Game of Thrones

when the dust settles in Westeros it will be the mighty warrior SweetRobin Arryn who sits atop the Iron Throne, with his enemies dead bodies scattered around his feet
When will the mountain fight again is what I want to know
I have a strong suspicion Jaime might die this season. Maybe Cersei? Maybe Tommen? Maybe Brienne? But a part of me also thinks he will be around to the end.
I agree that it is very likely that at least one important character will die before the end of the season.

Possibly more.
I agree that it is very likely that at least one important character will die before the end of the season.

Possibly more.
I think Ramsey is definitely toast before the end of this season. I think Tommen and Margery have a high likely hood of being snuffed out. A more beloved character will probably bite the dust this season too. Next season will be a blood bath.
I predict that Gregor Clegane is going to smush DaBossIsBack's head into a wall if he makes any more predictions that could be summarized as "I predict that something eventful is going to happen this season, guys... just you watch!"
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I predict that Gregor Clegane is going to smush DaBossIsBack's head into a wall if he makes any more predictions that could be summarized as "I predict that something eventful is going to happen this season, guys... just you watch!"
:joy:Sorry. I'll stop. Can't contain my excitement.
Jaime's story is a huge circle of redemption. starts off in the 1st book as a huge egotistical amoral A hole, gets humbled and brought to the lowest of the low, and slowly brings himself back with honor and decency. I expect him to be one of the main heroes in the end (although unlikely to survive).
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The Wall is screwed. Try not to knock it down while I'm gone. Cut to Night's King punching a huge crack in the ground. Just need Bran to go south of the Wall with NK's mark to undue whatever spells are woven into the damned thing.
The Wall is screwed. Try not to knock it down while I'm gone. Cut to Night's King punching a huge crack in the ground. Just need Bran to go south of the Wall with NK's mark to undue whatever spells are woven into the damned thing.
Don't discount HotPie.

And seriously- Bran may be the new Ollie. What a schmuck.
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The Wall is screwed. Try not to knock it down while I'm gone. Cut to Night's King punching a huge crack in the ground. Just need Bran to go south of the Wall with NK's mark to undue whatever spells are woven into the damned thing.
Gotta be how this season ends. With it coming down.
Man the Red Wedding didn't bum me out like this ending.
It's like Old Yeller dying.


Finally someone dumber than Pippin Took.

Fool of a Stark!
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Man. What a twist....
Hodor. Hold the door. Hodor was probably the saddest death so far on game of thrones. He knew the entire time the story has been taking place what he mission was. It is as if Hodor had to remind himself every day that his purpose in life was to hold the door.... And Hodor just waited for his time.
What about the Knights of the vail? So are they not teaming with Jon snow? That would've been pretty helpful you would think?
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Costly episode. I guess they were dead weight in the future of his story.

Honestly if I could go back and change events there would be a lot of stuff different for me starting with that I could walk. Also if he would have just gotten out of the cave the white walkers wouldn't have been able to enter it thus saving the three eyed raven.
Bran's story from here on out is simple.. he goes south of the wall and joins up with his family but the cursed mark allows the night king to destroy the wall and starting the final battles... and after that I bet Bran does nothing but stays out of the way.
Was hoping to get a 100% confirmation that Jon snow is a Targaryn
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Well that is a game changer. In my opinion Bran just became the most important character in the story. All sorts of theories out there on Reddit. I can't even begin to dissect them. I suggest you guys check them out if you haven't already.
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