Game of Thrones

It was a stupid question. Ramsey bullseyed a giant and (in show logic) is basically incredible at everything. Rickon could have gone full ninja gaiden on that field and it didn't matter. Ramsey was putting an arrow through his heart after drawing out Jon Snow based on his innate loyalty and heart.

Try to keep up.
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It's a little outdated and has terrible grammar, but the points remain.
Some thoughts:

  • Who now runs Winterfell? Jon or Sansa? The likeliest scenario is that Jon tries and Sansa undermines him at every turn. My favorite undead character just cannot get a break. Sansa is going to be trouble, especially with Littlefinger's claws sunk deep.

  • Ramsey is the smartest idiot character I can remember. Dude was basically the Michael Jordan of any skill but couldn't put together a coherent strategy. RIP evil dude. He should never have killed his father, just his heir.

  • What happens in the North? It seems like the inertia of removing the Boltons leaves a vacuum. Do the Starks just wait around until the white walkers become too obvious to ignore?

  • The show is far better when culling GRRM's material than creating its own story.

  • That battle was awesome, especially the phalanx.

  • Can I buy Show Tyrion a set of balls on ebay and ship them to him? Christ. What a waste of a great character.
It was a stupid question. Ramsey bullseyed a giant and (in show logic) is basically incredible at everything. Rickon could have gone full ninja gaiden on that field and it didn't matter. Ramsey was putting an arrow through his heart after drawing out Jon Snow based on his innate loyalty and heart.

Try to keep up.

Yes, I know it wouldn't have mattered just bad storytelling by the show. I was questioning the show rather than Rickons fight or flight response.

No need to be a$$ for the sake of just being an a$$.
Has anyone heard how much the production for this episode cost? The battle scene was just incredible. Esp when the two sides met in the middle around Jon. Amazing.
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Has anyone heard how much the production for this episode cost? The battle scene was just incredible. Esp when the two sides met in the middle around Jon. Amazing.
If I recall correctly, HBO likes to dote that they spent over ten million on each episode this season, but that's averaged over the entire season. This episode was over thirty million, I believe.
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Some thoughts:

  • Who now runs Winterfell? Jon or Sansa? The likeliest scenario is that Jon tries and Sansa undermines him at every turn. My favorite undead character just cannot get a break. Sansa is going to be trouble, especially with Littlefinger's claws sunk deep.

  • What happens in the North? It seems like the inertia of removing the Boltons leaves a vacuum. Do the Starks just wait around until the white walkers become too obvious to ignore?

I think the situation in Winterfell as to who rules WOULD be a mess if the Others weren't basically knocking on their door. Bran is the heir, can/will he make it to Winterfell?

Then there's Littlefinger. He's been promised the title of Warden of the North if we hands Winterfell back over to the Lannisters. I think he would definitely do that under normal circumstances, but I also think the Wall comes down next week so it's all moot. All fighting and wars over politics will be over.
Last night's episode is the type that gives me hope that the writers of the show can actually do something right. The season started out well but had steadily declined as it went on. Last night was on of the best in the whole series. Hopefully, next Sunday will end the season on a high note.
Next week will be some set up for next season, wrapping up kings landing story, and a cliff hanger reveal. Either Stoneheart or Jon's parentage.
Pretty much.

I hope it isn't Stoneheart. The Red Wedding was years ago. Are they going to find her body preserved in a bog or something?
I guess they could say she was resurrected shortly after and she's been around for a while now? I'm just wondering what is going to happen at the Frey wedding. It would be the best place to reveal her if they're going to do it.
Well in the books, Beric gave his life for LSH so the fact that he showed up last episode would indicate that anything to do with LSH would be current.
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This guy absolutely nailed the whole battle months ago. You know HBO is trying to hunt this asshole down.

Where is Jaime Lannister going now?

I swear I thought the promos for last week's episode had some shots of Brienne and Pod up North but they weren't in last night's episode at all were they? Wonder if he gets ordered to head north to straighten stuff out and gets caught up there when the wall comes down- next season.
He was at the Twins for a feast with the Freys in the episode preview for next week.
What was the significance of the elk carving that Davos found while heading out to take his pre-battle dump?
It was found on the wood left from a sacrificial pyre. It's the carving Davos made for Shireen when they were separated during Stannis' campaign.

Shireen's possesssion+R'hllor's sacrificial pyre=Melisandre burnt Shireen=Pissed off Davos
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Read the director's take on last night's episode. Pretty interesting, talked about how much research was done of other movies and battles from history (Agincourt, Cannae, and some of Alexander's tactics) and the budget running into trouble because they had gotten days of rain which made it miserable for everybody and for the horses and slowed production down. The trampling of Jon Snow was done to save time and money. Also interesting was his comments on the Mereen battle which he said he filmed the live action scenes but then it's just turned over to the special effects people and he really doesn't have a lot of control over that part.
Or at least give him a giant log to swing around. nah. Just let this hulking giant fight with his bare hands....
Yeah, makes no sense that he wouldn't have some kind of weapon.

Who is this lady Stoneheart everyone keeps mentioning??
Melisandre brought Snow back to life without dying and Beric has been brought back a few times (on and off screen) by Thoros in the show. I know it happened in the books that way with Beric / LSH, but they could easily write around that and have proven time and again that they don't mind doing it.

If they do, I'd imagine it will be that Thoros resurrected her shortly after the wedding and she's been in hiding / kept secret since. A reveal of LSH prior to the Snow resurrection would've taken the gravity out of that cliffhanger for people who hadn't read the books.
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Yeah, makes no sense that he wouldn't have some kind of weapon.

Who is this lady Stoneheart everyone keeps mentioning??
She is a resurrected/zombie version of Catelyn Stark, who I believe traveled with the Brotherhood Without Banners and killed a lot of Frey's.
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GRRM himself said at Balticon that LSH was cut from the show. That's pretty definitive proof that she's not showing up. Ever.
GRRM himself said at Balticon that LSH was cut from the show. That's pretty definitive proof that she's not showing up. Ever.
One of the only good decisions that came out of deviating from the books/relying on their own pen instead of GRRM's. I don't think she'd translate well to television, and you could have had Jaime's redemption arc with her absent (if they hadn't just butchered that by making him Cersei's fucboi).
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I think they do more to trim the cast next week than in any episode in the show's history. My WAG/Informed by spoilers is these characters all die:

1. Tommen
2. High Sparrow
3. Margaery Tyrell
4. Loras Tyrell
5. Septa Unella
6. Mace Tyrell
7. Lancel Lannister
8. Kevan Lannister
9. Grand Maester Pycelle
10. Walder Frey
11. Black Walder
12. Lame Lothar
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I think they do more to trim the cast next week than in any episode in the show's history. My WAG/Informed by spoilers is these characters all die:

1. Tommen
2. High Sparrow
3. Septa Unella
4. Loras Tyrell
5. Margaery Tyrell
6. Mace Tyrell
7. Lancel Lannister
8. Kevan Lannister
9. Grand Maester Pycelle
10. Walder Frey
11. Black Walder
12. Lame Lothar
You don't have to go to film school to realize that when there's 'shocking' deaths every single episode, it's not longer shocking. Or in this case, explosive.
If all those people on that list die, they won't all die in the same 'event'. I think three things could happen. Two of them I am fairly certain of.

Cersei blows up the Great Sept of Baelor and takes out the Faith with most of the Tyrells. This inadvertently leads to Tommen's death.

Varys has his little birds take out Pycelle and Kevan. This was the epilogue of A Dance with Dragons and coincided with the announcement of winter. The first shot in the preview was the white raven flying to Winterfell signifying the beginning of winter. There was also a shot of children knifing someone to death in the trailer for this season that has not yet occurred.

The last thing, which I am least confident in, is the murder of the various Freys through treachery or the Brotherhood without Banners. I think that eventually happens, but we may not get it next week.

If all or most of those people get wiped out then I think the show will be driven by Dany's invasion and the White Walkers for the rest of its run. The King's Landing politics would basically be over.
do we "know" where Varys went? agree with him showing up a la DoD

I think we see the two mope faced Freys hanging from a tree and a LSH reveal, from Jaime's POV at the wedding feast. Starts to put him on the road north for the final act. Especially once he gets word that his sister killed their son. Just my WAG though.