
You have to do something when you retire. I am 77 and I still work, just fewer hours and only when I want to. My only real hobbies were sports and I am to old for that now. I guess working is my hobby now. Part of it is there were health related things, but I worked for ten years at a large plant and they said the average retiree there only lived 19 months. You have to stay busy.
I still play softball luckily at 67 (Thank God Daily). Fish when the weather allows at least one day a week and two if I feel it. Clean the house twice a week. Teach a little karate when I feel like it and do the yard work. Been thinking lately about bowling after fall league softball is finished.
I totally agree.

I retired at 53 and after I did most of my bucket list projects I ran for commissioner to "have something interesting to do". I found myself getting dumber. If you don't have to critically think you get dumb. So for 10 years I held office, the last 4 as Mayor and I got my thinker back up and running.

I have to have a project to function correctly.
Man, I am headed towards box of rocks level here.
I still play softball luckily at 67 (Thank God Daily). Fish when the weather allows at least one day a week and two if I feel it. Clean the house twice a week. Teach a little karate when I feel like it and do the yard work. Been thinking lately about bowling after fall league softball is finished.
I quit playing ball at about 37 when I went into business. Starting a new business required a lot of time and business was good. My daughter was starting to play basketball and softball. Time required me to give up something. It was my sports. I'm good with that. Time with her was time well spent.

I worked at a bowling alley during high school and college which meant free bowling, and I took advantage of that. I would close up at night and bowl for an hour or two before leaving.

Do you really believe that?

I am a "failed" chemist as I did not make my living in chemistry but it was my undergrad; however, if you believe that nasty shit is in your food, go back to school and find out the truth. If you need 50 pounds of flour a year for your family then don't use the chemicals to keep the bugs from eating all the damned wheat and just survive on 10 pounds of flour a year.

The American Natives were bigger than the Europeans that showed up on American shores. Why? Diet.

Sure in the U.S. we have preservatives in our food. You have a choice. If you don't want preservatives you are free to eat rotten foods. That is the choice. Eat healthy foods with preservatives or go and enjoy your rotten foods. That is the choice. Get sick and die and don't complain about preservatives. Eat foods with preservatives and live to 80 or 90.

I love the world that modern science has given us. You can go back to the 15th Century and I will applaud you, but don't come back crying about being sick and dying at 50 or 40 or 30.


I will not disrespect you. I value you and others here in ways that may not be understandable . You alluded to words I never said. Very probably miss-read. I do have that affect on people at times. I don't just believe it, I know it.

While I fully agree in protecting our food as you mentioned. The protection of crops, through pest, or bad organism eradication. The ability of this countries farmers and food producers is not the point. I am talking about food created, not produced and it is used nefariously. It is happening.

Not soy burgers or things like that. I am talking about fillers that are man-made versus produced, grown, or raised. These products are sold as food stuffs, not additives but man-made food replacements that people are eating as food.

Not food protection additives or supplements.

Oh, I am no expert but I did work for the USDA a little over five years at the HQ in DC.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 75°F and cloudy. Today's high may hit 90°F.

Remembering 9/11.


I will not disrespect you. I value you and others here in ways that may not be understandable . You alluded to words I never said. Very probably miss-read. I do have that affect on people at times. I don't just believe it, I know it.

While I fully agree in protecting our food as you mentioned. The protection of crops, through pest, or bad organism eradication. The ability of this countries farmers and food producers is not the point. I am talking about food created, not produced and it is used nefariously. It is happening.

Not soy burgers or things like that. I am talking about fillers that are man-made versus produced, grown, or raised. These products are sold as food stuffs, not additives but man-made food replacements that people are eating as food.

Not food protection additives or supplements.

Oh, I am no expert but I did work for the USDA a little over five years at the HQ in DC.
Sorry BBUK if I came across too negative and apparently I did misread your post. But American agriculture is under attack by guys like Big Gates and others in the green movement. As a rule American farmers use pesticides and fertilizers in a very judicious manner and the food produced is the best in the world.

I apologize if my post insulted you. I love and respect you.
Sorry BBUK if I came across too negative and apparently I did misread your post. But American agriculture is under attack by guys like Big Gates and others in the green movement. As a rule American farmers use pesticides and fertilizers in a very judicious manner and the food produced is the best in the world.

I apologize if my post insulted you. I love and respect you.

Thank you Sir! I had no doubts.

Yeah it is SICKENING how much American farm land China now owns in this country.

While in Kentucky 20 plus years I worked daily with farmers, ranchers, and in other agricultural areas while I was in the bug business. "Judicious" is the word. I was initially and always in awe of how these so-called "simple" Farmers were true EXPERTS in land and associated areas. (They had/ have the true education that is usable and to be admired.) It was criminal what was done to the tobacco industry. Even tobacco farmers were so meticulous with how they grew, harvested, and transported their crops. Now sucking up chemicals in the "electric" cigarettes is better and healthier. I am not buying it. (Yeah tobacco caused cancer but this junk doesn't?)

I will stop though, thank you again Sir!

Sure wish the government cared for America as the agricultural "members" (Farmers, Ranchers, and Producers in this country.) do....
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Man do I remember 9-11.

I will never forget it.

I also remember the ideology that caused it.

I will always remember Sir. My commitment to my bug business had ended about a week earlier as I had sold it and stayed on to ensure a smooth transition. I started working as a contractor on Fort Knox the day before 9/11. The next day I was in the basement of headquarters USAREC watching what happened on TV as it happened. I had chills I have rarely felt.

I was actually supposed to start flying to recruiting stations doing updates. That was delayed I think a couple weeks or more.

"Lest We Forget"
You have to do something when you retire. I am 77 and I still work, just fewer hours and only when I want to. My only real hobbies were sports and I am to old for that now. I guess working is my hobby now. Part of it is there were health related things, but I worked for ten years at a large plant and they said the average retiree there only lived 19 months. You have to stay busy.
I try to keep busy with body and mind, metal detect, arrow head hunting and stained glass. Metal detecting gives me exercise, arrow head hunting exercise, fresh air and feeling of awe when I find a perfect arrow head of who had touched it last, all sorts of ideas run through my mind of the stories that were centered around that piece I had in my hand! Stained-glass helps keeps my mind occupied, find the perfect place to place a pattern to get the best effects of the glass, thinking about where to score the glass to start the breaking and grinding process, the cleaning, foiling and soldering and finally feeling of accomplishment when it's done! I've got three pieces in an art show for a month and I've been contacted by an art studio, they asked me if I would set up in their studio as a featured artist on the 27th of this month. God has been great to me!!!
I try to keep busy with body and mind, metal detect, arrow head hunting and stained glass. Metal detecting gives me exercise, arrow head hunting exercise, fresh air and feeling of awe when I find a perfect arrow head of who had touched it last, all sorts of ideas run through my mind of the stories that were centered around that piece I had in my hand! Stained-glass helps keeps my mind occupied, find the perfect place to place a pattern to get the best effects of the glass, thinking about where to score the glass to start the breaking and grinding process, the cleaning, foiling and soldering and finally feeling of accomplishment when it's done! I've got three pieces in an art show for a month and I've been contacted by an art studio, they asked me if I would set up in their studio as a featured artist on the 27th of this month. God has been great to me!!!
Congratulations on the studio offer.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and partly cloudy. Today's high may reach 93°F. Higher temps coming for rest of the week.

Hearing more and more accounts of celebratory gunfire in our neighborhood. Makes ya a little edgy.

Wishing y'all a great day.

Traditional English breakfast pretty kick-ass. Bacon reminds me of thick slices my grandma served.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and partly cloudy. Today's high may reach 93°F. Higher temps coming for rest of the week.

Hearing more and more accounts of celebratory gunfire in our neighborhood. Makes ya a little edgy.

Wishing y'all a great day.

Traditional English breakfast pretty kick-ass. Bacon reminds me of thick slices my grandma served.

Same ole same ole. Weather is still summertime temps for this area. Cool this morning at 64° but low 90's expected today as well for us. triple digits expected this weekend. Officially, summer does not end until 21 September. Would like the temps however to drop earlier.

That breakfast looks yummy.
Good morning folks. Cloudy and cool in the east. I woke up feeling just slightly under the weater today -- it could go either way, and fade as I get into my work or darken into an actual bout of sickness. A lot of people have been sick around our area recently.

I'm rather impressed and amazed by these private citizens flying deeper into space than anyone since the last NASA moon mission in the 1970s, and actually completing a space walk. It does make you wonder what we've paid NASA trillions of dollars to accomplish in the last HALF CENTURY when Elon Musk can get a crew farther than the government has.

Back to work. Hope it is a good day for all.

Morning Legionnaires!

64° this morning with light winds. High to be about 97° with sunny skies. Agreed @AustinTXCat, summer just keeps rolling on.

TGIF for those of you who continue to grind away.

UK and the Bengals. Both are climbing hills this weekend with UK's being the hardest, I think.
Got to find something else to make my weekend better. At least the mornings will be around 70° or so, so fishing will be one the morning schedule either tomorrow or Sunday. The next weekend starts fall softball so...

Be safe out there you public transportation riders (I'm looking at you @MdWIldcat55, @AustinTXCat ) and God Bless you all.
Good morning folks. Glad it is Friday. Warrior, thanks for the 'safe travels' wishes. I'll hold on to them for next week, as I am working from home on Fridays and Mondays now, and embracing the adventure of the subway three days a week.

Cloudy and still cool in the east. It feels like we might have a rainy weekend on the tail end of some of the Gulf storms.

Could be stormy for the Cats and the Bengals this weekend. I saw the Bengals are holding this giant remote Game Watch in the stadium with some former players in attendance, ball-park level food and drink, and charging people $99 to attend. Yes, $100 to drive to the stadium, pay to park, watch the game on TV while paying for overpriced concessions -- to see a team that absolutely did not show up at home the week before. Talk about terrible fan relations. I'm old enough to have been a fan BEFORE there was a team -- to have hung on every word of Paul Brown as he promised to fulfill the vision of creating a team in Cincy. Back before Greg Cook and Bob Trumpy. Someone should have warned us: "Yeah but keep your eye on his loser of a son Mike, because HE'S the one who will haunt the franchise for many decades."

Ah well. More time to enjoy hiking in the woods on Autumn days when the football season is over before October...
UK will have 9 players out for tomorrow's game. Plus Vandagriff is on the injured list. No surprise. A QB with no protection will eventually get injured. Hold the Dawgs to a 3-touchdown win and I'd consider it a success. Not counting on it though. Kirby will send in the back-ups in the 3rd quarter.
Good morning from ATX. We're at 72°F and partly cloudy. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high may reach 98°F. Summer just can't let go.

Happy Friday, y'all.

Dining room at Orkney Brewery. Rode a bus out there. Hiked mile to brewery complex itself.


Taps at brewery. Good beer.


Isolated out there.


I loved the dining room at Orkney Brewery. What a nice place.

It is 71°F on our way to on our way to 82°. We got .26" of rain last night. We only have a 11% chance of rain today. We could used two or three inches.

Enjoy your Friday guys.