
Good morning from Shawanee, TN. Currently 66°F. Birds chirping. Just lovely out. Starting on my 2nd cup of tea soon. Watching WATE in Knoxville.

Having a great time so far. Plan on visiting Knoxville come Friday.


We'll check back later. Behave.
Good morning D League on this July 3.

We have a typical July day ahead. Current temperature is 78° with a high of 89° and clear skies. Around 4:00 PM we have a 40% chance of a thunderstorm which is common. I can post the same forecast until this fall. Unless of course we get a blow out of the Gulf. That could be a game changer. We are suppose to have 14 named storms this season with 5 hurricanes.

Heading to the doc's office this morning for my annual physical. Trust all have a great day.
Just came in from out back watching a storm roll through. It was a good one! Non-stop lightening for over an hour. Heard the sizzle on one bolt and another was close enough that everything was lit up while the thunder rocked the house.

Love me a good storm and tonight's was spectacular.

you and my wife. My wife loves a storm and enjoys the sky to be lit up like a nuclear war. We live close to the "Lightning Capital of The World" and in the summer time you get storms that are better than fireworks on the 4th.

Good morning D- League! Again I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes and extend a Happy Birthday wishes to those who have had them!!

I have had a busy couple days working on my deck-a-lanai trying to get it done. One of my good friends helped me put the metal roof on, being older makes me worry (and Mrs. M) about climbing on ladders and roofs.

I to love to watch lightening, but from a safe distance! Y all those storms blew up just east of us yesterday, up your way!!!

Can't wait to see what the next topic that breaks out in the D! Very informative and knowledgeable group here!!!

Well got to get out of here fur now, I have to go Krogering. My sister requested a Blueberry pie for The 4th so I am making two of them!!!!
Afternoon D
Leftover chicken stir fry w/rice for lunch.
I was informed we're having family over for the 4th & I'm grilling....."if you don't mind"
I don't think we're buying fireworks though. There should be enough neighbors shooting them off.
Guess I'll make some homemade ice cream to go with the festivities.
I love home made ice cream. Plain vanilla. Oh my. May do that this afternoon.
Morning D ... today is my Friday! :raised_hands::raised_hands:woop woop.[cheers]
I got a recipe for ice cream. I looked at yours ymmot, I think the redhead would freak out if she knew how many eggs were in it! ....but I'm gonna try it sometime.
Plans after work include mowing, trimming, making ice cream, and cold beverages....if the random thunderstorms hold off.
Now that I'm older I love a good thunderstorm...
Changed my avatar in support of UKGrad93 ... whatever it takes. :pray:
What goes up must come down.
Listening to the local radio just now and the sheriff came on to give 4th of July safety tips. The first thing out of his mount was "a lot of you use your firearms to celebrate, just remember that bullet will come down" and he ended with "I better not get a call that an innocent citizen of my country has been struck by a stray bullet".

One of the precious things about living in a small, agriculture based county. We got this, the boys understand.

I love home made ice cream. Plain vanilla. Oh my. May do that this afternoon.
Mr. Bert Mrs. M makes the best Peanut Butter ice cream anybody could ever eat!!!! Taste just like frozen PB fudge!!!!! Big joke with the in-laws and out-outlaws is one time Mrs. M took it to a 4th party and of course there was drinking and one of the drinkers got a bowl and the next thing we heard was him hollering this is the best f#@&%&# ice cream I have ever eat!!!! Needless to say the lady that got the party together was trying to find a table to crawl under!!! That's been over ten years ago and when we take it she just laughs and says this is the best blank (no words) ice cream ever!!!
Happy pre- Independence Day from Washington D.C. I’m going to try to get out of work a bit early and make my way over to look at the heavy armor Trump has trucked into town. Haven't climbed on an Abrams M1A2 in a while. It'd be nice to see the new Marine Helicopter being used to ferry presidents about, and the fly-over sounds pretty amazing. Not sure how much I'll be able to take in. I'm way past fighting the crowds on the 4th to go downtown in DC. I did that madness a few times back when my kids were little, and never again.

Mostly I've been enjoying the hand wringing by the liberals where I work over Trump's parade plans. You'd think he planned to turn the tanks on Congress...Hey, now there's an idea...
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Just came in from out back watching a storm roll through. It was a good one! Non-stop lightening for over an hour. Heard the sizzle on one bolt and another was close enough that everything was lit up while the thunder rocked the house.

Love me a good storm and tonight's was spectacular.

Good morning all. Ymmot, when we went out west, in 2017, we stayed one night in the Badlands and we had a huge storm. There was more lightning than rain, but I have never seen as much lightning in my life. There were 5-6 bolts at one time, in different parts of the sky, and there was never a 15 second period that did not have at least one in it, for more than 2 hours. Had tornado warnings and I believe one touched down about 30 miles from where we were, but it was the most spectacular thing that I have ever seen. No fireworks show has ever compared to it. To see that landscape light up at night was something.
Good morning D League on this July 3.

We have a typical July day ahead. Current temperature is 78° with a high of 89° and clear skies. Around 4:00 PM we have a 40% chance of a thunderstorm which is common. I can post the same forecast until this fall. Unless of course we get a blow out of the Gulf. That could be a game changer. We are suppose to have 14 named storms this season with 5 hurricanes.

Heading to the doc's office this morning for my annual physical. Trust all have a great day.

Over/Under on how many specialists you'll get referred too?
Over/Under on how many specialists you'll get referred too?
My A1c was high at 6.1 and he was not too happy about that. Wants it below 5.7 so he told me to quit eating white rice, potatoes and grits. Gonna be hard. I told him I would try but don't even think about telling me to stop eating red meat and drinking caffeine coffee or ice tea. The day I get that word is the day I die.

Everything else turned out OK but I do need to drop a few pounds.
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  • Good Afternoon, All Wildcats.
  • 88º in Johns Creek. Hazy. Barely VFR if you don't fly too high. Watch it.
  • My physical was A-OK yesterday. 220 pounds, BP 138/74, Emory was crowded.
  • Gotta roll.
  • Be safe. Watch it out there.
  • The folks putting down our country need to spend about a year living in a cow-shit shack in Africa. They would kiss the first ground they could find in the USA.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
My A1c was high at 6.1 and he was not too happy about that. Wants it below 5.7 so he told me to quit eating white rice, potatoes and grits. Gonna be hard. I told him I would try but don't even think about telling to stop eating red meat and drinking caffeine coffee or ice tea. The day I get that word is the day I die.

Everything else turned out OK but I do need to drop a few pounds.
Okay, Sawnee Cat, I can tell you how to cheat.

Take metformin. My a1c is 3.9. Use splenda as a substitute. Don't eat grits except 1 day a week. Reduce your carbs. Eat all the red meat you desire.

If you need more details ask Ymmot. He is smarter than me.
Okay, Sawnee Cat, I can tell you how to cheat.

Take metformin. My a1c is 3.9. Use splenda as a substitute. Don't eat grits except 1 day a week. Reduce your carbs. Eat all the red meat you desire.

If you need more details ask Ymmot. He is smarter than me.
Thanks Bert, my next visit is in 6 mos. and I hope to have it well below what it is today by then. He did give me a prescription for metformin. I am on my way. Rest of all labs are all good as is blood pressure. Just need to watch my sweet tooth and drop a few lbs. .
For those of you who don't visit the other forums, it appears UKGrad93 and his daughter need our prayers and good wishes more than ever. Since he has posted this himself on rafters I suppose he doesn't mind me sharing it here: Things are not looking hopeful at all for his daughter.

He posted this: "We are near the end. I’d appreciate continued prayers as she transitions from this world to the next."

Shattering news. Still hoping for a miracle -- or as much peace for the family as possible.
For those of you who don't visit the other forums, it appears UKGrad93 and his daughter need our prayers and good wishes more than ever. Since he has posted this himself on rafters I suppose he doesn't mind me sharing it here: Things are not looking hopeful at all for his daughter.

He posted this: "We are near the end. I’d appreciate continued prayers as she transitions from this world to the next."

Shattering news. Still hoping for a miracle -- or as much peace for the family as possible.
Oh man, this is heart breaking. Losing someone a generation or two above us is one thing. but facing this journey with your child is something I do not want to think about. I had a nephew die in childhood and my father went in to see him one last time. He left and said he would give his life to save that child and he meant it. A grandfather's love. I know all of us feel the same way, we would give our life for our child. May God be with this loving family as they face their darkest day.
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Oh man, this is heart breaking. Losing someone a generation or two above us is one thing. but facing this journey with your child is something I do not want to think about. I had a nephew die in childhood and my father went in to see him one last time. He left and said he would give his life to save that child and he meant it. A grandfather's love. I know all of us feel the same way, we would give our life for our child. May God be with this loving family as they face their darkest day.
That is just awful.
For those of you who don't visit the other forums, it appears UKGrad93 and his daughter need our prayers and good wishes more than ever. Since he has posted this himself on rafters I suppose he doesn't mind me sharing it here: Things are not looking hopeful at all for his daughter.

He posted this: "We are near the end. I’d appreciate continued prayers as she transitions from this world to the next."

Shattering news. Still hoping for a miracle -- or as much peace for the family as possible.
Sending thoughts and prayers to UKGrad93's family. May they find their miracle.
For those of you who don't visit the other forums, it appears UKGrad93 and his daughter need our prayers and good wishes more than ever. Since he has posted this himself on rafters I suppose he doesn't mind me sharing it here: Things are not looking hopeful at all for his daughter.

He posted this: "We are near the end. I’d appreciate continued prayers as she transitions from this world to the next."

Shattering news. Still hoping for a miracle -- or as much peace for the family as possible.
Having lost my grand son, I know the pain. (Well maybe not quite as bad, but it was bad.)