
Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and cloudy. Today's high may reach 85°F.

Ladies defeated evil Cards at Memorial yesterday in an OT game, 71-61. Wife and I watched it. First win by Lady Cats against Louisville since 2015. I maintain Coach Brooks is special.

Heading out for a hike after mandatory comments in Political thread. Packing for Germany trip. Laundry and usual chores also on the agenda. Watching "Tulsa King" this afternoon.

Wishing y'all a peaceful Sunday.

Another Tulsa King that doesn’t disappoint.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and cloudy. Thunderstorms inbound later this morning. Today's high expected around 79°F. Cold front with high winds moving through.

Packing nearly complete. Must rearrange suitcase, as I'm carrying over 2.25 liters bourbon in hold baggage. No accidents desired.

Working all week. Last week busy as heck. Attending football game this coming Saturday. Must purchase tickets for basketball game scheduled for Feb 15. Go Big Blue!

Monday, Monday... Wishing y'all a good week.


Morning Legionnaires!

67° this morning with high winds and thunderstorms. Tornado watch in effect until 0900. Monster walk to happen after weather delay.

Played end of co-ed fall season softball tourney yesterday afternoon and we placed 3rd. Had a decent hitting game but mobility was still hampered by quad injury. Reinjured it somewhat but not bad. Hit one to the fence yesterday but it was caught. Team was laughing and ask where that power came from. Frankly, I did not try to hit that far. Was trying to just punch it between the out fielders in left field and it just kept going.

Who Dat! Who dat going to save my Bengals. Another let down in the end. It no longer surprises me or bothers me. I just chalk it up to Zack being Zack. Louooooser.

Monday folks, get out there and kick it in the butt.

God Bless.
Good morning everyone

I hope everyone has had an enjoyable week or so. It's been busy here. I got a deer and then the processing. My wife got a deer and then the processing (gave it to great nephew's family), my BIL's father passed away and attended all the services, our church had a 4 day revival and surprising made it to all. We also did some work on the lease to determine if we will keep it or not. Wife wants to, so I guess that answers that. lol

Hopefully it will be a little slower paced and peaceful this week.

Enjoy your day and get ready for tomorrow's game.
Hello all,

My day started early and I haven't stopped. (Took a little diversion a couple times for a break but I took off about a total hour from 0600 until now. Just eating supper My Darling was kind enough to make Black noodles with a black bean sauce with pork. Just heavenly. heading to the swamp in the morning for what appears to be another long day. I don't mind the long days work but I sure don't like the later drive back at rush hour from DC.... I don't use the commuter trains or Metro but hopefully soon I will be able to, more to follow on that.

Just saw clips from a fight I watched real-time as I am sure many of you did. It was a monster mash back then unequaled during my time in the power punching (Except for maybe the Sugar Ray/ Tommy Hearns fight...)

May God provide you a peaceful evening... Take care all...
Good morning folks.

Beautiful day in the east. Subway having track problems, but I’ll just sit here and read about Kentucky hoops during the delay.

It was a great morning for a long walk earlier. Venus was ablaze just before the sky started to get light.

Cats have a game tonight. I hope to see more progress though it’s hard to tell sometimes against lesser competition. Trust in Pope.

You all have a good one.
Good morning D-leaguers, it's great seeing WC's, It's game day posts now that we have s Coach that loves Kentucky and we know that the team is going to play as a team instead of playing for me!!! Feels like the Rupp, Hall and the Pitino team's. I hope Coach Pope is here for the rest of my lifetime! Have a great day and I pray everyday for my friends here, especially ATX!!!!
I was never in the league but this is the kind of baseball I played when I could...

Dude wants to play, let him play...

As a player, I don't recall ever being upset with an umpire. As a fan, quite a few times. A Musial story. Late in the game, Stan hit what appeared to be a game winning line drive double down the right field line. The ump called it foul. The fans, players and manager went wild. Stan just walked back to the batters box and said, "Curved foul hunh?" The next pitch he hit a game winning line drive double in the same spot down the right field line."
Good morning from ATX. Currently 57°F and clear. Breezy. Cold front blew in. Today's high may reach 68°F.

6 homicides in Austin over last 10 days. Crazy.

Cats looked good last night. Brea is an assassin. UK plays again Friday at 7 ET. Go Big Blue!

Volleyball plays tonight 7 ET at Memorial. Game should come on SEC+ Go Cats!

Happy Hump Day, y'all.


Morning Legionnaires!

38° this morning with light winds. Today's high to be around 58°. Yeah, I'll take it.

Another UK blowout last night which is what we used to do early on in the season which is a good sign.

Saw some podcasters on the "Field of 68" saying we are already at our ceiling for the year citing our players have been around for a while and are at their peak. I think they should take another peek and see that this team had never played with each other before this season started so... Their praises of course went to Gonzaga and this being their year (where have we heard that before) or that Duke will improve, and that UConn is another one of their picks that will be better.

Hump day folks. Grab your hand picks and spiked boots and climb that big ole hill to get to the weekend slide.

God Bless you all.
Good morning D-League.

Sunny and cool in the east. Good win by the Cats last night. I watched Lipscomb hang with Arkansas for two thirds of the game recently and know they aren’t just another road kill team. It was good to see Robinson bounce back after being held to one point against Duke. He’s not a great athlete who can create his own shot and overcome defense focused on him. But he needs to show enough that defenses have to focus on him. It gives guys like Carr and Owen and Brea cleaner looks.

Heading in on the subway. Hope you all have a great day.
Good morning everyone

I had a meeting last night before the game and I arrived early and had a little discussion with the President. His meetings seems to lag longer than needed. I made it home in time to grab a bite before the game started. :)

Fun team to watch. Biggest difference for me is that I not only watch the game I watch/listen/read everything I can find. Pope's post-game interviews are must see again. I actually learn a bit about basketball and quite a bit about this team. Imagine that. I stuck with Cal longer than most but looking back it's like night and day.

Not much on tap for today except getting mentally prepared for winter's arrival tomorrow.

I hope everyone has a great day.
As a player, I don't recall ever being upset with an umpire. As a fan, quite a few times. A Musial story. Late in the game, Stan hit what appeared to be a game winning line drive double down the right field line. The ump called it foul. The fans, players and manager went wild. Stan just walked back to the batters box and said, "Curved foul hunh?" The next pitch he hit a game winning line drive double in the same spot down the right field line."

Good morning all,

Back in Detroit Sir, it was a normal occurrence in games I played Legion ball. It seemed umps wanted to be seen for a period of time as I remember. I never played behind the plate. (Ist, 3rd, and right field mostly.) Spikes back then were the thing, a stomp on a foot in passing happened regularly to umps who interjected to where it was noticeable. The balls and strikes thing happened a lot too as I remember. I had serious issues with the way umps called those at times and it was always the same umps. (As I remember.) Just messed up the game to where you couldn't do what you knew you could do as a team if the ump would just back up and ump. That part bothered me badly.
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Good morning all,

Back in Detroit Sir, it was a normal occurrence in games I played Legion ball. It seemed umps wanted to be seen for a period of time as I remember. I never played behind the plate. (Ist, 3rd, and right field mostly.) Spikes back then were the thing, a stomp on a foot in passing happened regularly to umps who interjected to where it was noticeable. The balls and strikes thing happened a lot too as I remember. I had serious issues with the way umps called those at times and it was always the same umps. (As I remember.) Just messed up the game to where you couldn't do what you knew you could do as a team if the ump would just back up and ump. That part bothered me badly.
I had no concept of getting a good pitch to hit. If it wasn't going to hit me, I was going to hit it (at least try to), so I didn't get bad calls. As competition got better, that became my biggest fault as a player. You know how it feels going from the bat through your arms and into your body when you hit one solidly. It was like a drug I was addicted to and I had to have that feeling right now, not a few pitches later.
I had no concept of getting a good pitch to hit. If it wasn't going to hit me, I was going to hit it (at least try to), so I didn't get bad calls. As competition got better, that became my biggest fault as a player. You know how it feels going from the bat through your arms and into your body when you hit one solidly. It was like a drug I was addicted to and I had to have that feeling right now, not a few pitches later.
lol, I was just the opposite. I was/am small and it was difficult to strike me out. I was lead off most of the time and my job was to get on base and score. If the pitcher wasn't great I got a walk (and then a steal 90% of the time). If it was a good pitcher I would usually bunt the first time and then it would free up more hitting. Of course, when I played softball it was much different.
lol, I was just the opposite. I was/am small and it was difficult to strike me out. I was lead off most of the time and my job was to get on base and score. If the pitcher wasn't great I got a walk (and then a steal 90% of the time). If it was a good pitcher I would usually bunt the first time and then it would free up more hitting. Of course, when I played softball it was much different.
No offense meant to you, but I am a bit older than you. There was a time when on base percentage was not looked at the same as now. A player with a high obp and low average was looked down on by teams and fans. I can't recall names, but players were called lazy hitters and sent back to the minors for trying to get so many walks. Not saying it is correct, but it was the atmosphere I grew up in. That is another reason I wanted to swing the bat so much. I wish someone could have knocked a little sense into me, but like I said, hitting the ball was like a highly addictive drug to me.
This is how stupid some people are, in the town next to ours, the owners just posted that they are sorry to announce that they are closing, wait for it, the reason they are closing is the incoming administration, high cost of food, promise to raise tariffs and here's the best one, mass deportation!!! Wonder who they voted for!!! Give me a break!!
I was a big Ali fan because of his work ethic. He worked much harder than anyone else. I would have liked to seen him without the layoff. I read in the Ali Frazier fight where the Frazier corner threw in the towel, in the late rounds, Ali kept saying to Frazier "You are getting tired and you are in
the worst place in the world to be tired."

Ali was the greatest...

Good morning from ATX. Currently 39°F with a slight NW breeze. Today's high expected around 72°F.

Watch UK women's volleyball last night vs Mississippi State. Cats dominated for the most part. Won 3-0. Can win another SEC title if they beat Hogs at Memorial this coming Sunday.

Wishing y'all another great day.
