Game of Thrones

They picked up a mumbled " far...." on a hot mic during that interview.

Of course. [laughing]

Well I think we're down to Sunday or never at this point and I'd lean heavily toward never. Of course I also thought the Warriors would win easily last night, so what do I know.
Of course. [laughing]

Well I think we're down to Sunday or never at this point and I'd lean heavily toward never. Of course I also thought the Warriors would win easily last night, so what do I know.
I'm leaning towards Sunday only because all of the evidence points towards never. I think it's a misdirection and one they could pull off because the shot could be a small one with limited people in the know, unlike the big ass battle scene with all the extras, etc.

But also, what do I know.
Yeah so I was 100% lying there, gents, if you weren't already privy.

It would be a dick move to spoil that she wouldn't be on the show, which is why it makes me think it could've been misdirection or just talking out of his ass. A quick end of the episode reveal in a tent or something would be relatively easy to hide during filming, but with psychos out there who would go to the lengths of tracking cast member's travel and such I'm not sure it would have been possible without something leaking out.

do we "know" where Varys went? agree with him showing up a la DoD

I think we see the two mope faced Freys hanging from a tree and a LSH reveal, from Jaime's POV at the wedding feast. Starts to put him on the road north for the final act. Especially once he gets word that his sister killed their son. Just my WAG though.
I think word is he's either going to convince the strong empowered women who don't need no men in Dorne to back his strong empowered insane queen who don't need no man, or we're getting a stunning Aegon entrance, which is way less likely.
How in the world would they have gotten her body? Especially in time to bring her back?
Magic, duh.
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I am convinced that Dany and Jon will somehow rule together before this show is over. Which would be awesome. They have to kill Tommen off soon though. Dear god what a bad character. Cersei really should die too and most of the kings landing people. I just want to see the mountain go down swinging and maybe the hound takes him out.
I love how they fixed fans' complaints with Dorne. Kill everyone and ignore it for the rest of the season but for one throwaway line from Jaime.
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If all those people on that list die, they won't all die in the same 'event'. I think three things could happen. Two of them I am fairly certain of.

Cersei blows up the Great Sept of Baelor and takes out the Faith with most of the Tyrells. This inadvertently leads to Tommen's death.

Varys has his little birds take out Pycelle and Kevan. This was the epilogue of A Dance with Dragons and coincided with the announcement of winter. The first shot in the preview was the white raven flying to Winterfell signifying the beginning of winter. There was also a shot of children knifing someone to death in the trailer for this season that has not yet occurred.

The last thing, which I am least confident in, is the murder of the various Freys through treachery or the Brotherhood without Banners. I think that eventually happens, but we may not get it next week.

If all or most of those people get wiped out then I think the show will be driven by Dany's invasion and the White Walkers for the rest of its run. The King's Landing politics would basically be over.

In the books Varys helps Ceresi stay in power because (IMO at least) he knows she'll screw things up so badly that the people will welcome a regime change with open arms. Blowing up the Sept and killing all those people sure speeds up the process [laughing].

So what's your thoughts on Jamie if she goes thru with it?
If Tommen dies and (as in the show) Jaime is released from his duty as Kingsguard, he is the rightful heir to the throne, correct?

Long may King Onehand reign.
In the books Varys helps Ceresi stay in power because (IMO at least) he knows she'll screw things up so badly that the people will welcome a regime change with open arms. Blowing up the Sept and killing all those people sure speeds up the process [laughing].

So what's your thoughts on Jamie if she goes thru with it?

Jaime will kill her next season and fulfill the valonqar prophecy. I think Jaime's ultimate destiny is to lead the Lannister army alongside the Starks in the Battle For the Dawn 2.0.That's why it was important that Brienne saw that Jaime allowed her to escape on the show. Brienne will be crucial in building a Stark/Lannister alliance.

Also, I think it would be hilarious if nearly all of Dany's army drown and she made it to Westeros with two surviving dragons, a few hundred Unsullied, and a few hundred Dothraki.
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I know I'm in the extreme minority here but damn it I'm on team Dany. She has three ****ing dragons people. I just can't understand why we can advance her on and let her destroy with her dragons and really badass dothraki army at this point. I also like tyrion and greyworm and that makes her even easier to root for.
Kingslayer is not inline to be king - but if things progress as many predict he could take the Iron Throne in the vacuum and wait for somebody with a real claim to step up...

I am as well expecting Danys to lose the Dothraki Horde to the seas...nothing goes as plan lol

So much of the books where the deal with prophecies I think in the long run is just "filler" to help explain some characters motivations - in the end I see Jon and Danys ruling the way think it should be --- watching her deal with LesboTheon is a sign of things to come --- yes Danys wants to be Queen but she doesn't want to be hated...
Part of me thinks Dany will go mad like her father. Or maybe part of me hopes she goes mad. Not a fan. Jon the warrior > Jon the strategist. His decision making last night brings into question his ability to rule in my opinion. Hopefully he learns from it and it's part of his growth.
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I know I'm in the extreme minority here but damn it I'm on team Dany. She has three ****ing dragons people. I just can't understand why we can advance her on and let her destroy with her dragons and really badass dothraki army at this point. I also like tyrion and greyworm and that makes her even easier to root for.

She just added another nickname "Daenerys Stormborn... the Supported Incomprehensibly By Nubb16, first of her name."
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"You know what? Eff this one ship right here in particular."
If you read the books, the first mate on that ship, guy second from the right who looks up and sees the dragon, is actually one of the guys who worked in the market when the guy tried to sell her poison wine back in season one.

So he had it coming.
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If you read the books, the first mate on that ship, guy second from the right who looks up and sees the dragon, is actually one of the guys who worked in the market when the guy tried to sell her poison wine back in season one.

So he had it coming.
Ah yes. Of course. "Ay. Dat one nikkuh wif da poison ova here on dis boat. Let's eff him up."
What an amazing episode. Even though the outcome was predictable, it was absolutely fantastic nonetheless. One of the best episodes in the entire series imo considering that last weeks was one of the worst. Even the mereen scenes were better than I thought. When the dothraki came around that hill, I was like oh shit! The dragon scenes were pretty good but I thought it was hilarious they just decimated that one ship. I guess they wanted to prove a point so they could have as many ships as possible. The battle of the bastards was pretty remarkable. I held out a little hope that smalljon umber would switch but alas he didn't and he paid the price. The knights of the vale cut through the boltons, karstarks, umbers like butter. And to watch Jon beat Ramsey close to death was inspirational
If all those people on that list die, they won't all die in the same 'event'. I think three things could happen. Two of them I am fairly certain of.

Cersei blows up the Great Sept of Baelor and takes out the Faith with most of the Tyrells. This inadvertently leads to Tommen's death.

Varys has his little birds take out Pycelle and Kevan. This was the epilogue of A Dance with Dragons and coincided with the announcement of winter. The first shot in the preview was the white raven flying to Winterfell signifying the beginning of winter. There was also a shot of children knifing someone to death in the trailer for this season that has not yet occurred.

The last thing, which I am least confident in, is the murder of the various Freys through treachery or the Brotherhood without Banners. I think that eventually happens, but we may not get it next week.

If all or most of those people get wiped out then I think the show will be driven by Dany's invasion and the White Walkers for the rest of its run. The King's Landing politics would basically be over.

If _____ on your list dies without being naked in the show, it's a great travesty and horrible writing.

I don't think Jon Snow has any plans of staying at Winerfell. He's going to fight the white walkers. Really poor leadership by him last night too, should have died. Ran into Bolton's army all by himsel after being tricked into it. He failed to list to Sansa.
It appears to me that Little Finger has almost his full army and is in Winterfell. I think he makes his play for Winterfell and Sansa next week. Jon and Sansa don't have the soldiers to deny Little Finger anything he wants.
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The Umbers switching sides mid battle wouldn't have made any logical sense because they were the ones that handed Rickon over to Ramsay in the first place. They basically signed his death warrant. Jon was going to kill them regardless.

The dragons only went after one ship because Dany wanted to save the fleet to for the Dothraki.

I feel like Sansa is about to turn heel
It appears to me that Little Finger has almost his full army and is in Winterfell. I think he makes his play for Winterfell and Sansa next week. Jon and Sansa don't have the soldiers to deny Little Finger anything he wants.

Littlefinger had permission to use the Vail's army to assist the Starks, not use it against them. I doubt Robin would be very happy if he tried to use them against his family, or that the army would do it. That's not his army. No doubt though, he wants Sansa, Winterfell, and to be Warden of the North.
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I think Littlefinger gives them an ultimatum. One way or another he's becoming warden of the north: either by marrying Sansa and ruling together with her, or by giving Winterfell to the Lannisters.
Can we just elect Littlfinger as president this year? He'd have the Middle East sorted out in six months.
If Tommen dies and (as in the show) Jaime is released from his duty as Kingsguard, he is the rightful heir to the throne, correct?

Long may King Onehand reign.

I don't know how a Lannister could be heir when it's House Baratheon that holds the crown?
I don't know how a Lannister could be heir when it's House Baratheon that holds the crown?

Tommen has no heirs so his lineage goes up the geneological tree and Jaime, as Tommen's ostensible uncle, shakes out to be the true heir if Tommen bites it. At least that is my understanding of the matter. After Jaime, it goes to Tyrion.
Tommen has no heirs so his lineage goes up the geneological tree and Jaime, as Tommen's ostensible uncle, shakes out to be the true heir if Tommen bites it. At least that is my understanding of the matter. After Jaime, it goes to Tyrion.
Tommen is going to die. We know that. So if Jaime becomes king then that creates an interesting dilemma for Tyrion. If, of course, Jaime survives long enough for Dany and Tyrion to make it to kings landing.
Dany is Tommen's heir. The throne passes through his Baratheon heritage, not his Lannister heritage. The Baratheons were cousins to the Targaryens through Rhaelle Targaryen. She was Robert's grandmother. The entire Baratheon line of succession has been wiped out (save Tommen) except for cousin Dany.
Tommen is going to die. We know that. So if Jaime becomes king then that creates an interesting dilemma for Tyrion. If, of course, Jaime survives long enough for Dany and Tyrion to make it to kings landing.
Assuming Daenarys' plot armor eventually has a break in it, she's setting up to be the perfect red herring for the story. Conquers like Aegon, descends into madness just like her pops. Targs are either geniuses or insane, and it's clear where she's heading.
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Assuming Daenarys' plot armor eventually has a break in it, she's setting up to be the perfect red herring for the story. Conquers like Aegon, descends into madness just like her pops. Targs are either geniuses or insane, and it's clear where she's heading.
I've been thinking the same thing for a while. Tyrion or someone is trying to keep her from going Mad King 2.0 at every turn it seems. And Daario made the comment earlier this season that she was a conqueror not a ruler. I'm a supporter of evil Dany theory.