Flopping on a 3

It's game changing.

Criminal that they don't review it, cancel the points and assess a foul on the POS that flopped. It's gotten so bad that the flopper laughs when they get away with it.
Supposed to be a T. I agree that that's a judgment call line but if replay shows a blatant flop with no contact then the opponent should get the FTs instead. Everyone plays like that and it's sickening because the refs fall for it every time.
I was sitting here wondering if a single flop had been called by an NCAA Div 1 ref this entire season. I was happy when they claimed they were gonna make it a priority a few years ago. I hate the whole 'fall down after shooting a 3' strategy . It's a just a cheat. But the refs keep calling it a foul, so it's on them.
It's game changing.

Criminal that they don't review it, cancel the points and assess a foul on the POS that flopped. It's gotten so bad that the flopper laughs when they get away with it.
I don't think the officials we have these days are capable of calling a clean game, they are horrible, they miss obvious calls, then make horrible calls, maybe the game is just too fast for them or they are just unqualified to be officials.
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No way he could not have fallen on that 3. He kicked his legs out as far as he could to get contact. He wasn’t even trying to make the shot. His intent was to get the foul.
He wasn’t touched and the ball was 2 feet short from kicking his legs out.
Most of time the refs don't like defending the three. It is like they are telling the defender to just stand back away from the shooter and don't even guard them. Why can't ref's in our conference be told to err on the side of missed fouls called if anything?
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Yeah the dude laughing about really pissed me off. Auburn is full of punchable dudes.
He was laughing at the incompetence of the referee. You would think that the game officials would have remembered him laughing at them & got even with him
You can make an argument that shooters today, with their leg kicks and flopping are creating as much of a danger as the defender not giving them room to land. Should be treated as a hook n hold, and some guys need to start being T'd up over it. IMO, it poses the same amount of danger to player safety.
I agree on flop with no contact and it needs to be reviewed but there are too many things that are reviewed and it makes the game way to long. There needs to be some rule changes over the summer by the NCAA that needs to be changed. Like some of you I can't remember a flop being called this season.
I think it (flopping) is a punk-ass move made by pansies. So, I don't want to see our (UK) players doing that.

I've not seen a single flopping call or even warning of one made all year in any game (not just UK games). A rule with NO enforcement thus no consequences, is not a rule, and does not deter the activity from happening.
I would like to see the refs go back at every timeout and look at the 3's where a player fell to the floor (whether called or not) and assess a technical (can debate whether 1 or 2 shots) on the player if determined he flopped to attempt to get a foul called. That would stop, or at least greatly reduce the flopping. You could go one step further, if a player flopped and a foul was called on the defender, then give the shooter a foul too.
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I agree on flop with no contact and it needs to be reviewed but there are too many things that are reviewed and it makes the game way to long. There needs to be some rule changes over the summer by the NCAA that needs to be changed. Like some of you I can't remember a flop being called this season.
Isn't there a ref at the scorers table throughout the game?
I was sitting here wondering if a single flop had been called by an NCAA Div 1 ref this entire season. I was happy when they claimed they were gonna make it a priority a few years ago. I hate the whole 'fall down after shooting a 3' strategy . It's a just a cheat. But the refs keep calling it a foul, so it's on them.
I have yet to see one and I watch a lot of college basketball not just UK.
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I don't think the officials we have these days are capable of calling a clean game, they are horrible, they miss obvious calls, then make horrible calls, maybe the game is just too fast for them or they are just unqualified to be officials.
My annual pay raise is based on my performance. If I suck at my job I either get no raise or a smaller raise. Maybe some non biased person needs to review these clowns and for every blatantly missed call or wrong call get docked pay. I bet they would start calling them better if they are earning less money.
They need to do away with the nonsense incidental contact flagrant 1 calls too. They modeled it after footballs “player safety” “any contact to the head and neck area” but this is basketball…ppl are flying around with hard shells on their head and violently colliding with each other. Instead, you get flailing arms that occasionally accidentally catch someone’s head when both players are jumping.

Throwing elbows has always been a T, and should be… but the rest is just garbage and was a huge momentum swing when butler caught a Flag1 with both guys airborne fighting through the body foul on baker-mazara…instead of an and1 to cut it to7…points were essentially cancelled out and they had the ball to extend it.

Getting rid of the incidental contact flagrant 1s, as a byproduct, limits the unnecessary drawn out reviews. If it isn’t blatantly obvious that someone deserves a player control foul or an intentional…then it doesn’t warrant calling.
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I was sitting here wondering if a single flop had been called by an NCAA Div 1 ref this entire season. I was happy when they claimed they were gonna make it a priority a few years ago. I hate the whole 'fall down after shooting a 3' strategy . It's a just a cheat. But the refs keep calling it a foul, so it's on them.

People blame the ncaa for the rules but they actually enact rules that benefit play. Refs just wont follow them.

They made flopping a point of emphasis for years and refs just kept calling it anyway. Anyone that fell down got the charge called. Then they had to change the rules so far the refs can barely even call a charge, but they still find ways.

Flopping is just the latest example of the refs just intentionally taking over a game. The flop 3 and the egregious flagrant right before the half decided that game. The entire mindset changed after the flagrant.

Nothing will change until there is mandate for leagues to hire more officials and require transparency about their performance reviews. Right now I'm willing to bet they don't even have performance reviews. If they did, no way any of them would be working.

Forcing them to hire more would break the good ole boy network. They don't even have to mandate the hiring, just limit the games worked per week per official. Even assuming all the best, these guys are way over worked and over traveled.
My annual pay raise is based on my performance. If I suck at my job I either get no raise or a smaller raise. Maybe some non biased person needs to review these clowns and for every blatantly missed call or wrong call get docked pay. I bet they would start calling them better if they are earning less money.

If you were as bad as they are, youd be fired. Anyone else would be too. Thats why i think they dont even get performance reviews.
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And you know it's being coached too. It's not the player just doing it to be doing it. You knows coaches, maybe not all of them, are coaching that in practice. And what's worse the refs buy it practically every single time.
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My annual pay raise is based on my performance. If I suck at my job I either get no raise or a smaller raise. Maybe some non biased person needs to review these clowns and for every blatantly missed call or wrong call get docked pay. I bet they would start calling them better if they are earning less money.
I think some one in the SEC should evaluate the officials for every game and give them a grade, then they get paid on that grade period. According to a site a NCAA official in basketball makes between $1000 and $3000 per game, that is a nice chunk of change. Hell I remember when I used to call grade school games for 7 bucks a games as a senior in high school.
It's game changing.

Criminal that they don't review it, cancel the points and assess a foul on the POS that flopped. It's gotten so bad that the flopper laughs when they get away with it.
This was the moment the game shifted.

Then the supposed "double foul".

Then another foul on Butler.

There was a sequence of calls and our turnovers after this flop that put Auburn fully in control. Hitting banked wacky circus threes also didn't help, neither did our team totally giving up on defense (you can attribute this to those earlier really bad calls).

I'm starting to believe Pope is too soft / nice / positive to be our coach. Lots of time to make a final judgment, but as of this time in the season, we're just not cutting it defensively. Could be athleticism, or could be Pope's always-positive approach. I don't have first hand knowledge of how he manages his bench, but it appears he rarely, if ever, uses constructive or negative reinforcement in his coaching tactics.

I fully believe in the idea of taking the positive, "kill 'em with kindness" approach in most areas of life, but I personally do not believe it has a place in teaching hard-nosed, tough defense. That takes some kind of attitude. Mix that in with positive, but I'm not sure outstanding defense can be taught with overflowing positivity.