Game of Thrones

Good set up episode. Introduced to Heartsbane. Definitely some importance there. Lightbringer? Probably not but still it's always cool when a sword gets introduced on the show. Walder Frey is back. Some cool stuff about to go down in the riverlands. Zombie Benjin. First glimpse of the Mad King. Can't wait for next week.
Once again you and me are on the same page. This episode is setting everything into place now. 4 more episodes left. The blackfish returns and I expect us to see more flashbacks. Sansa will begin uniting the northern houses against Ramsey. Also I found it interesting the face Jaime made in the preview when he was talking to the blackfish. It's like he doesn't want to fight them.
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Has Maegery really fallen for the high sparrows crap or is she just playing him?

I was hoping Jamie was going to kill the HS but I guess it will be up to Cersi to get her revenge.

I thought the Tyrell's were going to bring an army to stop the walk of atonement? They didn't bring more than a couple hundred men.

Hope Frey gets his soon too!

I agree about Arya's hairdo. She's not very pretty anyway. The do makes it worse.
Has Maegery really fallen for the high sparrows crap or is she just playing him?

I was hoping Jamie was going to kill the HS but I guess it will be up to Cersi to get her revenge.

I thought the Tyrell's were going to bring an army to stop the walk of atonement? They didn't bring more than a couple hundred men.

Hope Frey gets his soon too!

I agree about Arya's hairdo. She's not very pretty anyway. The do makes it worse.

Don't think so. Maegery's a playa.
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Looks like Dorne has been written out of the story. Leaves a pretty big hole in the plot, but it's for the better. They butchered Dorne beyond the point of repair.

Looks like the theory of Bran being connected to the Mad King and "burn them all" is still a possibility.
I'd almost guarantee that Lady Stoneheart happens now. They specifically mentioned the Brotherhood Without Banners, plus both Jamie and Brienne are heading to the Riverlands. It's happening.
Has Maegery really fallen for the high sparrows crap or is she just playing him?

I was hoping Jamie was going to kill the HS but I guess it will be up to Cersi to get her revenge.

I thought the Tyrell's were going to bring an army to stop the walk of atonement? They didn't bring more than a couple hundred men.

Hope Frey gets his soon too!

I agree about Arya's hairdo. She's not very pretty anyway. The do makes it worse.
Margery will never join those psychos. She is playing them. Tommen on the other hand just signed his death sentence
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Margery is definitely playing along. I'm not sure what her end game is though. As for Arya..Why kill the fake Cersei when you can kill the real one? Arya is going to kill skinny Lena Dunham and catch the first boat to King's Landing.
Anybody besides me, starting to pull for Cersi? I think she's hot with the short hair.
Once again you and me are on the same page. This episode is setting everything into place now. 4 more episodes left. The blackfish returns and I expect us to see more flashbacks. Sansa will begin uniting the northern houses against Ramsey. Also I found it interesting the face Jaime made in the preview when he was talking to the blackfish. It's like he doesn't want to fight them.
I'm definitely worried about Jaime.
I'd almost guarantee that Lady Stoneheart happens now. They specifically mentioned the Brotherhood Without Banners, plus both Jamie and Brienne are heading to the Riverlands. It's happening.
I know thoros of myr is supposed to be back this season. These next 4 episodes are going to be intense as shit. Buckle up
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I'd almost guarantee that Lady Stoneheart happens now. They specifically mentioned the Brotherhood Without Banners, plus both Jamie and Brienne are heading to the Riverlands. It's happening.

I almost felt like the cost of all the actors/actress were expensive, so they cut some cost by killing. Now they can bring back some of other characters in the past. Like blackfish, Coldhand (benji), and Stoneheart.

Euron and Coldhand both showed up finally, this season. Which is simply a cost move, at least it feels that way.
I almost felt like the cost of all the actors/actress were expensive, so they cut some cost by killing. Now they can bring back some of other characters in the past. Like blackfish, Coldhand (benji), and Stoneheart.

Euron and Coldhand both showed up finally, this season. Which is simply a cost move, at least it feels that way.


Euron and Coldhands are two of the coolest, most interesting characters in the books. They have had, what, three scenes total this season so far? But by all means, please go ahead and blow the budget on Daeny doing touching nothing in some stupid city and some stupid prairie that no one cares about, and all the CGI, extras, etc. that entails.

Hell, episode 9 might just be an entire hour of her giving a speech on the back of a dragon while everyone else on screen stupidly looks on in awe like they are watching Charlie Brown's mother or something.

That is my biggest gripe with the show. I get that they have to stay somewhat true to the source material and the Daeny in Mereen / Dothraki camp angle is pure awfulness, but they spend so much time on it to the detriment of all the legitimately awesome other parts of the story.

It also feels like they are rushing everything toward a conclusion. On some level, I like them speeding up GRRM's pace and this season has, except for last night's clunker, been probably my favorite, but on the other hand I love the details and the slow set-up of plots over years (HODOR!).

With the news that the next two seasons are supposed to be abbreviated, I'm not sure what the rush is, unless the showrunners are sick of waiting on George R. R. Martin and / or the whole project and just want to wrap it up for good.
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Araya is far from done, she is going to needle that mean bitch. I think she finally woke up and realized she wasn't part of a cause but part of a mercenary group. She outed the girl that was playing Sansa as the one wanting the lady playing Cersi dead.
So are Yara and Theon headed to Mereen? That's the only logical progression to their story, imo. They went out of their way to bring up Dany during the caucus on the Iron Islands. But they don't have 1,000 ships, and those ships are full of Greyjoy backers, so how are they going to load up all the Dothraki and Unsullied and etc etc? Are they going to get some ships from the other cities in Essos now because of the slave bargain Tyrion made? So many questions. I feel like @_Chase_ watching this show.

What am I missing re: the Hound? Shouldn't they have made some reference to him being alive by this point? I know they mentioned him early in the season but it was sort of in passing and no other references to him since. I'd love to see it. Is he working for the Sparrows? Is that how he gets to battle the mountain?
The Hound is alive on an island where he has been taken in by the Faith Militant. The dude from Deadwood will play a former warrior turned priest who nurtures the Hound and puts him to work serving the Faith. The island is, in the books, near the riverlands so Brienne will likely be the one who comes across the Hound on her journey to Riverrun to meet with the Blackfish and get troops to take to Winterfell to kill Ramsey.

Euron and Coldhands are two of the coolest, most interesting characters in the books. They have had, what, three scenes total this season so far? But by all means, please go ahead and blow the budget on Daeny doing touching nothing in some stupid city and some stupid prairie that no one cares about, and all the CGI, extras, etc. that entails.

Hell, episode 9 might just be an entire hour of her giving a speech on the back of a dragon while everyone else on screen stupidly looks on in awe like they are watching Charlie Brown's mother or something.

That is my biggest gripe with the show. I get that they have to stay somewhat true to the source material and the Daeny in Mereen / Dothraki camp angle is pure awfulness, but they spend so much time on it to the detriment of all the legitimately awesome other parts of the story.

It also feels like they are rushing everything toward a conclusion. On some level, I like them speeding up GRRM's pace and this season has, except for last night's clunker, been probably my favorite, but on the other hand I love the details and the slow set-up of plots over years (HODOR!).

With the news that the next two seasons are supposed to be abbreviated, I'm not sure what the rush is, unless the showrunners are sick of waiting on George R. R. Martin and / or the whole project and just want to wrap it up for good.

Yeah i agree with you on this. I also like the pacing we are seeing, but i also don't understand some of the rushed scene they are doing.

I did hear the last two season are only 8 episodes and 6 episodes. I'm going to guess it'll end up being 10 and 10.

I'm also not sure that they are doing anything faster than GRRM. They simply removed storylines completely, but then getting to the end point at similar juncture with unnecessary story, like i wish they sped up some of areas like Arya's training/realization of who she is, Dany's 10000000th speech, and few unnecessary scenes. I'm a little disappointed we didn't get to see Jaime's redemption more, Tyrion's backstory about his first wife, Coldhands, Lady Stoneheart, Euron, and etc.

but at the end of the day, it just feels like COST is the biggest driver.
I know thoros of myr is supposed to be back this season. These next 4 episodes are going to be intense as shit. Buckle up

Just can't think of any other reason to bring the BwB back into the story, or why they re-introduced the particular Freys that killed Cat and Robs wife.
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Is it just me or does it seem like things are speeding up, almost rushed like compared to the progression of things in previous seasons? Are they trying to wrap this up in 8 seasons?
Jaime & Brienne in the riverrun region having a confrontation with a certain character that was introduced at the end of the 3rd book is probably going to be the closing scene of this tv show season IMO.
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Jaime & Brienne in the riverrun region having a confrontation with a certain character that was introduced at the end of the 3rd book is probably going to be the closing scene of this tv show season IMO.

Looks it. But it's been a long while since the Red Wedding. That said, D&D seem to be going full-on the fan service this season so I think you are right.
Also, I'm now convinced CleganeBowl and Lady Stoneheart will happen this season, which will probably end on a huge cliffhanger. Pod might want to hope Brienne is eloquent.
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Are they leading up to an eventual "holy war" between followers of the Faith of the Seven and the Red God?

King's Landing you have Tommen now a Fot7 ordained ruler of the West.
While Dany is seen by R'hllor priest as their savior with plans on invading.
A lot of detail put into this episode. Wasn't the most eventful but a lot of tidbits that are making everything align. The riverrun scenes are the most intriguing imo. A lot is going to happen these next few episodes.
Dany... with plans on invading.

I mean, she certainly has plans on invading. She will get to it right after she takes another worthless pyramid, gives 18 more preachy speeches, attempts to rid some third world country of every social ill, has a few good ruts with Daario and then pouts about it, meets repeatedly with foreign officials with incomprehensible names, commands Jorah to cure polio, gives herself some more pretentious nicknames, and blah blah blah... dragons!

But to your point about a religious war between the Faith of the Seven and the Red God, I don't think so, at least bookwise. In the books, there is a large distance between King's Landing and Mereen / Dothraki Sea. The two religions are sort of tangential to each other and there isn't much contact, aside from Melisandre and Thoros running around Westeros.

The war is between the noble houses in Westeros who have aligned with the Lannisters and the commoners under their control, as led by the High Sparrow. As said by the Queen of Thorns on the last episode, Cersei is a drunken, myopic idiot for arming the Faith and allowing them to build an army and now she is reaping the consequences.

I think it is almost certain that there will be a trial of Cersei where she chooses combat and selects Zombie Mountain as her champion. The Faith will select the newly undead Hound as their champion and the brothers will fight to the death.

It seems like a major theme this season is resurrection, so I believe JBH4UK is absolutely spot on that the season will end with the reveal of Lady Stoneheart, aka Zombie Catelyn Tully who was brought back to life by the Brotherhood Without Banners after the Red Wedding after she laid dead in a river for a days.
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- So...Arya gets stabbed in the gut 4-5 times and is just gonna walk it off? Something tells me Jaquen will come to her rescue.

- Re: Clegane Bowl - Wouldn't Sandor have to join the Faith in order to be their champion in Cersi's trial? I really thought it was happening, but I just can't see it now. His beef is with the BwB now. I could possibly see him heading back to Kings Landing after he finishes his business in the Riverlands, but I'm assuming the trial happens this season, so the timing just doesn't match up.
Wouldn't Sandor have to join the Faith in order to be their champion in Cersi's trial? I really thought it was happening, but I just can't see it now. His beef is with the BwB now. I could possibly see him heading back to Kings Landing after he finishes his business in the Riverlands, but I'm assuming the trial happens this season, so the timing just doesn't match up.

I think he did join the Faith, at least nominally. It isn't like he actually gives a shit.

My hope is that he uses the axe in the eventual battle.
Saw a theory where Arya and the waif are the same person and it is some sort of internal struggle.
Sooo...since Roose Bolton is deceased, does that mean Lady Stoneheart is going to rally the northern Lords to quash Ramsay? Yes please....
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What was the significance of the flower symbol Maegery slipped to her Grandmother? I know she was telling her she was not really a believer but why the flower?
Saw a theory where Arya and the waif are the same person and it is some sort of internal struggle.

That would be a horrible idea. Fight Club ripoff.

What was the significance of the flower symbol Maegery slipped to her Grandmother? I know she was telling her she was not really a believer but why the flower?
the rose is their family symbol, so that was her way of telling her grandma that her allegiance is to the family.