Dan Kane bringing it as usual, new UNC*** cheat article

Women's basketball will take the brunt of the penalties. Football will get hit hard. Men's Basketball will take peripheral damage but not vacate wins or titles thus UNC wins the propaganda war as the entire focus of their efforts have been to limit the damage to Men's Basketball.

I am guaranteeing this outcome. Stay focused. This is where the battle is focused on. No vacated wins/titles is the entire crux of the battle. The key to who wins or loses this fight.

Yup..if no wins are vacated UNC and NCAA win...they obviously are trying for that you are right.....only people they will fool is the non- hardcore basketball fans

What is funny (in a tragic way) is that the UNC academic scandal was so outrageous the dozens of other violations have just been swept under the rug re: Fats, Grills for Heels Dental scandal, Tammy the Sausage Wallet, Wheels for Heels... a huge assortment of violations that would have drawn severe penalties for any other school have just disappeared without being addressed at all by the NCAA.

Also shocking...but buried now
"For example, records show many athletes on the 2005 men’s basketball championship team took multiple fake classes, which were directed and graded by a clerical employee in the African studies department – including a star player who took 12 hours’ worth in the spring semester when the team won the title."

McCants did say he once made the Dean's List and never actually went to class. Taking 12 hours worth of no-show classes and only having to turn in a paper at tne end would make that pretty easy.
And lets be honest here. Does ANYONE really believe McCants actually wrote those papers himself? There is no way...NO FREAKIN WAY he ever wrote anything for any AFAM classes in the time period in question. McCants was a SINO...Student In Name Only.
The term Kane uses in the video is dead-on. Shadow Curriculum.
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And lets be honest here. Does ANYONE really believe McCants actually wrote those papers himself? There is no way...NO FREAKIN WAY he ever wrote anything for any AFAM classes in the time period in question. McCants was a SINO...Student In Name Only.
The term Kane uses in the video is dead-on. Shadow Curriculum.
He admitted to driving to a tutor's place and picking the papers up.

And this GUY is the biggest LIAR of them All. He brought Wayne Walden to UNC to continue what was going on at Kansas.

i'm surprised somehting hasn't come up there yet. It surely happened.

why else would you bring Your academic advisor with you to UNC?

Ole Roy is a sly weasel alright....
It's on my Facebook and now on the national board for as long as they will leave it. I strongly urge every UK fan post it on your Facebook-indy
This is funniest thing ever...but dont know how to embed...found on twitter

@thrillis4 look up his tweet... you wont be disappointed..somebody post it here the video
I guess I'm one of the few who think the NCAA drops a tactical nuke on both UNC and Louisville.

This is about the NCAA's own survival.

Favorite schools be damned.
Consider this -

UNC women's basketball coach Sylvia Hatchell is a Hall-of-Famer. She ranks second only to Pat Summit in wins. She has been the women's head coach at UNC for 30 years. 30 freakin' years. She is like Roy Williams' grandma. She is also a cancer survivor.

If UNC makes Hatchell and the women's basketball program the sacrificial lambs to save the men's program, it is seriously one of the most reprehensible things I've ever seen in college sports.
So they...ahem..."misinformed" both the NCAA and the accreditation commission about the year the 12 hour independent study limit was put into place.

Woah boy this should be good.

There seems to be no end to the amount of cover up that has been perpetrated at Chapel Hill.
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Did Emmert come out with another comment recently that hinted at a slap on the wrist? Heard something on the radio that sounded like he did, but I missed most of the convo and couldn't tell for sure.
Consider this -

UNC women's basketball coach Sylvia Hatchell is a Hall-of-Famer. She ranks second only to Pat Summit in wins. She has been the women's head coach at UNC for 30 years. 30 freakin' years. She is like Roy Williams' grandma. She is also a cancer survivor.

If UNC makes Hatchell and the women's basketball program the sacrificial lambs to save the men's program, it is seriously one of the most reprehensible things I've ever seen in college sports.

This could be as bad as Bliss/SMU....nothing but hiding from the reality that these students are going to be much shorter in their college credits than they thought.

Former Gov Martin....if you see him, tell him I think he's a buffoon!
Everyone please follow mike's suggestion! BBN is big and powerful enough to make a difference and not let the greatest scandal n ncaaNCAA history die a silent death. Email to every news outlet, ncaaNCAA headquarters and all talking heads. Do not let them avoid what they deserve
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I will echo what Dep said the other day in another thread. UNC has been told to worry or they would have already self imposed penalties. By not doing this they are not scared. They will get a written rebuke and a slap on the wrist and nothing more. The NCAA will be virtually dead after this.
Consider this -

UNC women's basketball coach Sylvia Hatchell is a Hall-of-Famer. She ranks second only to Pat Summit in wins. She has been the women's head coach at UNC for 30 years. 30 freakin' years. She is like Roy Williams' grandma. She is also a cancer survivor.

If UNC makes Hatchell and the women's basketball program the sacrificial lambs to save the men's program, it is seriously one of the most reprehensible things I've ever seen in college sports.

I hope Kate Fagan gets a sniff of that...she'll go ballistic...

Perhaps that is the angle to bust this thing wide open...women...this is not the era to be throwing women under the bus...

no use coming at it from a sports scandal angle...but a women's injustice spin might do the trick...that's the hot ticket these days...we've been blowing up the emails and phones of the wrong people...let's all get on ESPNW at let them know of this potential crime against women's rights...

Same goes for the UL wasn't a stripper party and college was a bunch of misogynistic entitled men exploiting women and not paying them an equal rate...

Disney can afford breezing over an academic fraud and a boys night out...but not taking a women's issue seriously...forget John Skipper...the big boys and luke skywalker will step in...
So everyone share on Facebook and are they removing this stuff from the national board? Not a peep about it on there- indy

It's on the national board in the 600+ post thread about UNC I believe. Think they're trying to keep it all in one thread over there.
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I guess I'm one of the few who think the NCAA drops a tactical nuke on both UNC and Louisville.

This is about the NCAA's own survival.

Favorite schools be damned.

Are you not familiar with Emmert? He is corrupt through and through. Zero doubt in my mind he could be and probably was bought off.
This is the UNC thread on the National Board

Also, did anyone pick up that UNC lied to the NCAA? They told the NCAA that policy was adopted in 2006-07 when it really was in the early 90's per Kane. As a result, the NOA was framed in a way that only indicated 10 student athletes were ineligible due to the independent study limits. Should have been 140+. Granted, that is just one aspect. They should be doubly ineligible when you factor in the impermissible extra benefits.
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UNC is lying to the NCAA and the NCAA wants to be lied to . I suspect the NCAA has coached and collaborated with UNC on how to get out of this .
I think you're right. The NCAA had the document Kane is referring to in his story and still only charged UNC with violating the 12 hour rule beginning in '06, right after they won the '05 title. Their ruling will claim no member of the '09 team exceeded the limit and neither banner will come down..
Didn't McCants refuse to cooperate with the investigation? I know he did all that stuff in the media, but I think he didn't cooperate for some reason.
I think you're right. The NCAA had the document Kane is referring to in his story and still only charged UNC with violating the 12 hour rule beginning in '06, right after they won the '05 title. Their ruling will claim no member of the '09 team exceeded the limit and neither banner will come down..

The fact of the matter is that UNC players were certified to the NCAA as eligible based on bogus classes and grades. And the UNC administrators who signed off on this eligibility either knew or should have known that it was fraudulent. (Mary Willingham already admitted that she signed such papers knowing full well that they were based on fraudulent classes.)

Those players should be deemed ineligible and whatever achievements gained from this fraud should be voided.

That's at least how the NCAA SHOULD deal with this travesty.
I think McCants did decide not to speak with NCAA investigators. But hell, he provided plenty of information publicly, including his transcript to support his claims. The NCAA has all the evidence they need to hammer the cheats into the stone age. They have no excuse if they allow the cheats to spin their way out of a just Death Penalty.
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That's at least how the NCAA SHOULD deal with this travesty.

We shall see. I think most UK fans and most UNC fans see a slap on the wrist coming.
Consider this -

UNC women's basketball coach Sylvia Hatchell is a Hall-of-Famer. She ranks second only to Pat Summit in wins. She has been the women's head coach at UNC for 30 years. 30 freakin' years. She is like Roy Williams' grandma. She is also a cancer survivor.

If UNC makes Hatchell and the women's basketball program the sacrificial lambs to save the men's program, it is seriously one of the most reprehensible things I've ever seen in college sports.

Amen!!! If they throw Hatchell under the bus it's gonna be reeeeaaaallllly nasty. Either everyone is exonerated or everyone goes down here.
The documentation and information tracking required by the NCAA for a school is huge. It consumes not only athletics administrators, but staff from departments all across campus. A mid-major in a small market can't really justify the cost, but usually ignores it and passes it on to the students. There are administrators employed just to analyze and report triggered irregularities for each department and program.

There is no way fraud on this scale could be concealed from Roy and his staff. It's an insult to average intelligence to accept even the possibility.
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It should also be emailed to every sports talk show everywhere. From Gottdweeb to Mike & Mike to Dan Patrick and beyond. It can't be ignored by everyone.
SEC Commissioner Greg Sankey is the chair of The NCAA COI. Here is his twitter account: @GregSankey

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The documentation and information tracking required by the NCAA for a school is huge. It consumes not only athletics administrators, but staff from departments all across campus. A mid-major in a small market can't really justify the cost, but usually ignores it and passes it on to the students. There are administrators employed just to analyze and report triggered irregularities for each department and program.

There is no way fraud on this scale could be concealed from Roy and his staff. It's an insult to average intelligence to accept even the possibility.

That's the elephant in the room that no media member wants to bring up.

These programs set up the schedules, have mandatory study hall, monitor attendance, etc. etc.

What exactly were they doing when these players were taking classes that didn't meet and had no work assigned? To act like they didn't know what was going on is as you say an insult to average intelligence.

Beyond that Roy Williams received literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in bonuses for his team's academic 'achievements'. What exactly did he do to earn this? And how can he now claim he didn't know.
I hope the NCAA is abolished and all these incompetent Higher Ed bureaucrats are left looking for corrupt jobs in Washington. There's always plenty of openings for scumbags there. We need to get Higher Ed back in the business of Higher Ed! Teaching students at a reasonable cost. Need to also abolish the Fed Dept of Education and all the worthless, useless nonsense they burden schools with. Higher Ed can't support this racket any longer. Burn the damn thing down and get real.
The fact of the matter is that UNC players were certified to the NCAA as eligible based on bogus classes and grades. And the UNC administrators who signed off on this eligibility either knew or should have known that it was fraudulent. (Mary Willingham already admitted that she signed such papers knowing full well that they were based on fraudulent classes.)

Those players should be deemed ineligible and whatever achievements gained from this fraud should be voided.

That's at least how the NCAA SHOULD deal with this travesty.
I agree that's how they should deal with it but I don't think that's what they'll do. They should have had the same information that Kane reported in his article, yet they chose to charge UNC with violating the 12 hour rule beginning in '06. If they aren't complicit in a coverup and trying to protect their banners, why wouldn't go back to the date of that email to begin charging UNC with violating the 12 hour rule, and they seem to be ignoring the fake lecture classes altogether.
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