

Well, supposed to get hot early, but I am going to try and get 3 hours or so in this morning before it does. 72° right now and I will be leaving the house in about 30 minutes.

Agree with those saying it was a good game, especially the defense. Just wish the final 3 minutes were different. But with Stoops there is always that conservative style of play calling that leaves us wondering. I probably would have complained had he taken the chance 4th and 8 with 3 minutes left and not made it as well so... but I really don't get the last play with 2 seconds left on our own 40. Throwing about a 10-yard pass? Agree with poster above, why not the Hail Mary?

Oh well, you folks enjoy the day and Go Bengals!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and clear. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high could hit 99°F. Heat wave predicted for next 10 days. We badly need a cold front.

What a game last night. Cats out-gained Dawgs on the ground, but just could not put them away. "Defensive slog" is how Yahoo Sports describes the contest. Hope going forward. Stay tuned.

Returning to Austin PetsAlive today in search of another little darling. Yesterday, first dog would not warm-up to either wife or I yesterday.

Wishing all a peaceful Sunday.

Ring of Brodgar. Dates to 2000-2500 B.C. Nearly as old as Stonehenge. UNESCO World Heritage site. Really cool.

Good morning folks.

I was committed to a party of my wife’s work colleagues and didn’t see the game. Surprising score. The defense must have been stellar. I note you folks who watched came away feeling pretty good. I guess it was easier to understand the decision to punt in the context of the whole game, but it felt like Stoops preferring to lose by one than by eight when I watched the highlights.

Another beautiful day in the east. It did heat up yesterday afternoon, and it is supposed to get hot later today.

I hope you all have a nice Sunday.
Late fishing report as I got home about an hour before the Reds game that started at noon and watched the Bengals game that started not long after the Reds finished. Bad weekend all the way around in sports for me with both the Bengals and UK losing by 1 and the Reds losing today by 7.

Fishing however was decent. I had 5 strikes, 4 hits (hooked) and no errors (landed all of them). Nothing really big. One of the hooked was about a 3-pound catfish. It fought so well I just knew I had a lunker. The other three were bass that were about pound or so with one being just a bit bigger (maybe 2lbs). While I have the scales to weigh them in the truck, I don't bother with it unless it is really a nice sized one.
Hello all,

With our SIL and BIL here we left about 5: 30am and arrived at the the Naval Recreation Center in Maryland real early.

It started well with My Darling and her sister catching crab after crab... Nice ones too.

Had 12 collapsible traps out and five fishing poles.

Just no fish biting but My Darling, the SIL and BIL just slayed the blue crab and I know what had to be near a dozen small lobsters (So it seemed.) I guess about 90+ just amazed me as the amount of crab versus the near NIL fishing result was hard to believe unless I saw it myself which I did.

Just took a couple Tylenol as I had over 23k steps today, am hurting but am thankful. I will post some pics in the next day or two. God Bless you D-League...

(Still in the Solomon's staying at the Hilton Garden Inn...)
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and clear. Excessive heat warning in effect. Expecting 97°F for our high today.

Wife remains undecided about a new pup. No new family member yet.

Monday, Monday... Wishing y'all a great day and start to your week.

Orkney Wireless Museum, Kirkwall. Interesting collection of WW2 memorabilia.


65.8°F here and pretty sun. We are to get to 87°F which is one degree less than yesterday with a minimum chance of rain. We need rain.

It Monday and is time to rise and shine for you employed.

@AustinTXCat I am enjoying the pictures of Scotland.

@warrior-cat you are simply a better fisherman than choosing which sports team to watch. Stick with fishing and leave the Cats and Reds to their own devices.
Good morning folks. Another Monday to survive.

Bizarre weekend of sports. The Bengals and the Cats both managed to lose by one point. I wish Kentucky had thrown that pass that reeled in an interference call on 4th Down. Both outcomes might have been reversed. Nothing else to do but move on. No fan of "moral victories" teaching us anything.

Back to work. Hope Monday is a good day for you all.
Good morning folks. Another Monday to survive.

Bizarre weekend of sports. The Bengals and the Cats both managed to lose by one point. I wish Kentucky had thrown that pass that reeled in an interference call on 4th Down. Both outcomes might have been reversed. Nothing else to do but move on. No fan of "moral victories" teaching us anything.

Back to work. Hope Monday is a good day for you all.
Here is possibly an unknown fact to some about the Bengals. In the Taylor years as coach (in 6th year now), the Bengals are 1-11 in the first two games of those seasons. That seems to tell us that coaches are not preparing the players enough in the preseason. Of course, in Burrows 4 seasons with the Bengals he has played in only one set of preseason games (2021). In 2021, they have the only game won in the 1-11 record and that was against Minnesota.
Here is possibly an unknown fact to some about the Bengals. In the Taylor years as coach (in 6th year now), the Bengals are 1-11 in the first two games of those seasons. That seems to tell us that coaches are not preparing the players enough in the preseason. Of course, in Burrows 4 seasons with the Bengals he has played in only one set of preseason games (2021). In 2021, they have the only game won in the 1-11 record and that was against Minnesota.
They enter every season unprepared and must be the least disciplined team in the NFL...I'd love to write them off once and for all. But I'd be haunted by the ghosts of Greg Cook and Paul Brown because when I was a ten year old boy I vowed if Cincy got an NFL team I'd always be faithful.
They enter every season unprepared and must be the least disciplined team in the NFL...I'd love to write them off once and for all. But I'd be haunted by the ghosts of Greg Cook and Paul Brown because when I was a ten year old boy I vowed if Cincy got an NFL team I'd always be faithful.
Kind of like me with the St Louis Cardinals. Their fundamentals are crap the last several years. Jim Edmunds called them out on TV for poor fundamentals and too much sabermetrics the other night. The next game he made kind of an offhand comment that he didn't know if he would be back next year. Wondering if his comment upset the front office?
They enter every season unprepared and must be the least disciplined team in the NFL...I'd love to write them off once and for all. But I'd be haunted by the ghosts of Greg Cook and Paul Brown because when I was a ten year old boy I vowed if Cincy got an NFL team I'd always be faithful.
I was already a Reds fan and in 68 I was 1 1 years old when the Bengals started their first season. My fan ship got stronger after they drafted Kenny Anderson and to this day, he still remains my favorite Bengals player. I don't think people realize just how good he really was. If he had more support around him back then, he would have had a Super Bowl or three and a few records set as well imo.
I was already a Reds fan and in 68 I was 1 1 years old when the Bengals started their first season. My fan ship got stronger after they drafted Kenny Anderson and to this day, he still remains my favorite Bengals player. I don't think people realize just how good he really was. If he had more support around him back then, he would have had a Super Bowl or three and a few records set as well imo.
I grew up a Browns fan as their games were shown on Cincy TV. I was still Browns fan went I left for UK. Bengals didn't start till I was a junior. Them we went to MA till '72. When I got back to Cincy area, it felt real strange that people were Bengals not Browns fans as I was still a Brownie. I very gradually shifted my support & only when Browns moved to Baltimore did I fully change. But even then, and now, I'm only a mild/fair weather Bengals fan. Never got the initial jolt.
Good evening D, I really thought that they would win Saturday, good game! If you're up between 10 and 2 in the morning you may be able to see the Northern lights, this ole boy won't, worked at Hope2 All today and I am beat, walked 3.8 miles between 8 and 1 fighting going to sleep right now. Sometimes when you say something not intending to make someone laugh, but someone over hears it and they tell you that what you said made their day better, just feels good! I was telling one of the ladies about harvesting the hummingbird seeds, I told her she can save them or if you don't like someone just throw them in their yard. Well for some reason it totally cracked the lady up, and she said, I really needed a good laugh and you did!! Have a great evening D!
Right on cue. Cards leading Pirates 2-0 in 7th, bases loaded, no outs. First batter strikes out. Next one a force play at the plate. The base runner slides on a force play instead of running through the base, would have been safe had he run through the base. Geez, these guys are making millions and do dumb crap all the time. Next batter makes the third out. Even if they hold on and win, you can't play like that in pro ball. As a guy whose life was baseball/softball, that gripes my butt.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and clear. Excessive heat warning in effect. We may reach 97°F today. Summer refuses to end.

Worked with former Sister in-law yesterday on Thanksgiving menu for Germany. Still working it. 18 pound bird gonna cost at least $125.00. Counting on 14-16 guests. Supplementing meal with 4 lbs ham and 2 lbs venison.

Rather than visit Pilsen, Czech Republic, we may hit up Bamberg. Germans restricting border crossings. Can't blame 'em.

Wishing all a great day.

Photo from downtown Kirkwall. Just a few hours earlier, it was rainy and overcast.

Good morning folks. Cloudy and muggy in the east. Our cooler days may be over for a couple weeks.

Running a bit late this morning but our crunch of getting the Trump - Harris interviews done and edited and the pages designed is passed, so it’s okay.

Thanks for those thoughts, VHC. That wedge on the Mall where the Journalists Memorial is going is not far from my offices. A nice spot if families want a place to remember. More than 20 men and a couple women I knew and worked closely with never came home from their last assignment.Now, that’s over a long period of time, from Bosnia and Somalia in the early 1990s to Iraq and Afghanistan through 2006, and places in between like Kosovo and Sierra Leone.. So it doesn’t compare to the constant losses of a combat unit. I used to say a prayer for them over at the Newseum’s Memorial but that closed. So I’m looking forward to the new Memorial opening.

Heading to Kentucky at the end of the week to check in on dad. Hoping for good weather for the drive.
Probably won't be around much next two weeks (Good news, right?). Leaving for Prague tomorrow morning. After three days, head south to Passau, Germany & pick up river longboat on Danube heading east for a week - Linz/Krems/Vienna/Bratislava/Budapest. .
Good morning folks. Cloudy and muggy in the east. Our cooler days may be over for a couple weeks.

Running a bit late this morning but our crunch of getting the Trump - Harris interviews done and edited and the pages designed is passed, so it’s okay.

Thanks for those thoughts, VHC. That wedge on the Mall where the Journalists Memorial is going is not far from my offices. A nice spot if families want a place to remember. More than 20 men and a couple women I knew and worked closely with never came home from their last assignment.Now, that’s over a long period of time, from Bosnia and Somalia in the early 1990s to Iraq and Afghanistan through 2006, and places in between like Kosovo and Sierra Leone.. So it doesn’t compare to the constant losses of a combat unit. I used to say a prayer for them over at the Newseum’s Memorial but that closed. So I’m looking forward to the new Memorial opening.

Heading to Kentucky at the end of the week to check in on dad. Hoping for good weather for the drive.
Dry as can be here, Md. No change expected for over a week unless that Carolina storm gives a shower or two tonight. Temps near 90.
They enter every season unprepared and must be the least disciplined team in the NFL...I'd love to write them off once and for all. But I'd be haunted by the ghosts of Greg Cook and Paul Brown because when I was a ten year old boy I vowed if Cincy got an NFL team I'd always be faithful.
Greg Cook, wow. He was a star in the making till the arm injury. Like Couch.
Good morning folks. A cloudy, morning got and gloomy day in the east, at least early. Getting into the city early in hopes that I can get enough done at work that taking off Friday will not be a headache when I come back Monday.

Not much else happening. Have a good day.
Good morning on this hump day. It is partly cloudy 66.4°F, it is supposed to get to 84° and a 5% chance of rain.

@AustinTXCat that breakfast has variety. Is the dark circular food a sausage? What kind of beans?

Went to the doctor over a skin condition that started in January after I had Covid 19 in December. The doctor would not say that they are connected. We did a blood drawing and he suggested that I would probably be put on some very strong steroids if the blood test backs up his diagnosis.

You all have a good day.
Good morning on this hump day. It is partly cloudy 66.4°F, it is supposed to get to 84° and a 5% chance of rain.

@AustinTXCat that breakfast has variety. Is the dark circular food a sausage? What kind of beans?

Went to the doctor over a skin condition that started in January after I had Covid 19 in December. The doctor would not say that they are connected. We did a blood drawing and he suggested that I would probably be put on some very strong steroids if the blood test backs up his diagnosis.

You all have a good day.
good luck.
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Good morning on this hump day. It is partly cloudy 66.4°F, it is supposed to get to 84° and a 5% chance of rain.

@AustinTXCat that breakfast has variety. Is the dark circular food a sausage? What kind of beans?

Went to the doctor over a skin condition that started in January after I had Covid 19 in December. The doctor would not say that they are connected. We did a blood drawing and he suggested that I would probably be put on some very strong steroids if the blood test backs up his diagnosis.

You all have a good day.
Bert, get well soon.

Circular food is called "Black Pudding". Made from pork or sometimes beef blood, with pork fat or beef suet, and a cereal, usually oatmeal, oat groats, or barley groats.

Beans are usually Heinz baked beans.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and partly cloudy. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high may max out around 99°F. Break in this weather coming next week.

Still working with former sister in-law on Thanksgiving feast. We're roughly 9 weeks out. Awaiting responses before ordering turkey.

Damned Edge browser got infected with malware last night while searching for craft beer near Siegen, Germany. Free Malwarebytes saved the evening.

Wishing y'all a great day.

Old downtown Lerwick.


Yes, Volvo manufactures light watercraft. Never knew it until last month.


Morning Legionnaires!

76° this morning with a high of 101° expected for the day. @AustinTXCat, same for us here next week as far as cool down. Although, it is the norm around here that the closer we get to next week, that will probably change.

Nothing much going on today other than the normal. Walk the monster, morning workout, maybe clean the house (if not today, tomorrow) and then, couch potato time. Reds play at 1210 pm central so; I will probably watch the game. Not many games left this year.

You folks stay safe out there today (and everyday) and God Bless.
My oncologist, Dr. Jane Chawla, is interviewed in this video about cancer on local news. She's the main reason I'm still here. Plan on telling her as much Oct 01.

Hello all this early Thursday afternoon,

Most of the time nothing is as bad as you think it is... (Most of the time.) In this instance it wasn't. I am thankful.. So far the day has been good. I am off on my regular day-off tomorrow so..... I am in deed....thankful.

I do hope all your days are going well for you...

Morning Legionnaires!

80° this morning with a high of 102° expected for the day. Grass is brown as we have not had rain in a while. Possibility of rain on Sunday, (go figure) as that is the first day of fall league (co-ed) softball.

Watched TNF last night and Aaron Rodgers looked as good as he in the past. He is the oldest player in the league (soon to be 41) and has the youngest player in the league as one of his running backs (Braelon Allen). They beat the Patriots 21-3.

Saw where Shohei Ohtani is the first player in MLB history to hit at least 50 home runs and 50 stolen bases during a season.

Go get that workday out of the way folks and prepare for the weekend. Maybe we can get a UK win this weekend.

God Bless.
Good morning everyone.

I've been down to the lake (Cumberland) all week. I only fished once catching a couple of small ones. We were a little more successful squirrel hunting.

I spent most of my time cutting trees. Man o man are these dying trees out there causing me trouble. After cutting what I needed to do now I decided to cut a couple leaning towards our garage. One caused some trouble....actually broke a logging rope getting it cut. But, it's done. I'm sore but supposed to help work on the hiking trail again today.

Can UK football salvage this season?? It will be tough. I'm still one to look forward to Bball season during Fball season.

I hope everyone has a great day.