
Good morning folks. Enjoying a walk around the fields of Wilder, Kentucky. I think it was a lot wilder in the 1970s when there used to be a “haunted” country music joint near this spot called “Bobby Mackey’s.” My best friend’s much older sister somehow knew Bobby Mackey and we hung out at the place some when just teenagers. All gone now. But I did spot 3 wild turkeys walking along a creek bank. I guess in this case they are Wilder turkeys.

RIP Orlando Cepeda. A quick story I may have told here before: In 1966, on a blistering August day my 9-10 year olds Sunday School class was on our annual visit to Crosley Field -we all brought an extra nickel to the offering every week and then our teacher, Elmer Borman, would take us to a game.

It was a double header. 100 degrees easy. Between games I walked to a concession stand to get a Coke, and there, standing patiently in the beer line his St. Louis Cardinals uniform was Orlando Cepeda. He seemed massive to me —more bull than Baby Bull. I watched him order a large beer, gulp it in about five seconds and start to walk away. I had the presence of mind to ask him to sign my scorecard, which he did, and which I still own (maybe I’ll post a shot when I get back to my laptop.)

I know how improbable this story seems -he couldn’t send a clubhouse boy, or otherwise get a beer into the locker room? And drinking between games? All I know is it happened at old Crosley Field in August of 1966. Would a kid on a Sunday School outing lie?
He was a Cardinal for 3 years, including his MVP year when they won the World Series. He spent 10 months in the pen over pot. Tried to pick up 170 pounds of pot at the airport. The cops were waiting for him. Seemed like a nice guy from what I knew of him as a Cardinal. In the HOF.
^ The locker rooms at Crosley were not inside the stadium but behind it. The players thus had to uniform dress & walk into the stadium underneath the stands through the concessions to get to the dugout. So passing players under the stands was an every game occurrence. I presume Cepeda left the first game & stopped for the beer on the way to the clubhouse. Nothing like Crosley's outfield terraces.
^ The locker rooms at Crosley were not inside the stadium but behind it. The players thus had to uniform dress & walk into the stadium underneath the stands through the concessions to get to the dugout. So passing players under the stands was an every game occurrence. I presume Cepeda left the first game & stopped for the beer on the way to the clubhouse. Nothing like Crosley's outfield terraces.
Yeah I remember that. I had an uncle who as a teenager had played with or against Pete Rose, and at least in my uncle’s mind they were on good terms. He took me to that fence the players would walk by during Rose’s rookie year, when I’d have been about seven or eight saying, “I want to introduce you to a big leaguer.” Rose walks by, my uncle says, “hey Pete, remember me? Say hello to my nephew.” Rose shoots us a dismissive glance, says “I ain’t got time for that shit” and keeps walking. My uncle of course was humiliated and enraged, starts cursing Rose and trying to climb the fence to get at him. Luckily, my father was with us, who never had that much patience with mom’s little brother’s antics anyway, and he pulled him away. Good times.
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Hello from Campbell County folks.

Home with my father and brothers and sister. Long day. Left Maryland around 6am. Got to Kentucky around 2pm.

Dad seems a little more like himself for the first time since we lost mom. So I’m glad to be here to help out any way I can.

Hope it’s a nice Friday evening for all.
My daughter and son in law are making the opposite trip today!

It is going to be hot here. topping out at 92°F, we are already at 89°F.
Yeah I remember that. I had an uncle who as a teenager had played with or against Pete Rose, and at least in my uncle’s mind they were on good terms. He took me to that fence the players would walk by during Rose’s rookie year, when I’d have been about seven or eight saying, “I want to introduce you to a big leaguer.” Rose walks by, my uncle says, “hey Pete, remember me? Say hello to my nephew.” Rose shoots us a dismissive glance, says “I ain’t got time for that shit” and keeps walking. My uncle of course was humiliated and enraged, starts cursing Rose and trying to climb the fence to get at him. Luckily, my father was with us, who never had that much patience with mom’s little brother’s antics anyway, and he pulled him away. Good times.
From what I have read, Pete is not the nicest guy around. Several ex business partners have sued him.
For the baseball fans on here, I can't link on this device, but here is info from a 2018 Popular Science article. A baseball travels further with more humidity in the air. Water molecules weigh less than the nitrogen and oxygen it replaces. Its only in inches, but it does travel further.

For a typical home run, an additional ten degrees in temperature causes the ball to travel a little over 3 feet Further in distance.

For the typical home run, a five mile an hour wind adds 18 to 20 feet further.

Had never seen actual stats on it, so I thought some might be interested.
For the baseball fans on here, I can't link on this device, but here is info from a 2018 Popular Science article. A baseball travels further with more humidity in the air. Water molecules weigh less than the nitrogen and oxygen it replaces. Its only in inches, but it does travel further.

For a typical home run, an additional ten degrees in temperature causes the ball to travel a little over 3 feet Further in distance.

For the typical home run, a five mile an hour wind adds 18 to 20 feet further.

Had never seen actual stats on it, so I thought some might be interested.
The warmer temps I get but I was surprised to see more humidity adding to distance. I would have thought the opposite. That's interesting.
Good morning folks.

Packing up to head back to Maryland. A nice visit. Bittersweet. First time in the home where I grew up without mom around. Dad is doing a little better, but clearly not himself by any means. At 93, I don’t expect we’ll see him fully recover from his loss. But he’s 20 times sharper than the president of the United States. I can remember times when saying that about someone would have been a compliment. Not really true right now, but this isn’t the politics thread.

Long drive ahead, so I’ll check in later. Have a good Sunday.
Good morning folks.

Packing up to head back to Maryland. A nice visit. Bittersweet. First time in the home where I grew up without mom around. Dad is doing a little better, but clearly not himself by any means. At 93, I don’t expect we’ll see him fully recover from his loss. But he’s 20 times sharper than the president of the United States. I can remember times when saying that about someone would have been a compliment. Not really true right now, but this isn’t the politics thread.

Long drive ahead, so I’ll check in later. Have a good Sunday.

God Bless you and your family brother MdW....

Be careful...
Good morning all,

What an eventful week. Next week plans to be as packed though maybe I can hide two of those days...

Just too much going on but "whatcha" gonna do...

Sitting in front of my church, plan to go inside in about ten minutes. Drinking coffee and enjoying a little dark chocolate...

May God Bless your days today....
Good morning from ATX. Currently 80°F and cloudy. Excessive heat warning in effect. Expect 99°F for our high today.

I'm largely packed for Wednesday's upcoming multi-stop trip. Probably forgot something, but as long as I have a passport, all good.

Last day of the month, y'all. @MdWIldcat55 : safe travels.


Last week seemed like asteroid week.... Have a fun and safe trip brother ATXC....
Someone mentioned Wal-Mart in another thread and it got me to thinking. Years ago when I still had several employees I made an order for WalMart. They had a made in America push going on and there was an importer in my area who wanted an "in" with WalMart, so I made the order for him. Wal-Mart sent an inspector to my location to inspect my shop and a place just down the road that made my wire. We made the order that got him classified as a Wal-Mart supplier and that allowed him to sell anything to them. He never bought from us again. It however also got me in the door since I had been inspected. For a year or two, they sent me monthly emails inviting me to Propose an offer. I don't like Wal-Mart and didn't want the extra work, so I never responded.

There was a guy about twenty miles from me that worked about 200 people and had 3 shifts going in his plant. He got in with K-Mart when they were still going good. He said it was the worst thing he ever did. They only paid 3 times a year and if something didn't sell, you had to pick it up after so many days. They were very picky about packaging. It started him on a decline that eventually put him out of business.
My normal parking spot now... I get a choice one as early as I go... (Drop the wife at choir practice.)

I attended a Freewill Baptist church while I was growing up in Michigan (River Rouge), (That was a shouting church I have fond memories of attending. I guess that is what Freewill meant, a shouting Baptist... ;))

Have attended many denominations of churches, Full Gospel, Korean Full Gospel, Baptist, Korean Methodist for a short time, Pentecostal, Cornerstone Church (About four years.) (John Hagee) (His is a true ministry though he is in his eighties now I believe and is not full time.)... I am thankful that where we've lived, we've been able to find a good church. This is about the largest church besides Cornerstone Church we've attended since before the China virus..

We arrived with one pastor retiring after I think thirty + years, then another pastor for a short time (Year or three or so.) and now this pastor is in his forties it seems but to be honest, he is about the first I have been around in decades that is a humble but spirit-filled man that I feel good about investing myself in this church. (Not being selfish as I know you attend church to worship God, not the pastor.) This is not worship of any man, it is a heart-felt thanks to find a place that I can feel that way about. (We visited several churches in Northern Virginia.. They were kind of scary. I will stop at that.) Have a fine afternoon...


Morning Legionnaires!

102° expected for a high today with light winds.

Played 2 coed games yesterday at 1 and 3pm. Hit 101° with hardly any wind (unusual for here) so it was stifling. I played 2nd base in the first game and pitched the second. We lost the first one 16-13 as I went 1-3 and a walk with 2 throwing errors (not my best game this year) and won the second game 14-3 and I went 3-3 with a walk. Last of the regular spring/summer season. Lost 4lbs during those games even though I drank a lot of Gatorades/sports drinks and a couple of post-game beers. Spent the rest of the evening watching a movie with my wife and daughter gaining those pounds back rehydrating.

Monday, Monday for you grinders so, go get it done and prepare for the shorter week. Hope you all get a 4-day weekend as it makes it easier for you to celebrate the 4th better.

You folks be careful out there and God Bless.
Good morning folks. Slept well after an 8 hour drive yesterday.

Luck was on my side. I had relatively light traffic despite some early 4th vacation drivers. But on the other side of I-70 I saw THREE accidents that caused temporary shut downs of the entire Interstate. I-270 about twenty miles north of my home was shut down by a brutal looking wreck, with firetrucks, ambulances, cops and so on responding. The northbound back-up was SEVEN MILES. Glad to have missed all that, especially the pile ups.

Feel like a wrung out rag today after a quick run to try to get back in the rhythm of normal life, but maybe I just need coffee.

Have a good day folks.
2:30p, sunny, 75 & zero humidity. It's like May 1, not July 1. In upper 50's early & with breeze, literally chilly. Global warming I suppose. Saturday low was 80/81 & loaded with humidity.
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I see where our European soldiers are on FPCharlie alert. There was a time when I was in Turkey when they were scared Turkey and Greece would go to war. They had us pack our alert gear and be ready to leave (to where I don't know) in one hour. We (the cops) worked 12 hour shifts for ninety straight days without a day off. I drew 6.00 PM to 6 AM. Felt like a zombie by the end.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 80°F and clear. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high expected around 102°F. Dog days of summer.

Over 50,000 attended UTexas SEC Celebration this past Saturday. Combined with the heat, numerous casualties resulted. What a mess.

Gonna repack later today. Weather service forecasts 50s and 60s up in Iceland next week. Ordered food for BOS -> KEF and return flights.

Three Course Icelandic meal

Starter: Skyr, apple, mint gelée. Main: Flat-bread, smoked lamb, reindeer, arctic char, citrus. Dessert: Happy marriage cake.

Granddaughter gonna hate Pap-paw after this trip.

Wishing y'all a great day.

Good morning everyone.

Off to go hiking at Mt Mitchell, NC (highest point east of the Rockies....6684 ft (I think). It's 45 degrees there now and expected high of 59. :D

I worked all day at the hunting property yesterday have to go to Lexington bright and early tomorrow morning and then back to the regular life at home during the holiday.

I hope everyone has a great day.

Morning Legionnaires!

80° this morning with a high of 104° expected as a high. Whew! No fishing the next two days, but Friday brings in lower temps with a possibility of rain. Saturday morning should be nicer and will be the target day.

Clean the house this morning after monster walk and workout, then, couch potato time.

Hump Day! Sort of. You folks be careful out there today if you are out and working and God Bless.
Good morning all,

Getting out of my car heading inside. Must be global warming...66 degrees here this morning... Was cool yesterday though I only came outside once...

Have a great day...and a better one tomorrow...10/4....
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Good morning all,

Been at my desk in DC for 90 minutes already, trying to earn (in my own mind) an early quit tomorrow when my son gets home from Texas.

I was talking to my in-laws last night, hardcore lefties but great people despite their politics, and they said they'd decided to do a write-in protest vote instead of voting for Biden. And they are serious -- they 'early vote' the second that is possible so I doubt they change their minds. If Mumbling Joe has lost them, he's in a big hole.

I hope you folks are sliding into a nice extended July 4 holiday. I'm looking forward to tomorrow evening and the day after with my family.
Good morning all,

Been at my desk in DC for 90 minutes already, trying to earn (in my own mind) an early quit tomorrow when my son gets home from Texas.

I was talking to my in-laws last night, hardcore lefties but great people despite their politics, and they said they'd decided to do a write-in protest vote instead of voting for Biden. And they are serious -- they 'early vote' the second that is possible so I doubt they change their minds. If Mumbling Joe has lost them, he's in a big hole.

I hope you folks are sliding into a nice extended July 4 holiday. I'm looking forward to tomorrow evening and the day after with my family.
I saw your post in the other thread that led to posts about the David Allen Coe song You Never Even Call Me By My Name. As in the lyrics, it was written by Steve Goodman, but it was actually cowritten by John Prine. Prine did not want his name associated with the song as he was afraid the music powers in Nashville would be upset. Prine and Goodman were drunk when they wrote the song.
I saw your post in the other thread that led to posts about the David Allen Coe song You Never Even Call Me By My Name. As in the lyrics, it was written by Steve Goodman, but it was actually cowritten by John Prine. Prine did not want his name associated with the song as he was afraid the music powers in Nashville would be upset. Prine and Goodman were drunk when they wrote the song.
Bernie -- I've heard that story. I'm a big John Prine fan. His songwriting talent was other-worldy. I remember a story he told about getting up in a club on open mike night when he was just thinking about a music career and singing a couple of his songs. The club owner called him and invited him back for a paying gig. As he was driving back to the club he realized he didn't have enough songs he hadn't sang the other night to fill a set -- so he wrote a few in his head on the way. Some were classics that ended up on his terrific first two albums.

Here's one of his songs I played on my way back to Maryland after visiting home this weekend. Means more than ever now that I'm well into my 60s. The idea tat it was written by a guy in his early 20s blows my mind.


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