I mostly agree with this, but I can’t fall into full lockstep on the issue of Cal not having an inkling to this and being taken off guard if Diallo "changes his mind." Cal is too savvy and has known about the possibility of this for some time. He’s the best at reading the terrain and pouncing where and when necessary. It’s part of the reason he’s the best at what he does.
That said, if the small chance that Diallo did in fact catch Cal off guard, the best thing to do now would be to continue the dialogue of transparency he started back in January, as opposed to assuming we forgot those discussions. Since he started that line of communication with the fans, the whole don’t come here if you plan on leaving bit, he needs to continue it and admit that things changed if Diallo leaves now. Using discretion by suddenly maintaining silence as opposed to continued transparency in such a case would look like Cal misled the fans and built up our hopes. Some will argue that our expectations don’t matter, but for a fan base that has seldom questioned the journey under Calipari, a journey that has been at the very least, controversial and unconventional, I think it’s a bit dismissive if anyone declares our views on the Diallo situation as irrelevant to the overall discussion.
Overall, we support Calipari. If he was caught off guard by Diallo staying in the draft (all speculation at this point, but that's what message boards are for), there’s a hundred ways to communicate that fact to fans without disrespecting the Diallo Family or throwing Hami under the bus. Cal is a master wordsmith. It wouldn’t be hard for him at all.