
82°➫ 110° Sunny, hot & dry

Good Morning D
Good Monday morning D League

Trust all had a nice, relaxing weekend and you are getting ready for your week ahead. Our weather is in the typical weather pattern for the area. Been like this since creation I guess, or at least since we have been above water. Once our whole state was under water. I guess all of those carbon emissions a zillion years ago were responsible. Too many cars and air conditioners. We are looking at 77° currently and about 89 or 90° this afternoon. There is always that threat of rain.

The past couple of days I have had what appears to be an infection in my left ear. My wife thinks it is "swimmers ear" since I am in the pool most everyday and have all the symptoms . She wants me to go to the doctor since I can't hear out of the ear and the ear canal looks shut. Very painful. But I have a regular scheduled appointment Wednesday and will hold off until then. Maybe i can find some ear drops at the pharmacy that will help or reduce the pain and symptoms. So I will put that on my to do list today and see where we go from there. Trust all have a great day and our prayers are with those who need a touch of healing to their bodies. May God bless.
Happy birthday, Cord. My wife's 74th is tomorrow. Taking her somewhere nice after church. Nice to have Bev drop by. Prayer for her and continued prayers for little Sarah.

Finally got a good watermelon yesterday. Walmart. $1.99. Gonna pick up another today.

Still waiting for good sweet corn.

Nearly impossible to find garden tomatoes out here. No farmers market close. I've tried planting my own but with no success.

Looks like Don, Sawnee and myself will all be 76 at the same time (me in a few months). Triumvirate (first time I have ever written this word) of patriarchs?

I had both yesterday. The sweet corn is wonderful.
  • Good Morning, Wildcats.
  • 88º in Johns Creek. A few clouds. VFR.
  • Prayers for Sarah and Jared.
  • Green egged a rack of back ribs yesterday afternoon from 3:00 until 6:00. They were just wonderful. And I agreed. They were. I like them better than baby backs.
  • #5 & #4 came over and spent the afternoon with us. Nice.
  • Take it easy
  • Take care.
  • Carry on.
  • As you were.
Another day older and another day deeper into this porch project. Dad and I saw a door last week at a piddler mall that I thought I could use to replace the back door to our house. I'm going to need to put a cat door in there and I can't do that with the style of door that is there now.

I still wanted to have glass involved so a simple wooden door was out. I saw one with 15 panes, 3 across 5 high. I thought I could take out the middle pane on the bottom and that would be a perfect pathway for the little bastards.

Don't get too excited though, it was 32" wide and I need one 34.5" wide. OK, get excited now. I found one today at the used stuff store and it was actually already missing the pane of glass that I was going to have to remove! It's only 34" but I can easily fix that when I redo the hinges and locks.

Someday I'm going to sit out there and have a cold beer and go, shewwee.
Another day older and another day deeper into this porch project. Dad and I saw a door last week at a piddler mall that I thought I could use to replace the back door to our house. I'm going to need to put a cat door in there and I can't do that with the style of door that is there now.

I still wanted to have glass involved so a simple wooden door was out. I saw one with 15 panes, 3 across 5 high. I thought I could take out the middle pane on the bottom and that would be a perfect pathway for the little bastards.

Don't get too excited though, it was 32" wide and I need one 34.5" wide. OK, get excited now. I found one today at the used stuff store and it was actually already missing the pane of glass that I was going to have to remove! It's only 34" but I can easily fix that when I redo the hinges and locks.

Someday I'm going to sit out there and have a cold beer and go, shewwee.

Home Depot sells wood stretchers. Surprised you don't have one as handy as they are.
And...let me add..Denver is the Rockies version of Washington DC. I hate that so many people from California have migrated to Colorado. I'm sure someone will pounce on that statement but I don't care. I've been to CO enough to see the change in Colorado from the Cali's. :angry::angry::angry:
I was first in Colorado in the late 1970s, and already people were lamenting the “Cali-Fornicating” of the Denver-Boulder area. And it’s seemed a little worse every time I’ve visited.
71.8°F with sunshine in the far east. It is going to be a good day, I declare such.

Going to be with the kids this Thursday-Saturday and then Austin comes by Sunday. If he brings his little grand daughter with him Sherry and I will steal her.

I am probably going to rent Bohemian Rhapsody again today. I like the ending. Then I will go to UTube and watch the real ending. It was incredible how true to the concert the movie was.