Any of you guys ever heard of the Hwy 68 yard sale? It is like 400 miles long and it is a pretty big deal. People plan vacations around it and haul trailers for what they buy. A buddy of mine said he was driving on 68 over the weekend and there was a paper bag in the road. He said the car in front of him hit it, he hit it and the car behind him hit. It was full of cash and money was flying everywhere on both sides of the road. He said he didn't stop because traffic was heavy and he didnt want to get hit. He estimates a minimum of 5 grand was blowing in the wind.
400 Mile Sale: June 6-9 2024 - Discover Hwy68 Treasures
Discover Highway 68 treasures this year from Western Kentucky to Northern Kentucky at the 400 Mile Sale. Visit us here for updated sale and vendor information!
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