Decision day today for Breonna

People still refusing to believe she was in the game? She was mentioned on recorded jail calls. More than one source named her as involved in trafficking. She had a simultaneous love affair with two different drug dealers.

Was she a kingpin? No. Was it coke? Almost surely not. Was she in the game? Yes without doubt, based on facts.
Which by definition means breonna did not possess her EX bf drugs or cash. It is pathetic that some of you think her death is excusable bc of who she USED to date. Truly PATHETIC.
Which by definition means breonna did not possess her EX bf drugs or cash. It is pathetic that some of you think her death is excusable bc of who she USED to date. Truly PATHETIC.

It just seems to point to this being a valid warrant (minus the no-knock). Still can't understand why Breonna was shot and BF was not.
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It just seems to point to this being a valid warrant (minus the no-knock). Still can't understand why Breonna was shot and BF was not.

Valid warrant? Are you ignoring the perjury committed by the officer who told the judge he spoke to the postal inspector? Why was he not indicted for perjury? The officer swore---under oath---he spoke to the postal inspector---when he absolutely did not. Did u forget that or ignore it?
Valid warrant? Are you ignoring the perjury committed by the officer who told the judge he spoke to the postal inspector? Why was he not indicted for perjury? The officer swore---under oath---he spoke to the postal inspector---when he absolutely did not. Did u forget that or ignore it?
The feds are investigating that - correct?

Has nothing to do with the 3 officers serving the warrant.

If wrongdoing is found by the officers/judge submitting evidence for the warrant, I would think/Hope most would be fine with very stiff charges - potential manslaughter/murder....whatever it would fall under.
Which by definition means breonna did not possess her EX bf drugs or cash. It is pathetic that some of you think her death is excusable bc of who she USED to date. Truly PATHETIC.

no one said the death was excusable you gd lunatic. people are only stating it was a product of the lifestyle she had lived and the horrible choices she made, in men in particular. there is no doubt the prosecutors wanted her for testimony against Glover. her home was part of operation. she had been some part of the operation. she had intimate relationships with at least 2 drug dealers. she would have had plenty of info to help the prosecution if they could get her under oath.

they had every right to search her home and bring her in. her boyfriend fired at a cop. her death is a tragic result of the life she put herself in. period.
This is just another example of we wont ever know what happened deal. Im not gonna trust the guy who shot at cops and we know the 3 cops are gonna stick together. Its a he said they said type of deal. The family got 12 million but with the guy shooting at cops and such gonna be hard to prove murder or even manslaughter.
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no one said the death was excusable you gd lunatic. people are only stating it was a product of the lifestyle she had lived and the horrible choices she made, in men in particular. there is no doubt the prosecutors wanted her for testimony against Glover. her home was part of operation. she had been some part of the operation. she had intimate relationships with at least 2 drug dealers. she would have had plenty of info to help the prosecution if they could get her under oath.

they had every right to search her home and bring her in. her boyfriend fired at a cop. her death is a tragic result of the life she put herself in. period.

u need help u judgmental prick! Not one g da*n thing u just typed—-some of which u have no idea if it is/was true —-justified the actions of these cops. Nothing. Lied to get a warrant—-have lied about nearly everything since. What makes u KNOW anything that’s been said about her is true—-much less is any excuse for her death?

Congrats! U have won the award for being the worst prospective juror in the commonwealth. Maybe the police will beat down ur door—-based on a lie——in the middle of the night to deliver your award. Hope things turn out better for u than BT. For the sake of ur family, I hope no one spreads rumors about what a judgmental prick u were.
u need help u judgmental prick! Not one g da*n thing u just typed—-some of which u have no idea if it is/was true —-justified the actions of these cops. Nothing. Lied to get a warrant—-have lied about nearly everything since. What makes u KNOW anything that’s been said about her is true—-much less is any excuse for her death?

Congrats! U have won the award for being the worst prospective juror in the commonwealth. Maybe the police will beat down ur door—-based on a lie——in the middle of the night to deliver your award. Hope things turn out better for u than BT. For the sake of ur family, I hope no one spreads rumors about what a judgmental prick u were.

go burn down some other people's hard work because you don't understand how the judicial system works or agree with FBI findings. that's all you know how to do. you think it's all a lie because that is all that fits the narrative you need to be true.
u need help u judgmental prick! Not one g da*n thing u just typed—-some of which u have no idea if it is/was true —-justified the actions of these cops. Nothing. Lied to get a warrant—-have lied about nearly everything since. What makes u KNOW anything that’s been said about her is true—-much less is any excuse for her death?

Congrats! U have won the award for being the worst prospective juror in the commonwealth. Maybe the police will beat down ur door—-based on a lie——in the middle of the night to deliver your award. Hope things turn out better for u than BT. For the sake of ur family, I hope no one spreads rumors about what a judgmental prick u were.
Honest question for you - do you believe the 3 cops serving the warrant should be charged with stiff crimes IF they had no knowledge of the surveillance and detective work by the other officers (should that turn out to be dirty regarding her being included)?

Or are you fine with them getting off and the cops that sent them on the dirty errand (if dirty) being charged?
It just seems to point to this being a valid warrant (minus the no-knock). Still can't understand why Breonna was shot and BF was not.
It’s always bothered me how 22 rounds can be fired down an apartment hallway and only Ms Taylor gets hit. Boyfriend walks away unscathed. Something not right about that.
I’m not sure I understand why people like these two posters can’t grasp what happened. Walker fired one shot, the cops unloaded and Taylor was killed.

What do you think is suspect about that?

It comes up numerous times from the same kinds of posters in this thread.
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go burn down some other people's hard work because you don't understand how the judicial system works or agree with FBI findings. that's all you know how to do. you think it's all a lie because that is all that fits the narrative you need to be true.

“FBI findings”? I could tell u didn’t know what u were talking about. Thanks for proving it. Whose pushing a narrative?
“FBI findings”? I could tell u didn’t know what u were talking about. Thanks for proving it. Whose pushing a narrative?

do you know anything about this case or just read facebook? Quantico oversaw the ballistic evidence and aided the KSP in the investigation. it was their evidence that was turned over to the grand jury. you really don't know anything do you ?
u need help u judgmental prick! Not one g da*n thing u just typed—-some of which u have no idea if it is/was true —-justified the actions of these cops. Nothing. Lied to get a warrant—-have lied about nearly everything since. What makes u KNOW anything that’s been said about her is true—-much less is any excuse for her death?

Congrats! U have won the award for being the worst prospective juror in the commonwealth. Maybe the police will beat down ur door—-based on a lie——in the middle of the night to deliver your award. Hope things turn out better for u than BT. For the sake of ur family, I hope no one spreads rumors about what a judgmental prick u were.

I think quite possibly you might want to speak that first sentence while looking into a mirror.

You fault some one for saying something that is 100% true and factual (product of the lifestyle she had lived and the horrible choices she made), telling them they have no idea if something is/was true. Unless you were at the scene and witnessed everything from start to finish - which you didn't - or one of the members of the grand jury who heard the evidence - you obviously wasn't - then YOU have no idea other than what you have been told by the media or by people on Twitter, Instagram or some other "disease" that has infected the world.

Can you not grasp the idea that YES her death was a tragedy but also could have been prevented had she not been involved with the people she was can both be correct ?
^^^wow. Aren’t u two something. By your ridiculous logic, it can be said we all die—-since we all will die—-because of the choices we have made. What a self-fulfilling prophecy.

candidly. It’s pretty clear u two have other “issues”. Good luck to you both in the future.
^^^wow. Aren’t u two something. By your ridiculous logic, it can be said we all die—-since we all will die—-because of the choices we have made. What a self-fulfilling prophecy.

candidly. It’s pretty clear u two have other “issues”. Good luck to you both in the future.

lay off the drugs dipshit. they are burning braincells faster than you can handle. all we did was lay out facts according to the AG report which was based on evidence gathered by the KSP and aided by, yes, the FBI. nothing more nothing less. also stated her death was a tragedy. buuuttt, we, as humans, are responsible for the choices we make. choices can have unintended consequences. doesn't bring her back, doesn't make those cops criminals either. plain and simple, if she wasn't spending her 20's banging drug dealers, odds are she doesn't get shot.

sry you have BLM dildos rammed so far up your ass you're choking on BBC but you are wrong on everything you have said. all of it. you are only arguing on emotion. emotion based on manipulated propaganda, intended to sway the useful idiots that are obviously not in short supply.
Picture an apartment where you walk in and are in a living room 14x15. Toward one side of the room a hallway kicks back where the bath and bedrooms are.

Reportedly, the first cop inis shot toward his low calf/ankle area. As he falls and backs up he unloads 6-8 shots mostly providing cover, meanwhile the 2nd guy in is also dumping rounds in the general facility down the hall allowing the front man to crawl/pull himself out of the way.

2 people firing somewhat blind at an angle down a hallway.

So based on that leaked testimony, you are somewhat safe to assume that Walker ducked out and was infront leaving Breonna in between him and the police, where she is hit.

He may not have literally grabbed her and made her out to be a shield, but he damn sure didn’t jump infront to protect her at all.
I don't know. We've had many guys on here over the years in cop threads etc who have clearly stated they wouldn't take any crap from cops. I believe them.

I think 'wouldn't take any crap from them" coming from most law abiding citizens is talking about talking back to a cop giving them a ticket, not getting into a shootout with them. I have been guilty of that a few times myself. And by the way, if you get into a shootout and win it, better be ready for the next one, because it won't be far behind.
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u need help u judgmental prick! Not one g da*n thing u just typed—-some of which u have no idea if it is/was true —-justified the actions of these cops. Nothing. Lied to get a warrant—-have lied about nearly everything since. What makes u KNOW anything that’s been said about her is true—-much less is any excuse for her death?

Congrats! U have won the award for being the worst prospective juror in the commonwealth. Maybe the police will beat down ur door—-based on a lie——in the middle of the night to deliver your award. Hope things turn out better for u than BT. For the sake of ur family, I hope no one spreads rumors about what a judgmental prick u were.
Honest question for you - do you believe the 3 cops serving the warrant should be charged with stiff crimes IF they had no knowledge of the surveillance and detective work by the other officers (should that turn out to be dirty regarding her being included)?

Or are you fine with them getting off and the cops that sent them on the dirty errand (if dirty) being charged?

You do know this same raid team is the subject of a lawsuit due to another botched raid at the end of 2018, right? They conducted a raid on an address at the end of 2018 based on information gained at the beginning of 2018 without verifying it. As a result, an innocent family was held at gun point by the cops because they didn't do even the littlest possible verification. This team has a history of shoddy police work and in this case it got a woman killed. A woman who had no drugs in her system or in her possession. Defend the police all you want but by all appearances it was only a matter of time before this happened with this team. Hell, even their own SWAT commander said this situation was doomed from the start.
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lay off the drugs dipshit. they are burning braincells faster than you can handle. all we did was lay out facts according to the AG report which was based on evidence gathered by the KSP and aided by, yes, the FBI. nothing more nothing less. also stated her death was a tragedy. buuuttt, we, as humans, are responsible for the choices we make. choices can have unintended consequences. doesn't bring her back, doesn't make those cops criminals either. plain and simple, if she wasn't spending her 20's banging drug dealers, odds are she doesn't get shot.

sry you have BLM dildos rammed so far up your ass you're choking on BBC but you are wrong on everything you have said. all of it. you are only arguing on emotion. emotion based on manipulated propaganda, intended to sway the useful idiots that are obviously not in short supply.

There it is. I knew it wouldn't take much for u to show what ur real issues are. I feel sorry for ur family. I sincerely do.

Good news for u though. Looks like LMPD will be hiring soon. I'm sure you will check all the right boxes--being a racist, judgmental, sycophant, company-man who lacks all reason. If your lucky, maybe they will put u on the front line of the next botched home invasion and u will get to recklessly kill as many people as u want. Then, u can tell us all how well u served the public by exacting your idea of "justice". Heck, maybe the house will have some money or marijuana in it.

Within the week, if AG Cameron releases the gj transcripts, you will see how the entire GJ process was manipulated to protect the these cops. Well, maybe YOU won't.
You do know this same raid team is the subject of a lawsuit due to another botched raid at the end of 2018, right? They conducted a raid on an address at the end of 2018 based on information gained at the beginning of 2018 without verifying it. As a result, an innocent family was held at gun point by the cops because they didn't do even the littlest possible verification. This team has a history of shoddy police work and in this case it got a woman killed. A woman who had no drugs in her system or in her possession. Defend the police all you want but by all appearances it was only a matter of time before this happened with this team. Hell, even their own SWAT commander said this situation was doomed from the start.
That doesn’t answer either question I posed and really has nothing to do with this case.

I could say “you do know there was a dead body found in Breonna Taylor’s rental car in 2016, right?!” And that wouldn’t apply to this warrant either.
That doesn’t answer either question I posed and really has nothing to do with this case.

I could say “you do know there was a dead body found in Breonna Taylor’s rental car in 2016, right?!” And that wouldn’t apply to this warrant either.

It has plenty to do with this case. If Taylor has a history of being a drug runner (which you and many others in this thread claim) solely because of her past, then these police officer have a history of shoddy police work because of their past. You can't have it both ways. You want to apply guilt because of the past to Taylor, then these cops deserve the same treatment.

Taylor was cleared of any wrongdoing with regards to the body and the rental car btw. Those police officers were not cleared of any wrongdoing in the botched raid because they were all kinds of wrong.
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This may be another one of those things (and there are a lot of them nowadays), where the truth lies in the middle.
It has plenty to do with this case. If Taylor has a history of being a drug runner (which you and many others in this thread claim) solely because of her past, then these police officer have a history of shoddy police work because of their past. You can't have it both ways. You want to apply guilt because of the past to Taylor, then these cops deserve the same treatment.

Taylor was cleared of any wrongdoing with regards to the body and the rental car btw. Those police officers were not cleared of any wrongdoing in the botched raid because they were all kinds of wrong.
So you agree that Taylor’s past involvement with drug runners = cops past involvement in botched warrants, therefore both should be scrutinized and evaluated?
So you agree that Taylor’s past involvement with drug runners = cops past involvement in botched warrants, therefore both should be scrutinized and evaluated?

Not at all. I’m saying that if you want to scrutinize Taylors history than you need to do the same with the cops yet no one in this thread was doing that. Also Taylor being exonerated on those allegations are quite different than the cops past actions being part of an ongoing lawsuit. Had those cops been exonerated like Taylor it needn’t b
Not at all. I’m saying that if you want to scrutinize Taylors history than you need to do the same with the cops yet no one in this thread was doing that. Also Taylor being exonerated on those allegations are quite different than the cops past actions being part of an ongoing lawsuit. Had those cops been exonerated like Taylor it needn’t b
I’d be happy to read the ongoing lawsuit information. Please share

Also, what you seem to be missing from me: if the warrant for her was dirty, I don’t care if the investigating officers fry. The difference is, I think there is some separation between the unit going to the house and the guys collecting evidence and presenting it to the judge.
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I’d be happy to read the ongoing lawsuit information. Please share

Also, what you seem to be missing from me: if the warrant for her was dirty, I don’t care if the investigating officers fry. The difference is, I think there is some separation between the unit going to the house and the guys collecting evidence and presenting it to the judge.

From everything I understand , every party involved knew that the information used to obtain the warrant was fraudulent. I’ll be happy to share link for lawsuit information as soon as I get back to a computer and am not on my phone.
I’d be happy to read the ongoing lawsuit information. Please share

Also, what you seem to be missing from me: if the warrant for her was dirty, I don’t care if the investigating officers fry. The difference is, I think there is some separation between the unit going to the house and the guys collecting evidence and presenting it to the judge.

It appears I was wrong. There isn't just one botched raid that has resulted in a lawsuit. There are multiple currently in lawsuit.

This one I didn't know about

This is the one I mentioned previously
^^^wow. Aren’t u two something. By your ridiculous logic, it can be said we all die—-since we all will die—-because of the choices we have made. What a self-fulfilling prophecy.
candidly. It’s pretty clear u two have other “issues”. Good luck to you both in the future.

You probably should be keeping that luck because it is more than obvious that you are the one who is going to need it. Especially if you cannot comprehend what was meant by my post. I am not going to answer for thabigbluenation, because I don't know him. Just as you don't know all the evidence.

That's the point you are missing. You aren't able to make a decision, without a reason of doubt, because you do not know all of the information. You are either incapable, doubtful or you just don't want to accept that because you want so bad for it to be something else. The latter is probably the case, which is sad on so many levels.

Everything a person does from the time they are at the age of accountability is either a choice or the consequence of a choice. People often say all you have to do is die and pay taxes. That is obviously wrong because several people haven't paid taxes. Of course there is a consequence for that. Dying is all we have to do, assuming we aren't here when Jesus returns, we can speed that time up by taking our lives. This was something I went to a funeral for yesterday as my cousin's 25 year old son took his own life. When your time comes, there is nothing you can do to prevent it.

Let me try once more, slowly with one word at a time. See if you can keep up. IT. WAS. TRAGIC. BREONNA. TAYLOR. WAS. KILLED. - THERE IS NO DOUBT, NO QUESTION ABOUT THAT. However had she not been in the lifestyle she was in, a decision she made and ultimately paid the consequence for that decision made, she might still be here.

As I said you either are unable to understand this or you just don't want to. There is no need trying to reason with you as it's obvious you aren't reasonable. Again save that luck for yourself
You probably should be keeping that luck because it is more than obvious that you are the one who is going to need it. Especially if you cannot comprehend what was meant by my post. I am not going to answer for thabigbluenation, because I don't know him. Just as you don't know all the evidence.

That's the point you are missing. You aren't able to make a decision, without a reason of doubt, because you do not know all of the information. You are either incapable, doubtful or you just don't want to accept that because you want so bad for it to be something else. The latter is probably the case, which is sad on so many levels.

Everything a person does from the time they are at the age of accountability is either a choice or the consequence of a choice. People often say all you have to do is die and pay taxes. That is obviously wrong because several people haven't paid taxes. Of course there is a consequence for that. Dying is all we have to do, assuming we aren't here when Jesus returns, we can speed that time up by taking our lives. This was something I went to a funeral for yesterday as my cousin's 25 year old son took his own life. When your time comes, there is nothing you can do to prevent it.

Let me try once more, slowly with one word at a time. See if you can keep up. IT. WAS. TRAGIC. BREONNA. TAYLOR. WAS. KILLED. - THERE IS NO DOUBT, NO QUESTION ABOUT THAT. However had she not been in the lifestyle she was in, a decision she made and ultimately paid the consequence for that decision made, she might still be here.

As I said you either are unable to understand this or you just don't want to. There is no need trying to reason with you as it's obviously you aren't reasonable. Again save that luck for yourself

By that logic, she would still be alive if the police didn’t have a history of shoddy police work. They made the decisions to not follow proper police work multiple times and it cost a woman her life. They to have to shoulder the responsibility.
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You probably should be keeping that luck because it is more than obvious that you are the one who is going to need it. Especially if you cannot comprehend what was meant by my post. I am not going to answer for thabigbluenation, because I don't know him. Just as you don't know all the evidence.

That's the point you are missing. You aren't able to make a decision, without a reason of doubt, because you do not know all of the information. You are either incapable, doubtful or you just don't want to accept that because you want so bad for it to be something else. The latter is probably the case, which is sad on so many levels.

Everything a person does from the time they are at the age of accountability is either a choice or the consequence of a choice. People often say all you have to do is die and pay taxes. That is obviously wrong because several people haven't paid taxes. Of course there is a consequence for that. Dying is all we have to do, assuming we aren't here when Jesus returns, we can speed that time up by taking our lives. This was something I went to a funeral for yesterday as my cousin's 25 year old son took his own life. When your time comes, there is nothing you can do to prevent it.

Let me try once more, slowly with one word at a time. See if you can keep up. IT. WAS. TRAGIC. BREONNA. TAYLOR. WAS. KILLED. - THERE IS NO DOUBT, NO QUESTION ABOUT THAT. However had she not been in the lifestyle she was in, a decision she made and ultimately paid the consequence for that decision made, she might still be here.

As I said you either are unable to understand this or you just don't want to. There is no need trying to reason with you as it's obvious you aren't reasonable. Again save that luck for yourself

You took a very long time to just to say “she deserved to die because she was black and automatically a criminal but it was tragic”

The good old blame the victim tactic.
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It appears I was wrong. There isn't just one botched raid that has resulted in a lawsuit. There are multiple currently in lawsuit.

This one I didn't know about

This is the one I mentioned previously
Oh, so you are just discussing LMPD and LMPD swat in general. Nothing specifically attaching the 3 officers in the Taylor shootout. Again, I’m not privy to what all each group within the units do...if certain individuals focus on investigative work and others carry out warrants obtained, I’m not finding all of them guilty except for the dirty (if so) investigators.
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Oh, so you are just discussing LMPD and LMPD swat in general. Nothing specifically attaching the 3 officers in the Taylor shootout. Again, I’m not privy to what all each group within the units do...if certain individuals focus on investigative work and others carry out warrants obtained, I’m not finding all of them guilty except for the dirty (if so) investigators.

I will have to find it but there is an article/information out there that specifically says the same team conducted both raids. I don’t have time to do it right now but it’s out there. I just posted the background while I was on lunch.
You took a very long time to just to say “she deserved to die because she was black and automatically a criminal but it was tragic”

The good old blame the victim tactic.

you and the other idiot are the only ones injecting color or race or whatever. plenty if not more whiteys play the same damn dumb game and we should and do hold them accountable for their actions not the police's response.

you only know victimnhood.

as to Tcurtis, yes the police should absolutely be held accountable for their actions when they are wrong. point being made is when their door was beat open, both Bre and Walker knew one of two scenarios were plausible. either other gang members were coming for them or the police. they knew that no doubt. because of the choices and lifestyle they put themselves in, through their choices.

you don't want to put yourself in the hands of potentially shady police officers, don't deal cocaine and don't date cocaine dealers. does either mean you deserve to die, absolutely not. does either mean you greatly increase the likelihood that you can put your life at risk....only race bating dumbasses can't see that.
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You took a very long time to just to say “she deserved to die because she was black and automatically a criminal but it was tragic”

The good old blame the victim tactic.

I don't know what is wrong with our education system. I never said that, I don't think that. I have said MULTIPLE TIMES it was wrong.

You are using the old "you don't agree with me so I'll just say you said something else" tactic.

Please for the Love of God show me where I said she deserved to die. I'll be waiting until Hell freezes over for you to show me because I never said it.

I will have to find it but there is an article/information out there that specifically says the same team conducted both raids. I don’t have time to do it right now but it’s out there. I just posted the background while I was on lunch.

Just because there's an article doesn't mean it's credible or the truth. So many things have been written that are not correct, concerning her, the police and even witness testimony. The bottom line is unless someone was there or a member of the grand jury, we'll never fully know everything that happened.
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