
Drinking my oolong this morning after a hot and humid dog walk. I miss coffee but I don't miss the jitters and overall bad feeling it gave me during my last several years of java intake.

Hey D-League. Closing in on our nation's birthday, so naturally the nuts are out of the woodwork with the "America Sucks" stuff.

I'll leave my ranting for the politics thread if I decide it is worth it. But I do note that when a company like Nike lets someone like Colin Kaepernick force them to withdraw millions of dollars of product and destroy it because it has the Betsy Ross 13-stars flag that has been a symbol of patriotism since the first Fourth of July, we've officially entered the twilight zone.
Hope everyone has a great day. Happy Birthday to Mrs. Starchief. As for Nike, they should send Kaepernick, along with that nut job Ball, and let them start football and basketball leagues in Russia. Any company who would let a person like Kaepernick determine their marketing strategy, deserves what they get. That is why I don't buy anything from Nike.
Stunning Sawnee. I lived in Florida for a couple years in the late 1970s, early 1980s, first in Pompano Beach then in the Boca Raton area (off Glades Road if you have been down there.) In the end, it wasn't for me. I missed being able to drive up into the hills. But I do recall some scenes, especially down in the Keys, that were so beautiful it made your heart ache with all sorts of emotions.
Hope everyone has a great day. Happy Birthday to Mrs. Starchief. As for Nike, they should send Kaepernick, along with that nut job Ball, and let them start football and basketball leagues in Russia. Any company who would let a person like Kaepernick determine their marketing strategy, deserves what they get. That is why I don't buy anything from Nike.
He gives me a pain I can't locate.
Afternoon D
Leftover chicken stir fry w/rice for lunch.
I was informed we're having family over for the 4th & I'm grilling....."if you don't mind"
I don't think we're buying fireworks though. There should be enough neighbors shooting them off.
Guess I'll make some homemade ice cream to go with the festivities.
Afternoon D
Leftover chicken stir fry w/rice for lunch.
I was informed we're having family over for the 4th & I'm grilling....."if you don't mind"
I don't think we're buying fireworks though. There should be enough neighbors shooting them off.
Guess I'll make some homemade ice cream to go with the festivities.
That homemade ice cream looks very good.
Afternoon D
Leftover chicken stir fry w/rice for lunch.
I was informed we're having family over for the 4th & I'm grilling....."if you don't mind"
I don't think we're buying fireworks though. There should be enough neighbors shooting them off.
Guess I'll make some homemade ice cream to go with the festivities.
Reminds me of being at mamaw and papaw's little place deep in the rural part of Bracken County (not that there is an urban part of Bracken County, but they really lived back in the sticks) when I was a young boy. They had a hand crank ice cream maker. Everybody had to take a turn for what seemed like hours to churn up a couple quarts of strawberry ice cream. But damn, it was good.
71.8°F with sunshine in the far east. It is going to be a good day, I declare such.

Going to be with the kids this Thursday-Saturday and then Austin comes by Sunday. If he brings his little grand daughter with him Sherry and I will steal her.

I am probably going to rent Bohemian Rhapsody again today. I like the ending. Then I will go to UTube and watch the real ending. It was incredible how true to the concert the movie was.

My wife and I went to see it on opening night. Great movie and I had seen the original enough to know how close the movie was. The drinks on the piano are an exact duplicate.

  • How about that flesh-eating bacteria!!!

I'll give it an 8.5 out of 10

He gives me a pain I can't locate.

That's an awesome quote! I can see myself using that in the future.

Afternoon D
Leftover chicken stir fry w/rice for lunch.
I was informed we're having family over for the 4th & I'm grilling....."if you don't mind"
I don't think we're buying fireworks though. There should be enough neighbors shooting them off.
Guess I'll make some homemade ice cream to go with the festivities.

This is the best homemade ice cream you have ever had. At least as good. I've made it several times and probably will again before long. It's a custard based ice cream so it's naturally smooth and creamy. Wish I hadn't typed all that because now I want some.

Buffalo wings tonight. Should NOT have used the Habanero sauce.

Listened to some Canned Heat. Damn those guys were good. RIP Alan Wilson and Bob Hite. They left this Earth way too soon.

You are livin the life my man!
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Just came in from out back watching a storm roll through. It was a good one! Non-stop lightening for over an hour. Heard the sizzle on one bolt and another was close enough that everything was lit up while the thunder rocked the house.

Love me a good storm and tonight's was spectacular.