Game of Thrones

now how does that help him transform into BenJen and/or Daario?

I love how the show ruthlessly kills off so many idiotic fan theories and gets right to the heart of the story.

This may be controversial but I find it far better than the novels, especially the last two. (Let's be honest, the last two were, largely, bloated nonsense that needed someone to tell GRRM to quit effing around and get to work.)
Hank you will be taking that all back when next week the High Sparrow reveals himself to be HR & HE reveals what actually happened at the Tower of Joy
No I will not.

In that event, I will assume that the High Sparrow is just a glamored up Rattleshirt resurrected from his undead death and put in a tunic, or whatever.

But seriously, the show is so much better about cutting out the excess storylines it is ridiculous.
I'm calling it now since none of Martains characters are the same when they come back from the dead, Jon snow will only be able to do say one thing. Hodarf! Hodarf!
bad poorly thought out fan fiction.

This is the reality of GOT now. I'll still watch every Sunday, but it's just *not* as good as it was. The farther Weiss and Benioff stray from the books, the worse the show gets IMO.
I need some Tyene Sand this week...


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This is the reality of GOT now. I'll still watch every Sunday, but it's just *not* as good as it was. The farther Weiss and Benioff stray from the books, the worse the show gets IMO.
i think the show is awesome still. This season has started out better than a few others already. The book comparison just doesn't work ever. Enjoy it as a separate entity or don't, but please stop being that guy. Or they could be just like the books and there could be 98 episodes a season with half of them just showing a table of food and slowly describing all the separate dishes.
I'm sure most book purists have lost their shit re: Arthur Dayne getting stabbed in the back.
I'm going to speculate that the screams heard from Ned's sister was her giving birth to Jon Snow and the reason he never wanted it known who the parents were was do to the fact that Robert would have demanded the Targaryen child be killed.
I'm so over Kings Landing, even more than Dorne. You will never be able to convince me that the Faith Militant should be able to overtake the city. Not to mention the High Sparrow is boring, Tommen is boring, all those idiots in the small council are boring, and none of them will have any impact in the grand scheme of things. Oh, the white walkers and dragons are about to clash in an epic battle? I sure hope KING Tommen is trying his best to get the QUEEN released from a few poors wielding sticks.

Is it too much to ask for Gregor to smash the High Sparrow's head into a wall and move this story along?
I'm going to speculate that the screams heard from Ned's sister was her giving birth to Jon Snow and the reason he never wanted it known who the parents were was do to the fact that Robert would have demanded the Targaryen child be killed.

Don't really think it could be anything else, honestly
Don't really think it could be anything else, honestly
The whole R + L = J is pretty much canon now. I would be extremely surprised if it's not Jon. The thing that I can't figure out though is why are the kings guard there? And not just the KG but arguably the baddest dude in Westeros. At that point Rhaegar is dead. Aerys is dead. Did Rhaegar convince them that this was the PTWP? Just seems weird that they would be there.
You will never be able to convince me that the Faith Militant should be able to overtake the city.

Yep. This kind of gets on my nerves as well. Really have to suspend our disbelief in this situation. In reality, the high sparrow's head would've been put on a pike a long time ago.
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Yep. This kind of gets on my nerves as well. Really have to suspend our disbelief in this situation. In reality, the high sparrow's head would've been put on a pike a long time ago.
Agree and also why are the Unsullied, which is supposed to be this great fighting force, unable to control the sons of harpy!
Yep. This kind of gets on my nerves as well. Really have to suspend our disbelief in this situation. In reality, the high sparrow's head would've been put on a pike a long time ago.
Mine too. My only rationale is that Tommen is a pansy and there is no order or organization at the moment in the red keep. The king's council is a joke at the moment. There is just no leadership.
You mean a well disciplined, well armed army can't have trouble with an underground guerilla movement with an amorphous structure?
No, but you'd think they'd be prepared to effing protect their queen in a stadium full of people. Get your head out of the bucket.
Most Important episode to date, if Ned lied about Arthur Dayne, then he probably lied about Jon Snow, which if true means that he is Danys brother Rheagars son, her nephew, the true Last Dragon, and could possibly control the 3 living dragons.

If Jon marries Dany, which is weird but Targaryeans used to do much weirder, then he and she would be heirs to the Iron throne. Plus Jon knows how to kill the WW, dragons probably help.

I just hope GRRM doesn't die before Jon Snow does.
Most Important episode to date, if Ned lied about Arthur Dayne, then he probably lied about Jon Snow, which if true means that he is Danys brother Rheagars son, her nephew, the true Last Dragon, and could possibly control the 3 living dragons.

If Jon marries Dany, which is weird but Targaryeans used to do much weirder, then he and she would be heirs to the Iron throne. Plus Jon knows how to kill the WW, dragons probably help.

I just hope GRRM doesn't die before Jon Snow does.
If Jon marries Dany then the Targaryean line is finished. Dany is infertile. Unless Jon has a bastard of his own.
The whole R + L = J is pretty much canon now. I would be extremely surprised if it's not Jon. The thing that I can't figure out though is why are the kings guard there? And not just the KG but arguably the baddest dude in Westeros. At that point Rhaegar is dead. Aerys is dead. Did Rhaegar convince them that this was the PTWP? Just seems weird that they would be there.

Seems pretty obvious that with all the other Targs dead or in exile, Jon would have been heir. So IMO the Kings Guard were doing just that, guarding the king.
You have to wonder if Aegon VI is ever going to appear in the TV series. If he does then you have him, Dany and possibly Jon as the 3 Targaryens for the 3 dragons. But it appears the TV series has Tyrion as the possible to 3rd Targaryen.
That wolf head looked small for a dire wolf. Likely just a badly scaled prop.
Rickon is screwed, Ramsey will likely save him for a tactical use against Jon Snow.
Seems pretty obvious that with all the other Targs dead or in exile, Jon would have been heir. So IMO the Kings Guard were doing just that, guarding the king.
But who gave them the order to be there? I thought the KG only took order from the King? And with all the madness going on why weren't they with the king or with Rhaegar? Or with Viserys? Wouldn't Viserys have the claim to the thrown over baby Jon? I'm not sure how that works. My point is that it had to be more than just guarding the king. Rhaegar had to convince them that he believed Jon was the PTWP.
But who gave them the order to be there? I thought the KG only took order from the King? And with all the madness going on why weren't they with the king or with Rhaegar? Or with Viserys? Wouldn't Viserys have the claim to the thrown over baby Jon? I'm not sure how that works. My point is that it had to be more than just guarding the king. Rhaegar had to convince them that he believed Jon was the PTWP.

Maybe. Or maybe Rhaegar was like "There is a war on bros and I knocked up the bethroed of my main nemesis. Pretty sure he's gonna be pissed! Go take her south and make sure he doesn't get to kill the baby. Peace out."