Clevenger, you make a good post but just some advice, it's virtually impossible to read given a lack of paragraphs. Here it is with paragraphs:
Been following UK basketball for 50 years.
My close involvement with the program occurred between 1966 and 1978. From '78 to today, I still follow but not in detail, I have a love for my alma mater. I also follow UK football and baseball. UK athletics have been a passion, hobby, an interest.
Throughout the years of this hobby, it has always bothered me, and maybe a lot of fanbases think the same way, but there are a lot of thoughts of anti-my school. We have had our bouts with rules violations. With basketball, it has been over a quarter of a century...but in many circles, media, other fan bases, we are forever Cheaters. This has always bothered me a lot more that it should.
If you ask UK fans who the most enjoy beating and who they most dread losing to, you will receive many answers. The answers you receive depend in part to the age of the person you are asking. In my era, UK did not play Louisville. I have never lived in Jefferson County. I look at Louisville as an inconvenience. My interest in beating them has only increased during Pitino's time. When he leaves, they will return to an inconvenience or less.
Beating and losing to Tennessee is second only to beating and losing to North Carolina in my book. North Carolina has always been at the top of my list because in my mind and world, North Carolina (broadly defined as Dean E. Smith, the Carolina Way, its fan base) have been holier than thou, we are above reproach, we excel on an off the court at a superior public ivy, and you Kentucky person, are someone from a backwater place from an inferior university, with an inferior program because you cheat, on an off the court. That has always stuck in my craw.
I know through former UK coaches and players that the public perception didn't always align with the elitist, arrogant, superiority mantra coming out of Chapel Hill...coaches or players. For the last five years, we have learned from media, from investigations, from the hard work of NC State and Duke fans to keep the matter on the table, and from the full court press of ESPN and other talking heads around the country to keep it from being discussed, the North Carolina basketball and other NC sports have been part of the greatest scandal in the history of college athletics. We have learned that Dean E. Smith and the Carolina Way is a complete Fraud.
But we have also learned that all stakes have been pulled to protect the mythical Fraud and farce that this is. Millions of dollars and spin have been put in place to make this go away. The NCAA and Emmeret have done everything they could to make it go away.
Most who have been following the stall, deny, destroy tactics of North Carolina (including for the first time in HISTORY, self-reported minor violations in minor sports to keep the clock going so that they could get through this basketball season with the chance to win another NCAA championship...maybe the only non-tainted one since Dean E.Smith became coach)have resigned themselves to the fact that North Carolina will skate and at best get a slap on the wrist while they allow their minor sports teams and maybe football get hammered allowing the architect of the fraud, Dean E.Smith and the men's basketball program, move on untouched.
The justice of removing the 2005 and 2009 championships, perhaps even the 1993 banner, plus taking away victories of the past 20 years, plus about a five year ban from the NCAA tournament, limited scholarships, etc.,is deserved. If North Carolina does not get hammered, I am done with college athletics. I will begin weening myself off of even UK athletics for they are a member of the NCAA.
While I realize and believe that you don't throw rocks when you live in a glass house, I don't believe that you can let such fraud just go...If NCAA member institutions that have gotten hammered for 1/100th of allegations that have appeared in the NC fraud revelations, don't speak up, then perhaps what North Carolina has done is rampant across the board in the power 5 conferences at one level or another...and if that is the case, big-time college basketball and college football needs to be shut down.
Why should I or any of you that provide your hard earned dollars to UK or any other school's athletic program continue to do so? I can find ways to put my money into something meaningful and worthwhile that helps my community be a better place.
I hope I am proven wrong. I hope the NCAA will do the right thing and hammer North Carolina. I hope that Villanova or Oklahoma win the national championship. I hope I can continue to enjoy my hobby of UK athletics. I am not real optimistic.