Game of Thrones

Lyanna Stark is actually the knight of the Smiling Tree. The knight of the smiling tree is from the tournament in which Rhaegar places the crown of roses on Lyanna's head instead of his wife Elia Martell.

The knight of the smiling tree fights three bannermen and unseats them all three. To earn their belongings they lose after being challenged the bannermen must simply "teach their squires some respect". The squires are beaten. Why is that important? Because Howland Reed is being attacked by three squires of these bannermen and Lyanna stops them initially. I feel Lyanna dressed as the smiling knight to gain justice back for their friend Howland Reed.

Nobody knows who the smiling knight is. And just like that the knight leaves the tournament. The mad King thinking that the knight must be an enemy plotting his end send Rhaegar to hunt the knight down. It is also noteworthy that the mad King makes his first appearance outside the red keep on four years at this tournament. Rhaegar does so and returns with only the shield of the knight. Why you ask? My theory is he tracks the knight down and figures out that it's Lyanna and he is both impressed with her skill and beauty and Firey personality.
Rhaegar lets her go and maybe they have some sort of love triangle deal going on at this point? Either way Rhaegar lets her go and returns to tell his father the mad King he only found the kinght's shield. After Rhaegar wins the tournament and places a crown of winter roses on Lyanna Stark, passing up his wife Elia Martell it is obvious he has his sights on Lyanna. Then things get uncomfortable.

Rhaegar and Lyanna run off together not long after the tournament. Lyanna doesn't realize anyone will think she's kidnapped and she doesn't want to marry Robert because she thinks Robert is a whoremonger who will never be faithful to her. Eventually her dad and brother get killed and she gets pregnant and is afraid to show herself.

Robert kills Rhaegar in single combat and then when Ned and company come to the tower of joy she has just birthed Jon Snow and is expiring from the labor. She makes Ned promise he won't tell Robert and that he will take Jon and care for him. Ned being Ned does as he promised his dying sister and low and behold we have us a good story to watch or read.
That theory is well known for game of thrones scholars. But I love hearing it every time so thank you. The whole events during and leading up to Roberts rebellion is shrouded in mystery. It was the turning point in the world.
That theory is well known for game of thrones scholars. But I love hearing it every time so thank you. The whole events during and leading up to Roberts rebellion is shrouded in mystery. It was the turning point in the world.
I didn't realize that. Damn lol. Either way I want a prequel series.
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I didn't realize that. Damn lol. Either way I want a prequel series.
As do I. You see, everything that happened during and prior to the rebellion can be trickled down to what we see today. Lyanna is arguably the most important person in the world of a song of ice and fire save perhaps bran. There was a definite reason why Arthur dayne stayed to protect her. For it is known that rhaegar read that his son could be Azor Ahai, the prince that was promised. Now look at the title of the books, a song of ice and fire. Rhaegar =fire, lyanna=ice. The product being Jon Snow, the chosen one.
I love this story. It reads more like a history book than protagonist vs antagonist. The whole Canon is super interesting.
My friend, you nailed it right on the head without even realizing it. GRRM states the exact same thing and even goes further, like you said, being no true protagonist vs antagonist.
It's the Knight of the Laughing Tree. The Smiling Knight was part of the Kingswood Brotherhood.
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I haven't read the books yet but I am about to. I love this series so much and reading about it is like a history like another poster said. In rooting for Jon and Dany to somehow rule together. Maybe with Tyrion as hand. What I really wanted was for Drogo to live damn it.
My wild theory is that Syrio Forel and Jaqen H'gar are the same person. Syrio was hired to train Arya in the first season. I think he just completed her training.
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My wild theory is that Syrio Forel and Jaqen H'gar are the same person. Syrio was hired to train Arya in the first season. I think he just completed her training.
You could be right. But this season is disproving a lot of fan theories. I personally think the writing has been quite lackluster the last few episodes from the hold the door episode
My wild theory is that Syrio Forel and Jaqen H'gar are the same person. Syrio was hired to train Arya in the first season. I think he just completed her training.

I don't think so at all. Jagen never showed how he killed people, or was able to move around so fast. He has some kind of magic. Syrio has no cause to hide who he is from her either.
I don't think so at all. Jagen never showed how he killed people, or was able to move around so fast. He has some kind of magic. Syrio has no cause to hide who he is from her either.

Wasn't Jaqen imprisoned at the time for attempted murder? He was heading with the others to become Night's Watch.
Only time I've seen Jaqen's method to kill someone was the lord at Harrenhall that Arya ordered killed. Wasn't it a poison laced dart of some sort?
I always figured he was in that wagon by his own will as some sort of design to get someone. The face we see is the one that Arya is familiar with too is why I've thought he wears it. All I remember is he got that guy in the back as he walked through the door to rat her out. Maybe poison is his specialty, that's how he had her kill.
I always figured he was in that wagon by his own will as some sort of design to get someone. The face we see is the one that Arya is familiar with too is why I've thought he wears it. All I remember is he got that guy in the back as he walked through the door to rat her out. Maybe poison is his specialty, that's how he had her kill.

Yeah I do find it odd he's this super assassin yet he was caught in King's Landing. Also I wonder who his target was.
Anxious to see how this battle turns out. Bolton's army is much larger than Snow's. But Jon Snow can't die again, right? I mean, If he's the Prince that's been promised in many theories, no way he bites the dust again. But it's hard to see his army winning, esp after seeing the trailer and the look on Tormund and the Wildlings faces. I'm sure Liitlefinger will show at some point, but are the Knights of The Vale large enough to make a difference? Could a battle between Snow/Bolton decide who takes Winterfell. "Thousands of men don't need to die, only one of us". Idk.
Hoping this week's episode comes close to Hardhome on the battleboner scale. No way it will top it....hopefully we get one that does near the end of the series, though.

I need full on LOTR style war mammoth dragon sword fight arrow shooting wildfire bomb white walker zombie eating people tearing limbs off eating brains giants stomping and clubbing shit for that.
I've got to think the army of the Vale dwarfs the Bolton army. They've yet to be blooded whereas all the northern houses have suffered at least some losses.
I'm not convinced that the Lannister army won't show up with the Vale. Wan wan counts for like 50 dudes. Plus it makes no sense for Ramsey to live, basically.
Anxious to see how this battle turns out. Bolton's army is much larger than Snow's. But Jon Snow can't die again, right? I mean, If he's the Prince that's been promised in many theories, no way he bites the dust again. But it's hard to see his army winning, esp after seeing the trailer and the look on Tormund and the Wildlings faces. I'm sure Liitlefinger will show at some point, but are the Knights of The Vale large enough to make a difference? Could a battle between Snow/Bolton decide who takes Winterfell. "Thousands of men don't need to die, only one of us". Idk.
The knights of the vale have a really large army.
Just because the umbers have always been one of the most loyal houses to the Starks. Just doesn't make sense to me for them to turn on them.
I would agree with you but D&D are drifting away from the book so I wouldn't be surprised if they stayed with Ramsey. However, I hear we could see fat lord manderly this episode so the northern conspiracy still could be at play
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I would agree with you but D&D are drifting away from the book so I wouldn't be surprised if they stayed with Ramsey. However, I hear we could see fat lord manderly this episode so the northern conspiracy still could be at play
I just hope it all comes together.
Same here. I was pissed. Still am. Just shit writing. Who cares if grey worm knows jokes!
Same. After last Sunday I felt like I wasted a whole hour. Literally the worst writing I've seen. The rest of the season has actually been pretty good so far except for part of 7 and all of 8. Like wtf, bring the infamous blackfish back just so he can die offscreen the next episode? Or the hound making smalltalk with thoros and Beric? Stupid
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Same. After last Sunday I felt like I wasted a whole hour. Literally the worst writing I've seen. The rest of the season has actually been pretty good so far except for part of 7 and all of 8. Like wtf, bring the infamous blackfish back just so he can die offscreen the next episode? Or the hound making smalltalk with thoros and Beric? Stupid
It was lazy. And mostly pointless. Hopefully they redeem themselves this week.
Just for fun...

Wouldn't it be cool if things were looking grim with Snow's chances in the battle of the bastards and then out of no where two dragons show up and torch Ramsay's army?

For as crapy as last week's episode was I couldn't have walked away with a smile if only Lancel had been the one with his head ripped off.
For you Dad's.

I like slow exposition so the last episode didn't bother me at all. I'm ready for some flame grilled Westerosians though.
Today I'm rooting for Jon to impale Ramsay harder than I will be rooting for either team in game 7 of the finals
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