Game of Thrones

While I do believe that this episode had some plot lines that were very lacking, it still was a very intriguing episode. It seems they are saving their budget for the final 2 episodes. Next episode will be one for the ages.
So what happens at the battle of Winterfell? Surely to goodness the good guys have to win right? I mean at some point you can only piss off your audience so much.
So what happens at the battle of Winterfell? Surely to goodness the good guys have to win right? I mean at some point you can only piss off your audience so much.

Yes. You can't have a zombie apocalypse where you're rooting for the zombies to win. I do think it sucks that they're basically setting it up for Littlefinger to ride to the rescue with the Knights of the Vale after the Starks failed to rally the North.
I guess it's also possible that the Tully army shows up to help in Winterfell too, right? I mean, they don't have anywhere else to go.

My prediction:

- Boltons are about to win the battle
- LF and the Knights of the Vale come in and save the day
- LF then turns on the Starks
- Tullys come in and crushes LF
I think the Tullys are fairly done for. I think the army that eventually marches north to help defend the kingdom from the White Walkers will be the Lannisters with Jaime at its head. That might not happen until season 8 though. Dany will figure in there somehow as well, but I wouldn't be shocked if most of her forces didn't buy it crossing the Narrow Sea.
I have a feeling after last night we might not actually see Ramsay get his. They claimed to have spent $10 million on each episode this season, I'm going to assume that's averaged out. The last three episodes were not worth a half a million combined.

The only plausible reason I can think of to justify the last two seasons of wasted time watching the Bravos story-line is that it was in the books and keeps her part of the show.
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I have a feeling after last night we might not actually see Ramsay get his. They claimed to have spent $10 million on each episode this season, I'm going to assume that's averaged out. The last three episodes were not worth a half a million combined.

The only plausible reason I can think of to justify the last two seasons of wasted time watching the Bravos story-line is that it was in the books and keeps her part of the show.
They spent $30 million on this coming up episode
Im still mad that they cut Wyman Manderly

He was cast.

“Fletcher”: He is a fat nobleman in his 60’s. He has distinctive rugged features, a Northern accent, and a distinguished air. Our source says he has a stirring speech during which he unexpectedly shifts political allegiances.

The actor is only expected to shoot for one day- the same day as the above role, on December 16th, in Northern Ireland.
Don't think The Vale turns on the Starks. Think the darkness is Sansa gives Littlefinger what he wants.

But does she marry Littlefinger or Sweet Robin? Either way, the Vale breaks its tradition of neutrality and joins forces with what is left of the Starks, giving a suddenly powerful army on the move in the North with King's Landing either burning or in shambles and a power vacuum in the South, especially if something happens to Maergery.
I predict some teams switch side to the North during the battle. Ghost kills Bolton but also dies saving Jon Snow, pissing everyone off.

Afterwards they celebrate by digging Ollie up and hanging him again.
He was cast.

“Fletcher”: He is a fat nobleman in his 60’s. He has distinctive rugged features, a Northern accent, and a distinguished air. Our source says he has a stirring speech during which he unexpectedly shifts political allegiances.

The actor is only expected to shoot for one day- the same day as the above role, on December 16th, in Northern Ireland.

As long as I get a morbidly obese northman dropping sick burns and serving frey pies, i'm happy
Those two slack jawed yokel Freys will wind up hanging from a tree as the camera pans to LSH for the last shot of the season.
some predictions...possible spoilers? Ive no inside info just read a lot GoT shit...

BastardBowl goes to Team Wolf after last minute save from Fingers...Rickon dies during battle...

next episode Cersei ends up burning whole place down - Tommen jumps to his death during fire...bunch of characters die in KL and at end the Kingslayer/Sisterf*cker shows up and kills cray cray Cersei
some predictions...possible spoilers? Ive no inside info just read a lot GoT shit...

BastardBowl goes to Team Wolf after last minute save from Fingers...Rickon dies during battle...

next episode Cersei ends up burning whole place down - Tommen jumps to his death during fire...bunch of characters die in KL and at end the Kingslayer/Sisterf*cker shows up and kills cray cray Cersei
From what I understand, these are definite spoilers. As in, every last "prediction" you posted is going to happen.
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some predictions...possible spoilers? Ive no inside info just read a lot GoT shit...

BastardBowl goes to Team Wolf after last minute save from Fingers...Rickon dies during battle...

next episode Cersei ends up burning whole place down - Tommen jumps to his death during fire...bunch of characters die in KL and at end the Kingslayer/Sisterf*cker shows up and kills cray cray Cersei
I know there have been leaks. And I have done a lot to avoid them. If all of what you just said happens I will hunt you down and Theon your ass.
When Jaime tells us about killing the Mad King he tells us that the King kept Wildfire everywhere including he hid it in the Sept of Baelor. So my guess isn't that Cersi burns down the town, but instead she sets a trap for the high sparrow which burns down the Sept and since it is Cersi, her plan fails spectacularly. In retaliation the high sparrow has King Tommen go after Cersi where he has to face the Zombie Mountain.

The one thing I have no guesses on is Sir Loras. Maybe he confesses and goes to the wall. But I really have no idea how that plays out.
You would think that the two flayed bodies Ramsey has in front of his army in the promos would probably be Rickon and Osha.
haha my bad fellas...figured most who watch and follow and post on msg boards can see these things coming...hell Sansa wrote a letter asking Fingers for help...the show has mentioned wildfire like every other episode this and anyone not thinking Cersei has lost her shit isn't paying the books and knowing Frog's warning really is just 1+1+1=3 level showrunners can ignore bookshit all the want cause its a whole different way to tell the story...

I saw Ser Meryn Trant was reborn a Roman general in History Channel's docu-drama "Barbarians Rising".
I think Tyrion is the bastard of the mad King and that's why he can talk to the dragon as well as why Tywin hates him so much.
I used to think Tyrion was the mad king's, but I don't any more. It would make more sense that Cersei and Jaimie belong to Aerys.
I used to think Tyrion was the mad king's, but I don't any more. It would make more sense that Cersei and Jaimie belong to Aerys.
Why would you consider it more likely for Jamie and cersei? Very interesting theory though because cersei was interested in fire and dragons was she not?
I used to think Tyrion was the mad king's, but I don't any more. It would make more sense that Cersei and Jaimie belong to Aerys.

Who knows with this show. But it seems like the story is coming full circle where Jaime will face a decision about yet another person gone mad, about to burn the city. imo.

If so, will he kill her and save the city?
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Why would you consider it more likely for Jamie and cersei? Very interesting theory though because cersei was interested in fire and dragons was she not?
Well they are the oldest. And we know that Aerys took some liberties on Tywin's wedding night. Plus how poetic would it be that the only son Tywin ever had was the one he didn't want. Then like you said you have Cersei who is displaying some Targ madness. I'm also pretty sure that there's a comment in the books by a maester that when a Targ is born the gods flip a coin. One side madness the other side greatness. I'm paraphrasing but that's the essence. There are some more clues in the books to support this theory but I can't think of them right now. One is a dream Jaime has but the details escape me.
Who knows with this show. But it seems like the story is coming full circle where Jaime will face a decision about yet another person gone mad, about to burn the city. imo.

If so, will he kill her and save the city?
And the full circle theme in general is prevalent though out the series. I think that Jaime will kill her to save the city. But then again, like you said, who knows.
Well they are the oldest. And we know that Aerys took some liberties on Tywin's wedding night. Plus how poetic would it be that the only son Tywin ever had was the one he didn't want. Then like you said you have Cersei who is displaying some Targ madness. I'm also pretty sure that there's a comment in the books by a maester that when a Targ is born the gods flip a coin. One side madness the other side greatness. I'm paraphrasing but that's the essence. There are some more clues in the books to support this theory but I can't think of them right now. One is a dream Jaime has but the details escape me.

And the full circle theme in general is prevalent though out the series. I think that Jaime will kill her to save the city. But then again, like you said, who knows.

Anything is possible, thats for sure.
Anything is possible, thats for sure.

I hope Jamie buries a sword in that ****'s back. But maybe we can still see Gregor go down swinging and kill a bunch of people.
The reason I think tyrion is a Targ is because if you read into the story you will find out Johanna Lannister and the mad King are rumored to have history. And Tywin despises him. Also in the books one of Tyrion's eyes is the same color as the Targaryens. I think we can all agree Jon is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna.

I have another interesting theory about Lyanna Stark as well.
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I hope Jamie buries a sword in that ****'s back. But maybe we can still see Gregor go down swinging and kill a bunch of people.
The reason I think tyrion is a Targ is because if you read into the story you will find out Johanna Lannister and the mad King are rumored to have history. And Tywin despises him. Also in the books one of Tyrion's eyes is the same color as the Targaryens. I think we can all agree Jon is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna.

I have another interesting theory about Lyanna Stark as well.
Let's hear it.
I hope Jamie buries a sword in that ****'s back. But maybe we can still see Gregor go down swinging and kill a bunch of people.
The reason I think tyrion is a Targ is because if you read into the story you will find out Johanna Lannister and the mad King are rumored to have history. And Tywin despises him. Also in the books one of Tyrion's eyes is the same color as the Targaryens. I think we can all agree Jon is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna.

I have another interesting theory about Lyanna Stark as well.

imo, it was a big hint when Tyrion wasnt eaten by the dragons. Theres also the story he told about being nearly obsessed with dragons since he was a child.

Itll be curious to see if Jaime will kill her or not. Hopefully.

Ive been curious about zombie mountain too. Whos going to kill him? The high sparrow seems to think their numbers will allow them to prevail, so maybe several take him down at once? Jaime isnt capable. I dont think Bronn would be noble enough to try. When I saw the hound return, I assumed he would be the one who finally killed the mountain. But looks like his journey is headed to a reveal of lady stoneheart (whom I hated in the books).
Let's hear it.
Lyanna Stark is actually the knight of the Smiling Tree. The knight of the smiling tree is from the tournament in which Rhaegar places the crown of roses on Lyanna's head instead of his wife Elia Martell.

The knight of the smiling tree fights three bannermen and unseats them all three. To earn their belongings they lose after being challenged the bannermen must simply "teach their squires some respect". The squires are beaten. Why is that important? Because Howland Reed is being attacked by three squires of these bannermen and Lyanna stops them initially. I feel Lyanna dressed as the smiling knight to gain justice back for their friend Howland Reed.

Nobody knows who the smiling knight is. And just like that the knight leaves the tournament. The mad King thinking that the knight must be an enemy plotting his end send Rhaegar to hunt the knight down. It is also noteworthy that the mad King makes his first appearance outside the red keep on four years at this tournament. Rhaegar does so and returns with only the shield of the knight. Why you ask? My theory is he tracks the knight down and figures out that it's Lyanna and he is both impressed with her skill and beauty and Firey personality.
Rhaegar lets her go and maybe they have some sort of love triangle deal going on at this point? Either way Rhaegar lets her go and returns to tell his father the mad King he only found the kinght's shield. After Rhaegar wins the tournament and places a crown of winter roses on Lyanna Stark, passing up his wife Elia Martell it is obvious he has his sights on Lyanna. Then things get uncomfortable.

Rhaegar and Lyanna run off together not long after the tournament. Lyanna doesn't realize anyone will think she's kidnapped and she doesn't want to marry Robert because she thinks Robert is a whoremonger who will never be faithful to her. Eventually her dad and brother get killed and she gets pregnant and is afraid to show herself.

Robert kills Rhaegar in single combat and then when Ned and company come to the tower of joy she has just birthed Jon Snow and is expiring from the labor. She makes Ned promise he won't tell Robert and that he will take Jon and care for him. Ned being Ned does as he promised his dying sister and low and behold we have us a good story to watch or read.
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I used to think Tyrion was the mad king's, but I don't any more. It would make more sense that Cersei and Jaimie belong to Aerys.
Once again we agree. I used to think, like you, Tyrion was indeed the son of the mad King. However, Tyrion was more like tywin in every way imaginable compared to his brother and sister. While Jaime has an empty void throughout his life and cersei is crazy every sense. Not to mention that they have a incestual relationship like targaryens. It would make perfect sense
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