
Good morning from ATX. Currently 69°F and cloudy. Light wind out of the south. Increased chances for rain. Today's high may reach 75°F.

Monday, Monday...

Wishing y'all a great start to your week.

This part of Main-Donau Canal through Bamberg is called Klein Venedig or "Little Venice".

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The bloom is off the rose some. Knee swelled after first day of walking as ordered. Surgeon says it’s expected. Therapist said same. Feels improved after therapy. Wore me out. Took good nap. Hopefully I’ll move forward from here.
Down to two issues: knee swelling that restricts motion a bit & the dam clicking/popping of the knee when I step. Not taking any pain meds. So overall I think I'm in a good place five days in. Swelling is normal and takes weeks to several months to fully subside. Clicks should reduce in loudness over time also. Hardest thing is getting used to trusting the new knee for support. But it's solid. Mind still keeps remembering that knee being weak. I do best when I'm half asleep/distracted & don't think about it. Will be doing home PT later this a.m. Oh yes, Good Morning. 50F in NKy.
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Good morning folks. Warmer today -- 36f when I went out for my run. Working from home.

I have some big projects due early in January and trying to get ahead of the work before Christmas. I guess it'll settle down for a few days right at the end of the year.

Yesterday was my son's birthday and he spent it on an epic drive from Blythe, California to Burnet, Texas, which is about 1,200 miles. He made it home safe by about 10pm est last night, so I got to wish him a happy birthday. He was happy with the deployment to Arizona, and said the guy in charge of the work was so impressed by him that he is nominating him for some sort of government service award. Makes us proud.

You all have a good day.
Got to listen to this bull.... A laugher at the end...

I like this one better......

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Good morning all,

Working a little then My Darling and I are hitting the road for a

Have a Macho Man kind of impact today...

Good morning folks. Back downtown for three days. Its warming and wet in the east. IT'll be a long day today. Pleanty of work to catch up on then a mandatory business dinner at a loud, chaotic restaurant. It's not even 9am and I'm looking forward to 9pm, when with any luck I'll stagger home.

Hope it is peaceful times for all of you.
Good morning everyone

Hope all is well with everyone. Good day yesterday. I took a chainsaw safety class and actually learned a ton. The instructor was 65 and had a lifetime of experience. But, the best part was when someone at the beginning of the class asked where he was originally from....Conn. but ended up in Ohio when he was drafted by the Reds and just stayed there. He only played in the minors for 2 years (78 & 79) but had some good stories and insight into The Big Red Machine. With the exception of Rose, they were all still on the team. You could tell that he really admired Foster. You never know what is in store for you on any given day.

Busy week but difficult since there's only one game.

Enjoy your day.
Good morning folks.

It is a beautiful, cold and clear morning in the east. The moon is so clear and sharply articulated you can discern craters and mountains and there is a star positioned on the edge of it like its own satellite. Lovely. I’m walking on the edge of a patch of woods in our suburban cul-de-sac and three large white tails just bounded past me and into the light of a pine tree someone has draped with hundreds of white Christmas lights. Also lovely.

Yesterday was a 12-hour work day but with that behind me it feels like I can mostly coast through Christmas. I’m sure that will prove to be a mirage but I’m indulging that mindset for now.

Have a good day.

Morning Legionnaires!

40° this morning with high winds that makes the wind chill factor 9°. Today's high to be around 50° with high winds. The monster walk this morning will be a little challenging but...

Workout scheduled before walk, honey do shopping list after, and then, couch potato. of God's many gifts to man. Was feeling a little down this morning and don't really know why but, as soon as I had my coffee poured and sat down on the couch, the animals (4 dogs 2 cats) were all around me looking for attention. One cat in my lap, two dogs sitting down in front of me, another dog to the side of the couch end I was sitting on and the monster on the couch right in my face as if to ask what was wrong. Just changed my mood in an instant. Love my animals more than most of the people I know.

Hump day folks so, climb that hill and slide on down the other side.

Be careful out there and God Bless.
Morning folks. It is 55 and raining. We already have over .80" so far.

I was looking for a game to watch and ended up with two wonderful ones that I had to turn on the top TV to keep up with them. Florida beat UNC at Charlotte and South Carolina beat Clemson at USC. Both went down to the wire and I could not turn them off.

The big old Clemson boy that got 20 rebounds and no fouls against UK fouled out! Home cooking does play a part in college sports.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F and partly cloudy. Today's high may reach 75°F. Cold front moving in tomorrow night.

Much work lies ahead. Wishing y'all a great day.

Crane from 19th century on Main-Donau Canal, Bamberg.

Those cobblestone walking surfaces are all over Europe. Make high heels impossible with the gaps. Everyone has to wear flats with the gaps. Look goo but concrete more functional.
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Hello all,

Started early and finished late, no room for much else. Leaving soon for my Grand daughters ballet performance. At four she has a small part but we will sit through it and enjoy loving her...

BASEBALL... Bob Gibson... a true baseball Player (An understatement.) Really trying to get my love for the game back with current players. These memories hopefully help... Baseball is a great game, people screwed it up...

Hello all,

Started early and finished late, no room for much else. Leaving soon for my Grand daughters ballet performance. At four she has a small part but we will sit through it and enjoy loving her...

BASEBALL... Bob Gibson... a true baseball Player (An understatement.) Really trying to get my love for the game back with current players. These memories hopefully help... Baseball is a great game, people screwed it up...

Being a Cardinal fan, I watched Bob a lot. He said the mound was his. If you made an out, you DID NOT return to the dugout by way of the mound without paying a penalty the next at bat. Once Willie Mays wanted to chat while Bob was taking BP. Bob told Willie to leave him alone. Willie did not. The first time Willie batted in the game, Bob broke Willie's rib with a fastball. Bob played for the Globetrotters in the off season till the Cards paid him extra not to play basketball.
Good morning folks. Tis is my last work day in DC until January 7. I plan to take a long lunch hour and walk around the neighborhoods and absorb as much of the decorations as possible. DC does a decent job of dressing up for Christmas, at least around the bars and restaurants in my work neighborhood of Penn Quarter, which is about half way up Pennsylvania avenue between the White House and the Capital.

I've been pulled into all sorts of holiday cheer this week: a lunch at a cool dive bar with two buddies, one local one in town from NYC, on Tuesday, a festive Christmas dinner at a very good Meixcan restaurant with my closest work colleagues on Tuesday, a staff Christmas Breakfast and gift swap yesterday, then the big office Holiday lunch -- prime rib, turkey and dressing, country ham, and so on -- yesterday.

Honestly, I would have liked it all better spaced out over a couple weeks, not a couple days, but I've seen a lot of good friends and had some laughs.

Hope your holidays are going well.

Morning Legionnaires!

34° this morning with 10mph or more winds making the wind chill factor at about 19° according to the weather app.
Today's high to be around 48° with moderate winds. Good walking weather for the monster.

Wife's last workday until the 30th of December which means shopping, cooking, cleaning, and hiding in the shop.

Hope the rest of you who are working get to relax through the next two weeks.

Be careful out there today and God Bless.
Good morning folks. Working from home the rest of the year. Starting to feel a bit more like Christmas. HArd to believe it'll be here in five days...

I've spent Christmas in the wastes of Saudi Arabia, in Mogadishu, in Port Au Prince, Kabul and Baghdad. BUT -- I never spent Christmas in prison, knock on wood. Still, I like this song, and can identify with the idea of being lonely at this time of the year and missing someone -- or everyone...
Good morning all,

Off today (As I am most days but this one is a leave from work day.) Using up some leave.

Hope your day is enjoyable.

My Darling and I should be hitting the road in a bit. Going to the Quantico Marine base Commissary and I am betting a couple markets. I filled the tank yesterday so....
Good morning folks. Game day for the Cats!

This Saturday is usually a fun part of the Christmas run-up to me. IT's the day that for years we'd have a Christmas party at my wife aunt's house in Manhattan. And I remember very distinctly being there twice when the Cats beat UNC-CHeats in epic games, and another time when the Cats obliterated UCLA -- the 2014 game that was 41-14 at the half, or whatever. Of course, I couldn't watch the games at the party but when we made it back to our hotel room and the Cats had won, it helped make those Christmas parties even more memorable.

No party today, but it is a nice opportunity for the Cats to close out the out of conference part of the schedule as a huge success.

I hope all of you are doing well and sliding deep into the Christmas vibe.
Good morning folks. Game day for the Cats!

This Saturday is usually a fun part of the Christmas run-up to me. IT's the day that for years we'd have a Christmas party at my wife aunt's house in Manhattan. And I remember very distinctly being there twice when the Cats beat UNC-CHeats in epic games, and another time when the Cats obliterated UCLA -- the 2014 game that was 41-14 at the half, or whatever. Of course, I couldn't watch the games at the party but when we made it back to our hotel room and the Cats had won, it helped make those Christmas parties even more memorable.

No party today, but it is a nice opportunity for the Cats to close out the out of conference part of the schedule as a huge success.

I hope all of you are doing well and sliding deep into the Christmas vibe.
Read a bit on a couple of Ohio State boards. With their missing players, most expect to lose. That is as it should be when someone plays UK.
I was just reading about Albert Puhols. His senior year in high school, he hit 8 home runs in 33 official at bats. He had 55 intentional walks.
Thinking about this post. We were playing a softball team leading by two runs in the bottom of the seventh. They had the bases loaded with two outs. Their batter had played for the professional softball team out of Louisville. Don't know if they still have pro softball or not. Anyhow, we walked him intentionally, then got the next guy out to win by one run.
Thinking about this post. We were playing a softball team leading by two runs in the bottom of the seventh. They had the bases loaded with two outs. Their batter had played for the professional softball team out of Louisville. Don't know if they still have pro softball or not. Anyhow, we walked him intentionally, then got the next guy out to win by one run.

That is true baseball even though softball. So many intricacies of the game....