Game of Thrones

The Hound. Amazing. Only negative to that episode was spoiled it for me. My hbogo app wasn't working so I went to the website to see if I could stream it there and they had Sandor Gleganes mug on the front page in a screen shot from the episode (this was about 10:30p so it had already aired). Can't imagine the boner I would've sprung had I not known he was going to be making an appearance last night. The Hound, Devin Booker and Zac Brown. Have mercy.

The Arya storyline is going to be weird, there's no way around it. The realistic options for this show are going to be
A. Jacken(sp) saves her and the Waif was the one who was truly being tested or
B. She is the waif
C. She dies. I don't see her dying. Gotta be A or B.

Glad everyone is moving at warp speed this season. The Greyjoys got to Slavers Bay in like, a week? Jamie got the river lands in a couple days, Little Finger got to the wall in a matter of hours, so I'm expecting to see Dany in Westeros by episode 9. Can't wait
The Hound. Amazing. Only negative to that episode was spoiled it for me. My hbogo app wasn't working so I went to the website to see if I could stream it there and they had Sandor Gleganes mug on the front page in a screen shot from the episode (this was about 10:30p so it had already aired). Can't imagine the boner I would've sprung had I not known he was going to be making an appearance last night. The Hound, Devin Booker and Zac Brown. Have mercy.

The Arya storyline is going to be weird, there's no way around it. The realistic options for this show are going to be
A. Jacken(sp) saves her and the Waif was the one who was truly being tested or
B. She is the waif
C. She dies. I don't see her dying. Gotta be A or B.

Glad everyone is moving at warp speed this season. The Greyjoys got to Slavers Bay in like, a week? Jamie got the river lands in a couple days, Little Finger got to the wall in a matter of hours, so I'm expecting to see Dany in Westeros by episode 9. Can't wait

I don't think that was Arya.

I dont either. No way she came up with that kind of money. Also no way shed be that stupid as to be parading about around town knowing shed have a mark. Someone was posing as her. Only explanation.

The real question: was it the waif disguised as her, and vice versa? Or someone else?
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The Faceless Men believe that only life can pay for death. Arya stole a life from the Many Faced God, so now she owes him one.

We assume that means she has to pay with her own life, but as we've seen (when Arya saved Jaquen and the two outlaws) that's not necessarily the case. So I think that if Arya kills the Waif then everything will be ok.

Don't know exactly how it will work out but that's kinda he big picture vibe I'm getting. All I know is that the whole "you promised me I could kill her" thing with Jaquen and the Waif doesn't add up. That's not how the Faceless Men roll.
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The Faceless Men believe that only life can pay for death. Arya stole a life from the Many Faced God, so now she owes him one.

We assume that means she has to pay with her own life, but as we've seen (when Arya saved Jaquen and the two outlaws) that's not necessarily the case. So I think that if Arya kills the Waif then everything will be ok.

Don't know exactly how it will work out but that's kinda he big picture vibe I'm getting. All I know is that the whole "you promised me I could kill her" thing with Jaquen and the Waif doesn't add up. That's not how the Faceless Men roll.
Exactly. The waif has displayed selfish qualities for a while. Ja'qen ain't having it. She gone. Was it Ja'qen posing as arya? Testing the waif? He told her to not let her suffer.
^ There's no way that was Arya:

1- Very clear that she did not have the kind of money she splashed to book passage to Westeros

2- Not a chance in hell that she would just wander the streets without "needle"

3- Pretty sure she's not going to just let a suspicious person approach her when she knows the Faceless Men are after her.

etc. etc. etc.
^ There's no way that was Arya:

1- Very clear that she did not have the kind of money she splashed to book passage to Westeros

2- Not a chance in hell that she would just wander the streets without "needle"

3- Pretty sure she's not going to just let a suspicious person approach her when she knows the Faceless Men are after her.

etc. etc. etc.
Agree on everything.
So I don't understand the whole face stealing thing. In some scenes they make it look as simple as skinning the face off of someone, curing it, hanging it up and then putting it on as needed. Then in some scenes the process is much more elaborate and complex and the user can shape shift and take on the voice of the person and it's more like a morphing process than just wearing a mask. I realize it's a show about dragons and titties but there is basically no consistency here.
Watching it I thought it was odd she didn't have needle so guys are probably onto something with it no being her. Not that it has to makes sense but if it wasn't her how did they get her face? She hasn't died yet so they don't have it. As for the money... that looked a lot like the bag of coin she took from the hound, we really never saw what she did with did we?
From the Main Board, which you Gold and Silver guys can go to, and the weekly 20 page GoT thread:

I'm going with Arya being a fake Arya. Who else wants out of there? The actress who tried to have the older actress killed. When it didn't go down she wouldn't stay in the play anymore. She then goes to Joren and since they messed up the assassination, he agrees to help her escape and gives her a new face so she will not be seen (Arya's face). He is really testing the Waif. The actress has money she uses to buy her way (and wants a cabin because she's spoiled). Fake Ayra is just wandering the streets because she thinks she is in disguise. The waif finds her and kills her making her suffer so she failed Joren's test. Real Arya kills the Waif.
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So I don't understand the whole face stealing thing. In some scenes they make it look as simple as skinning the face off of someone, curing it, hanging it up and then putting it on as needed. Then in some scenes the process is much more elaborate and complex and the user can shape shift and take on the voice of the person and it's more like a morphing process than just wearing a mask. I realize it's a show about dragons and titties but there is basically no consistency here.

There is some convoluted explanation about how some people, like Melissandre, have the ability to "glamour" themselves so that they have the ability to appear and sound how they want to other people. There is some aspect of that with the faces, or something.

But, yeah, pretty much.
The show was much better back in the day...Season One was just a kickass story. Awesome characters, backstories, legends, etc. I mean really, it had everything. And ended with a naked chick with dragons.

It's now become a jumbled mess, with wayyyyyyyy too many side stories and settings...complicated ones at that. I think that's where Martin went off the rails. He made it too big. Keep it tight big fella. Use editors. You had a great idea...and it got away from you.

Bring the White Walkers over the wall, bring Dany and her dragons back to Westeros, and let's start kicking ass again.
Who cares about the Arya nonsense. What I am excited about is that in the previews for next week Zombie Mountain is picking Lancel up by his head. Finally we get to see Zombie Mountain in action!
Could be. Just not a smart move to take on the black fish. And I don't think he wants to. And the Freys are useless.

Jaime doesn't take on the Blackfish. By law, Edmure (the dude in the noose) is the rightful owner of Riverrun. He's also a notable pussy. Jaime makes a deal with him to surrender the castle that prevents combat.
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The show was much better back in the day...Season One was just a kickass story. Awesome characters, backstories, legends, etc. I mean really, it had everything. And ended with a naked chick with dragons.

It's now become a jumbled mess, with wayyyyyyyy too many side stories and settings...complicated ones at that. I think that's where Martin went off the rails. He made it too big. Keep it tight big fella. Use editors. You had a great idea...and it got away from you.

Bring the White Walkers over the wall, bring Dany and her dragons back to Westeros, and let's start kicking ass again.

There is a really funny scene in A River Runs Through It where the kid takes his writing to his dad every day and the dad reads it, smiles, then wads the paper up and puts it in the trash and says to the kid, "Good! Now do it again but half as long."

GRRM needs that dad.
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Jaime doesn't take on the Blackfish. By law, Edmure (the dude in the noose) is the rightful owner of Riverrun. He's also a notable pussy. Jaime makes a deal with him to surrender the castle that prevents combat.
Even better.
Jaime doesn't take on the Blackfish. By law, Edmure (the dude in the noose) is the rightful owner of Riverrun. He's also a notable pussy. Jaime makes a deal with him to surrender the castle that prevents combat.
Where did you get that info?
As a society, I think we should do away with spoiler alerts after 24 or 48 hours. Watch things in a timely fashion or don't, your choice, but talking about things is often the more fun part and it is a pain to keep saying "Careful for spoilers!"
I don't think it could be a fake Arya because they get their faces from people who have been "given the gift". With Arya obviously alive, I don't know how that'd be possible.
I don't think it could be a fake Arya because they get their faces from people who have been "given the gift". With Arya obviously alive, I don't know how that'd be possible.

Given the gift? They're all dead.

If you recall last season right before she was blinded the last face she saw was her own on the body so they have already pulled it off once.
The show was much better back in the day...Season One was just a kickass story. Awesome characters, backstories, legends, etc. I mean really, it had everything. And ended with a naked chick with dragons.

It's now become a jumbled mess, with wayyyyyyyy too many side stories and settings...complicated ones at that. I think that's where Martin went off the rails. He made it too big. Keep it tight big fella. Use editors. You had a great idea...and it got away from you.

Bring the White Walkers over the wall, bring Dany and her dragons back to Westeros, and let's start kicking ass again.
I'm not sure I agree with this. To me, it's impressive how seemingly different parts of the story come together with cohesion. I also have faith in Martin's vision for this story...take for example Hodor/Hold-the-Door.

Where I may agree with you is that too many stories get pushed into a single episode --- making the episode appear rushed. That's on the producer, not the writer.
Some are theorizing that Arya set the waif up to lead her back to a dark corner and kill her. The blood we saw was from bags of fake blood or pigs blood that she got from the actress. Either way it's clear from the trailer that she's alive and well.
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Who was Sansa contacting with the raven? littlefinger? he has an army now.
Who was Sansa contacting with the raven? littlefinger? he has an army now.

I think so. Her expression to me seemed that she was hating to send this message and she had told Littlefinger that she would never ask him for his help.
The letter could have been to Robin Arryn. She could ask him directly for help. He is sweet on her in his on special deranged way.
Someone on the internet blew it up and it 100% is to Littlefinger. Promised him a "reward" if the Knights of the Vale rode to their assistance at Winterfell.
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Will be interesting to see what Littlefinger does. He's promised to help Sansa, but Cersi has also promised to make him Warden of the North if he helps the Crown.

One things for sure, he won't be helping the Boltons because both the Starks and the Lannisters both hate them. So the good thing is that no matter what happens, this is the end for House Bolton.
As a society, I think we should do away with spoiler alerts after 24 or 48 hours. Watch things in a timely fashion or don't, your choice, but talking about things is often the more fun part and it is a pain to keep saying "Careful for spoilers!"

Can't be that big of an inconvenience to use spoiler tags is it?

I'd assume I'm not the only one that frequents this thread and isn't gonna go read the books or search out actual GoT forums or whatever... i don't even watch previews. I appreciate the spoiler tags.
I don't know how they'll do it, but I just don't think the Arya that went to sleep in the dark with Needle the episode before was the same Arya jaunting around at the end of this past episode. My bet is that this was a test for the waif and the waif failed in flying colors.
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