
Will be out of "Costa Rican" coffee tomorrow and I'll be sad. It was a gift and came in a brown paper bag with a little white label that says "Costa Rican". Would like to have some more but who knows what it actually is?

Take my tequila straight. No salt, no lime, no bullshit.

No prediction on the game today. Have no clue what will happen and neither does anyone else. According to biorhythms, Poythress may or may not show up to play.

Only have one person in the whole world on ignore and I must say, it has greatly enhanced not only my d league reading experience, but the rest of the Paddock is a finer place to be as well.

Too little time to explain; however, my best friend throughout my life (until last August when he died) made the best tequila. It is called Blue Head. Sometime I will tell you the story.
OK, heading out on my folding bike. Current temperature is 72 F here in Orlando. I may try catching the game at Johnny's later.

Have a good one. Big-D.

Austin, you had better watch out when that damned bike folds. Geeze that could really hurt if you are in a tight curve and the MF decides to FOLD. Wear a brass jock. PLEASE!

I've had a few red heads Bert. Never a blue.

I am 69 so I am old enough for a 'Blue Head'.

Try the tequila. Darryl, my friend, was really proud of the awards for his tequila.

Last year, at our 50th high school reunion, he brought a fifth of white and a fifth of brown for all members of the class. Great guy.

As I don't like tequila I really can't say it is the best, but it gets all the awards in Europe and America. Hell Darryl was flying around the world collecting the awards. I hope God like a little tequila.
Just got back watching little dude play. Only player on his team that scored today. They lost 10-12, but he played a helluva game for little league. Had four or five rebounds and a couple of steals. Could have scored another 8 or 10 more points, but they don't call fouls, and every fast break he caused, he'd get fouled from behind as he shot it. Kinda thought that was a bunch of horseshit, really. Especially when the kid that kept fouling him, and his mother, lost their mind screaming he got fouled on a clean block by the center.
I don't want him playing another second this year. I'm done with him. No hyperbole. I give up. I'm content to roll with Poythress and Lee (sick face) and let Labitchiere enter the draft at the end of the season. Boggles my mind how he can truly look that awful.
After what I have seen out of him, if that mother****er gets drafted, I hope the city that gets stuck with him turns around and sues him for fraud. I mean hell, if running on to the court and dropping every ****ing ball thrown to you can get you in the NBA, I'm ****ing all-world at that shit.

At this point, I want to put he and Dorian Baker in a ball dropping contest.
Massive bullshit technical on Skal - but he does need to quit reacting. Should've been a double T at minimum. Willis doing well- above his normal - with 7pt 8 reb. That last three was beautiful. Rebounding is so so - Alex has pretty well disappeared again. After the back to back threes by Murray, he's been fairly quiet; but still, 10 points. Ulis has been struggling a little lately - arm bothering maybe? Turnovers not bad overall. Assists are good for half a game.
Anyway, here's your halftime box score.

Nah,BKO, should have been a play on. I agree it was a bullshit technical. That kind of ribbing and elbowing between bigs to try and get position at the line happens every FT. Should have been a no-call. However, if a ref wanted to make the game all about them, or keep a game from getting chippy, a double T was the only call to make there.
Nah,BKO, should have been a play on. I agree it was a bullshit technical. That kind of ribbing and elbowing between bigs to try and get position at the line happens every FT. Should have been a no-call. However, if a ref wanted to make the game all about them, or keep a game from getting chippy, a double T was the only call to make there.
I meant to say maximum, not minimum. :flushed: I agree with you