Decision day today for Breonna

I don't know what is wrong with our education system. I never said that, I don't think that. I have said MULTIPLE TIMES it was wrong.

You are using the old "you don't agree with me so I'll just say you said something else" tactic.

Please for the Love of God show me where I said she deserved to die. I'll be waiting until Hell freezes over for you to show me because I never said it.

Just because there's an article doesn't mean it's credible or the truth. So many things have been written that are not correct, concerning her, the police and even witness testimony. The bottom line is unless someone was there or a member of the grand jury, we'll never fully know everything that happened.

The article I speak of specifically quotes court documents that name the members of the team and it is the same team as the Taylor raid.
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The article I speak of specifically quotes court documents that name the members of the team and it is the same team as the Taylor raid.

Well then where is it ? That should be something EASILY found. Why is it not everywhere ? I'm not saying it isn't there, I just find it questionable or if there is any relevance in it. Not trying to stir the pot, I would like to know exactly just as does everyone else. If there is absolute proof then there wouldn't be any need in debating the subject further.

Unless of course, people won't accept it as being factual. Unfortunately it seems no one is happy unless they can prove the people who don't see things the same way wrong. It's almost like the truth doesn't matter if someone can stick out their chest and say "I told you so".

If there is proof that someone, or more, is guilty of wrong doing they should be penalized. That isn't saying mistakes are avoidable. Mistakes happen everyday. but it doesn't always mean it was intentionally done.
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You do know this same raid team is the subject of a lawsuit due to another botched raid at the end of 2018, right? They conducted a raid on an address at the end of 2018 based on information gained at the beginning of 2018 without verifying it. As a result, an innocent family was held at gun point by the cops because they didn't do even the littlest possible verification. This team has a history of shoddy police work and in this case it got a woman killed. A woman who had no drugs in her system or in her possession. Defend the police all you want but by all appearances it was only a matter of time before this happened with this team. Hell, even their own SWAT commander said this situation was doomed from the start.

Only a matter of time, but probably also only a matter of time before she got into more trouble. She was in with the wrong crowd and was going to get in trouble sooner or later, maybe not as serious but who knows. Didn't the drug king (EX?) say she had $6,000 she was holding for him?
You probably should be keeping that luck because it is more than obvious that you are the one who is going to need it. Especially if you cannot comprehend what was meant by my post. I am not going to answer for thabigbluenation, because I don't know him. Just as you don't know all the evidence.

That's the point you are missing. You aren't able to make a decision, without a reason of doubt, because you do not know all of the information. You are either incapable, doubtful or you just don't want to accept that because you want so bad for it to be something else. The latter is probably the case, which is sad on so many levels.

Everything a person does from the time they are at the age of accountability is either a choice or the consequence of a choice. People often say all you have to do is die and pay taxes. That is obviously wrong because several people haven't paid taxes. Of course there is a consequence for that. Dying is all we have to do, assuming we aren't here when Jesus returns, we can speed that time up by taking our lives. This was something I went to a funeral for yesterday as my cousin's 25 year old son took his own life. When your time comes, there is nothing you can do to prevent it.

Let me try once more, slowly with one word at a time. See if you can keep up. IT. WAS. TRAGIC. BREONNA. TAYLOR. WAS. KILLED. - THERE IS NO DOUBT, NO QUESTION ABOUT THAT. However had she not been in the lifestyle she was in, a decision she made and ultimately paid the consequence for that decision made, she might still be here.

As I said you either are unable to understand this or you just don't want to. There is no need trying to reason with you as it's obvious you aren't reasonable. Again save that luck for yourself

Your cousin's 25 year old son taking his own life is a much bigger tragedy, IMO. Everyone that knew him probably wondered if they couldn't have prevented it somehow, and a lot of them have some guilt over it. it does put somewhat of a stigma on the family, and they don't get $12,000,000 to console themselves with. And aren't they still suing over it even after the $12,000,000? You can't put a value on a human life but she wasn't an angel it appears and that is a lot of money. She could have been killed in an auto accident tomorrow, like I almost was a week ago.
Only a matter of time, but probably also only a matter of time before she got into more trouble. She was in with the wrong crowd and was going to get in trouble sooner or later, maybe not as serious but who knows. Didn't the drug king (EX?) say she had $6,000 she was holding for him?

Then why wasn’t any drugs or cash found in her apartment. She was working as an ER tech and dating Kenneth Walker who has no record. Other than things that even the police have said were taken out of context, she had no ties to any criminal activity. The police had multiple botched raids so you tell me which was more likely to happen.
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Well then where is it ? That should be something EASILY found. Why is it not everywhere ? I'm not saying it isn't there, I just find it questionable or if there is any relevance in it. Not trying to stir the pot, I would like to know exactly just as does everyone else. If there is absolute proof then there wouldn't be any need in debating the subject further.

Unless of course, people won't accept it as being factual. Unfortunately it seems no one is happy unless they can prove the people who don't see things the same way wrong. It's almost like the truth doesn't matter if someone can stick out their chest and say "I told you so".

If there is proof that someone, or more, is guilty of wrong doing they should be penalized. That isn't saying mistakes are avoidable. Mistakes happen everyday. but it doesn't always mean it was intentionally done.

Here you go.

It appears I was wrong. There isn't just one botched raid that has resulted in a lawsuit. There are multiple currently in lawsuit.

This one I didn't know about

This is the one I mentioned previously

Have you ever heard the term "ambulance chasers"? And have you read the story about McDonalds giving the woman $2,000,000 (back when that was a lot of money) because she was dumb enough to burn herself with a cup of hot coffee? When she forgot to tell them she wanted her coffee cold, lol. A lot of times these lawsuits aren't contested because of the bad publicity or the court costs and lawyers are too much.
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Which by definition means breonna did not possess her EX bf drugs or cash. It is pathetic that some of you think her death is excusable bc of who she USED to date. Truly PATHETIC.

Wasn't there a story saying they heard her ex (??) boyfriend say in a phone conversation that she had $6,000 of his money?
Wasn't there a story saying they heard her ex (??) boyfriend say in a phone conversation that she had $6,000 of his money?

There’s also a story that said much of what was released along with that (in the Tatum report) was taken out of context.
Have you ever heard the term "ambulance chasers"? And have you read the story about McDonalds giving the woman $2,000,000 (back when that was a lot of money) because she was dumb enough to burn herself with a cup of hot coffee? When she forgot to tell them she wanted her coffee cold, lol. A lot of times these lawsuits aren't contested because of the bad publicity or the court costs and lawyers are too much.

That lady suffered severe third degree burns and had to have her vagina reconstructed while it was proven in court that McDonalds kept their coffee hot beyond levels considered safe for human consumption.

Stick to yelling at clouds about Mitch Barnhart. That’s your wheelhouse.
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you and the other idiot are the only ones injecting color or race or whatever. plenty if not more whiteys play the same damn dumb game and we should and do hold them accountable for their actions not the police's response.

you only know victimnhood.

as to Tcurtis, yes the police should absolutely be held accountable for their actions when they are wrong. point being made is when their door was beat open, both Bre and Walker knew one of two scenarios were plausible. either other gang members were coming for them or the police. they knew that no doubt. because of the choices and lifestyle they put themselves in, through their choices.

you don't want to put yourself in the hands of potentially shady police officers, don't deal cocaine and don't date cocaine dealers. does either mean you deserve to die, absolutely not. does either mean you greatly increase the likelihood that you can put your life at risk....only race bating dumbasses can't see that.

Good lord! Seriously. What the h*ll is wrong with? Do u really think if u just say it enough it will become ” true”? Your skull must be thicker than gd cement. BT and Walker were “ guilty” of NOTHING.

Lying cops. Illegal warrant. Ur f-ing hero, Mattingly, knew da*n good and well he was acting on false info. At least 4 officers told him it was bad info. Questions about the warrant were raised the very day of the Raid—-to Mattingly specifically. He went anyway. Hell, their own SWAT Dept. Has said these guys were cowboys. There is a reason the fed postal inspector has not worked with LMPD since 2018.

No drugs. No money. Bad info. Needless, unjustifiable death. Walker did nothing wrong under the circumstances. That is why his charges were dropped—-after the corruption began to be exposed. His gj proceeding was a sham—-just like the Taylor gj will be shown to have been. The city has already paid—-highly unusual at these early stages—-bc LMPD was wrong. Very wrong. Ever wonder why 1 of the conditions of the settlement was destruction of the “discovery” the city provided to BT lawyers to date? BC the coverup is massive! That is a FACT—no matter how inconvenient that is for u and ur ilk.

Tell me again how 2 law abiding people in their home are supposed to know corrupt cops are kicking down their door? Did u leave more that 5 golf tees in the Cracker Barrel game? Clearly ur take is beyond ignorant, so save ur self the embarrassment and just stop.

Don’t tell me what I do and don’t know. U have NO idea what my involvement is in the matter. Was I there? No. But I do know the cover up and corruption in this case is massive and real. Get over it.

your persistent efforts to justify the actions of LMPD in this case tells me all I need to know. Doubtful I’ll be able to help u “understand”.
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Then why wasn’t any drugs or cash found in her apartment. She was working as an ER tech and dating Kenneth Walker who has no record. Other than things that even the police have said were taken out of context, she had no ties to any criminal activity. The police had multiple botched raids so you tell me which was more likely to happen.

Wasn't she fired from her prior job as a nurse because their drugs were always missing?
That lady suffered severe third degree burns and had to have her vagina reconstructed while it was proven in court that McDonalds kept their coffee hot beyond levels considered safe for human consumption.

Stick to yelling at clouds about Mitch Barnhart. That’s your wheelhouse.

First time I had heard any of that, are you a lawyer among your other many faults? Have you ever had to have your vagina reconstructed from drinking a cup of coffee? Your posts on football are usually stupid, i think almost everyone agrees on that. But i really like our other lawyer's posts on football.

How many of the 20,000 season ticket holders do we have back so far, with the greatest talent and probably second best coaching we have ever had? With over $60,000,000 a year from the OTHER SEC FOOTBALL programs to throw around. And thanks for the compliment but that is an easy argument if you look at our facilities and support given football his first decade on the job. Took the strike and the SEC flood of money to change anything, although football was always the money cow, even at UK, $18,000,000 profit vs about $5,000,000 for basketball in 2010, although football was the red headed stepchild and bb had EVERYHING.
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Have you ever heard the term "ambulance chasers"? And have you read the story about McDonalds giving the woman $2,000,000 (back when that was a lot of money) because she was dumb enough to burn herself with a cup of hot coffee? When she forgot to tell them she wanted her coffee cold, lol. A lot of times these lawsuits aren't contested because of the bad publicity or the court costs and lawyers are too much.

The internet is great because it gives people unlimited access to knowledge....But it also gives people like this a platform to spew bs. It was McDonald’s corporate policy to have their coffee dangerously hot even though records showed they knew it could be harmful.
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^Yep, the burns that woman suffered from her coffee were horrendous.

It's funny (not funny) that that particular case became a supposed example of lawsuits being out of control, when that one was anything but illegitimate.
man. I’ve always enjoyed most of ur posts/insight, but u might need to set this thread out.

That was one of the stories I had read, possibly wrong, but half of what you post probably is too. Ridiculous how slanted all the news is today, depending on their political orientation. I agree that the minority deserve some breaks, but they need to make some of their own breaks instead of hitching their wagon to a socialist communist organization that pushes riots and property destruction. Get rid of the police, lol, you couldn't walk on the street in some of our ghettos. Although the police in England are afraid to go into the Muslim neighborhoods England, against orders, too dangerous. Coming to some of our neighborhoods soon if things don't change. Or maybe if the political party does change.
^Yep, the burns that woman suffered from her coffee were horrendous.

It's funny (not funny) that that particular case became a supposed example of lawsuits being out of control, when that one was anything but illegitimate.

Probably true, because i didn't follow that lawsuit to the end and everyone at the time was making fun of it. That and the FACT that lawsuits are way out of hand. it is like juries think it is free money when the fact is they (the general public) will be picking up the tab in the long run. Even in this case it probably ended up adding a penny or so to their jumbo prices. For about 200,000,000 purchases, that would make up for the $2,000,000. But not for tying up the courts and all the lawyer fees, and she probably didn't get nearly the full amount anyway.
This case would be so much easier if the cops had their damn body cameras on.

I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t especially since there is plenty of body can footage from after the shooting. It would be one thing of only one office didn’t get body cam footage. But to have none get body cam footage was a deliberate decision and you have to ask why.
Good lord! Seriously. What the h*ll is wrong with? Do u really think if u just say it enough it will become ” true”? Your skull must be thicker than gd cement. BT and Walker were “ guilty” of NOTHING.

Lying cops. Illegal warrant. Ur f-ing hero, Mattingly, knew da*n good and well he was acting on false info. At least 4 officers told him it was bad info. Questions about the warrant were raised the very day of the Raid—-to Mattingly specifically. He went anyway. Hell, their own SWAT Dept. Has said these guys were cowboys. There is a reason the fed postal inspector has not worked with LMPD since 2018.

No drugs. No money. Bad info. Needless, unjustifiable death. Walker did nothing wrong under the circumstances. That is why his charges were dropped—-after the corruption began to be exposed. His gj proceeding was a sham—-just like the Taylor gj will be shown to have been. The city has already paid—-highly unusual at these early stages—-bc LMPD was wrong. Very wrong. Ever wonder why 1 of the conditions of the settlement was destruction of the “discovery” the city provided to BT lawyers to date? BC the coverup is massive! That is a FACT—no matter how inconvenient that is for u and ur ilk.

Tell me again how 2 law abiding people in their home are supposed to know corrupt cops are kicking down their door? Did u leave more that 5 golf tees in the Cracker Barrel game? Clearly ur take is beyond ignorant, so save ur self the embarrassment and just stop.

Don’t tell me what I do and don’t know. U have NO idea what my involvement is in the matter. Was I there? No. But I do know the cover up and corruption in this case is massive and real. Get over it.

your persistent efforts to justify the actions of LMPD in this case tells me all I need to know. Doubtful I’ll be able to help u “understand”.

It's amazing what you get so upset about. No one thinks she should of died.

Police have killed 27 people since 2014. The "keeping it real" crowd have killed over 100 people this year and well over 100 people every year since 2009. Are we worried about saving lives or only certain types of deaths? Why aren't you this irate about stuff like ,,,

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We know Walker only fired one shot. We know Hankison went around the side and blindly shot into a sliding door. The grand jury reports shows police say they kept firing because they saw muzzle flashes. Sure seems like the police were firing back and forth at each other.
Which by definition means breonna did not possess her EX bf drugs or cash. It is pathetic that some of you think her death is excusable bc of who she USED to date. Truly PATHETIC.

Noone said it's excusable. It just isn't the crime many want it to be. Like Cameron said, criminal law doesn't have the answer for all things. This is one of those things. Civil law provided twelve million dollars of remedy. I understand that doesn't satisfy some, but many of those would not be satisfied regardless.

And for the "can't put a price on someone's life" crowd, I agree. But under the law, it's a calculation based on age expectancy and earning capacity of that individual. She was unemployed but paid the city paid twelve million. So there really aren't words to describe how much they overpaid

The feds are investigating that - correct

Correct and there may yet be charges. But once they got there, all evidence is they knocked announced and were fired upon. Everything after that is legally justified.

It’s always bothered me how 22 rounds can be fired down an apartment hallway and only Ms Taylor gets hit. Boyfriend walks away unscathed. Something not right about that.

Imo it shows walker was set up in a defensive position behind cover. Which proves the knock and announce took place.

Not at all. I’m saying that if you want to scrutinize Taylors history than you need to do the same with the cops yet no one in this thread was doing that. Also Taylor being exonerated on those allegations are quite different than the cops past actions being part of an ongoing lawsuit. Had those cops been exonerated like Taylor it needn’t b

Wrong. The warrant is under investigation. But once they arrived on scene, everything was justified. They knocked and announced, they were fired upon and hit. They fired back.

There was plenty enough evidence justifying a warrant to search her residence. If the cops did lie about it, they're definitely morons.
Google the Breanna jailhouse phone recordings.

Pretty obvious she was still in the game...which doesn't mean she deserved to die.
Noone said it's excusable. It just isn't the crime many want it to be. Like Cameron said, criminal law doesn't have the answer for all things. This is one of those things. Civil law provided twelve million dollars of remedy. I understand that doesn't satisfy some, but many of those would not be satisfied regardless.

And for the "can't put a price on someone's life" crowd, I agree. But under the law, it's a calculation based on age expectancy and earning capacity of that individual. She was unemployed but paid the city paid twelve million. So there really aren't words to describe how much they overpaid

Correct and there may yet be charges. But once they got there, all evidence is they knocked announced and were fired upon. Everything after that is legally justified.

Imo it shows walker was set up in a defensive position behind cover. Which proves the knock and announce took place.

Wrong. The warrant is under investigation. But once they arrived on scene, everything was justified. They knocked and announced, they were fired upon and hit. They fired back.

There was plenty enough evidence justifying a warrant to search her residence. If the cops did lie about it, they're definitely morons.

there is soooo much wrong in this. U will see. If u truly want to
Speaking of someone that only sees one side of it.

Speaks out of both sides of his mouth thru entire thread. Calls posters & all LMPD cops racist, then claims some huge coverup/GJ fixing for BT. Undoubtedly to hide their true white supremacist intent. Hits all the MSM talking points that have thoroughly been debunked now. But, of course, now it’s all a cover up. Haha we were right all along. Can’t let a good tragedy go to waste. Got some more lootin to do.

It was tragic NO ONE DENIES THAT. But, the cops went into the apt with a valid warrant based on evidence. Your repeated attempts to muddy that with this overarching “conspiracy” is laughable. But please keep it up. Four people say no suspicious packages I don’t even know WTF that has to do with the fact her ex and apt were both clearly at one point tied to drug trade in some way. Which, in and of itself, in part justifies the warrant. The shooting was bc the officers with a legal warrant were fired upon. Period.

Typical Lib—quit to cry racism against everyone then when called on it with facts that say otherwise decries “coverup”.
Noone said it's excusable. It just isn't the crime many want it to be. Like Cameron said, criminal law doesn't have the answer for all things. This is one of those things. Civil law provided twelve million dollars of remedy. I understand that doesn't satisfy some, but many of those would not be satisfied regardless.

And for the "can't put a price on someone's life" crowd, I agree. But under the law, it's a calculation based on age expectancy and earning capacity of that individual. She was unemployed but paid the city paid twelve million. So there really aren't words to describe how much they overpaid

Correct and there may yet be charges. But once they got there, all evidence is they knocked announced and were fired upon. Everything after that is legally justified.

Imo it shows walker was set up in a defensive position behind cover. Which proves the knock and announce took place.

Wrong. The warrant is under investigation. But once they arrived on scene, everything was justified. They knocked and announced, they were fired upon and hit. They fired back.

There was plenty enough evidence justifying a warrant to search her residence. If the cops did lie about it, they're definitely morons.

That’s just it. If they lied to get the warrant, and it certainly appears they did, then everything that happened after that is illegal. Without the warrant, they had no legal reason to enter Taylors apartment. That means that was a crime and Taylor was killed during the commission of a crime. It means the stand your ground/castle doctrine applies and the police can’t use the self defense argument because self defense isn’t available when you are committing a crime.
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Speaks out of both sides of his mouth thru entire thread. Calls posters & all LMPD cops racist, then claims some huge coverup/GJ fixing for BT. Undoubtedly to hide their true white supremacist intent. Hits all the MSM talking points that have thoroughly been debunked now. But, of course, now it’s all a cover up. Haha we were right all along. Can’t let a good tragedy go to waste. Got some more lootin to do.

It was tragic NO ONE DENIES THAT. But, the cops went into the apt with a valid warrant based on evidence. Your repeated attempts to muddy that with this overarching “conspiracy” is laughable. But please keep it up. Four people say no suspicious packages I don’t even know WTF that has to do with the fact her ex and apt were both clearly at one point tied to drug trade in some way. Which, in and of itself, in part justifies the warrant. The shooting was bc the officers with a legal warrant were fired upon. Period.

Typical Lib—quit to cry racism against everyone then when called on it with facts that say otherwise decries “coverup”.

If the cops lied to get the warrant and all evidence indicates they did including now the judge who signed it having concerns, then the warrant was not valid.

The no suspicious packages is important because that was a major reason the warrant was issued in the first place. If she was so involved in this drug ring, why was no drugs, no money, nothing found in her apartment. You say people need to stop muddying the water with conspiracies and that’s all you are doing.
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If the cops lied to get the warrant and all evidence indicates they did including now the judge who signed it having concerns, then the warrant was not valid.

The no suspicious packages is important because that was a major reason the warrant was issued in the first place. If she was so involved in this drug ring, why was no drugs, no money, nothing found in her apartment. You say people need to stop muddying the water with conspiracies and that’s all you are doing.

I didn’t listen to the 15hrs of the grand jury tapes, so I’ve missed some stuff, but I read every page and detail of the LMPD case file on this “gang” that Taylor was connected with.

- they physically observed one of the drug dealers picking up a package from her house (which was also his address) and taking it straight to one of the “trap houses”, photographed by the camera police installed outside of that drug house. On jail phone, dealer said the package was clothes he ordered online. Might be.

-On multiple jail calls, from multiple gang members, it was clear Breonna handled money for many criminals. We don’t know what she did wit’s this money, but more than one criminal talked about how she had this money, or so and so money, and how she was good with the money. They stashed money at her place.

- Another interesting part about the money. The main guy (forget his name) but he was concerned with the money he had at Breonna’s when she was shot. He knew it was still there because the cops didn’t execute the warrant. This was confirmed by LMPD. They said after the shooting, it was processed like a crime scene, and nothing was taken, the original search warrant wasn’t executed. I thought that was odd, but that’s what they said, and that’s what the drug dealer guy was also adamant about. So, I don’t believe we know what exactly was in her apartment, or how you could even say if cash was there, that it wasn’t hers.

- Breonna was a popular topic on the jail calls from the gang members who were arrested. They all were confused as to why cops would hit her house, but they all openly talked about how they basically used her to stash money, buy cars, rent cars, send packages...whatever. They took advantage of her to help them conceal their identities and crimes. In 2016 for example, she rented a car for the gang. The car was recovered with a dead body, drugs, and Breonna’s rental paperwork still in it.

So, unless some brand new details came out explaining exactly how all this stuff pointing to Taylor’s involvement with these criminals is actually false, I don’t see why cops wouldn’t go to her house.

AND NO I DONT MEAN THEY SHOULD HAVE GONE THERE AND EXECUTED THINGS THE WAY THEY DID. I just feel like every comment on this story needs that clarification because people get all bent out of shape and start stupid side arguments. Point is, cops had a reason to target that residence and Breonna.
If the cops lied to get the warrant and all evidence indicates they did including now the judge who signed it having concerns, then the warrant was not valid.

The no suspicious packages is important because that was a major reason the warrant was issued in the first place. If she was so involved in this drug ring, why was no drugs, no money, nothing found in her apartment. You say people need to stop muddying the water with conspiracies and that’s all you are doing.

If if if is all you guys got. Cover up. It’s a conspiracy.

I started to not respond to your idiotic post bc it contradicts itself pretty clearly. You start with “if” and it continues right on with complete conjecture.

Until I see differently, I will assume the grand jury and authorities explored all those “ifs” you guys are throwing out and found them to be BS. Shocker I know that your grand conspiracy theories may have been actually investigated.

Course that don’t fit your narrative does it, so can’t be true.

It’s a cover up. They coming to get us all. Bunch of BS. Hold the phone guys—4 people didn’t see any suspicious packages. Well, then there can’t have been any right? Course all the other preponderance of evidence pointing to the house being used at some point for various drug or drug cash type dealings all must be wrong too bc four people didn’t see a truckload of weed delivered to the door.
If if if is all you guys got. Cover up. It’s a conspiracy.

I started to not respond to your idiotic post bc it contradicts itself pretty clearly. You start with “if” and it continues right on with complete conjecture.

Until I see differently, I will assume the grand jury and authorities explored all those “ifs” you guys are throwing out and found them to be BS. Shocker I know that your grand conspiracy theories may have been actually investigated.

Course that don’t fit your narrative does it, so can’t be true.

It’s a cover up. They coming to get us all. Bunch of BS. Hold the phone guys—4 people didn’t see any suspicious packages. Well, then there can’t have been any right? Course all the other preponderance of evidence pointing to the house being used at some point for various drug or drug cash type dealings all must be wrong too bc four people didn’t see a truckload of weed delivered to the door.

Daniel Cameron specifically said they did not look into how the warrant was obtained. That is currently under FBI investigation. The judge has stated a main piece of the warrant application was a statement from LMPD stating that postal inspectors stated that suspicious packages were delivered to Taylors. Those same postal inspectors have stated that they never Told the police that any suspicious packages were delivered to Taylors. In fact, postal inspectors have refused to work with LMPD since 2018. Take about 10 minutes and educate yourself by reading the various articles about the case and the GJ proceedings. Otherwise you just look foolish with your idiotic posts.
I didn’t listen to the 15hrs of the grand jury tapes, so I’ve missed some stuff, but I read every page and detail of the LMPD case file on this “gang” that Taylor was connected with.

- they physically observed one of the drug dealers picking up a package from her house (which was also his address) and taking it straight to one of the “trap houses”, photographed by the camera police installed outside of that drug house. On jail phone, dealer said the package was clothes he ordered online. Might be.

-On multiple jail calls, from multiple gang members, it was clear Breonna handled money for many criminals. We don’t know what she did wit’s this money, but more than one criminal talked about how she had this money, or so and so money, and how she was good with the money. They stashed money at her place.

- Another interesting part about the money. The main guy (forget his name) but he was concerned with the money he had at Breonna’s when she was shot. He knew it was still there because the cops didn’t execute the warrant. This was confirmed by LMPD. They said after the shooting, it was processed like a crime scene, and nothing was taken, the original search warrant wasn’t executed. I thought that was odd, but that’s what they said, and that’s what the drug dealer guy was also adamant about. So, I don’t believe we know what exactly was in her apartment, or how you could even say if cash was there, that it wasn’t hers.

- Breonna was a popular topic on the jail calls from the gang members who were arrested. They all were confused as to why cops would hit her house, but they all openly talked about how they basically used her to stash money, buy cars, rent cars, send packages...whatever. They took advantage of her to help them conceal their identities and crimes. In 2016 for example, she rented a car for the gang. The car was recovered with a dead body, drugs, and Breonna’s rental paperwork still in it.

So, unless some brand new details came out explaining exactly how all this stuff pointing to Taylor’s involvement with these criminals is actually false, I don’t see why cops wouldn’t go to her house.

AND NO I DONT MEAN THEY SHOULD HAVE GONE THERE AND EXECUTED THINGS THE WAY THEY DID. I just feel like every comment on this story needs that clarification because people get all bent out of shape and start stupid side arguments. Point is, cops had a reason to target that residence and Breonna.

The police have also stated that most if not all you listed have been taken out of context and does not mean she was involved in any sort of illegal activity. Glover was also offered reduced charges to implicate Taylor. He stated that she wasn’t involved and had never been involved. If she was involved, why not
Implicate her at that point to cover his own butt? That should also tell you something.
Daniel Cameron specifically said they did not look into how the warrant was obtained. That is currently under FBI investigation. The judge has stated a main piece of the warrant application was a statement from LMPD stating that postal inspectors stated that suspicious packages were delivered to Taylors. Those same postal inspectors have stated that they never Told the police that any suspicious packages were delivered to Taylors. In fact, postal inspectors have refused to work with LMPD since 2018. Take about 10 minutes and educate yourself by reading the various articles about the case and the GJ proceedings. Otherwise you just look foolish with your idiotic posts.

I stated pretty clearly IF an actual investigation shows there was some coverup or things were not handled correctly and it contributed to this event I will reassess my views. I will not do what you and your cronies have done which is to spout this or that “potential” scenario that is not proven or investigated but is mere conjecture. By your own freaking admission it’s a bunch of “what if’s”.

Spare me anymore nonsense you look like a desperate person spinning a narrative to fit an agenda. When and if some actual proof comes out to back anything up other than a judge is concerned, 4 people said they didn’t see drugs delivered to the house, etc. then we can talk. Up to now, everything appears to be wishful hoping on your part that the conspiracy of the century in LMPD & AG’s office occurred.

So, in other words, let’s just agree to disagree. If any actual investigated and proven evidence comes out to bolster any of your “claims” we can readdress. Up until now it’s just a bunch of straw man BS.
The police have also stated that most if not all you listed have been taken out of context and does not mean she was involved in any sort of illegal activity. Glover was also offered reduced charges to implicate Taylor. He stated that she wasn’t involved and had never been involved. If she was involved, why not
Implicate her at that point to cover his own butt? That should also tell you something.

So “out of context” means all that stuff was fabricated so they could get a search warrant? I’m just trying to understand the “falsified search warrant” stuff you mentioned.
So “out of context” means all that stuff was fabricated so they could get a search warrant? I’m just trying to understand the “falsified search warrant” stuff you mentioned.

Meaning it isn’t as simple as saying she held drugs or money for a drug ring. The falsified search warrant came from LMPD saying postal inspectors told them suspicious packages were being sent to Taylor. Postal inspectors have said they never told them any such thing. The judge who signed the warrant now also states that she believes the police lied to get the warrant. If the judge who issued it says that then seems pretty cut and dry that the warrant was issued fraudulently.

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