
Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and clear. Today's high expected around 93°F.

Awaiting CT scan results.

Happy Hump Day, y'all.

Here's our new little buddy. Her name is Lotus.

Good morning folks. Dark, misty and gloomy in the east.

Baseball playoffs starting. I was glad to see the Tigers get a win. And my daughter has become a transplanted Royals fan since starting her family in KC. But I haven’t settled in on who I want to see win it all yet. As a Reds fan, I like to see their streak of last NL team to win it back-to-back continue. That’s not in jeopardy this year, and they are already the only NL team to do it in a century (previous: NY Giants, 1921-22.) I guess a Yankees-Dodgers series would be a throwback to the classic days. We’ll see.

Hope you all have a great day.

Morning Legionnaires!

HUMP D... well, you know the thing. (a Biden approach to expressionism)

58° this morning with a high in the low 90's expected. Summer highs still hanging on.

Not much going on for me today other than exercise and monster walk.

You folks working today be careful out there.

God Bless the D-league and families. (@AustinTXCat, prayers continue)
Good morning folks. Dark, misty and gloomy in the east.

Baseball playoffs starting. I was glad to see the Tigers get a win. And my daughter has become a transplanted Royals fan since starting her family in KC. But I haven’t settled in on who I want to see win it all yet. As a Reds fan, I like to see their streak of last NL team to win it back-to-back continue. That’s not in jeopardy this year, and they are already the only NL team to do it in a century (previous: NY Giants, 1921-22.) I guess a Yankees-Dodgers series would be a throwback to the classic days. We’ll see.

Hope you all have a great day.

Reminded me of this song.... (When you stated Dark and Misty I remembered Dark and Dusty Painted on the sky, Misty taste of moon shine..)

Really loved John Denver's music... then he went weird. Have a signed picture from him, attended a couple concerts when I was young....
Reminded me of this song.... (When you stated Dark and Misty I remembered Dark and Dusty Painted on the sky, Misty taste of moon shine..)

Really loved John Denver's music... then he went weird. Have a signed picture from him, attended a couple concerts when I was young....
A little Trivia: That song is now the official State Song of West Virginia, and seems indelibly linked to the state. But the writers were driving around back roads in my neck of Montgomery County Maryland when they started writing it. There is a specific stretch of Clopper Road they were on that still feels very rural. Only later when they start having trouble with the lyrics did they find West Virginia fit better, and they got out some sort of reference book and looked up some things to make it more about that state.

"Inspiration for the title line had come while Taffy Nivert and Bill Danoff, who were married, were driving along Clopper Road in Montgomery County, Maryland to a gathering of Nivert's family in Gaithersburg, with Nivert behind the wheel while Danoff played his guitar. "I just started thinking, country roads, I started thinking of me growing up in western New England and going on all these small roads," Danoff said.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and clear. Today's high expected around 94°F.

Returned little dog to animal shelter. Wife requested return for numerous reasons. Pup also started intense coughing. Got her some help. We discovered she ate some stuffing from her mat. Little baby too high energy for wife. I personally miss her. Unknown when/if we'll get another dog.

My Braves out of playoffs. Bah!

Wishing y'all a great day.

Beer haul from Scotland. Amazing what you can pack in a suitcase.

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Good morning folks. Still rainy in the east.

One more work day this week, then I’m off for Kentucky to check in with family. Dad still really struggling with grief from mom’s passing. Not much any of us can do to make him less depressed but I’ll do what I can.

Glad to see the Tigers advance, and my daughter and grandkids were happy about the Royals. They picked a good era to grow up in Kansas City, with a mom teaching at KU (though obviously I loathe Self and the thug program he has created. I used to like Kansas best after Kentucky among the Blue Bloods. No more.)

Heading in to work. Have a great day.

Gooooood Morning Legionnaires! (with homage to Robin Williams)

61° this morning with the high today to be in the mid 90's. Still rocking it hot here.

People are stupid. Why? The road in front of my house is being torn up and a new one being built. They (the work crew) are now in front of my house tearing up the road. I have a U so they are leaving one side open so I can get out. There are cones and warnings up the street to warn people they cannot get through. Yet, people continue to drive up and are now pulling into my driveway sitting there wondering how to get around it.

Yesterday a man pulled around to the other side in my driveway that was blocked off by trucks and bucket loaders and just sat there for a bit. I then went out and he got out of his car (tattooed arms, legs, and face) and said, "I need to get through here to the house on the other side" I said, "You just go back to the next street and go around to the street behind this one and come back up on the other side." Not surprised I guess, new neighbors in that house are tattooed all over as well and don't seem to bright after talking with them. They moved in 2 months ago and there has been a revolving door of people (everyday) going in and out of that house.

Oh well, as long as they keep to themselves, I am good

Go get it today grinders and y'all be careful out there.

God Bless.
Good morning all,

Working, working, sick, sick but I am working from home so... Hack, hack, cough, cough, coughed up part of a lung. Take a pill... I am thankful and not breathing much to keep from infecting my family. SO far, so good....

Youngest daughters birthday was yesterday. (She celebrated..) Having birthday supper today with My Darling (Who's cooking) and my oldest girl and my Grand daughter along with the BB...

Still do not understand the multiple days now used to celebrate your birthday. A cake and some ice cream some years was good. Even young, just woke up a year older and started the day.. Oh well I guess...
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Good morning folks. Still rainy in the east.

One more work day this week, then I’m off for Kentucky to check in with family. Dad still really struggling with grief from mom’s passing. Not much any of us can do to make him less depressed but I’ll do what I can.

Glad to see the Tigers advance, and my daughter and grandkids were happy about the Royals. They picked a good era to grow up in Kansas City, with a mom teaching at KU (though obviously I loathe Self and the thug program he has created. I used to like Kansas best after Kentucky among the Blue Bloods. No more.)

Heading in to work. Have a great day.
We're trying to do the same thing with my Dad. Mom passed away in July and he's taking it pretty hard. Some days are better than others but after nearly 69 years of marriage there's definitely a void. Fortunately the family is there for him and in a big way.
Good morning all,

Working, working, sick, sick but I am working from home so... Hack, hack, cough, cough, coughed up part of a lung. Take a pill... I am thankful and not breathing much to keep from infecting my family. SO far, so good....

Youngest daughters birthday was yesterday. (She celebrated..) Having birthday supper today with My Darling (Who's cooking) and my oldest girl and my Grand daughter along with the BB...

Still do not understand the multiple days now used to celebrate your birthday. A cake and some ice cream some years was good. Even young, just woke up a year older and started the day.. Oh well I guess...
I know a man who celebrates 2 birthdays. 1 is Oct. 2nd which is on his driver's license and the other is Dec. 2nd which is his real birthday. Yeah, he gets some people to actually take him out to lunch on both and some people make him cakes. Go figure.
Good morning folks.

I’m about to get in the car and head for Kentucky. It looks like good weather for the weekend.

I had one of those lucky days at work yesterday where everything fell into place and I got a huge amount done, so I feel guilt-free blowing it off today.

Not a Mets fan, but a dramatic win for them. I couldn’t believe that the home run in the ninth inning to take the lead was the first time that had happened in a “winner take all” game in baseball postseason history. But that’s what they say. I immediately thought of Bobby Thompson’s walk off in 1951, but that was NOT considered post-season then, but an extension of the regular season. Anyway, odd that all four visiting teams forced to play all the games in the road advanced.

Getting on the road. Have a good day.
59.9°F in Smiths Grove. It is sunny clear and is supposed to get to 86°F today. Fall has left and summer has returned.

Safe travels today @MdWIldcat55. It should be a good one on this end.

@AustinTXCat has the last chemo been nice or nasty?
Bert, thanks for asking. Much better. Usually experienced diarrhea thereafter. Now dealing with constipation.

Go for MRI on Oct 16.
Since we have some baseball fans, I was reading about Billy Martin today. Billy was a player and then a manager who was constantly in the headlines, often for fighting (usually winning despite not being a big guy). Mickey Mantle said he was the only person he knew who could hear someone giving him the finger.

When he was a manager, he had his pitchers soap the inside of their pant leg. When they started sweating, it would become a slimy mess, great for doctoring a baseball with the added benefit that no umpire wanted to check the area where the mess was at.

Have not been in a couple of weeks as it has still been too hot. However, the itch is just too much so, I will go for a few hours this morning and see what I can do.

Low 60's this morning with a high in the low to mid 90's and sunny skies expected. That will warm it up quickly and only give me a window of a few hours.

Wife came home after work last night and said, "My car needs an oil change". I told her since she and our daughter are going to lunch and then shopping tomorrow just stop by the quick stop and get it done. She said, "You know I want it done at the dealership, but I don't like going there. Isn't it the man's job to do it anyway?" Then she said that she can drive the Sportage (hooptie I usually drive) one-time next week to work and I can take the Rogue (Her car) in for the oil change. She finished by saying, "You've got nothing to do all day anyway". I laughed because, she had me there. Looks like I have another honey-do task piled on to the others I do each week.

Oh well, I am off to battle the Big Mouth in a few minutes, you folks enjoy your day and God Bless.
Good morning folks. Lovely weather in Campbell County yesterday. And lovely so far this morning. Letting dad sleep in as long as he can. He's still not doing well emotionally and psychologically. But between me and a brother and sister we seemed to distract him for a while yesterday, and I hope we can again today.

He still loves watching baseball and there are four(1) playoff games today, so that'll be good.

Hope you all are having a restful Saturday.
Good Sunday morning everyone.

We get a look at our new Bball players this week. I'm looking forward to seeing the new team/coach.

UK vs Vandy....a game to watch now. We have a chance to turn this season around after the dud against S. Carolina.

Everything is going good here. Hope it's the same with all of you.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 70°F and clear. Heat dome expected until at least late next week if not longer. Today's high expected around 95°F.

Heckuva day in college football yesterday. Plenty upsets.

Got hair cut. Meh.

Austin City Limits festival happening this weekend. Crowds too big for me.

Wishing y'all another peaceful Sunday.

Reminds me of a Yogi story. Yogi and Joe Garagiola grew up as neighbours in St Louis and played baseball together all the time. Both were Cardinal fans. I forget the amounts, but the Cards offered Joe a couple of hundred bucks more than Yogi. Yogi knew he was better than Joe and he told the Cardinals that he had to have equal money to Joe. The Cards said no, so he signed with the Yankees. The Cardinal powerhouse teams of the forties featured HOF players Stan Musial and Country Slaughter. For a few hundred dollars they failed to add Yogi Berra.
Kind of reminds me of D shift on the 366 SPS in Turkey. We had one guy who mostly worked law enforcement. He had a chart in his locker with all the offenses he could write someone up on and all the ranks. He was trying to fill in all the boxes. Some of us were sitting in the barracks drinking a few beers. Ever once in a while, he would hit his right leg as hard as he could. He said his left leg hurt and he was just trying to even out the pain. His goal was to be a civilian policeman after his discharge.

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