Fayette County Schools back in news…

Public schools spend too much time trying to solve unfixable problems.

Tell me how to fix bad/disinterested parenting, and I can solve the vast majority of social problems in this country.

But the government (and more specically, to this thread, the public education arm of the government) just makes it about funding.

Listen to me. There is NO AMOUNT OF MONEY that can fix public education. And when I say fix, what I mean is, getting 90 percent plus of the students to grade level in basic educational skills (math, reading, science etc.)

And further, the MORE the government tries to fix it, the worse it gets. Don't bother arguing either, because ALL of the known data confirms this.

Government spending, when it comes to social engineering/attempting to level the playing field, ALWAYS ends up disastrously. It becomes a complete whip-saw exercise, and an utter waste of more and more money.
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Let’s see if the OP will sack up and run instead of just complaining.

And damn. I forgot to take a pic of my kid’s school’s LBGT banner in the front foyer. Probably would have given you goons an aneurysm.
The sad part is you seem ok with it.
There's also 0.0% chance he resigned in his own. He was pressured and/or forced to do so, through ways that probably won't be made public.

That is how wokeness and gotcha tactics work. When a group wants to get rid of someone, but they can't through any actual merit, they use a "gotcha" tactic to find a technicality. There was probably no ill-will towards using such a common phrase as "monkeying around".. but this group likely used this as an opportunity to get rid of the opposition.
Yep and that's why you fight the whacko leftists in court where everything is exposed and documented.
Uh yeah, damn right the cultural rot being taught in schools is a major concern to me. First, my tax dollars are being spent to indoctrinate impressionable minds. A pretty sizeable majority do not want that. Second, these kids are gonna be in charge someday and anyone not genuinely concerned about the future is either willfully blind or a radical Leftist.
We've pumped trillions of dollars through the Dept of Ed. over the last 50 years trying to raise test scores and student engagement levels. What have we gotten for our money? Falling test scores, higher dropout rates and entire classes in some districts that can't pass basic comprehension exams.
And now schools want to fly activists flags and work covertly against the will of parents? It's hard to imagine public schools being anymore screwed up than they currently are.
See my post above. They're trying fix the unfixable, when what they OUGHT to be doing is giving the best education possible to children and families that actually give a crap. The rest can just goof off, or treat it as free daycare (which is what they're doing now)

Hard decisions are, ummm, you know, HARD. But that doesn't make them any less necessary.

Help the ones you can, and cut bait with the rest, or you ruin it for everyone.
And feelings/current social issues/etc. have no place in public schools. Core curriculum or learning a trade.

That's it. That's the list.

Frankly, I find the entire IDEA of mandatory publicly funded education offensive. Why should society be on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars/12+ years, just because you didn't wear a condom/pull out/get an abortion?
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At universities you have very smart people putting these DEI programs together. They cover their tracks really well. At the high school level, you have morons in charge. And they’re too stupid to cover their tracks.

For example, go to the JCPS Diversity, Equity and Poverty Twitter page. They tweet typical yay, rah, rah diversity stuff (funny though, as it’s pretty much just black people stuff instead of any other race). But when you switch to the likes you see some pretty out there anti-white stuff they like.

And if you take a step further and find the Twitter page of the director of diversity for JCPS, you can see he likes tweets about comparing Daniel Cameron to Uncle Tom.

These people are rotten to their core. JCPS needs to be split up.
it’s all economics. A rising tide lifts all ships. The economy the post WW2 helped a ton of people. Now we are on the comedown and it’s all turning to shit.

Lowerlevel will be blown away by the this nugget. The Chief Equity Officer of JCPS is married to a lady in charge of elementary schools in Fayette County. She was an elementary principal in JCPS for a while, switched to middle school for 1 year during Covid (20-21) upended the middle school then immediately left for more money and status.

She sucks. Her husband sucks. The DEI department is a 6 million dollar grift at JCPS. JCPS keeps pushing that they want the faculty at schools to reflect the student body. They get shitty that the teachers are mostly white women. The funny thing is that all the black teachers can’t stand the behavior of students (you can guess which kids I’m talking about) so they all dip out of the classroom to be counselors, Assistant Principals, or some other district level position (they know they get preference). Guess who replaces them in the classroom? White women.

So enjoy having a Jefferson County A-A running your elementary schools in Fayette County.
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Uh yeah, damn right the cultural rot being taught in schools is a major concern to me. First, my tax dollars are being spent to indoctrinate impressionable minds. A pretty sizeable majority do not want that. Second, these kids are gonna be in charge someday and anyone not genuinely concerned about the future is either willfully blind or a radical Leftist.
We've pumped trillions of dollars through the Dept of Ed. over the last 50 years trying to raise test scores and student engagement levels. What have we gotten for our money? Falling test scores, higher dropout rates and entire classes in some districts that can't pass basic comprehension exams.
And now schools want to fly activists flags and work covertly against the will of parents? It's hard to imagine public schools being anymore screwed up than they currently are.
The school system can always do better...but so can parents. You can't put full blame on schools and nothing on parents, as if they're victims themselves.

As far as most of your post goes, imo you've been indoctrinated yourself into the belief that schools are teaching "cultural rot." Tell me, what is that "rot" you speak of? Give specific examples and back those examples up with proof. Then you mention being "willfully blind" and the scary "radical Leftist" and then finish your spooky post whining about "activists flags." You'd fit right in in the Political Thread where life is scary and the world is against a few. Let me guess, you believe schools are training students to become members of BLM? You believe students are running around school halls pretending they're cats too? Again, shit like this is always suggested here by older generations but there's never any proof of it actually happening.

Color me shocked someone from a previous generation thinks everything is terrible now and one day a younger generation is going to be the death of him. I cannot believe we're living during a time when the left is scared of confederate flags and the right is scared of rainbow flags. Both groups of jackasses, believe the complete opposite, and yet, both groups act just alike.
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Color me shocked someone from a previous generation thinks everything is terrible now and one day a younger generation is going to be the death of him. I cannot believe we're living during a time when the left is scared of confederate flags and the right is scared of rainbow flags. Both groups of jackasses, believe the complete opposite, and yet, both groups act just alike.
Spare me… the only people who flew Confederate flags were hillbilly’s at country music concerts and NASCAR races. The left puts rainbow flags up at the White House.
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At universities you have very smart people putting these DEI programs together. They cover their tracks really well. At the high school level, you have morons in charge. And they’re too stupid to cover their tracks.

For example, go to the JCPS Diversity, Equity and Poverty Twitter page. They tweet typical yay, rah, rah diversity stuff (funny though, as it’s pretty much just black people stuff instead of any other race). But when you switch to the likes you see some pretty out there anti-white stuff they like.

And if you take a step further and find the Twitter page of the director of diversity for JCPS, you can see he likes tweets about comparing Daniel Cameron to Uncle Tom.

These people are rotten to their core. JCPS needs to be split up.
Yep, I’ve been saying in Fayette County, they don’t hide their agenda. If you look at the presentations they email out, look at their pages, etc, you see exactly where they want Fayette County schools to go. And the director of the DEI program (recently rebranded to the “Unity” program) in Fayette also has on his linked in page that he consults for a company whose stated mission is to get LGBTQ history into every classroom. His name is Basel Touchan..check out his linked in profile. Pair that with a superintendent who is gay.
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Yep, I’ve been saying in Fayette County, they don’t hide their agenda. If you look at the presentations they email out, look at their pages, etc, you see exactly where they want Fayette County schools to go. And the director of the DEI program (recently rebranded to the “Unity” program) in Fayette also has on his linked in page that he consults for a company whose stated mission is to get LGBTQ history into every classroom. His name is Basel Touchan..check out his linked in profile. Pair that with a superintendent who is gay.
Looked that guy up. I bet he’s diddled more kids than the Catholic Church.
The school system can always do better...but so can parents. You can't put full blame on schools and nothing on parents, as if they're victims themselves.

As far as most of your post goes, imo you've been indoctrinated yourself into the belief that schools are teaching "cultural rot." Tell me, what is that "rot" you speak of? Give specific examples and back those examples up with proof. Then you mention being "willfully blind" and the scary "radical Leftist" and then finish your spooky post whining about "activists flags." You'd fit right in in the Political Thread where life is scary and the world is against a few. Let me guess, you believe schools are training students to become members of BLM? You believe students are running around school halls pretending they're cats too? Again, shit like this is always suggested here by older generations but there's never any proof of it actually happening.

Color me shocked someone from a previous generation thinks everything is terrible now and one day a younger generation is going to be the death of him. I cannot believe we're living during a time when the left is scared of confederate flags and the right is scared of rainbow flags. Both groups of jackasses, believe the complete opposite, and yet, both groups act just alike.
There are rainbow flags and signs all over Fayette schools. And in a 4th grade class at an elementary school in Fayette, for “social emotional” learning, they showed a picture of a man’s hairy legs with high heels on and a picture of a man in a dress. The book was called Lovely and the point of the book was we are all lovely, no matter what you decide to do (including men dressing in women’s clothes). I’m not into cross dressing but if you choose to do that on your own time, cool with me. But I’m not ok with showing it to a 4th grade class as part of social emotional learning.
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There are rainbow flags and signs all over Fayette schools. And in a 4th grade class at an elementary school in Fayette, for “social emotional” learning, they showed a picture of a man’s hairy legs with high heels on and a picture of a man in a dress. The book was called Lovely and the point of the book was we are all lovely, no matter what you decide to do (including men dressing in women’s clothes). I’m not into cross dressing but if you choose to do that on your own time, cool with me. But I’m not ok with showing it to a 4th grade class as part of social emotional learning.

They're pedophiles and morons. Sometimes both.
it’s all economics. A rising tide lifts all ships. The economy the post WW2 helped a ton of people. Now we are on the comedown and it’s all turning to shit.

Lowerlevel will be blown away by the this nugget. The Chief Equity Officer of JCPS is married to a lady in charge of elementary schools in Fayette County. She was an elementary principal in JCPS for a while, switched to middle school for 1 year during Covid (20-21) upended the middle school then immediately left for more money and status.

She sucks. Her husband sucks. The DEI department is a 6 million dollar grift at JCPS. JCPS keeps pushing that they want the faculty at schools to reflect the student body. They get shitty that the teachers are mostly white women. The funny thing is that all the black teachers can’t stand the behavior of students (you can guess which kids I’m talking about) so they all dip out of the classroom to be counselors, Assistant Principals, or some other district level position (they know they get preference). Guess who replaces them in the classroom? White women.

So enjoy having a Jefferson County A-A running your elementary schools in Fayette County.
Oh wow, I did not know that! Quite interesting! JCPS and FCPS are definitely using the same play book on about everything!
I recommend buying a house in neighborhood with a good elementary school and people generally have similar values as yourself. I see my kids classmates, teachers, and administrators at church events as much as anywhere else.
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I recommend buying a house in neighborhood with a good elementary school and people generally have similar values as yourself. I see my kids classmates, teachers, and administrators at church events as much as anywhere else.
Shhh.... Minnesota had that and the Clinton administration sent them 100K Somalis.

Speaking of Minnesota, did you see they let Mohammed Noor out already? He's the cop who murdered the Australian lady in Minneapolis. He spent about 2 years in jail. Compare that to Chauvin who was merely trying to keep a career criminal from destroying society further.
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LOL. You memory holing BLM now? After years of support, massive propaganda and virtue signaling from leftists everywhere, including "educators".

Have a little intellectual honesty and own the egg plastered all over your filthy face.
Major corporations were telling their employees they were racist pieces of shit. Schools have less of a filter than that.
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I mean cool but that’s obviously not the point. There’s still nothing stopping them from raising tuition costs after vouchers are dished out and that’s the issue
What a dumb position. There is nothing stopping them, except the desire to have a larger enrollment and make more money. And, if they do raise tuition, the kids and money stays in the public schools.

Means tested vouchers and charter schools improve state education around the country. Public schools in Kentucky have failed for their existence.

So, your plan to keep the status quo sure is awesome. You love failing.
Again, every JCPS public school advocate should thank those homeschooling and paying for private school. Without them, JCPS crashes and your property taxes go through the roof.
What a dumb position. There is nothing stopping them, except the desire to have a larger enrollment and make more money. And, if they do raise tuition, the kids and money stays in the public schools.

Means tested vouchers and charter schools improve state education around the country. Public schools in Kentucky have failed for their existence.

So, your plan to keep the status quo sure is awesome. You love failing.
Do vouchers REALLY work though? If you want to google “are school vouchers successful,” you’ll find conflicting evidence. What has been proven time and again is that when public school systems are properly funded, which Kentucky’s overall has not been (unsurprisingly), they are able to find success.

You are more than welcome to have sent your kids to private school but this whole voucher system would seriously lower the amount of funding to public schools and that’s not good for an overwhelming majority of kids.

And you’re right, as a UK football fan, I do love failing.
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Do vouchers REALLY work though? If you want to google “are school vouchers successful,” you’ll find conflicting evidence. What has been proven time and again is that when public school systems are properly funded, which Kentucky’s overall has not been (unsurprisingly), they are able to find success
Provide said evidence
Provide said evidence


A NEA article to prove your point 😂😂😂. Yeah that sums up all your posts on schools right there.
Major corporations were telling their employees they were racist pieces of shit. Schools have less of a filter than that.
And that doesn't even begin to cover the massive damages done to our country and the world, of which we may never recover.

Destroy, disassociate with zero responsibility or accountability, then move on to the next destructive scheme.

It's Marxist privilege.
A NEA article to prove your point 😂😂😂. Yeah that sums up all your posts on schools right there.
I'll add onto his through more objective reporting:

Fact is that the research on vouchers is mixed and it's not a "cure all" idea. Works for some but the evidence suggests any gains are minimal. I'd actually argue there are a lot of perverse incentives in the education system generally that create problems. For example, graduation rates are part of accountability so teachers are pressured to pass students through K-12 lest a school get marked down. This is why KY has seen graduation rates increase but our ACT test scores and other measures are actually going down. Also, school discipline is going down because if you do too much you get marked down for that and if certain groups are disciplined more then the Department of Justice will sue you.

There's lots of bureaucratic issues that are hamstringing K-12 education. And the standards-based movement that has been pushed since like 1990 has just not worked either. So much of our tax dollars is wasted on tests and test prep, which goes to standardized test companies like Pearson that it's insane. The only people getting "rich" in education are test prep and curriculum companies. People talk about a "military industrial complex" but there's also an "Education industrial complex" that is very much at work and taking taxpayers to the cleaners every budget cycle.
Do vouchers REALLY work though? If you want to google “are school vouchers successful,” you’ll find conflicting evidence. What has been proven time and again is that when public school systems are properly funded, which Kentucky’s overall has not been (unsurprisingly), they are able to find success.

You are more than welcome to have sent your kids to private school but this whole voucher system would seriously lower the amount of funding to public schools and that’s not good for an overwhelming majority of kids.

And you’re right, as a UK football fan, I do love failing.
False. Public schools historically have been funded per student at higher amounts than private schools and they still fail in Kentucky. More funding is not the answer. When I worked for a private school, the public schools paid thousands more per student and were still not educating as well as the private school that had programs for learning disabled kids. Your way has failed throughout most of the Kentucky public school history and yet you fight for it with fake claims that more money is the answer. Why? Why do you want to deny a kid who cannot afford a good education a good education? What is the real reason?
A NEA article to prove your point 😂😂😂. Yeah that sums up all your posts on schools right there.
Brother we all know you’re the last person who’d change their mind on this topic. That’s on me for not properly researching where it came from considering their bias but there are PLENTY more articles out there that back up the point. You just have to go and find them
False. Public schools historically have been funded per student at higher amounts than private schools and they still fail in Kentucky. More funding is not the answer. When I worked for a private school, the public schools paid thousands more per student and were still not educating as well as the private school that had programs for learning disabled kids. Your way has failed throughout most of the Kentucky public school history and yet you fight for it with fake claims that more money is the answer. Why? Why do you want to deny a kid who cannot afford a good education a good education? What is the real reason?
“When I worked for a private school” seems like the least unbiased person on this topic to me.

I don’t know why you think I have some kind of weird ulterior motive for supporting public schools, not everything is some grand conspiracy.

Research shows that socioeconomic status is the main determinant to school performance, so even if kids attend private school, that’s no guarantee that they’ll perform better academically. With that said, why would we spend tax payer dollars to line the pockets of the people that run these schools when there’s inconclusive evidence that they work for EVERY kid.

If it went your way, kids who don’t have the ability to attend private school would get left behind and that model doesn’t sound good to me.

More funding allows for better teacher pay, more tutoring assistance, special programs, etc. You can not tell me that these poor and rural counties in the state have been funding their education systems properly because they simply haven’t had the ability to do so.
“When I worked for a private school” seems like the least unbiased person on this topic to me.

I don’t know why you think I have some kind of weird ulterior motive for supporting public schools, not everything is some grand conspiracy.

Research shows that socioeconomic status is the main determinant to school performance, so even if kids attend private school, that’s no guarantee that they’ll perform better academically. With that said, why would we spend tax payer dollars to line the pockets of the people that run these schools when there’s inconclusive evidence that they work for EVERY kid.

If it went your way, kids who don’t have the ability to attend private school would get left behind and that model doesn’t sound good to me.

More funding allows for better teacher pay, more tutoring assistance, special programs, etc. You can not tell me that these poor and rural counties in the state have been funding their education systems properly because they simply haven’t had the ability to do so.
If you think more funding is going to change anything I don’t know what to tell you. How did that work with all lottery money dumped into our education system?
-last i checked, kentucky spends roughly the same amount per student as Norway and Japan(et al)... with notably different end results.

^it is cultural. No amount of money will fix the problem. Shitty policy, pandering to shitty parents, hiring goofy ass faux intellectual administrators based on identity and pretending everyone is equal in talent/intelligence and such is the problem.

-as Wayne said, they're telling you what they want/think if you pay attention. Radicals have taken over public education... and it's ****ed.
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