Game of Thrones

Maybe. Or maybe Rhaegar was like "There is a war on bros and I knocked up the bethroed of my main nemesis. Pretty sure he's gonna be pissed! Go take her south and make sure he doesn't get to kill the baby. Peace out."
I like this scenario better.
The tower of Joy was in Dorne, where Arthur Dayne was from. Arthur was also Rhaegar's closest friend. He helped kidnap Lyanna Stark and was still holding her captive when Ned found them. As for why they were there... first their king was dead and I doubt Rhaegar's best friend had any interest in serving King Robert who should have been the king by the time Ned caught up with them. If there were any chance of his kings people ruling again then most likely he wasn't going to walk away from an heir to the throne.
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Still holding out hope they jerk the rug out from under the fangirls and fanboys, and make R + L = D rather than J. Or make it = D & J.

Anything but pathetic Hollywood ending of "Jon & Dany ride dragons, burn up all the Others, marry, rule the world in peace & boredom".
Still holding out hope they jerk the rug out from under the fangirls and fanboys, and make R + L = D rather than J. Or make it = D & J.

Anything but pathetic Hollywood ending of "Jon & Dany ride dragons, burn up all the Others, marry, rule the world in peace & boredom".
Why would R+L = j be boring? Or your alternatives be better? I wouldn't mind any of those scenarios. You're definitely that guy. Probably cheered for UNC or someone else as a child in rebellion to everyone else.
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Still holding out hope they jerk the rug out from under the fangirls and fanboys, and make R + L = D rather than J. Or make it = D & J.

Anything but pathetic Hollywood ending of "Jon & Dany ride dragons, burn up all the Others, marry, rule the world in peace & boredom".
The Alt Shift X guy makes a good case for Jon somehow making peace with the "others" to avoid the long night. Lots of facts point to the wall being built by the others, in a deal with the others to divy up land back in the days of the first men.

Without the others to contend with, Westeros would be pretty much align nicely behind the son of a Stark and a Targarean to take on the Lannisters and the Tyrells for control. I think that the Ironborn coming back in to the mix could only be bad for Dany. She would have to conquer Westeros from the sea and the Crow's Eye would likely try to help her if there was something in it for the Greyjoys - but he is a pretty cold-hearted dude who can't be trusted.

I look for the big battle to be King's Landing vs. Norther Army led by Jon Snow.

Look for the wildling girl to cut Ramsey's Bolton off. He isn't accustomed to dealing with someone like her. He likes to hunt helpless little girls.
The Alt Shift X guy makes a good case for Jon somehow making peace with the "others" to avoid the long night. Lots of facts point to the wall being built by the others, in a deal with the others to divy up land back in the days of the first men.

Without the others to contend with, Westeros would be pretty much align nicely behind the son of a Stark and a Targarean to take on the Lannisters and the Tyrells for control. I think that the Ironborn coming back in to the mix could only be bad for Dany. She would have to conquer Westeros from the sea and the Crow's Eye would likely try to help her if there was something in it for the Greyjoys - but he is a pretty cold-hearted dude who can't be trusted.

I look for the big battle to be King's Landing vs. Norther Army led by Jon Snow.

Look for the wildling girl to cut Ramsey's Bolton off. He isn't accustomed to dealing with someone like her. He likes to hunt helpless little girls.
The Jon as a diplomat to the others is a good theory and one I wouldn't mind seeing. There are so many possibilities.
I don't necessarily think that there's going to be a big battle between a Northern Army led by Jon and anyone in the South.

Very likely that episode 9 or 10 this season we see a battle for Winterfell between Jon/Wildlings/Vale/etc and Boltons/Karstark/Umbers, and nearly all of the remainder of the series will be everyone vs White Walkers.
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The tower of Joy was in Dorne, where Arthur Dayne was from. Arthur was also Rhaegar's closest friend. He helped kidnap Lyanna Stark and was still holding her captive when Ned found them. As for why they were there... first their king was dead and I doubt Rhaegar's best friend had any interest in serving King Robert who should have been the king by the time Ned caught up with them. If there were any chance of his kings people ruling again then most likely he wasn't going to walk away from an heir to the throne.
You have good points. But a lot of clues are pointing to that lyanna wasn't kidnapped and raped. There is a reason why rhaegar called it the tower of joy. And if you listened to barristan selmy, he said the prince hated fighting and was compassionate.
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I don't necessarily think that there's going to be a big battle between a Northern Army led by Jon and anyone in the South.

Very likely that episode 9 or 10 this season we see a battle for Winterfell between Jon/Wildlings/Vale/etc and Boltons/Karstark/Umbers, and nearly all of the remainder of the series will be everyone vs White Walkers.
You think littlefinger is going to help Jon and the wildlings?
The Alt Shift X guy makes a good case for Jon somehow making peace with the "others" to avoid the long night. Lots of facts point to the wall being built by the others, in a deal with the others to divy up land back in the days of the first men.

Without the others to contend with, Westeros would be pretty much align nicely behind the son of a Stark and a Targarean to take on the Lannisters and the Tyrells for control. I think that the Ironborn coming back in to the mix could only be bad for Dany. She would have to conquer Westeros from the sea and the Crow's Eye would likely try to help her if there was something in it for the Greyjoys - but he is a pretty cold-hearted dude who can't be trusted.

I look for the big battle to be King's Landing vs. Norther Army led by Jon Snow.

Look for the wildling girl to cut Ramsey's Bolton off. He isn't accustomed to dealing with someone like her. He likes to hunt helpless little girls.
You watch alt shift x too???
You think littlefinger is going to help Jon and the wildlings?
I read some posts on the main board alluding to Littlefinger rallying the Vale and riding North to fight Bolton. Supposedly the preview for next week's episode hinted at this although I didn't watch it.

Just a theory, but I don't see how Jon has enough numbers right now to fight Ramsay and take Winterfell without the aid of the Vale.
I just want to see one of Danny's dragons end up owing Littlefinger a debt, just to see what happens.

"I already own Harrenhal, you twit!"
I read some posts on the main board alluding to Littlefinger rallying the Vale and riding North to fight Bolton. Supposedly the preview for next week's episode hinted at this although I didn't watch it.

Just a theory, but I don't see how Jon has enough numbers right now to fight Ramsay and take Winterfell without the aid of the Vale.
Loyal northern houses to house stark
Loyal northern houses to house stark
Could be, but it seems now that the Umbers are all-in with Ramsay so I doubt they have enough men but who knows. Could be that the Umbers are tricking Ramsay, too.
Could be, but it seems now that the Umbers are all-in with Ramsay so I doubt they have enough men but who knows. Could be that the Umbers are tricking Ramsay, too.
From a lot of things I'm reading, the umber are going to double cross the karstarks and boltons. In the books it's the manderlys but I think they are giving it to the umbers
I can't imagine they would hand over Rickon, knowing what's in store for him, if they were truly loyal to the Starks.
Preston Jacobs >>> Alt Shift X
The Jon as a diplomat to the others is a good theory and one I wouldn't mind seeing. There are so many possibilities.
That this whole story (at least in the books) ends not in a massive huge war/battle but a negotiated peace where we find out The Others are not the bad guys everyone assumes has a lot of backers. Martin is a huge 1960's hippie who rights from the point of view that war his hell, war is pointless. Ain't no way his life's work has the ultimate conclusion being a massive nationwide battle with dragons flying around burning up opponents by the thousands.
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I can't imagine they would hand over Rickon, knowing what's in store for him, if they were truly loyal to the Starks.
We'll see. The umbers have been some of the biggest stark loyalists in the north and bigjohn umber was the biggest supporter of Robb
You think littlefinger is going to help Jon and the wildlings?

Jon no, Sansa yes.
If Sansa pledges to marry Littlefinger (after becoming a widow to Ramsey) he would become Lord of Winterfell and Regent over the Vale.


Those could be Knights of the Vale in the background.
You watch alt shift x too???
Yeah, I like the way that dude slips in little visual jokes. Interesting theories. I'm not a super fan but I have read the books and get a kick out of some of the people who really dig into this stuff.
Thanks poster above for the Preston Jacobs tip
Cool, I'll have to look at them.

But from that clip of the Season 6 trailer, Sansa does look like she has some type of military force with cavalry

In a previous episode, Lord Karstark said the houses of Bolton, Umber and Karstark make up the majority of the military force in the North, all the other houses combined could not match them.
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Cool, I'll have to look at them.

But from that clip of the Season 6 trailer, Sansa does look like she has some type of military force with cavalry

In a previous episode, Lord Karstark said the houses of Bolton, Umber and Karstark make up the majority of the military force in the North, all the other houses combined could not match them.
I think that all of the above (including a Ramsay-less house Bolton) would fall in line if they knew that 1,2,3,4 and a half Stark heirs are alive and well...
Yeah, I like the way that dude slips in little visual jokes. Interesting theories. I'm not a super fan but I have read the books and get a kick out of some of the people who really dig into this stuff.
Thanks poster above for the Preston Jacobs tip
Yeah he's pretty good.
Why is Osha still alive? Smalljon would have killed her on sight under any other circumstance.
That's why I think they are pulling Ramsays leg. In the books the manderlys trick them. But the manderlys have only been mentioned on the show. I think it would be really weird knowing big john was very pro stark would side with the boltons.
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I say D&D oughtta just subtly fire Clarke and replace her with her stunt double; no one would care except "unrealistic body standards" feminazis. And it's not like her acting can be any worse, it's a win-win.

Agree and also why are the Unsullied, which is supposed to be this great fighting force, unable to control the sons of harpy!

Iraq. Afghanistan. The American frontier west. Vietnam.

Seems pretty obvious that with all the other Targs dead or in exile, Jon would have been heir. So IMO the Kings Guard were doing just that, guarding the king.

They flat out told young Ned that Rhaegar wanted them there. Had nothing to do with who was king as they were not with king or prince at the Trident or King's Landing.
So with Jon leaving the wall that probably spells the end of whitewalkers unless he returns? Seriously, there are no cast members there worthy of writing for without him.
Iraq. Afghanistan. The American frontier west. Vietnam.
What the f**k does that have to do with them being unable to protect their queen in a stadium? It looked like they only had a few fighters there to protect her.