
Some employees already calling out of work for tomorrow. :rolleyes: Forecast looks more like rain than anything at the moment, at least for Friday.

Think we're going to have a condescending email about 'waiting and seeing' instead of jumping at any potential chance to not show up.

But if it's bad, I'm at home and posting numerous snow day photos like Jedwar to piss off LEK.
This could explain some of the weird crap going on out there that could solve some mysteries. Many physics’ felt that there could even be a dwarf star between the kyper belt and the Ort cloud. Strange that 90 percent of the material in our solar system are beyond Neptune and Uranus.

Now they need to find it. You guys need to take up a collection and send me to Hawaii to help. I will also need some warm clothes donated. It is cold on that mountain.

Catfan has extra parkas he can lend. FCC.
Teachers went on strike in Louisville for a week or so back around 1970. It was great, better than Summer vacation. Went back to school and found out we had to make up the time. Little me was pissed. Even at that very young age I surmised that the smart kids would still learn everything they needed to learn, despite the time off, and the dumb kids weren't going to learn regardless of how long they went.

That's when I learned of "use it or lose it" budget mentality. I think it should be like "tie goes to the runner". Call it act of God. Teachers get paid, kids don't have to make up the days. Save on gas for busses, heating for the school, food for lunches. Win-win.
aunt jed & funky...

Yesterday I you weasels got a pass. But today the roads are all clear (even out here in the sticks) and it isn't even all that cold. Hope you both pull a hamstring between the couch and fridge.

Whatever man. It's bad out there. I would have to drive 500 ft to the main hwy. No way I'm risking that for school. No way.

But I am going to Wal-Mart to buy a propane heater.
--I would rather be at work than in the house all day listening to bitching and crying

--Cats by 11

-- Dreading the ice in the morning
This. I am at the stage where going to work is higher on the radar than staying and home and watching kids all day. Feel guilty, but I could just word it that I am really into work.

That being said, I would take the sledding, and that is super cool. Glad all my wildcat friends get days off to do nothing.

I should have gone into teaching...
I guess I have become a bitter old man. Our hospital has a cancer therapy treatment (radioactive drug) coming up next week and I have to be involved. There are at least two study protocols for this drug and two different study groups. One group got approved years ago and has not really worked with my office. The other group has been very scrutinized by the review board and has worked very closely with my office.

So the group that didn't work with my office is in panic mode realizing that their patient will be confined to his hospital room for 4-5 days with no visitors. Also, anything taken into his room has to be monitored for contamination. Anything that is contaminated is handled as radioactive waste. Those are the rules. I'm constantly being asked how the patient can have access to video games, phones, etc...

Cluster F***.
I will be at work tomorrow almost no matter what, barring an inability to get out of the neighborhood. Patients have to be seen by someone. Always the case. I missed 2 days last winter because of all the ice when I couldn't get out and the first day I did try I was on the highway and got turned around in the middle of the road in a curve. Good thing there wasn't anything coming the other way.

Health care.

I appreciate health care and the folks who deliver it.

I had a heart attack at 1:30 AM at my house. EMS got me to the emergency room at 1:55 AM. They were ready to do the open heart surgery by 9:00 AM. Of course my blood was not ready because the plavix given to me in the ER really worked so it took four days before I was operable.

The whole group is rigged to make damned sure you do not die of a heart attack on their shift. Fantastic people who know their shit.
Bert, man, glad you are ok. Always enjoy your post.

Let's all go to Uncle Jed's and fling a rock at his, uh, yard. Set in his drive and eat chilli.

Snow, ice supposed to hit about 9pm. according to news people. FCC.

That was a long time ago. I should have included the date. 8-9-2010. I was operated on Friday the 13th. I am one lucky guy.