It's game changing.
Criminal that they don't review it, cancel the points and assess a foul on the POS that flopped. It's gotten so bad that the flopper laughs when they get away with it.
This was the moment the game shifted.
Then the supposed "double foul".
Then another foul on Butler.
There was a sequence of calls and our turnovers after this flop that put Auburn fully in control. Hitting banked wacky circus threes also didn't help, neither did our team totally giving up on defense (you can attribute this to those earlier really bad calls).
I'm starting to believe Pope is too soft / nice / positive to be our coach. Lots of time to make a final judgment, but as of this time in the season, we're just not cutting it defensively. Could be athleticism, or could be Pope's always-positive approach. I don't have first hand knowledge of how he manages his bench, but it appears he rarely, if ever, uses constructive or negative reinforcement in his coaching tactics.
I fully believe in the idea of taking the positive, "kill 'em with kindness" approach in most areas of life, but I personally do not believe it has a place in teaching hard-nosed, tough defense. That takes some kind of attitude. Mix that in with positive, but I'm not sure outstanding defense can be taught with overflowing positivity.