Game of Thrones

More devious that the story writing this season.

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Don't worry. They will set it right by Jon killing Ramsay and hopefully with cersei dying and the Moutan going down swinging to protect her
Jon will slay the Bolton house tonight no worries. If not I will probably cry.
If he dies, it needs to be in a way to match his savagery. Much as the poisoning of Joffrey, it will have to be just as satisfying.
I've been telling my wife this EXACTLY. Out of all the terrible people we've encountered Ramsay IS the most twisted evil one of them all. He deserves a death worse than anyone else has gotten. Then he prolly needs his willy eaten off his corpse by ghost, and even that is probably not enough.
Would like to see Jon warg into one of his hounds and take him out. Of course, not happening in the show.
The Episode 9 epicness continues this season. That was not a television show that I just watched. The fight scenes were just astounding. Especially that 1 shot take of Snow being on the ground and fighting the cavalry while arrows were raining down in waves and horses were flying into each other.
Was a fitting death but it didn't deliver the personal justice I would have done if he had done those things to me and my family. Wasn't it amazing how many arrows the Bolton army landed vs Snow's? I don't recall seeing their archers even attempt a pull until they broke into the castle. As I suspected Ramsay was a puss that couldn't fight any better than Sansa.

Danny didn't rock with her performance. Yea we know you have dragons and they breath fire. Rushed that part too much imo. She didn't have a cross thing to say to the Imp for creating the mess either. Any else amazed how easy those from Westros travel to see her like it's nothing yet she seems trapped and unable to make the same travel. I know, I know, it's TV.
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Was a fitting death but it didn't deliver the personal justice I would have done if he had done those things to me and my family. Wasn't it amazing how many arrows the Bolton army landed vs Snow's? I don't recall seeing their archers even attempt a pull until they broke into the castle. As I suspected Ramsay was a puss that couldn't fight any better than Sansa.

Danny didn't rock with her performance. Yea we know you have dragons and they breath fire. Rushed that part too much imo. She didn't have a cross thing to say to the Imp for creating the mess either. Any else amazed how easy those from Westros travel to see her like it's nothing yet she seems trapped and unable to make the same travel. I know, I know, it's TV.
I was just glad they got Mereen over with early.
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Don't think anything unexpected happened tonight. Very well done though.

Looking ahead, they confirmed tonight that there's wildfire under the Sept.
Tormund loving was awesome. That was a really great episode. Maybe the best one of all so far. Jon fighting was wicked and the giant was a savage.
Wasn't it amazing how many arrows the Bolton army landed vs Snow's? I don't recall seeing their archers even attempt a pull until they broke into the castle.

Davos told them not to shoot because they would just cut down the few men they had.

Rickon really should have zig zagged when he ran away.

Yes!! When you realize he is shooting at you why would you run in a straight line??
I really don't like sansa. Spoiled little brat should have told Jon she reached out to the knights of the Vale. Could have saved a lot of men. RIP that giant guy.

The dogs killing Ramsey was poetic. But I got much more satisfaction from Jon simply beating the Hell out of him.

So great having Tyrion saying Tyrion things. Writers need to do a better job of giving him story to be in.

Expect to see some Yara - Danarys fan fiction flooding the internet.
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Hopefully we get something out of Bran and some confirmation that Jon Snow is actually a Targaryen
I really don't like sansa. Spoiled little brat should have told Jon she reached out to the knights of the Vale. Could have saved a lot of men. RIP that giant guy.

Yes but......Jon might have held back thus allowing Ramsey to stay bunkered down inside Winterfell. Leading to who knows what. She was playing her own little game of thrones in hoping Ramsey exposed himself/his army. And he did.
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Was the giant the last of his kind? Sad to see him die. Especially with Ramsey striking the final blow.
It's really amazing that with the quality of writing as down as it has been the last few seasons they were able to pull off that battle scene as well as they did. Meereen is still an abortion to watch, but from the moment the Bolton/Stark cavalry collided I couldn't help but have a grin on my face.
Mag the Mighty and Wun Wun are the only giants I remember from the books. Mag died when the Wildlinhs attacked the Wall at the end of season 3, song think that's the last of them.