Decision day today for Breonna

Apparently he was the one who shot her.

That is good, JMO. At least it shows that one bad egg did all the damage, and I am not saying returning fire was a crime, but shooting through the next door definitely was. Should never be a policeman again if he is that jumpy or stupid, but alas he quite likely should have never been a policeman to start with. I knew a policeman that was SUPPOSEDLY a friend that shot and killed two criminals under suspect circumstances, all he got was two weeks off WITH pay.
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It's a bad outcome. No one is saying she "deserved to die". The thing is that this, unfortunately, happens all the time to people of both races. The people that want to push this as a racist problem are making it harder to fix. Several years ago cops in Missou went to the wrong house and killed a 6 yo kid who happened to walk out of his room and surprise the cops in the middle of the dad and the family dog thinking they were getting broken into. That was a case of the cops honestly being in a house that had the wrong address written on the warrant.

No knocks need to largely go away except in the most extreme cases like an Al Capone type criminal. Warrants in general need to be done smarter and safer. We aren't even talking about that because people want to pretend her race had anything to do with this. Drugs and guns don't mix. Dude was a legal gun owner but was at a house that was a known pass through for drugs and drug money. It sounds like Taylor may not of even been a totally willing member. Im hearing people say the main dude was threatening her to do stuff or else.

The way I understand it she was holding $9,000 of his money------drug money. Sounds like they had more than a casual relationship. When you play with guns sometimes people get hurt, sounds like the wrong person got hurt here, but the set of circumstances says she was probably playing with fire, sometimes just hanging with the wrong crowd can get you in a lot of trouble. If you are with someone that shoots someone you are probably in big trouble too.
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^^^^^Not a single bit of that justifies her being shot by police in her home. None. If this case ever gets in front of a jury, you will see the level of corruption/cover up in this case. Let's hope all of the evidence comes out.
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I saw something today that a new report is showing that the BF may have NOT shot the cop?

A lot of people from the start said this looked fishy, like a cover up or something. Intriguing.
I saw something today that a new report is showing that the BF may have NOT shot the cop?

A lot of people from the start said this looked fishy, like a cover up or something. Intriguing.

I don't know what you saw, but I think she might have taken the shot. For her to get hit that many times and the boyfriend to not get a scratch seems plausible that she took the shot. I don't know if it is true but I heard she had gunpowder residue on her like you would if you were shooting. The boyfriend might have picked up the gun after she was hit and dropped it when he realized it was the police.
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I don't know what you saw, but I think she might have taken the shot. For her to get hit that many times and the boyfriend to not get a scratch seems plausible that she took the shot. I don't know if it is true but I heard she had gunpowder residue on her like you would if you were shooting. The boyfriend might have picked up the gun after she was hit and dropped it when he realized it was the police.

Not trying to single you out but this goes to my first post in this thread - unless someone was actually at the scene and witnessed the entire thing from beginning to end (i.e., no one) or was a member of the grand jury that facts were presented to (only 12 people I believe) then everyone else is going on "what they have heard, what they saw on TV, or whatever best fits the side" of the discussion they wish to be on.

When are people going to learn that first and foremost the "news media" is only going to be able to report a portion of the story, a very small portion. The reason being is that in order to try and insure that a defendant receives a fair trial (if it comes to that stage), the overwhelming majority of what actually happened is not privy to the media.

In days gone by, the headline for this situation would have been along the lines of "woman killed in raid, when more details are known you'll hear them here on WKWK TV channel 123". Now it's "black woman killed by white police, another case of racism ?"

The difference in the two headlines ? The first was factual - stated what happened and offered more information when it becomes available. The second headline (the one in today's reporting) - the first part while factual also includes content of irrelevance (skin color of parties) and flat out speculation of which there is absolutely no way of knowing if it was true or a flat out lie. Unfortunately, most people given the option of clicking the box for each headline will pick #2 all day, everyday. It's the one that will have more people talking.

In headline #2, the racism portion is followed by a question mark giving the media outlet an "out" as not to be held liable. Again showing that the media is more to blame than any single entity out there.
better start paying attention to this. The cover up is on a massive scale and if this makes it to a jury it will be shown. However, there will be another settlement to conceal it all.
I saw something today that a new report is showing that the BF may have NOT shot the cop?

A lot of people from the start said this looked fishy, like a cover up or something. Intriguing.
The boyfriend admitted that he fired one shot at police and he fired first. What is being questioned now is whether the wounded cop was hit by the boyfriend or one of the other cops. It doesn't really matter as far as the law goes, once the boyfriend fired the police are allowed to return fire. The boyfriend is most responsible for her death.
The boyfriend admitted that he fired one shot at police and he fired first. What is being questioned now is whether the wounded cop was hit by the boyfriend or one of the other cops. It doesn't really matter as far as the law goes, once the boyfriend fired the police are allowed to return fire. The boyfriend is most responsible for her death.

Yes, it seems Breonna is guilty of nothing other than choosing bad BFs.
No different with whether they announced themselves or not, they didn’t have to with no knock.
^^^^^Not a single bit of that justifies her being shot by police in her home. None. If this case ever gets in front of a jury, you will see the level of corruption/cover up in this case. Let's hope all of the evidence comes out.

Had her bf not opened fire on police, she'd be alive today.

She was clearly involved in the drug trade. That's the risk in that lifestyle.
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Clearly. Clearly.

If someone busts into my house unannounced I’m shooting back. Stand my ground.

They knocked. That's how walker had time to set up a defensive position.

As another poster stated, it's common for people to rip off drug dealers, sometimes even pretending to be police. It's why they have high security and always have guns within arms reach. I handled a few cases just like that. It's easy work because drug dealers usually can't call the police and report their illegal drugs were stolen.

That's almost surely what happened here. They thought they were being robbed. Walker shot, hitting the officer. They returned fire, killing her by accident. Shooting was justified. Death accidental in terms of criminality. Of course it was worth 12 million somehow to the mayor.
Clearly. Clearly.

If someone busts into my house unannounced I’m shooting back. Stand my ground.

are you actively involved in a massive inner city cocaine trafficking operation? probably not.

bre and her man knew one of two entities were busting in their apt, one being other drug related gang members coming to clean them out or cops coming for them....someone busting in that door wasn't going to be "random".

if someone busts into your house you will be shitting your pants and nothing else.
are you actively involved in a massive inner city cocaine trafficking operation? probably not.

bre and her man knew one of two entities were busting in their apt, one being other drug related gang members coming to clean them out or cops coming for them....someone busting in that door wasn't going to be "random".

if someone busts into your house you will be shitting your pants and nothing else.
Lol it’s confirmed that they were apart of some huge cocaine trafficking operation? This is some made up bs.
are you actively involved in a massive inner city cocaine trafficking operation? probably not.

bre and her man knew one of two entities were busting in their apt, one being other drug related gang members coming to clean them out or cops coming for them....someone busting in that door wasn't going to be "random".

if someone busts into your house you will be shitting your pants and nothing else.

I don't know. We've had many guys on here over the years in cop threads etc who have clearly stated they wouldn't take any crap from cops. I believe them.
Lol it’s confirmed that they were apart of some huge cocaine trafficking operation? This is some made up bs.
Oh it’s been making the rounds on Reddit among the right wing nut jobs. A whole lot of innuendo and “black people are automatically criminals” to justify Taylor’s death and the system that failed her.

Not shocking at all it has made it’s way on here among the crackpots. Nice cross section I assume between certain posters here and on r/conservative.
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Lol it’s confirmed that they were apart of some huge cocaine trafficking operation? This is some made up bs.

you and murderforcrows are useful idiots...nothing more nothing less.

so you don't believe her ex boyfriend was a huge player in the drug game? she got herself caught up in some nasty business. she might have been a nice person but she was involved and had been involved in criminal activities. you don't believe or want to believe the reports that her ex and the other prison tapes that named her and that apartment in direct involvements in the operations?

of course you don't. the truth doesn't fit your narrative. she played with fire with the men she involved herself with. those men and their activities and her complicit involvement with them and their activities put her in the lime light tragic or not and it actually is...her death is a result of her poor choices. liberals don't believe in personal responsibility. so I understand you not being able to understand this.
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I know it has it’s just that much more ridiculous every time I read it. I’m sure OAN is reporting about it. What these fools don’t understand is just how ridiculous it sounds. It’s just not true. If these idiots had the ability to read they’d figure that out.
you and murderforcrows are useful idiots...nothing more nothing less.

so you don't believe her ex boyfriend was a huge player in the drug game? she got herself caught up in some nasty business. she might have been a nice person but she was involved and had been involved in criminal activities. you don't believe or want to believe the reports that her ex and the other prison tapes that named her and that apartment in direct involvements in the operations?

of course you don't. the truth doesn't fit your narrative. she played with fire with the men she involved herself with. those men and their activities and her complicit involvement with them and their activities put her in the lime light tragic or not and it actually is...her death is a result of her poor choices. liberals don't believe in personal responsibility. so I understand you not being able to understand this.
You are an idiot man. You’re talking about people bending the truth to fit a narrative. You are quite literally trying to make things up to fit yours. Things that have been publicly denied by investigators and public officials. You sound like a fool lol.
Lol it’s confirmed that they were apart of some huge cocaine trafficking operation? This is some made up bs.
Her ex boyfriend and his crew were popped with heroin, cocaine and fentanyl that evening. Her ex boyfriend used her car to drive to the trap house weeks prior, resulting in her house being included in the raid. Her ex boyfriend on prison calls said she was his $ handler.

She and her new boyfriend were likely the best characters in that bunch. But he shot at the cop. Horrible situation.
Her ex boyfriend and his crew were popped with heroin, cocaine and fentanyl that evening. Her ex boyfriend used her car to drive to the trap house weeks prior, resulting in her house being included in the raid. Her ex boyfriend on prison calls said she was his $ handler.

She and her new boyfriend were likely the best characters in that bunch. But he shot at the cop. Horrible situation.
Look man I get that we can read shit on Reddit and oan and come up with these big ass conspiracies. I get it. Her ex boyfriend recently made a statement that he hadn’t seen Breonna in a long time. He was offered a plea deal to name Breonna as being involved in drug trafficking. His sentence goes from 10 years to probation in a matter of seconds. He denied any plea deal that had her name on it. No her ex boyfriend did not use her car for anything. WKYT posted the leaked documents that stated they went to her address because his name popped up in the database at that house after HIS car had been towed previously and the car was registered at that house.
Never mentioned her death Mr Liberal. Just thought it would have been a good line of work. Try doing research
I mean you could try doing some research as well or you could just continue posting ignorant bullshit whichever one you want to do is cool with me. I get it Jim Bob you love the police and the thought of this inner city black girl just being in the wrong place at the wrong time and being wrongfully killed by these dirtbags doesn’t add up to you. Luckily for you all 5 police officers in your town are related to you and you can go around talking about how you’ve never met a bad cop in your life and you’d like to believe most are good. All good brother you do you.
First of all little boy:

It’s not my town. I don’t live there.

I made it clear that the cops screwed the pooch.

Yep. I do support law and order over drug dealers and their bag ladies/men.

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Look man I get that we can read shit on Reddit and oan and come up with these big ass conspiracies. I get it. Her ex boyfriend recently made a statement that he hadn’t seen Breonna in a long time. He was offered a plea deal to name Breonna as being involved in drug trafficking. His sentence goes from 10 years to probation in a matter of seconds. He denied any plea deal that had her name on it. No her ex boyfriend did not use her car for anything. WKYT posted the leaked documents that stated they went to her address because his name popped up in the database at that house after HIS car had been towed previously and the car was registered at that house.
I read the investigative file that was leaked which included images, prison phone transcripts and warrant details. They are going to release the LMPD investigative file this week - are you going to return and respond after they release it?

Her attorney has publicly said she was dating her ex into mid February - so how long is a long time to you? 2 weeks? 1 week?

This isn’t conspiracy theory stuff.
First of all little boy:

It’s not my town. I don’t live there.

I made it clear that the cops screwed the pooch.

Yep. I do support law and order over drug dealers and their bag ladies/men.

Like I said brother you do you I get it. All 17 of yins are just good ole boys looking out for the boys in blue.
I read the investigative file that was leaked which included images, prison phone transcripts and warrant details. They are going to release the LMPD investigative file this week - are you going to return and respond after they release it?

Her attorney has publicly said she was dating her ex into mid February - so how long is a long time to you? 2 weeks? 1 week?

This isn’t conspiracy theory stuff.
Nah I mean I’m sure we can argue about the legitimacy of justification for the warrants or whatever else you want to claim justified them rolling up into a house after they had already brought Glovers and others into custody. We will see what happens the rest of this week.
Problem is with all of that you’ve got fools in here acting like Breonnas current boyfriend who didn’t have any link to drug trafficking was just firing blindly because he was scared of getting caught doing something illegal and that’s not the case.
Nah I mean I’m sure we can argue about the legitimacy of justification for the warrants or whatever else you want to claim justified them rolling up into a house after they had already brought Glovers and others into custody. We will see what happens the rest of this week.
Nice spin zone. I have not commented about the warrants legitimacy- only why they got her and her house (he used her car).

You made a joke like it was a conspiracy that her ex and crew were in a drug ring. I commented that they did indeed catch them with hardcore drugs at the trap house. They were still heavily connected and in a relationship within the last month and he used her car within weeks to run drugs.

I said she and her new boyfriend were the best of the bunch being investigated and it’s a shame he shot.

You pop off like you always do, without facts and making silly ass country bumpkin insults...anyone who states facts must be a conspiracy redneck.

Nice spin zone. I have not commented about the warrants legitimacy- only why they got her and her house (he used her car).

You made a joke like it was a conspiracy that her ex and crew were in a drug ring. I commented that they did indeed catch them with hardcore drugs at the trap house. They were still heavily connected and in a relationship within the last month and he used her car within weeks to run drugs.

I said she and her new boyfriend were the best of the bunch being investigated and it’s a shame he shot.

You pop off like you always do, without facts and making silly ass country bumpkin insults...anyone who states facts must be a conspiracy redneck.

Nah it’s just funny that a black man driving around his girls car instantly has to mean his girl is some drug running trap queen. Cops had no reason to run up in her house and gun her down simple as that. The cops tracked him down due to his car being impounded. They proceed to set up surveillance on the street she lives on. When they arrested him and caught him with the white girl on him that should have been that. Instead supercops had to roll up and try to find more shit. They didn’t find it and instead a girl is dead. Cops are supposed to protect and serve not murder and curve charges due to their social status.

I thought the second amendment was supposed to stop shit like this? The government over stepping their boundaries.....all in all I guess if Breonnas boyfriend did shoot maybe he shouldn’t have missed. Unfortunately he would have went to prison for protecting his home as a black man. Regardless of what happened it was never going to end well for those 2 because law enforcement had already determined their guilt before they stepped foot in that house.