
Good morning from ATX. Currently 81°F and partly cloudy. Rain chances increasing later this morning. Expect 93°F for today's high.

Local news this morning showing road range incident and shooting. Drivers got out of vehicles. One shot another. Killed him. Yikes! Be careful out there.

Wishing y'all a great day.

Ran into these little buddies around 10 km from Geysir Geothermal area. Very friendly. Once they leave Iceland they may never return. Reason is maintain breed purity. From my understanding, Vikings brought them there around 1,000 years ago from Norway and Denmark.

Good morning folks.

Last day this week downtown. Another hot, muggy one in the east. We had rain last night and it looks like we might today.

I was lamenting with a buddy how sad it is to be at the point that the All Star game doesn’t interest me anymore. For one thing, I can’t look at the ugly-ass uniforms they dreamed up as a marketing gimmick. Does anyone really buy those things? Why? But I also just don’t follow the game closely enough to know the players.

Man, I loved the all-star game as a kid. A chance to see Aaron and Clemente and Bench and Rose and Perez throw down with Reggie and Yastrzemski and the Robinsons…I can name most all the guys selected to the AS game from about 66-70, even the obscure American Leaguers like Don Mincher or Bobby Knoop. I studied the rosters in the paper. Now, maybe I could name half the starters with a gun to my head.

May go to National's park this weekend to see the Reds. That could be fun.

Have a good one folks.
Good morning folks.

Last day this week downtown. Another hot, muggy one in the east. We had rain last night and it looks like we might today.

I was lamenting with a buddy how sad it is to be at the point that the All Star game doesn’t interest me anymore. For one thing, I can’t look at the ugly-ass uniforms they dreamed up as a marketing gimmick. Does anyone really buy those things? Why? But I also just don’t follow the game closely enough to know the players.

Man, I loved the all-star game as a kid. A chance to see Aaron and Clemente and Bench and Rose and Perez throw down with Reggie and Yastrzemski and the Robinsons…I can name most all the guys selected to the AS game from about 66-70, even the obscure American Leaguers like Don Mincher or Bobby Knoop. I studied the rosters in the paper. Now, maybe I could name half the starters with a gun to my head.

May go to National's park this weekend to see the Reds. That could be fun.

Have a good one folks.
Wife ask me Tuesday night if there was a game on because she wanted to watch a movie with me. I said yes but it was the all-star game, and I was not going to watch it. She also asked about the home run derby which I almost always watch, and I told her it was the night before. She looked at me and asked what was wrong and I told her nothing other than I had lost interest in both of them. I still watch Reds games and have seen a good portion of them so far this year, but that is all I am interested in now.
Wife ask me Tuesday night if there was a game on because she wanted to watch a movie with me. I said yes but it was the all-star game, and I was not going to watch it. She also asked about the home run derby which I almost always watch, and I told her it was the night before. She looked at me and asked what was wrong and I told her nothing other than I had lost interest in both of them. I still watch Reds games and have seen a good portion of them so far this year, but that is all I am interested in now.
Everyone going for strike outs and home runs wears on me. Watching a nice defensive play is much more fun than watching a strikeout.
Everyone going for strike outs and home runs wears on me. Watching a nice defensive play is much more fun than watching a strikeout.

The nuances of the game was what it was about for me. Stop a guy from doing what he was trying to do by a hair. The expertise of truly elite players. The ability to sacrifice for the greater good of the game. To take away someone's power or cause them to make mistakes. Get's me thinking about baseball again and why I loved it to the point of being obsessed.

When I was in my teens, I'd wrap black tap on a baseball so I could see it in the snow. I hit my own self pop-ups, grabbed my glove and caught the ball. Hit bottle caps like Hank but mostly hit rocks with a broom stick on the railroad tracks. Played rope ball in the alley behind my house. Just hours and hours of sessions like that. Drew a strike box on a concrete block wall of a building on a seldom used street near my house on Dwight street in River Rouge Michigan (Real close to the tracks.) and threw a rubber coated baseball pitching so many games pitch by pitch for nine innings. Yeah, those were the days of baseball for me...

The game got watered down. Maybe it came back after expansion but I doubt it...
The nuances of the game was what it was about for me. Stop a guy from doing what he was trying to do by a hair. The expertise of truly elite players. The ability to sacrifice for the greater good of the game. To take away someone's power or cause them to make mistakes. Get's me thinking about baseball again and why I loved it to the point of being obsessed.

When I was in my teens, I'd wrap black tap on a baseball so I could see it in the snow. I hit my own self pop-ups, grabbed my glove and caught the ball. Hit bottle caps like Hank but mostly hit rocks with a broom stick on the railroad tracks. Played rope ball in the alley behind my house. Just hours and hours of sessions like that. Drew a strike box on a concrete block wall of a building on a seldom used street near my house on Dwight street in River Rouge Michigan (Real close to the tracks.) and threw a rubber coated baseball pitching so many games pitch by pitch for nine innings. Yeah, those were the days of baseball for me...

The game got watered down. Maybe it came back after expansion but I doubt it...
Our house and garage was made of rock blocks. I would take a golf ball and throw it against the wall to get ground ball practice. I made it aerobic as I tried to go as fast as possible and it also helped with learning a quick transfer from glove to throwing hand. I would go an hour at a time. On non schools days, I might go as much as 5 or 6 rounds in a day. we didn't get a lot of snow, but I'd clean off a spot on snow days. Golf balls come at you pretty hard, so hard hit balls never bothered me.
One more day on friends houseboat at Lake Cumberland. Known him for over 60 years. Hope this won’t be the last time before they head back to Florida in September.
Do you know what part of the lake you were/are on? It's not looking like I'll get to go down next week or maybe the next....depends on Dad. I saw several pics of those planes....don't know what they were up to.
Happy Friday folks. Got to work early and did some hard stuff and hope to cruise the rest of the day.

Could be an interesting weekend with reports circulating that Biden will bow out by Sunday -- maybe. I'll resist any comment except for the Politics thread other than to say it is pretty amazing that just a little over a month ago he dared Trump to debate him with that "C'mon. Make My Day" video. Strange times we live in.

Hope you all have an easy glide into the weekend.
It was a shocking 64°F when I got up this morning. We are supposed to get to 85° this afternoon. Tuesday and Wednesday night we got a combined 1.93" of rain. In July that is always a big gift.

@MdWIldcat55 I am very political but I stay off the political board as I do not have enough discipline to not be banned. The other day Joe said he was in better physical shape than Trump even though Trump plays golf all the time. Joe is afraid of the truth and rarely even understands what the truth is.
It was a shocking 64°F when I got up this morning. We are supposed to get to 85° this afternoon. Tuesday and Wednesday night we got a combined 1.93" of rain. In July that is always a big gift.

@MdWIldcat55 I am very political but I stay off the political board as I do not have enough discipline to not be banned. The other day Joe said he was in better physical shape than Trump even though Trump plays golf all the time. Joe is afraid of the truth and rarely even understands what the truth is.

Today is climate change Sir, not global warming. Just an FYI.... ;)

Oh and Sir. Joe doesn't know he is in the world most of the time till they dope him up....
Went fishing on Sunday and ran into a man who works with my wife. He started out with 4 or 5 catches before my first. His were smaller than mine because he was using small lures but, was pulling them in hand over fist. He was also using a different color lure than I was. Plastic worm about 4" long and was watermelon green with a chartreuse tail. Another guy I went fishing with a couple of weeks back was also using the same size and color bait as him. Both dusted me in the number of bass caught, but they were smaller in size. My plastic worms are 7 1/8" long and I use black/red and blue metal flake colors mostly. Has been working for me for the past few years. Although, I did find a plastic swimming frog of maroon top and a chartreuse belly in my tacklebox and starting using it. Got several hits and a couple landed with it so...

However, I went to Academy this morning and picked up some of those smaller worms the same color they were using, and I am going fishing again tomorrow morning to test it out. In my best Paul Harvey impression; "Stand by for News!"
My buddy only fishes one lure......a 4" black trick worm hooked in the matter where we go.......he only carries a small tackle box......I have my boat so full of lures that I have new ones thrown on the floor in bays are full........he catches as many fish as I do......I like pulling different things......I just got a 9" trout lure with four sets of treble hooks.....I am going to replace them with some nice Mustad treble hooks.....
Bob Gibson said he NEVER let his kids win. He HAD TO win. The last MLB homer he gave up was to some so so player whose name I can't recall. He never faced him again till an old timers game years later. First pitch, he nails him with a fast ball.

Just re-read this again. I never need to win unless I have to, If I have to, then I will win. (I know I have had them but I don't remember a time I needed a must win and didn't get it. Mostly geared to winning for my family.) I have a killer instinct but not to the level Gibson had. If I need it I can still pull it out (So far...)
Happy Friday folks. Got to work early and did some hard stuff and hope to cruise the rest of the day.

Could be an interesting weekend with reports circulating that Biden will bow out by Sunday -- maybe. I'll resist any comment except for the Politics thread other than to say it is pretty amazing that just a little over a month ago he dared Trump to debate him with that "C'mon. Make My Day" video. Strange times we live in.

Hope you all have an easy glide into the weekend.
I was hoping he would stay the course because Trump would have easily beaten him this time imo.
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Yeah, but with a larger lead in the polls it would be much harder for them to make up the votes. It would look really bad and there would be a much bigger chance of getting caught. Desperation breeds ineptness and mistakes.
How many illegals will vote? They are registering them.