Game of Thrones

Why is Osha still alive? Smalljon would have killed her on sight under any other circumstance.
I nearly forgot littlejon said that bigjon had died or he would of killed him. Wellllll bigjon apparently disappeared right before the red wedding and there hasn't been a word from him since. Hmmmmmmm another clue that it is a trick
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What the f**k does that have to do with them being unable to protect their queen in a stadium? It looked like they only had a few fighters there to protect her.

Probably don't put a whole army guarding the stadium. Surprise offensive. Vietcong had theirs, iirc Iraq had their surprise offensive. Easy in Mereen where the attackers could conceal themselves in the stadium, then bar entry from the inside.
How ever the rest of tonight's episode went the ending made it a good one for sure. Was hoping for dragons...

I think they're going to kill the queen, no way Cersi allows her back into the fold.

Hated to see Osha die, almost thought she might get Ramsay first.

Jon Snow unless he changes might as well have stayed dead. Was excited to see him finally get to meet a member of his family again though. Kinda liked how Brienne bragged about killing Stannis too, she didn't care what Missandre, and Davos thought.

Theon, his sister, and the rest can all die, useless plot at this point.
How ever the rest of tonight's episode went the ending made it a good one for sure. Was hoping for dragons...

I think they're going to kill the queen, no way Cersi allows her back into the fold.

Hated to see Osha die, almost thought she might get Ramsay first.

Jon Snow unless he changes might as well have stayed dead. Was excited to see him finally get to meet a member of his family again though. Kinda liked how Brienne bragged about killing Stannis too, she didn't care what Missandre, and Davos thought.

Theon, his sister, and the rest can all die, useless plot at this point.
You'll be interested in the greyjoys once euron gets more showing. The episode was very solid with the ending capping it off.
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I get that there are boring storylines based on everything else that is currently happening, however I can't ever call a storyline on this show "useless". Everything always untangles and eventually ties back in to the main story at some point. Remember how everyone hated the wall in seasons 1-4.5? Now it's arguably the most compelling.

What does Wan-wan eat? What does he do all day? Where does he sleep?

How lucky was Jora and what'shisface to stumble upon Danerys heading out to take a piss? That was great for them. They didn't even acknowledge that on the show. Like, "holy shit. We actually found you. Dope." Nothing. So unrealistic.

I feel like there should be more wildling fighters. We were supposed to believe they had a legit shot at the wall but now they don't even have enough men for Winterfell? I mean, I know they lost a lot of dudes but didn't they pick up a ton when they went to hardhome? Or maybe they all died. Idk. Feels like Tormand is being a wet blanket. Regardless. A team of Jon Snow, Tormand Giantsbane, Brienne of Tarth, Wan-Wan and the red lady is a pretty stout group. I like my team.
I get that there are boring storylines based on everything else that is currently happening, however I can't ever call a storyline on this show "useless". Everything always untangles and eventually ties back in to the main story at some point. Remember how everyone hated the wall in seasons 1-4.5? Now it's arguably the most compelling.

What does Wan-wan eat? What does he do all day? Where does he sleep?

How lucky was Jora and what'shisface to stumble upon Danerys heading out to take a piss? That was great for them. They didn't even acknowledge that on the show. Like, "holy shit. We actually found you. Dope." Nothing. So unrealistic.

I feel like there should be more wildling fighters. We were supposed to believe they had a legit shot at the wall but now they don't even have enough men for Winterfell? I mean, I know they lost a lot of dudes but didn't they pick up a ton when they went to hardhome? Or maybe they all died. Idk. Feels like Tormand is being a wet blanket. Regardless. A team of Jon Snow, Tormand Giantsbane, Brienne of Tarth, Wan-Wan and the red lady is a pretty stout group. I like my team.
Flying dragons and people coming back from the dead. But this you have a problem with.
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If Jon and the wildlings leave there won't be a hundred crows left to guard the wall will there?

That's true, but this is where the book and show may end up having a big difference. The wall is magic and the walkers can't pass as long as it stands.

The horn of winter is an option, but I don't think it was ever introduced in the show. In the books Mance had it and was going to blow it if the Watch didn't let them through. With that no longer being an issue, they'd have to figure out who would use it and why.
That's true, but this is where the book and show may end up having a big difference. The wall is magic and the walkers can't pass as long as it stands.

The horn of winter is an option, but I don't think it was ever introduced in the show. In the books Mance had it and was going to blow it if the Watch didn't let them through. With that no longer being an issue, they'd have to figure out who would use it and why.
Doesn't Sam have a horn that was with the dragon glass? They could definitely introduce it this season and not have it used until next season. Once the wall comes down I expect things to escalate quickly. Who blows it? Could be an accident. Could be an idiot thinking it's the only way for them to conquer Westeros. Could also be someone who is secretly working with the others.
Flying dragons and people coming back from the dead. But this you have a problem with.

I HATE this argument that people make, be it GoT or The Walking Dead. It is a fantasy story, and certain things are a given within that storyline - zombies, dragons, whatever. But that doesn't mean people cannot question holes within the framework of the actual story.
I HATE this argument that people make, be it GoT or The Walking Dead. It is a fantasy story, and certain things are a given within that storyline - zombies, dragons, whatever. But that doesn't mean people cannot question holes within the framework of the actual story.
It's not even a hole though. Jorah tells whatshisface where they will be keeping Dany. They find the place and she walks outside. It's not unbelievable at all. Also it was a joke. Lighten up Francis.
The alledged kidnapping of Sansa by the Boltons seems messed up.
Littlefinger is trying pass this story, but the Vale sent a whole contingent of knights to defend Bolton held Winterfell from Stannis. WTF
That Lord Royce should know that even, and any the knights and their officers would know.
Crap writing.

And Dany got more Dothraki followers, but whatever happened to her original group that had a few bloodriders? They have totally disappeared, you would think some her blood-riders would been at her side as advisers and bodyguard.
It's not even a hole though. Jorah tells whatshisface where they will be keeping Dany. They find the place and she walks outside. It's not unbelievable at all. Also it was a joke. Lighten up Francis.

I never understand that argument either. Chance meetings happen all the time in real life, but when it happens in a movie or show, people freak out and say it's not realistic. Like you said, this wasn't even a chance meeting, they were monitoring the hut and probably saw her coming out and they made their move. It was good fortune for them, but not some crazy ridiculous plot hole.
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I get that there are boring storylines based on everything else that is currently happening, however I can't ever call a storyline on this show "useless". Everything always untangles and eventually ties back in to the main story at some point. Remember how everyone hated the wall in seasons 1-4.5? Now it's arguably the most compelling.

What does Wan-wan eat? What does he do all day? Where does he sleep?

How lucky was Jora and what'shisface to stumble upon Danerys heading out to take a piss? That was great for them. They didn't even acknowledge that on the show. Like, "holy shit. We actually found you. Dope." Nothing. So unrealistic.

I feel like there should be more wildling fighters. We were supposed to believe they had a legit shot at the wall but now they don't even have enough men for Winterfell? I mean, I know they lost a lot of dudes but didn't they pick up a ton when they went to hardhome? Or maybe they all died. Idk. Feels like Tormand is being a wet blanket. Regardless. A team of Jon Snow, Tormand Giantsbane, Brienne of Tarth, Wan-Wan and the red lady is a pretty stout group. I like my team.
You are making observations without even actually watching the show it seems. This show is actually very well written, sorry if you can't pick up on certain things that happen or are going on.
You are making observations without even actually watching the show it seems. This show is actually very well written, sorry if you can't pick up on certain things that happen or are going on.

The show was well-written when they stuck to the source material faithfully, and the writing has gotten perpetually worse from season 4 on as the show entered the mainstream public stratosphere.

The show was well-written when they stuck to the source material faithfully, and the writing has gotten perpetually worse from season 4 on as the show entered the mainstream public stratosphere.
Writing for the screen and writing for the reader are two different animals. Sometimes the source material doesn't translate well. Other times it does. I can't speak for the writers of this show but I do know that sometimes things have to be changed. Does it work out for the better? Not always. But it doesn't mean it's poorly written either.
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The show was well-written when they stuck to the source material faithfully, and the writing has gotten perpetually worse from season 4 on as the show entered the mainstream public stratosphere.
One, that wasn't directed towards you. Two, they have no choice but to drift from the show because GRRM hasn't finished the next book. Plus it is really really difficult to follow the material as the book, it happens. Listen, there is parts of the show that could be written better but overall it is very well scripted and written.
One, that wasn't directed towards you. Two, they have no choice but to drift from the show because GRRM hasn't finished the next book. Plus it is really really difficult to follow the material as the book, it happens. Listen, there is parts of the show that could be written better but overall it is very well scripted and written.
One, you posted on a public forum, send homeboy a private message if you're gonna get assplundered about GoT critiques.
Two, you can drift from the source material without butchering entire character plotlines, motivations, depth, substance, and universe-parameters like D&D have done over the last few years of Thrones whenever they have injected their original content bullshit into the show.
Both the show and the books will arrive at the same destination. At least that's how I understand it. If a character's plot line gets "butchered" then it's safe to say that character isn't as important to the through line as readers want to believe.
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One, you posted on a public forum, send homeboy a private message if you're gonna get assplundered about GoT critiques.
Two, you can drift from the source material without butchering entire character plotlines, motivations, depth, substance, and universe-parameters like D&D have done over the last few years of Thrones whenever they have injected their original content bullshit into the show.
Well GRRM approves. Things happen. I wish they include certain things over others but it what it is, I like the books and show equally. Also I don't care if you respond, just know that wasn't directed to you. You know your material but the other poster seemed like they hadn't paid attention. So don't assume I got "assplundered" about it, I enjoy a good discussion and debate on GOT.
Both the show and the books will arrive at the same destination. At least that's how I understand it. If a character's plot line gets "butchered" then it's safe to say that character isn't as important to the through line as readers want to believe.
I disagree, I think the running list of:


Having their character arcs bastardized, trivialized, or unnecessarily altered suggests that the writers are knowingly negligent and being lazy since the show caught fire and literally prints money no matter what they produce.

Well GRRM approves. Things happen. I wish they include certain things over others but it what it is, I like the books and show equally. Also I don't care if you respond, just know that wasn't directed to you. You know your material but the other poster seemed like they hadn't paid attention. So don't assume I got "assplundered" about it, I enjoy a good discussion and debate on GOT.

My bad then, didn't mean to jump to conclusions.
I disagree, I think the running list of:


Having their character arcs bastardized, trivialized, or unnecessarily altered suggests that the writers are knowingly negligent and being lazy since the show caught fire and literally prints money no matter what they produce.

My bad then, didn't mean to jump to conclusions.
I disagree but whatevs.
One, you posted on a public forum, send homeboy a private message if you're gonna get assplundered about GoT critiques.
Two, you can drift from the source material without butchering entire character plotlines, motivations, depth, substance, and universe-parameters like D&D have done over the last few years of Thrones whenever they have injected their original content bullshit into the show.

As someone who watches the television show, I couldn't care less about the book. I'm betting most people feel the same.

One of the best things about this season is that it's ahead of the books and is going to spoil things for the annoying book people.
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As someone who watches the television show, I couldn't care less about the book. I'm betting most people feel the same.

One of the best things about this season is that it's ahead of the books and is going to spoil things for the annoying book people.

GRRM should make the books end differently than the show.
You are making observations without even actually watching the show it seems. This show is actually very well written, sorry if you can't pick up on certain things that happen or are going on.
Wtf are you talking about idiot? I was defending the show. Go back and read my post again. When you are finished, delete your post towards me, log out of this site and dump your computer into a swimming pool.

Good freaking grief.
Wtf are you talking about idiot? I was defending the show. Go back and read my post again. When you are finished, delete your post towards me, log out of this site and dump your computer into a swimming pool.

Good freaking grief.
No you weren't you ****ing idiot.
Wtf are you talking about idiot? I was defending the show. Go back and read my post again. When you are finished, delete your post towards me, log out of this site and dump your computer into a swimming pool.

Good freaking grief.
You should clone yourself, how about that?
Please show me where I was shitting on the writing of the show. Please.
I'm just trying to figure out who kills Jamie Lannister. I mean he has to die to complete his "arc" doesn't he? Smart money is on Arya but where is Bronn?
where is Bronn?

Yup. After Tyrion, he's my favorite character in the show.

As for Jaime, I am not sure that he dies. I think the High Sparrow or Lady Olenna reveal definitively to everyone that he is Tommen's father in a power play. (Probably the High Sparrow.)

Yup. After Tyrion, he's my favorite character in the show.

As for Jaime, I am not sure that he dies. I think the High Sparrow or Lady Olenna reveal definitively to everyone that he is Tommen's father in a power play. (Probably the High Sparrow.)

Is there anyone left in the show that doesn't know that Jamie isn't the Tommen's dad? I thought that was part of what she was on trail about.