
Currently 44 F in Orlando. May see a high of 57 F here today.

Eating Quaker Instant Oatmeal {Apples and Cinnamon} while sipping Panera Hazelnut coffee. Mmmmm.

Little brother's Pit Bull is laying on the floor staring at me, wagging its tail.

Plan on visiting a few folks today. Maybe hit up a pub.

Have a groovy day, Big-D.
My trash day is tomorrow. But I must have deleted the memo without reading it. I think i am supposed to do one or all of the following :

  • I boycott taking out the trash?
  • Is the donfather going to send someone to do it for me?
  • Is this a prank on the new family that just moved in down the street? Am I supposed to dump the trash in their front yard?
  • Rent a twin engine plane at Bowman Field...load it up with trash...dump it out on the White House lawn from 10000'.

I'm in, man...count me in. Just tell me which way to fight the battle.
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Honest question, don...

If the crime rate in the Atlanta area dropped 85% would you be happy or sad?

I mean on the one hand...virtually no more crime. But on the other more office with the fancy break room fixins.

Quite the dilemma.

And it is an honest question. Because I hear you bitch about the crime in that well you should. But if it disappeared then you are out of a job.

Honest question, don...

If the crime rate in the Atlanta area dropped 85% would you be happy or sad?

I mean on the one hand...virtually no more crime. But on the other more office with the fancy break room fixins.

Quite the dilemma.

And it is an honest question. Because I hear you bitch about the crime in that well you should. But if it disappeared then you are out of a job.

  • We don't bond very many criminals.
  • You can't make money on criminals.
  • Most of our bonds are DUI bonds, Suspended DL and FTA bonds.
  • We sell good service.
Here is why tomorrow is going to suck.

We'll wake up to no snow.
We'll get dressed and head out the door.
Arrive at school, buses unload, day starts.
Blizzard commences.
"Teachers, check your email."
"Yeah, we're going home early. Call every kid's parents. The ones that don't speak English, just go get funKYcat even though he has a room full of snow-crazed children already"
"Señora, cómo vas a pick-up-ar tu little Pepito?" "Unintelligible Spanish phrase in which I understand the word 'carro'"
Load kids in car, load buses, GTFO.
We get home about 20 minutes earlier than we normally would.
Snow stops, sun comes out, snow goes away.
"Why did you send our youngins home?!?!?"

Repeat on Frday.
The police don't arrest as many folks when the weather is real cold. It probably has something to do with getting out of that warm cruiser. More murders occur in extreme temps both low and high.

I have a Doctor friend who worked trauma and he basically said the same thing. Weather extremes piss crooks off. He also said full moons would see more folks needing treatment.
I need motivation. A pie would work.

Been out in the elements looking like Ralphie's brother. Love it. Everything is still and quiet.

More gd Skal talk. Smh. According to Cal/KSR he's starting to get it. He was even our best big against Auburn.

That's real good. I could've sworn I saw him get punked by a bunch of 6'7" wings. Damn. Glad he's starting to get it. Can't wait to see him play more minutes Thursday.
Here is why tomorrow is going to suck.

We'll wake up to no snow.
We'll get dressed and head out the door.
Arrive at school, buses unload, day starts.
Blizzard commences.
"Teachers, check your email."
"Yeah, we're going home early. Call every kid's parents. The ones that don't speak English, just go get funKYcat even though he has a room full of snow-crazed children already"
"Señora, cómo vas a pick-up-ar tu little Pepito?" "Unintelligible Spanish phrase in which I understand the word 'carro'"
Load kids in car, load buses, GTFO.
We get home about 20 minutes earlier than we normally would.
Snow stops, sun comes out, snow goes away.
"Why did you send our youngins home?!?!?"

Repeat on Frday.
Loved the mid-school day release because of snow and the chaos that ensued. We didn't get it often in Colorado but when we did, whew. All decorum out the window. Teacher tells you to be quiet? Ha ha. Don't have to listen to you anymore, loser. It's SNOWING, bitch.

Teachers must really hate it.
Skal is too weak.
We all know the issue. He wont play the 5 in the NBA, so its like trying to fit a square peg/round hole. Something has changed though, and maybe its scouting report, but first 5 games, he was :fire:, then :zzz:. Other teams dont respect him and just strip him. He should just start keeping up those bos. Faster release, gets bogged down.

I trust Cal, we will be going by March.
Reading a thread on RR linked a good article about Cal getting on the refs for swallowing their whistles.

"Calipari believes officials’ commitment to enforcing new rules intended to improve freedom of movement in college basketball has waned – as has been the case in previous attempts to clean up the game.

He said the Wildcats will have to adjust accordingly.

“We gotta go back to football practice,” Calipari said. “All this stuff about rules, like we’re not going to put hands on, not going to hip check – it’s done. They clearly didn’t have the stomach to continue it, so we’re just going to go back to like I did in 2013, where we just said, ‘Put on the football helmets and let’s go.’"
Here is the link:
There's this bad ass blonde female cop in my town. Had a raging hard on for her ever since she was my middle school cop. I want to be play arrested by her so bad.
I got stopped by a lady cop
In my automobile
She said get out and spead your legs
And then she tried to cop a feel
That cop she was all dressed in blue
Was she pretty? Boy I'm tellin' you
She stuck my butt with her big black stick
I said "what's up?" now suck my d***
I got stopped by a lady cop
In my automobile
She said get out and spead your legs
And then she tried to cop a feel
That cop she was all dressed in blue
Was she pretty? Boy I'm tellin' you
She stuck my butt with her big black stick
I said "what's up?" now suck my d***
I read this with the Easy E line in NWA- Nobody Move.