Game of Thrones

I assume Littlefinger will do some typical Littlefinger-style stuff like tell Sansa he's bringing the Knights of the Vale but hold the majority of his force in reserve until he can be sure of the winner or otherwise hedge his bets until the outcome is certain and then figure a way to take credit for whatever the eventual outcome is.

You know, typical Littlefinger. (Love that character.)

The Arya stuff feels weird. I'm not sure I know what is going on there. She had a notably different posture and demeanor in the last episode (pre-stabbing), so the guesses about it being someone else pretending to be her may have some validity, but I don't know.

For next episode, I assume the show will be going back to Essos for the majority of the episode. I'm already removing all sharp objects from my home so I don't slit my wrists during the scenes with Daeny.

Maybe this week she will order people to rid the plains of epilepsy, or whatever.
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Robin Arryn is the actual Lord of the Eyrie and in command of the Knights of the Vale. Littlefinger is essentially his adviser. The Knights won't march unless Robin gives the order, so she may be making an effort to go around Littlefinger. We still haven't seen the name on the note so it still could be Robin who is receiving the letter. Another outside option would be Yohn Royce and the reward could be an alliance to kill Littlefinger. I doubt this is the case, but it would certainly be an interesting twist.
Robin Arryn is the actual Lord of the Eyrie and in command of the Knights of the Vale. Littlefinger is essentially his adviser. The Knights won't march unless Robin gives the order, so she may be making an effort to go around Littlefinger. We still haven't seen the name on the note so it still could be Robin who is receiving the letter. Another outside option would be Yohn Royce and the reward could be an alliance to kill Littlefinger. I doubt this is the case, but it would certainly be an interesting twist.
By the wording of the letter, I'm pretty sure it's Baelish.
Robin Arryn is the actual Lord of the Eyrie and in command of the Knights of the Vale. Littlefinger is essentially his adviser. The Knights won't march unless Robin gives the order, so she may be making an effort to go around Littlefinger. We still haven't seen the name on the note so it still could be Robin who is receiving the letter. Another outside option would be Yohn Royce and the reward could be an alliance to kill Littlefinger. I doubt this is the case, but it would certainly be an interesting twist.

Robin gave his consent to help before Littlefinger left the Vale. All Peter would have to do is send a raven regardless, the boy is going to do whatever he ask.
Third straight meh episode. It's not looking like Jon Snow is going to get any help. Guess that was all a bunch of BS about the "the north remembers"

I actually fell for all the predictions about that not really be Arya that got stabbed. She really was stupid enough to wander around the city like nothing could happen to her.

Really the only thing that intrigued me about this episode was what Qyburn was holding back the rumors from the little birds.
Didn't enjoy anything that happened at Riverun or Braavos. Looks like we won't be getting Cleganebowl (at least not this season) or Lady Stoneheart. What's with all the off-screen deaths of major characters lately? Stannis, Blackfish, Waif, Septon Ray, etc. I was expecting an epic showdown between Arya and the Waif. Just seems lazy.

I am interested to see what happens with Arya when she gets back to Westeros... maybe a Nymeria reunion? Joins the Hound and BwB? She really hit it off with Beric and Thoros back in the day, and of course the Hound.
Re Cersi/Qyburn,

I think they're talking about wildfire and the Mad Queen rumors are true. I think she tries to burn the city and Jamie has to kill her to stop it.
The High Sparrow got his "checkmate" in this episode: Tommen bans trials by combat, which means Cersi is certain to lose, which means she'll be found guilty of incest and Tommen will be named a bastard and removed from the throne.
Re Cersi/Qyburn,

I think they're talking about wildfire and the Mad Queen rumors are true. I think she tries to burn the city and Jamie has to kill her to stop it.

I think in the show that Maegery was imprisoned by the High Sparrow because she knew about Loras' sword-swallowing and nothing more. If I recall correctly about that, Cersei could bring out all the guys she accuses Maegery of sleeping with in the books.
I think in the show that Maegery was imprisoned by the High Sparrow because she knew about Loras' sword-swallowing and nothing more. If I recall correctly about that, Cersei could bring out all the guys she accuses Maegery of sleeping with in the books.
I still think Cersi would have to stand trial for her own crimes. Can't imagine that the high sparrow would spare her under any circumstances because this is his chance to overthrow the Baratheon (Lannister) regime.

I'm just left wondering what the end-game is for the Tyrells. My guess is that Margery announces she's pregnant. That would keep both Houses in power for a bit if she was carrying Tommen's heir.
The high sparrow wants Tommen on the throne. He is in complete control of him. Besides, the weird family tree structure would put either Ser Kevan Lannister or Tyrion as the next in line. I doubt the Sparrow has any interest in that when he apparently can get the current King and Queen to do whatever he wants.

By the way, am I the only one who is upset about the shabby way they treated poor Lem? At least they didn't bring Tom O' Sevens in for a similar fate.
^ There's no way that was Arya:

1- Very clear that she did not have the kind of money she splashed to book passage to Westeros

2- Not a chance in hell that she would just wander the streets without "needle"

3- Pretty sure she's not going to just let a suspicious person approach her when she knows the Faceless Men are after her.

etc. etc. etc.
Good call
So what was the point of the whole "girl with no name" storyline? I feel like it was a complete waste of time with a vanilla ending. So, the waif has kicked the shit out of Arya every time they've met, yet somehow Arya kills her, in the dark, shortly after not being able to sit up due to numerous knife wounds to her gut? Meh.
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But every time they fought the waif could see. Arya had learned to fight blind and the waif had not. She clearly led her back to that place to gain the advantage. As for the point of that storyline all I can presume is that she learned how to be a badass killer who will come home and wreak havoc on the enemies of the Starks.
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The Arya line was just butchered. They didn't do enough to fill in the blanks. Killing the waif in the dark? That's an easy one to infer. Arya trained blind and the waif did not. Plus sword vs knife. But the rest is head scratching. We get that she was leading the waif back to needle. But how did she survive the stab wounds? Some stitching and milk of the poppy? That's bs. Doing parkour and combat after you have just been gut stabbed is ridiculous. Adrenaline or not. Maybe milk of the poppy is that powerful of a pain reliever. Don't know. Maybe she will still battle the inevitable infection over the next few episodes. It was just lousy and disappointing.
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I get that Arya had trained in the dark and the waif hadn't, but Arya was full of stab wounds to the gut. I would think that would sort of negate the advantage of being in the dark, but whatever. Again, meh.

Maybe I'm just soured thanks to the last few weak episodes, but I find myself screaming at the TV "GET ON WITH IT ALREADY!" It seems like every storyline is just sort of teetering on the brink, and nothing happens. There are so few episodes per season, and so damn long between seasons, that it drives me nuts when there are throwaway episodes, which last night's was.
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^ This. Last night's episode sort of seemed like a F-You from the writers. They had to know they were setting up very popular story-lines, such as Lady Stoneheart and Clegane-bowl, to only give us last night's shit-fest of an episode.

I just don't see how a producer/writer could sit back at the end of editing that episode and feel like they did a good job. It's bullshit --- nonsense --- and stupid.
^ This. The closing scene shows a dragon flying in the background. Can't imagine the Dragon was just Dany's Uber driver.

Why wouldn't they show it? Budget reasons would be the only thing I can think of. Otherwise it would be stupid for that to happen off-screen.
I get that Arya had trained in the dark and the waif hadn't, but Arya was full of stab wounds to the gut. I would think that would sort of negate the advantage of being in the dark, but whatever. Again, meh.

Maybe I'm just soured thanks to the last few weak episodes, but I find myself screaming at the TV "GET ON WITH IT ALREADY!" It seems like every storyline is just sort of teetering on the brink, and nothing happens. There are so few episodes per season, and so damn long between seasons, that it drives me nuts when there are throwaway episodes, which last night's was.

I agree, especially the Arya and Mereen stuff. Just draaaaaaaaaaaaaags.

I did like the other parts of the episode, especially the Hound and the Brotherhood.

Next week's episode looks *awesome*.
^ No idea --- the show has been pretty lame about things like that. Take, for example, the off-screen death of the Blackfish.

I don't think the Blackfish is actually dead. In the books, Edmure connives to let him go before letting Jaime into the castle. I could see that occurring here.