Dan Kane bringing it as usual, new UNC*** cheat article

Dan Kane is correcting both the NCAA and UNC while they make up more failed stories , yet they act like he's invisible .

Not shocking but extremely frustrating.
It is beyond pathetic and emblematic of NCAA corruption when message boards continually contradict what UNC reveals about itself to the NCAA who swallows it whole . It's like watching those two institutions have an orgy of lies behind doors that aren't closed . Dan Kane is correcting both the NCAA and UNC while they make up more failed stories , yet they act like he's invisible . The aftermath of this scandal could be bigger than the scandal itself , there may be nearly as much corruption during the investigations than the scandal .

Agreed. Despite what Carolina and the NCAA might like to think. This scandal will not be done even with a final verdict.

The strench and fallout will continue for many years to come, because there's just so much corruption that has gone on, and continues to go on in Chapel Hill.

And if it happens to envelop the NCAA, an organization that to date has acted more like a co-conspirator than a governing body, then I'm sure there's plenty of corruption to be revealed in Indianapolis as well.
Clevenger, you make a good post but just some advice, it's virtually impossible to read given a lack of paragraphs. Here it is with paragraphs:

Been following UK basketball for 50 years.

My close involvement with the program occurred between 1966 and 1978. From '78 to today, I still follow but not in detail, I have a love for my alma mater. I also follow UK football and baseball. UK athletics have been a passion, hobby, an interest.

Throughout the years of this hobby, it has always bothered me, and maybe a lot of fanbases think the same way, but there are a lot of thoughts of anti-my school. We have had our bouts with rules violations. With basketball, it has been over a quarter of a century...but in many circles, media, other fan bases, we are forever Cheaters. This has always bothered me a lot more that it should.

If you ask UK fans who the most enjoy beating and who they most dread losing to, you will receive many answers. The answers you receive depend in part to the age of the person you are asking. In my era, UK did not play Louisville. I have never lived in Jefferson County. I look at Louisville as an inconvenience. My interest in beating them has only increased during Pitino's time. When he leaves, they will return to an inconvenience or less.

Beating and losing to Tennessee is second only to beating and losing to North Carolina in my book. North Carolina has always been at the top of my list because in my mind and world, North Carolina (broadly defined as Dean E. Smith, the Carolina Way, its fan base) have been holier than thou, we are above reproach, we excel on an off the court at a superior public ivy, and you Kentucky person, are someone from a backwater place from an inferior university, with an inferior program because you cheat, on an off the court. That has always stuck in my craw.

I know through former UK coaches and players that the public perception didn't always align with the elitist, arrogant, superiority mantra coming out of Chapel Hill...coaches or players. For the last five years, we have learned from media, from investigations, from the hard work of NC State and Duke fans to keep the matter on the table, and from the full court press of ESPN and other talking heads around the country to keep it from being discussed, the North Carolina basketball and other NC sports have been part of the greatest scandal in the history of college athletics. We have learned that Dean E. Smith and the Carolina Way is a complete Fraud.

But we have also learned that all stakes have been pulled to protect the mythical Fraud and farce that this is. Millions of dollars and spin have been put in place to make this go away. The NCAA and Emmeret have done everything they could to make it go away.

Most who have been following the stall, deny, destroy tactics of North Carolina (including for the first time in HISTORY, self-reported minor violations in minor sports to keep the clock going so that they could get through this basketball season with the chance to win another NCAA championship...maybe the only non-tainted one since Dean E.Smith became coach)have resigned themselves to the fact that North Carolina will skate and at best get a slap on the wrist while they allow their minor sports teams and maybe football get hammered allowing the architect of the fraud, Dean E.Smith and the men's basketball program, move on untouched.

The justice of removing the 2005 and 2009 championships, perhaps even the 1993 banner, plus taking away victories of the past 20 years, plus about a five year ban from the NCAA tournament, limited scholarships, etc.,is deserved. If North Carolina does not get hammered, I am done with college athletics. I will begin weening myself off of even UK athletics for they are a member of the NCAA.

While I realize and believe that you don't throw rocks when you live in a glass house, I don't believe that you can let such fraud just go...If NCAA member institutions that have gotten hammered for 1/100th of allegations that have appeared in the NC fraud revelations, don't speak up, then perhaps what North Carolina has done is rampant across the board in the power 5 conferences at one level or another...and if that is the case, big-time college basketball and college football needs to be shut down.

Why should I or any of you that provide your hard earned dollars to UK or any other school's athletic program continue to do so? I can find ways to put my money into something meaningful and worthwhile that helps my community be a better place.

I hope I am proven wrong. I hope the NCAA will do the right thing and hammer North Carolina. I hope that Villanova or Oklahoma win the national championship. I hope I can continue to enjoy my hobby of UK athletics. I am not real optimistic.​


This is exactly how I feel and I've tried to express it to friends and most just don't understand.

I too, am done with college athletics if UNC does not get hammered, for the same reasons you stated.

Told my wife and family and friends, none believe me because i'm so hard core UK fan, but even if we are some amazing team next year I will be weaning off.
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Another article on UNC scandal and the NCAA:

At North Carolina, the NCAA is investigating the role of athletic department staffers in steering athletes toward bogus independent studies classes. The NCAA took a while to become involved in North Carolina's issues because the fake classes were available to all students, not just athletes. Emmert has said, without being specific, the conclusion of that investigation is near.

The bold part above is simply NOT true. Those classes were not available to all students. They were only available to those students who were hand selected by certain people. Remember the email about the "goober" from the frat circuit who was looking for what basically was free credit for doing nothing? There was a clear indication that these classes were only for some and not all.
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Another article on UNC scandal and the NCAA:

At North Carolina, the NCAA is investigating the role of athletic department staffers in steering athletes toward bogus independent studies classes. The NCAA took a while to become involved in North Carolina's issues because the fake classes were available to all students, not just athletes. Emmert has said, without being specific, the conclusion of that investigation is near.

The bold part above is simply NOT true. Those classes were not available to all students. They were only available to those students who were hand selected by certain people. Remember the email about the "goober" from the frat circuit who was looking for what basically was free credit for doing nothing? There was a clear indication that these classes were only for some and not all.

In some of the information dredged up in the Wainstein investigation was correspondence with Debbie Crowder where she basically admitted that she needed to have a certain number of 'non-athletes' in the classes so that it wasn't so obvious that they were designed to keep athletes eligible.

That by itself is enough to completely throw out UNC's claims that this is not an athletic issue.

Beyond that, it has always been the case that the only issue is whether athletes received benefits which allowed them to remain eligible, and without which they would not be eligible to compete. If that is found true, then those athletes should not have been eligible and UNC should pay the punishment accordingly. Whether other non-athletes also took part is immaterial.

Third, a point which I've mentioned numerous times which seems to always be lost by the media, is that no one has fully defined what exactly is an 'athlete' and what is a 'non-athlete'.

This is important because, for example, in the past UNC has tried to claim that former athletes who were no longer athletically eligible (but for whom they want to take credit in terms of graduation rate etc.) were 'non-athletes'. Or potentially players who were redshirting at the time etc.

I think that if you account for these people, along with managers, walk-ons, girlfriends of players and other athletic-related personnel and hangers-on etc., the actual number of people taking these bogus classes who are related to athletics in some way is much higher than UNC (and now the NCAA) wants the general public to know.
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Sure hope Villanova wins. As far as I know, Villanova hasn't been accused of cheating since 1971 when they vacated their NCAA appearance...Howard Porter. They took their medicine like all others through the years until the greatest cheaters of all time move towards beating the wrap thanks to ESPN Emmert and other enablers. I will just spend more time on what is more wife, my children, my grandchildren. I sure hope justice is served.
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Watched the ESPN pre game and it was pretty sickening how Rece Davis kept mentioning the fact that 1500 non athletes were also in those courses - like that makes it any better. The fact is UNC for decades cheated the system and had athletes eligible due to them taking fake classes, tutors and advisors grading the papers which is a violation and cheating, and athletes in some cases taking 12 hours of independent study courses in one semester to stay eligible.

I think the issue most people have is that SMU, Hawaii, and other schools have 1-2 athletes with the same issues and they were quickly ineligible - UNC is just dragging on for years. Amazingly this would have fallen on deaf ears except for people like Dan Kane and PackPride who continue to shed light and provide info.
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It certainly seems that way doesn't it?

I have worked for the last 28 at a SEC institution and a Sunbelt institution. I have observed "academic politics." They are the worst because the stakes are so low. Carnage caused by decisions of an academic structure, are of no consequence to academics. They pick and choose who they are going to take care of and who they are going after. They have a rule book as thick as an old New York City phone book, 4 font, and if they want to use to nail a Cleveland State, SMU, UK, whoever, they will do it. If they do not, want to take care of one their own, they look they other way...see the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.

The Council reviewing what to do with one of their own, is causing a lot of stress. They are faced with the greatest cheater of all time, being one of their own. The farce started by Dean E. Smith and perpetuated through the "Carolina Way" has been spun and kept out of general public site by ESPN and other talking heads trying to protect the farce. If such documentation was availed for an institution of the NCAA that was not "one of their own," the book would have been thrown at that institution. The sentence would have been already handed down.

It is an uncomfortable situation that the NCAA has in that this North Carolina team represents the first national championship contender that NC has had since 1982 that was not a cheater. If Villanova does not win Monday, and, I sure as hell hope the Mainline Wildcats can pull it off, this will at least make the Committee on Infractions spotlight a little brighter on they treat "one of their own."

If they let "one of their own" skate or get by with a slap on the wrist, every President and Athletics Director of the Power 5 conferences ought to storm headquarters in Indianapolis and withdraw from the NCAA and, they as a new independent body ought nail North Carolina to the wall. No longer an NCAA member, they could not take away the 1993, 2005, and 2009...maybe 2016 (go Mainline Wildcats), but they could at least put them in timeout for 5 years and limit scholarships.

IF, they skate or get minimal sanctions and the power 5 say nothing, then all of us, graduates of power 5 schools including my alma mater and the school I have love for 50 years, should vote with our wallets, and say NO MORE. We can all find new will be a cruel withdrawl but we can do it....just hope we don't have to do it.
Clevenger - excellent points. The other thing that does not help and many are not aware of is the ESPN head (John Skipper) is a UNC grad, and this might explain the complete lack of coverage on this matter. Not a conspiracy theorist but seems odd they keep showing UK in a negative light with the Texas Western game and show nothing about UNC and the ridiculous amount of cheating that has gone on there.
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ESPN has an agenda just like CNN, MSNBC, FOX, New York Times, etc. I only watch ESPN networks when UK is on and turn down the sound. I have no interest in what any of them have say about my school. If North Carolina skates, I will not even do that. I will begin weaning myself of 50 years of following my alma mater by just going back to listening on the radio and try to move off of that. At my age I have 20-30 years left God willing. I need to find a new hobby if justice is not done by the NCAA...probably would lead to a less stressful and happy life
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College bb has become corrupted at the enforcement level , the governing body is now the biggest criminal . They went from trying to keep the game clean by handing out significant penalties to trying to help false schools they hold as their ideal model in escaping penalties for massive cheating . I don't look at the game as I used to when you thought there was a level playing field and if you got caught doing wrong then you were held responsible for it . The NCAA tampers with the game to maximize the appeal for more money . They don't care about anything but profit , they are in fact a business and behave as one . I'll always be a UK fan but not necessarily a college bb fan .
The man who started it all.

"For example, records show many athletes on the 2005 men’s basketball championship team took multiple fake classes, which were directed and graded by a clerical employee in the African studies department – including a star player who took 12 hours’ worth in the spring semester when the team won the title."

McCants did say he once made the Dean's List and never actually went to class. Taking 12 hours worth of no-show classes and only having to turn in a paper at tne end would make that pretty easy.
How can the 2005 banner possibly not come down?
Sure hope Villanova wins. As far as I know, Villanova hasn't been accused of cheating since 1971 when they vacated their NCAA appearance...Howard Porter. They took their medicine like all others through the years until the greatest cheaters of all time move towards beating the wrap thanks to ESPN Emmert and other enablers. I will just spend more time on what is more wife, my children, my grandchildren. I sure hope justice is served.
I'm beginning to take your position on this. I live down here in NC and I am completely disillusioned.
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What is unfathomable to me is that the NCAA can get away with denying a young man like Enes Kanter the right to play at least part of a season for the program he has chosen, based entirely on their own ideas of what constitutes amateur status.
Yet, may very well allow 20 years of academic deceit and out right fraud to go unpunished simply because of the name on the uniform. There are simply no words to describe such a hypocrisy and injustice.
As I've said in other threads, this is the NCAA's litmus test. Failure to act accordingly will have fair reaching consequences. Either positive or negative. Member institutions will see the forthcoming NCAA verdict as either a unprecedented crack of the discipline whip or a signal that some member institutions are a little more equal than others.
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What is unfathomable to me is that the NCAA can get away with denying a young man like Enes Kanter the right to play at least part of a season for the program he has chosen, based entirely on their own ideas of what constitutes amateur status.
Yet, may very well allow 20 years of academic deceit and out right fraud to go unpunished simply because of the name on the uniform. There are simply no words to describe such a hypocrisy and injustice.
As I've said in other threads, this is the NCAA's litmus test. Failure to act accordingly will have fair reaching consequences. Either positive or negative. Member institutions will see the forthcoming NCAA verdict as either a unprecedented crack of the discipline whip or a signal that some member institutions are a little more equal than others.

Thinking how ncaa screwed Kanter and now UNC*** possibly walking.... boils your blood.

Ncaa should disband if sever punishment doesnt come down..

And if it doesnr disband...which it wont...

Then i think UK should go ahead and set up free grades for our athletes if they dont want to do school work..

Then we could maybe keep nba pro prospects like Carolina did for years.

Doron lamb hated school supposedly..maybe he would have stayed all 4 years like he should have if it was a party and no school work.
Interesting excerpt below from pages 51-52 of Roy's autobiography, "Hard Work." Great catch by @dukedevilz:

In the final summer of my graduate school year, I needed two more courses to get my degree. One was required and the other I wanted to be really easy. I heard about a guidance counseling course taught by Dr. Perry. I’d heard it had no tests, no papers, and no projects. That was my kind of class. My roommate, Roy Barnes and I went to find out about it and were told it was full. So I told Roy that we were going to see Dr. Perry at his house. Roy didn’t want to go, so he hid behind a bush when I knocked on Dr. Perry’s door.

When he opened the door, I said, “Dr. Perry, my name is Roy Williams. I’m in graduate school in health and physical education finishing my master’s. I need one more course to graduate. I would like to take your course, but they said the only I could get in was with professor approval. Dr. Perry, this is it for me. They told me your course has no tests, no papers, no projects — and I’m being honest with you, that’s what I want. I can contribute to the class with the best of them. Will you let me in?”

Roy priding himself on being the best at contributing to a class that has no work? Interesting.
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Sure hope Villanova wins. As far as I know, Villanova hasn't been accused of cheating since 1971 when they vacated their NCAA appearance...Howard Porter. They took their medicine like all others through the years until the greatest cheaters of all time move towards beating the wrap thanks to ESPN Emmert and other enablers. I will just spend more time on what is more wife, my children, my grandchildren. I sure hope justice is served.

Could not disagree more. There is nothing more American than tearing down the champ. A title win tonight means Morley Safer and crew come knocking by the end of the week. The media backlash will be delicious.

Do you, Tarkeels...Do you.