
Good morning from ATX. Currently 75°F and partly cloudy. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high expected around 91°F.

Happy Friday, y'all.

Good morning folks. Glad to have reached Friday, and a relatively calm harbor in the storm my job has been.

Went for a long run this morning. Feels good to have it behind me. Brutal heat expected today and all weekend.

Otherwise, life proceeds at a slow pace. Kids are all doing fine but I don't see them much. My son is coming in over the 4th from Texas, and we've planned a July visit to KC to see my daughter, SIL and grandkids.

Hope all is well for the D-Leaguers.
Good morning all,

Took a day off and just finished some work to prove it. ;) Also have to check some items late today but My Darling and I are hitting the road shortly. Have a joyous day... (I have a couple fishing pictures I am trying to GIF and post as they are great. Will do that soon.)
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My dinner today.... A squash pancake with sharp cheddar cheese with some shrimp cooked in... (Just out of the pan...)



I was "Hongry" My Darling made me another one...

Edit again, my oldest daughter called me. "Dad, my tires going flat... I'm pulling into my driveway." I am sweaty as all get out BUT, sorry she had the flat but glad Ole Dad could assist... After all she did buy Ole Dad a 12 pack of.....canned Yuengling for fathers day. Didn't have the heart to tell her I seriously prefer bottles but, they are going down okay. Had two, bet I have another...

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Went fishing this morning and had 3 strikes with 2 landed. 1 being a longnose gar (pictured below). So, 1 Large Mouth Bass 1- Warrior - Cat 1. Another push.


Need to figure out why current pictures are not showing up.

Mine were too ugly is why many of mine don't show up...there is an Internet god Al Gore lives....

Seriously though, what host do you use for your pictures? (If not getting too nosey.)
Mine were too ugly is why many of mine don't show up...there is an Internet god Al Gore lives....

Seriously though, what host do you use for your pictures? (If not getting too nosey.)
Postimages, but I don't think it is that. The older pictures show up so... there must be something from the transfer of the picture from my phone to the laptop even though it (the picture) shows on my laptop.
Good morning D-League. Back from my long Saturday run. Cooling down with a lemon Italian Ice. Not quite reliable watermelon time here in the east, which is my preferred way for cooling down after a run. But nothing aggravates me more than to get back from the grocery store with a melon that had a good thumping sound, and the right coloring, but when you cut it, you have that pale whitish-pink coloring, no taste and terrible texture.

It was hot on the run but not so hot that it didn't feel good to work up a sweat. Not much on the agenda today. Helping my wife with a little back porch project involving flowers, a hummingbird feeder and a heavy table with a large umbrella in the middle that cranks up and has LED lights around the rim. Whatever makes her happy. She takes great pride in our home's appearance, inside and out, and I'm happy she does, because I have a much more basic sense of a house as a place to sleep, eat comfortably and stay out of the rain. But thanks to her efforts every now and then I look around and think, 'dang, this is pretty nice.'

Hope you all have a good day.
Good late morning all,

Supposed to be 97 today. I guess Woodbridge is having Texas weather too.

Much to do around the house today. May also take in our community swimming pool for the first time with My Darling. Won't list all I plan to do but much to do...

Have a fine afternoon....
My dinner/ supper...

O'Dang.... (That's what the pronunciation sounds like.)

A fish patty kind of like spam but without the grease and over abundance of salt, Turnips, turnip greens, onions, peppers, and rice cakes (No wheat), with several spices but no harsh or hot taste.

It is a pleasing meal. I am thankful....

I do not and am not bragging. I am so very thankful and completely in awe of the love God shows me daily. I have a beautiful wife and anything she puts her finger in cooking-wise, tastes great. Kings wish they could eat on special occasions how I eat regularly...

Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F and clear. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high predicted around 95°F.

Spent part of the weekend learning Icelandic. Interesting language, related to Old German and descended from Old Norse. Looking forward to the experience next month.

Vols defeated Aggies yesterday in CWS. Final game begins at 7 pm tonight ET.

Monday, Monday.... Wishing y'all a great start to your week.

Good morning everyone.

We had a great trip to the lake but now back to normal for a couple of weeks. Taking the car in for an oil change and praying for rain. It wasn't the best decision to begin gardening again this year. A little rain (very little) last night. I think that's the first in about 3 weeks. Meanwhile at the lake we've had 3 doozies this spring and the lake is still full of floating logs. I think there has been 3 drownings on Cumberland this month.

Our cameras picked up only 2 bears at our place while we were gone. They were 2 bigger ones and didn't cause any problems.

Glad to catch up with everyone this morning and hope everyone is doing good.
Good morning folks. A busy Monday. Trying to get everything done by late Thursday so I can make a quick trip to Kentucky to see my father.

We had a long talk yesterday, and he seems ready and eager to have more company. He'd wanted to be left alone for a while after mom passed.

Still hot as hell here, but it looks like this week will see a cooling trend. Hang in there everyone.
Good morning folks.

I doubt any of us are really hockey fans, but say a prayer for my good buddy Matthew Fisher, Canadian patriot and very brave war reporter, who was watching from heaven rooting for the Edmonton Oilers —and foiled again.

Quick story: Matthew, an American buddy and I were in Sarajevo in June, 1993 ducking Serb artillery and dodging sniper fire on Snipers Alley when the Montreal Canadiens won the Stanley Cup. Matthew had been wearing the same Montreal cap since I met him in Kuwait City in 1991, and he was as ecstatic as any of us would be if the Cats won the National Championship…But since then, no Canadian team has won the cup. Not one. In 31 years and counting. And every year until he died in 2022, Matt would get depressed when the last team from Canada bowed out. So close to a 2014 Cats type run with the Oilers last night, coming back from 0-3. But no cigar.

Hang in there Matt. You’ve got eternity ahead for Canada to win. Given a billion years even Indiana basketball will win again, and all their fans in Hell can cheer. Damn, I hope not.

Have a good day folks.
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Hello all,

Just returned from work in DC. (One day a week normally.) I am thankful to be back to some normalcy work-wise. Be careful what you wish for is in effect for me...BUT, I am not complaining. A complaint I have had is when I offered to assist in other jobs because I had some bandwidth left, I was thanked and that was all. (I meant my offer.) It was back to the normal without me assisting more than I was. I was in a senior position and tried acting like it but had no takers with three different agencies, so, I left and started over. (I can do that with no penalties and lose no retirement accrual so I figured why not try.) I wanted to see what I could do before I got too old. (Whatever that means...)

"Welp", I am supposed to be one of the top guys now. I have received in abundance what I asked for in finding out exactly what I can do along with a very high work load. Whew.... (I cannot complain because I asked for it.) Do I regret it? Not so far, as I have good people around me and that work for me. My learning curve is steep but I am not overwhelmed......yet... Turning my computer back on now...

I am thankful!
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 80°F and cloudy. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high expected near 98°F. Triple-digit temperatures inbound.

Chemo this morning. Leave here at 8 am. Doctor's admin called day before yesterday. CT scan indicates disease is stable and has not progressed.

Wishing y'all a Happy Hump Day.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 80°F and cloudy. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high expected near 98°F. Triple-digit temperatures inbound.

Chemo this morning. Leave here at 8 am. Doctor's admin called day before yesterday. CT scan indicates disease is stable and has not progressed.

Wishing y'all a Happy Hump Day.
Austin, best of luck on the chemo. This deep into your treatment does it make you sick? You don't have to answer, but it made my sister big time nauseous.

It is 74°F here and we are supposed to get to 85°F with a 51% chance of rain. I am praying for rain.

Austin they opened the Bucee's and they forced the other gas stations to drop their prices about $0.25. So now you can include Smiths Grove into your itinerary.
Good morning folks.

Austin, I hope the chemo goes as well as something like that can go.

I've decided to make a run to Kentucky to see my father on Friday and over the weekend. So, a busy couple days to get the decks cleared for that.

After a couple moderate days it feels like the heat is back today. Stay cool, folks.
Austin, best of luck on the chemo. This deep into your treatment does it make you sick? You don't have to answer, but it made my sister big time nauseous.

It is 74°F here and we are supposed to get to 85°F with a 51% chance of rain. I am praying for rain.

Austin they opened the Bucee's and they forced the other gas stations to drop their prices about $0.25. So now you can include Smiths Grove into your itinerary.
Bert, occasionally chemo upsets my stomach for a very brief period, usually 30 minutes. Major issue I deal with is fatigue. Just returned from a mile hike. Feel great, but expect it to change after receiving my chemo dose.

Yeah, glad to hear about Bucee's. Saw 'em working on it end of May when I drove by. I'll drive past next Wednesday afternoon, July 3 and back through Smiths Grove on early morning July 5. I take that route to miss Nashville traffic. Smiths Grove -> Scottsville down to Lebanon on 231. Plan on stopping at Bucee's inbound and outbound.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 80°F and cloudy. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high expected near 98°F. Triple-digit temperatures inbound.

Chemo this morning. Leave here at 8 am. Doctor's admin called day before yesterday. CT scan indicates disease is stable and has not progressed.

Wishing y'all a Happy Hump Day.


May God comfort and bless you brother ATXC....
Good morning from ATX. Currently 80°F and cloudy. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high expected near 98°F. Triple-digit temperatures inbound.

Chemo this morning. Leave here at 8 am. Doctor's admin called day before yesterday. CT scan indicates disease is stable and has not progressed.

Wishing y'all a Happy Hump Day.

Good luck.