
Good morning from ATX. Currently 80Ā°F and clear. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high forecast at 101Ā°F. Possibly first triple-digit day of the year.

Heading out for a hike around 6:15 am. Otherwise, I got nothing else. Wishing y'all a good one.

Good morning folks. Another hot one in the east.

Heading for Kentucky in the morning. Just a quick trip to check in on my father.

Glad to see the Catsā€™ bench warming guards go in the first few picks last night. That should inspire all those young guys in America who never cracked the starting line up.

I expect Reeves to get drafted in the second round today, and I think heā€™ll stick in the league.

Lots of work to get through. Hope you folks have a good day.
Safe travels MdWildcat.

It is a warm 76Ā°F on it way to a predicted 86Ā°. Late yesterday afternoon we got a good thunderstorm that gave us .88 inches of much needed rain.

You all have a good Thrusday.

Reed Shephard Number 3 pick. He was coming off the bench at UK. GEEZE.
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Got a tetenus booster this a.m. per doc's reco. Was sweating that my arm would fall off afterwards, but OK. Beautiful morn for my 4 miles walk.
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How the hell can a dog kill a coyote? Neighbor's Lab was being cornered by a coyote till the owner beat the coyote off.
My folks used to have a Great Pyrenees named Sam when they had a small horse farm. Every now and then Sam would leave them a present of a dead coyote at their front door. I reckon he wanted to show them he was doing his job. He was a very friendly dog if you didn't try to harm his horses.
Great pyrenees, which is what it looked like, can kill mountain lions. They are massive and very protective.
Great Pyrenees have a lot of fur too, so it is hard for Coyotes who are smaller and not as strong to bite through all of that fur. 3 of my dogs are Pyrenees mixes with one (the Monster) being mixed with another large stock guardian, the Anatolian Shepherd. At over 140lbs, she would out power the smaller but quicker Coyote. Around here, farmers use both Pyrenees and Anatolians to guard stock with others using Anatolians to hunt and kill Coyotes. That is how a few make extra money with their dogs here. Have seen a few trucks with elongated beds with kennels anchored on the bed to haul theses dogs to other farmers farms to go after Coyotes that have been attacking their animals.
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Hello from Campbell County folks.

Home with my father and brothers and sister. Long day. Left Maryland around 6am. Got to Kentucky around 2pm.

Dad seems a little more like himself for the first time since we lost mom. So Iā€™m glad to be here to help out any way I can.

Hope itā€™s a nice Friday evening for all.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 81Ā°F and partly cloudy. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high may hit 99Ā°F.

@MdWIldcat55 : Enjoy your visit back in KY. Safe travels.

Received an award yesterday from State of Texas. Sent pics to wife and daughter. Also issued a new laptop. Very small and quick.

Heading out for a hike in a few. Plan on packing. Shopping for a few items.

Wishing y'all a great day.

Good morning folks. Enjoying a walk around the fields of Wilder, Kentucky. I think it was a lot wilder in the 1970s when there used to be a ā€œhauntedā€ country music joint near this spot called ā€œBobby Mackeyā€™s.ā€ My best friendā€™s much older sister somehow knew Bobby Mackey and we hung out at the place some when just teenagers. All gone now. But I did spot 3 wild turkeys walking along a creek bank. I guess in this case they are Wilder turkeys.

RIP Orlando Cepeda. A quick story I may have told here before: In 1966, on a blistering August day my 9-10 year olds Sunday School class was on our annual visit to Crosley Field -we all brought an extra nickel to the offering every week and then our teacher, Elmer Borman, would take us to a game.

It was a double header. 100 degrees easy. Between games I walked to a concession stand to get a Coke, and there, standing patiently in the beer line his St. Louis Cardinals uniform was Orlando Cepeda. He seemed massive to me ā€”more bull than Baby Bull. I watched him order a large beer, gulp it in about five seconds and start to walk away. I had the presence of mind to ask him to sign my scorecard, which he did, and which I still own (maybe Iā€™ll post a shot when I get back to my laptop.)

I know how improbable this story seems -he couldnā€™t send a clubhouse boy, or otherwise get a beer into the locker room? And drinking between games? All I know is it happened at old Crosley Field in August of 1966. Would a kid on a Sunday School outing lie?
Good morning folks. Enjoying a walk around the fields of Wilder, Kentucky. I think it was a lot wilder in the 1970s when there used to be a ā€œhauntedā€ country music joint near this spot called ā€œBobby Mackeyā€™s.ā€ My best friendā€™s much older sister somehow knew Bobby Mackey and we hung out at the place some when just teenagers. All gone now. But I did spot 3 wild turkeys walking along a creek bank. I guess in this case they are Wilder turkeys.

RIP Orlando Cepeda. A quick story I may have told here before: In 1966, on a blistering August day my 9-10 year olds Sunday School class was on our annual visit to Crosley Field -we all brought an extra nickel to the offering every week and then our teacher, Elmer Borman, would take us to a game.

It was a double header. 100 degrees easy. Between games I walked to a concession stand to get a Coke, and there, standing patiently in the beer line his St. Louis Cardinals uniform was Orlando Cepeda. He seemed massive to me ā€”more bull than Baby Bull. I watched him order a large beer, gulp it in about five seconds and start to walk away. I had the presence of mind to ask him to sign my scorecard, which he did, and which I still own (maybe Iā€™ll post a shot when I get back to my laptop.)

I know how improbable this story seems -he couldnā€™t send a clubhouse boy, or otherwise get a beer into the locker room? And drinking between games? All I know is it happened at old Crosley Field in August of 1966. Would a kid on a Sunday School outing lie?
He was a Cardinal for 3 years, including his MVP year when they won the World Series. He spent 10 months in the pen over pot. Tried to pick up 170 pounds of pot at the airport. The cops were waiting for him. Seemed like a nice guy from what I knew of him as a Cardinal. In the HOF.
^ The locker rooms at Crosley were not inside the stadium but behind it. The players thus had to uniform dress & walk into the stadium underneath the stands through the concessions to get to the dugout. So passing players under the stands was an every game occurrence. I presume Cepeda left the first game & stopped for the beer on the way to the clubhouse. Nothing like Crosley's outfield terraces.
^ The locker rooms at Crosley were not inside the stadium but behind it. The players thus had to uniform dress & walk into the stadium underneath the stands through the concessions to get to the dugout. So passing players under the stands was an every game occurrence. I presume Cepeda left the first game & stopped for the beer on the way to the clubhouse. Nothing like Crosley's outfield terraces.
Yeah I remember that. I had an uncle who as a teenager had played with or against Pete Rose, and at least in my uncleā€™s mind they were on good terms. He took me to that fence the players would walk by during Roseā€™s rookie year, when Iā€™d have been about seven or eight saying, ā€œI want to introduce you to a big leaguer.ā€ Rose walks by, my uncle says, ā€œhey Pete, remember me? Say hello to my nephew.ā€ Rose shoots us a dismissive glance, says ā€œI ainā€™t got time for that shitā€ and keeps walking. My uncle of course was humiliated and enraged, starts cursing Rose and trying to climb the fence to get at him. Luckily, my father was with us, who never had that much patience with momā€™s little brotherā€™s antics anyway, and he pulled him away. Good times.
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Hello from Campbell County folks.

Home with my father and brothers and sister. Long day. Left Maryland around 6am. Got to Kentucky around 2pm.

Dad seems a little more like himself for the first time since we lost mom. So Iā€™m glad to be here to help out any way I can.

Hope itā€™s a nice Friday evening for all.
My daughter and son in law are making the opposite trip today!

It is going to be hot here. topping out at 92Ā°F, we are already at 89Ā°F.
Yeah I remember that. I had an uncle who as a teenager had played with or against Pete Rose, and at least in my uncleā€™s mind they were on good terms. He took me to that fence the players would walk by during Roseā€™s rookie year, when Iā€™d have been about seven or eight saying, ā€œI want to introduce you to a big leaguer.ā€ Rose walks by, my uncle says, ā€œhey Pete, remember me? Say hello to my nephew.ā€ Rose shoots us a dismissive glance, says ā€œI ainā€™t got time for that shitā€ and keeps walking. My uncle of course was humiliated and enraged, starts cursing Rose and trying to climb the fence to get at him. Luckily, my father was with us, who never had that much patience with momā€™s little brotherā€™s antics anyway, and he pulled him away. Good times.
From what I have read, Pete is not the nicest guy around. Several ex business partners have sued him.
For the baseball fans on here, I can't link on this device, but here is info from a 2018 Popular Science article. A baseball travels further with more humidity in the air. Water molecules weigh less than the nitrogen and oxygen it replaces. Its only in inches, but it does travel further.

For a typical home run, an additional ten degrees in temperature causes the ball to travel a little over 3 feet Further in distance.

For the typical home run, a five mile an hour wind adds 18 to 20 feet further.

Had never seen actual stats on it, so I thought some might be interested.
For the baseball fans on here, I can't link on this device, but here is info from a 2018 Popular Science article. A baseball travels further with more humidity in the air. Water molecules weigh less than the nitrogen and oxygen it replaces. Its only in inches, but it does travel further.

For a typical home run, an additional ten degrees in temperature causes the ball to travel a little over 3 feet Further in distance.

For the typical home run, a five mile an hour wind adds 18 to 20 feet further.

Had never seen actual stats on it, so I thought some might be interested.
The warmer temps I get but I was surprised to see more humidity adding to distance. I would have thought the opposite. That's interesting.
Good morning folks.

Packing up to head back to Maryland. A nice visit. Bittersweet. First time in the home where I grew up without mom around. Dad is doing a little better, but clearly not himself by any means. At 93, I donā€™t expect weā€™ll see him fully recover from his loss. But heā€™s 20 times sharper than the president of the United States. I can remember times when saying that about someone would have been a compliment. Not really true right now, but this isnā€™t the politics thread.

Long drive ahead, so Iā€™ll check in later. Have a good Sunday.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 80Ā°F and cloudy. Excessive heat warning in effect. Expect 99Ā°F for our high today.

I'm largely packed for Wednesday's upcoming multi-stop trip. Probably forgot something, but as long as I have a passport, all good.

Last day of the month, y'all. @MdWIldcat55 : safe travels.

Good morning folks.

Packing up to head back to Maryland. A nice visit. Bittersweet. First time in the home where I grew up without mom around. Dad is doing a little better, but clearly not himself by any means. At 93, I donā€™t expect weā€™ll see him fully recover from his loss. But heā€™s 20 times sharper than the president of the United States. I can remember times when saying that about someone would have been a compliment. Not really true right now, but this isnā€™t the politics thread.

Long drive ahead, so Iā€™ll check in later. Have a good Sunday.

God Bless you and your family brother MdW....

Be careful...
Good morning all,

What an eventful week. Next week plans to be as packed though maybe I can hide two of those days...

Just too much going on but "whatcha" gonna do...

Sitting in front of my church, plan to go inside in about ten minutes. Drinking coffee and enjoying a little dark chocolate...

May God Bless your days today....
Good morning from ATX. Currently 80Ā°F and cloudy. Excessive heat warning in effect. Expect 99Ā°F for our high today.

I'm largely packed for Wednesday's upcoming multi-stop trip. Probably forgot something, but as long as I have a passport, all good.

Last day of the month, y'all. @MdWIldcat55 : safe travels.


Last week seemed like asteroid week.... Have a fun and safe trip brother ATXC....