the last part of the 20th century.

How politicians got this nonsense “create jobs” crap to stick blows my mind. You guys can come over to my house and mow my lawn with nail clippers for $0.10 an hour if you want. I’ll hire 10 of you. Does that count as 10 jobs created?
The renewable energy sector employs 777,000 people, roughly the same as the U.S. telecommunications industry. Bioenergy – which comes from organic material – remains the largest employer, while the solar industry is second.

The most rapid renewable energy job growth has come from the solar and wind sectors, which rose by 24.5 percent and 16 percent, respectively, from 2016 to 2017. Solar and wind energy jobs outnumber coal and gas jobs in 30 states, including the District of Columbia.

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How politicians got this nonsense “create jobs” crap to stick blows my mind. You guys can come over to my house and mow my lawn with nail clippers for $0.10 an hour if you want. I’ll hire 10 of you. Does that count as 10 jobs created?
Clean Energy Jobs Pay 25% More Than National Median

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Clean Energy Jobs Pay 25% More Than National Median

JoJo Q Flunky isn’t switching from mining for coal to designing clean energy systems, D.
JoJo Q Flunky isn’t switching from mining for coal to designing clean energy systems, D.
The jobs are there, the training is there for those that want it. People have to make their own decisions. With any technological change there will be winners and losers, in energy, a lot more winners than losers.
The jobs are there, the training is there for those that want it. People have to make their own decisions. With any technological change there will be winners and losers, in energy, a lot more winners than losers.
We can always subsidize all of the losers. The politicians have our best interest as their primary objective. Cheap slave labor for solar panels is a good place to start!
I understand fully well the we are taking about GLOBAL Climate Change not US Climate change my previous posts, had you read them, obviously reflect that.
OK, then why are you focused on meaningless stuff in the USA vs. the much larger sources? Makes zero sense.
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OK, then why are you focused on meaningless stuff in the USA vs. the much larger sources? Makes zero sense.
I wouldn't say stuff in the US is meaningless.
As I said earlier in the thread, GCC has to be pursued economically, not through treaties like the Paris Accords. I pointed out that China won't quit building one new coal-fired steam plant per week because of some treaty, they will do it when it's more economically advantageous to choose alternate clean solutions. Likewise most any other country.
So my vision for the future is the US, using our scientific, engineering and manufacturing expertise, along with our great history of entrepreneurship, innovation and inventiveness to continue to create modern, clean energy systems that not only utility boards in the US will choose to solve their energy needs but countries all over the world.
That's a win/win for us. We lead the way in solving GCC and create an entire new industry.
Think back at some of the great Americans that did change the world in transportation, communication, energy, commerce etc. The Wright Brothers, Edison, Ford, Jobs etc
I see America doing what it's always done, solving the worlds problems and growing our economy.
So my vision for the future is the US, using our scientific, engineering and manufacturing expertise, along with our great history of entrepreneurship, innovation and inventiveness to continue to create modern, clean energy systems that not only utility boards in the US will choose to solve their energy needs but countries all over the world.
That's a win/win for us. We lead the way in solving GCC and create an entire new industry.
Think back at some of the great Americans that did change the world in transportation, communication, energy, commerce etc. The Wright Brothers, Edison, Ford, Jobs etc
I see America doing what it's always done, solving the worlds problems and growing our economy.
Not really. We'll drive ourselves broke trying to make so-called clean energy affordable & China will come in & pick up the scraps for doing zilch. Look how they steal our technology now. Your vision is dreamland.
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This is true for those that have turned it into a religion and "believe" science. No one says climate change isn't real but they just claim everything is bc of it and then proceed to call you a science denier. Did I say that, no?, park spokeswoman Gina Kurzmen told CNN.

(CNN)The signs at Glacier National Park warning that its signature glaciers would be gone by 2020 are being changed.
The signs in the Montana park were added more than a decade ago to reflect climate change forecasts at the time by the US Geological Survey, park spokeswoman Gina Kurzmen told CNN.
In 2017, the park was told by the agency that the complete melting off of the glaciers was no longer expected to take place so quickly due to changes in the forecast model, Kurzmen said. But tight maintenance budgets made it impossible for the park to immediately change the signs.
The climate is changing. It always has and always will.

It's impossible to create an even close to accurate model when the system you're modeling includes, well, everything. The variables are immense and science is still relatively in it's infancy. The earth is not a closed system to energy nor completely closed to matter.

We can't accurately predict the weather more than a few days out. The window of error magnifies with time and the inability to compute the complexity. But climate change models aren't mostly bullshit. Right.